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In order to obtain higher encryption efficiency, a bit-level quantum color image encryption scheme by exploiting quantum cross-exchange operation and a 5D hyper-chaotic system is designed. Additionally, to enhance the scrambling effect, the quantum channel swapping operation is employed to swap the gray values of corresponding pixels. The proposed color image encryption algorithm has larger key space and higher security since the 5D hyper-chaotic system has more complex dynamic behavior, better randomness and unpredictability than those based on low-dimensional hyper-chaotic systems. Simulations and theoretical analyses demonstrate that the presented bit-level quantum color image encryption scheme outperforms its classical counterparts in efficiency and security. 相似文献
Over the last few years, lots of chaotic image encryption schemes have been proposed. However, most of the schemes are permutation-diffusion architectures which still have some shortcomings, such as weak key streams, small key spaces, small information entropy, and so on. To eliminate the above weaknesses, in this paper, we propose a hyper-chaotic image encryption scheme based on quantum genetic algorithm (QGA) and compressive sensing (CS), which is a new image encryption scheme and has not been proposed so far. Firstly, QGA can update the population with the quantum rotation gate, which can enhance the randomness of the population and avoid falling into local optimum. Then compressive sensing technology is used to reduce data storage and speed up the encryption and decryption process. Moreover, we utilize the SHA-512 hash function of the plain image to calculate the initial values of the hyper-chaotic system, which is capable of enhancing the relationships between encryption schemes and plain images. The simulation experiments and security analysis reveal that the proposed scheme is more efficient in resisting statistical attack and plaintext attack and shows better performance in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and information entropy compared with other image encryption schemes based on chaos theory. 相似文献
为满足加密安全和实时通信的需求,提出一种基于超混沌和分块操作的快速图像加密算法。构建与明文相关的动态原始序列;进行置乱和扩散操作,在置乱过程中引入分块操作,提高加密速度,在扩散过程中引入动态密钥,提高安全性。对图像灰度分布、相邻像素相关性、密钥空间、密钥敏感性、加密速度、抗差分攻击能力及抗噪声和裁剪的鲁棒性进行深入分析和仿真,其结果表明,该算法具有较高的安全性及较快的运行速率。 相似文献
A new color image encryption algorithm based on DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) sequence addition operation is presented. Firstly, three DNA sequence matrices are obtained by encoding the original color image which can be converted into three matrices R, G and B. Secondly, we use the chaotic sequences generated by Chen's hyper-chaotic maps to scramble the locations of elements from three DNA sequence matrices, and then divide three DNA sequence matrices into some equal blocks respectively. Thirdly, we add these blocks by using DNA sequence addition operation and Chen's hyper-chaotic maps. At last, by decoding the DNA sequence matrices and recombining the three channels R, G and B, we get the encrypted color image. The simulation results and security analysis show that our algorithm not only has good encryption effect, but also has the ability of resisting exhaustive attack, statistical attack and differential attack. 相似文献
