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Time-domain finite-difference beam propagation method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A new technique to model the behavior of pulsed optical beams in waveguides is proposed and analyzed. The technique is an extension of the traditional continuous-wave beam propagation method (BPNI) to include time dependence, therefore called the time-domain BPM (TD-BPM). The method was tested using different waveguide examples and it is concluded that the technique is simple and accurate. Compared with the finite-difference TD method, the new TD-BPM is more efficient in terms of computer memory and execution time especially for large optical devices 相似文献
Slow-wave finite-difference beam propagation method 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Pao-Lo Liu Qida Zhao Fow-Sen Choa 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1995,7(8):890-892
By invoking the slow-wave approximation, the wave equation resumes the form of the Fresnel equation. Codes developed previously for the paraxial beam propagation can be extended to simulate the backward reflection and diffraction at any angle. Results of planar waveguide gratings and a beveled corner bend are presented 相似文献
A finite-difference vector beam propagation method (FD-VBPM) for three-dimensional waveguide structures is developed. The polarization dependence and coupling of the optical guided-waves in the 3-D structures can be modeled and simulated 相似文献
A vectorial beam propagation method (VBPM) is formulated and implemented using the explicit finite difference (EFD) scheme. The accuracy of semivectorial EFD-BPM, where the polarisation coupling is ignored but polarisation dependence is included, is found to be as good as that of full-vectorial EFD-BPM.<> 相似文献
A dielectric lens is analyzed using vectorial multi-modal Gaussian beams. The basic points are reminded and theoretical tools are developed to treat a complete lens. Results are finally presented which allow discussion about the multiple reflections and the radial truncation effect on the radiation pattern. 相似文献
The newly developed finite-difference vector beam propagation method (FD-VBPM) is analyzed and assessed for application to two-dimensional waveguide structures. The general formulations for the FD-VBPM are derived from the vector wave equations for the electric fields. The stability criteria, the numerical dissipation, and the dispersion of the finite-difference schemes are analyzed by applying the von Neumann method. Important issues regarding the implementation, such as the choice of reference refractive index, the application of numerical boundary conditions, and the use of numerical solution schemes, are discussed. The FD-VBPM is assessed by calculating the attenuation coefficients and the percentage errors of the propagation constants of the TE and TM modes of a step-index slab waveguide. Several salient features of the FD-VBPM are illustrated 相似文献
An improved finite-difference vector beam propagation formulation for graded-index waveguides is presented. The modification over the existing version involves a more accurate representation of the Fresnel operator in finite-difference form that accounts for the gradient of the refractive index in the vector Hehmholtz equation. The modified scheme is assessed by calculating the TM mode propagation constants of single-mode planar guides that yield better agreement to the exact values over the existing scheme. Furthermore, the calculated coupling lengths of a vertical directional coupler show improved comparison to experimental data 相似文献
H.M. Masoudi J.M. Arnold 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1997,9(10):1382-1384
In this letter, we analyze the DuFort-Frankel beam propagation method (BPM) which is a modification to the known explicit finite-difference beam propagation method (EFD-BPM) and found that there are some precautions that must he taken before using the method. The accuracy and the efficiency of this method has been shown and compared with the most popular FD-BPMs. 相似文献
A novel full-vectorial finite-element beam propagation method for dielectric anisotropic media is presented. This computationally efficient approach uses only the transverse magnetic field components and is free of spurious solutions. Comparisons with other numerical and experimental results validate the method 相似文献
根据矢量瑞利衍射积分公式,对非傍轴矢量离轴椭圆高斯光束的矩孔衍射进行了系统的研究,给出了矩孔衍射的解析表达式,并将非傍轴矢量离轴椭圆高斯光束矩孔衍射轴上、近场、远场和单缝衍射光场分布,非傍轴离轴矢量高斯光束以及非傍轴矢量高斯光束的自由空间传输作为特例统一于一般表达式中,研究表明,在矩孔衍射中,f参数,截断参数以及相对离轴参数共同决定着光束的非傍轴行为. 相似文献
The finite-difference vector beam propagation method (FD-VBPM) is applied to optical guided-wave devices based on two-dimensional directional couplers. The FD-VBPM is first validated for a parallel coupler made of two identical step-index slab waveguides by comparing with the exact analytical solutions. Subsequently, the polarization beamsplitters and wavelength filters based on directional couplers are simulated. The polarization properties of these devices are examined 相似文献