为保证红外成像系统中红外图像的信息安全,克服采用传统图像加密时方法安全性不高、实时性差的缺陷,在分析红外图像比特为平面特征的基础上,提出了利用Lorenz混沌系统对红外图像进行加密的方案。在方案中,采用Lorenz混沌系统,针对红外图像比特位平面影响因子分布特征,只加密红外图像的最高四个比特位平面,一次性实现图像横、纵坐标和比特位平面加密,将图像加密层次由像素级扩展到比特级。和传统图像加密算法相比,该方案基于红外图像独特的位平面分布特征,加密速度快,性能好,能有效抵抗穷举攻击,具有良好的抗干扰性能和较高的置乱度。该方案可应用于安全级别要求高的红外监控系统中,提高系统安全性,有效防止黑客入侵。 相似文献
为了验证文献中提出的一种基于Logistic强混沌映射和陈氏超混沌系统的图像加密算法的安全性,对其进行了安全性分析,提出了适用于任意大小加密图像的已知明文攻击方法和选择明文攻击方法。同时,指出了原加密算法不安全的根本原因,并给出了提高其安全性的若干建议。 相似文献
摘 要:随着计算机网络与多媒体技术的快速发展,数字图像传输的安全性问题显得越发
系统作为混沌序列发生器扩大了密钥空间,采用扩散–置乱–扩散的加密框架对图像进行 3 阶段
而且明文敏感性强,能够有效抵抗差分攻击,有很大的安全通信应用潜力。 相似文献
为了提高保密图像传输安全性, 基于超混沌序列提出一种图像置乱与置换加密方案。根据明文像素信息对超混沌序列进行改造处理, 使得密钥序列对明文图像敏感, 再根据分离置乱密钥序列与灰度值置换密钥序列分别对图像像素执行置乱与置换操作。仿真结果表明, 加密图像灰度分布均衡, 密文对明文与密钥高度敏感, 可有效抵御统计、穷举、差分等多种攻击, 验证了方案的可行性。 相似文献
利用耦合logistic映射产生随机性很强的密钥流,结合R、G、B三者的关系,设计了一种初始简单扩散—联合置乱—联合扩散的加密方法。仿真结果表明,比单独对每个颜色分量实施加密,该方法具有更强的安全性。 相似文献
该文针对一种超混沌图像加密算法进行选择明文攻击,结果表明该算法中间密钥序列与明文图像不存在关联,所采用的加密公式可进行反推运算,并且待加密像素仅仅采用异或的加密方式,导致中间密钥序列可被破解,进而可对密文信息进行恢复. 相似文献
针对非实时通信对安全性要求高且信道中存在噪声的问题,提出了基于超混沌掩盖调制的自适应异步抗噪声保密通信方案。通信原理是由超混沌Lorenz系统生成四个状态变量的伪随机向量,并通过信号增益将它们调整到同一区间;再由分段线性混沌映射(PWLCM)生成两个向量,用于在四个状态变量之间随机切换选取和确定动态时滞步长,以生成载体信号;然后将预编码后的二进制信息成对掩盖到载体信号中,添加高斯噪声后发送出去。实验结果分析发现最小信号增益和噪声系数的比值稳定在一个小区间[0.08,0.11]内,如果把该比值设置成某个大于该区间上限的值,则比特误码率可达到零,因此接收端可在噪声信道中接收并完美恢复出被掩盖信号。该方案利用超混沌系统的非线性动力学特性,能够在噪声信道中自适应实现异步保密通信,数值仿真验证了其有效性。 相似文献
Image encryption is an efficient technique for image protection. This paper presents a double color image encryption (DCIE) scheme based on three-dimensional (3D) Brownian motion. The architecture of diffusion, confusion and diffusion is adopted. The proposed algorithm firstly decomposes two color plain images into R, G, B components and bit planes, then conducts XOR operation between every bit plane and a key bit plane generated from carrier images; next, arranges all the bit planes into a 3D bit matrix, performs block-in 3D Brownian motion confusion and block confusion on it, which can permute the elements across bit planes and across plain images; finally, a subsequent diffusion process is utilized to improve the encryption effect. Simulation results and performance analyses illustrate that the proposed encryption scheme can simultaneously encrypt two color images into noise-like ones that have strong ability of resisting various known attacks. 相似文献
为有效增强图像加密系统的安全性,提出一种基于并行子图像与超混沌相结合的加密算法。采用Logistic映射对初始明文图像进行分离及置乱,改变子图像的位置,根据该映射迭代计算得到的序列,置乱子图像像素矩阵的行与列,改变其像素的位置;将Lorenz系统和Chen系统结合起来,对每个子图像分别进行扩散加密处理,改变它们的像素值;将加密完后的子图像进行重组,输出密文。仿真结果表明,该算法安全性高、密钥空间大、密钥敏感性强,可显著提高抗攻击能力。 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In the current decade, chaos based image encryption has distinctly captured a remarkable position in multimedia data security. In this paper, a hybrid chaos... 相似文献
提升混沌系统的复杂性,对保证基于混沌的加密算法的安全性有重要的意义。本文将分段Logistic映射引入到时空混沌模型中,有效增加了时空混沌模型的复杂性。基于此模型提出了彩色图像的加密方法。在加密算法中,为了增强算法的安全性,以时空混沌系统的状态值作为置乱方程选择的依据,同时考虑了彩色图像R,G和B三个分量之间的相互置乱。然后,利用时空混沌模型产生的复杂数字序列对置乱后的图像进行扩散操作。经多轮的置乱和扩散操作后,产生最终的加密图像。性能分析以及仿真实验的结果表明该算法具有良好的安全性,能够有效满足图像在网络中安全传输的需求。 相似文献