A retrodirective array capable of full duplex communication is presented. The system is based purely on analog circuits for all signal-processing tasks including target tracking, beam pointing, and carrier recovery. Two types of receiver architectures are used, i.e., AM diode detectors for near-omni directional coverage and a digital beamforming receiver to enhance signal-to-interference ratio. This paper also discusses this technology in the context of development of a radar target/communication device, which is intended to both facilitate radar imaging and establish a self-tracking communication link between the ground terminal and mobile radar station. Demonstration of 10-Mb/s data receiving and transmitting functions are presented along with its automatic beam-steering ability and radiation patterns, as well as details about each major circuit component used in the array. 相似文献
Y. Chung N. Dagli 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1991,3(2):150-152
Integrated optical corner reflectors in III-V semiconductors are analyzed employing a finite-difference beam propagation method and propagating the beam in parallel with the etched semiconductor-air interface. For this choice of propagation direction, the effects of mirror roughness, rotation, and displacement of the mirror surface from its ideal position can be assessed very easily. The integrated reflector whose mode size is larger shows less dependence on the mirror displacement error. The loss due to mirror surface roughness depends weakly on the mode size and strongly on the mode polarization, being larger for the quasi-transverse-electric polarization. The loss due to rotational errors of the mirror surface is not a strong function of polarization, but increases as the waveguide width increases. However, for a rotation error smaller than 0.1 degrees , which should be achieved easily, the excess loss is smaller than 0.2 dB at 1.3 % mu m regardless of the waveguide width.<> 相似文献
Shibayama J. Takahashi T. Yamauchi J. Nakano H. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2000,18(3):437-442
The generalized Douglas scheme is applied to the time-domain finite difference beam propagation methods (TD-BPMs) in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates. High accuracy and efficiency are demonstrated through the analysis of optical pulse propagation in slab and circularly symmetric waveguides. As an example of a reflection problem, the TD-BPM in cylindrical coordinates is applied to the analysis of a fiber Bragg grating with a sinusoidal index change. Effectiveness of the present scheme is discussed in comparison with the conventional TD-BPM and the finite-difference time-domain method 相似文献
The accuracy of the implicit finite-difference beam propagation method (FD-BPM), in which the phase term is not split, is improved using the generalized Douglas scheme. The propagation error of the fundamental mode in two- and three-dimensional waveguides is evaluated by the mode-mismatch loss calculation. It Is demonstrated that the truncation error is reduced to O(Δx)4 in the transverse direction, even when the parabolic wave equation contains variable coefficients, The computational time is almost identical to the conventional FD-BPM based on the Crank-Nicholson scheme 相似文献
We present a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm to minimize the numerical dispersion error at preassigned angles. Filtering schemes are used to further optimize its frequency response for broad-band simulations. A stability analysis of the resulting FDTD algorithm is also provided. Numerical results show that the dispersion error around any preassigned angle can be reduced significantly in a broad range of frequencies with small computational overhead. 相似文献
A novel time-domain wave propagator is introduced. A two-dimensional (2-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm is used to analyze ground wave propagation characteristics. Assuming an azimuthal symmetry, surface, and/or elevated ducts are represented via transverse and/or longitudinal refractivity and boundary perturbations in 2-D space. The 2-D FDTD space extends from x=0 (bottom) to x→∞ (top), vertically and from z→-∞ (left) to z→∞ (right), horizontally. Perfectly matched layer (PML) blocks on the left, right, and top terminate the FDTD computation space to simulate a semi-open propagation region. The ground at the bottom is simulated either as a perfectly electrical conductor (PEC) or as a lossy second medium. A desired, initial vertical field profile, which has a pulse character in time, is injected into the FDTD computation space. The PML blocks absorb field components that propagate towards left and top. The ground wave components (i.e., the direct, ground-reflected and surface waves) are traced longitudinally toward the right. The longitudinal propagation region is covered by a finite-sized FDTD computation space as if the space slides from left to right until the pulse propagates to a desired range. Transverse or longitudinal field profiles are obtained by accumulating the time-domain response at each altitude of range and by applying the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) at various frequencies 相似文献