针对现存混沌图像加密算法中存在系统安全性不高、无法抵御明文攻击、加密图像相互独立、效率低等问题,提出了一种基于超混沌系统的双图关联加密算法。首先根据明文图像,由超混沌系统产生与之相关的混沌随机矩阵,对明文图像进行深度扩散;选取其中一幅图像进行明文关联的置乱操作与快速比特扩散生成密文◢c▼1▽;之后对剩余图像进行自适应关联比特操作生成密文c▼2▽,完成双图关联的图像加密。实验结果与仿真分析表明,该算法不仅具有更高的效率与更强的抗明文攻击能力,而且仅由一幅密◣文不能得到与之相应的明文图像,安全性更高,具有良好的应用场景。 相似文献
We have proposed a robust, secure and efficient image encryption algorithm based on chaotic maps and algebraic structure. Nowadays, the chaotic cryptosystems gained more attention due to their efficiency, the assurance of robustness and high sensitivity corresponding to initial conditions. In literature, there are many encryption algorithms that can simply guarantees security while the schemes based on chaotic systems only promises the uncertainty, both of them can not encounter the needs of current scenario. To tackle this issue, this article proposed an image encryption algorithm based on Lorenz chaotic system and primitive irreducible polynomial substitution box. First, we have proposed 16 different S-boxes based on projective general linear group and 16 primitive irreducible polynomials of Galois field of order 256, and then utilized these S-boxes with combination of chaotic map in image encryption scheme. Three chaotic sequences can be produced by the disturbed of Lorenz chaotic system corresponding to variables x, y and z. We have constructed a new pseudo random chaotic sequence ki based on x, y and z. The plain image is encrypted by the use of chaotic sequence ki and XOR operation to get a ciphered image. To show the strength of presented image encryption, some renowned analyses are performed. 相似文献
提出了一种新的基于三维Chen系统的彩色图像加密算法。将三维空间的彩色图像转换成二维的灰度图像,利用混沌系统生成的混沌序列对二维灰度矩形图分别进行行置乱及列置乱;对置乱后的图像进行加密;按折叠算法对加密后的图像进行折叠处理。仿真结果及安全性分析表明,该加密算法是在二维空间对图像像素进行处理的,相对于三维加密算法而言,降低了算法的计算强度和空间需求,从而减少了运行时间,加快了加密速度;置乱时实现了不同层次(R,G,B)亮度值的完全混合,加密效果好,安全性更高。 相似文献
Based on hyper-chaotic systems, a novel image encryption algorithm is introduced in this paper. The advantages of our proposed approach are that it can be realized easily in one round diffusion process and is computationally very simple while attaining high security level, high key sensitivity, high plaintext sensitivity and other properties simultaneously. The key stream generated by hyper-chaotic system is related to the original image. Moreover, to encrypt each pixel, we use the sum of pixels which are located after that pixel. The algorithm uses different summations when encrypting different input images (even with the same sequence based on hyper-chaotic system). This, in turn, will considerably enhance the cryptosystem resistance against known/chosen-plaintext and differential attacks. The change rate of the number of pixels in the cipher-image when only one pixel of the original image is modified (NPCR) and the Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI) are already very high (NPCR?>?99.80233 % and UACI?>?33.55484 %). Also, experimental results such as key space analysis, histograms, correlation coefficients, information entropy, peak signal-to-noise ratio, key sensitivity analysis, differential analysis and decryption quality, show that the proposed image encryption algorithm is secure and reliable, with high potential to be adopted for the secure image communication applications. 相似文献