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Discusses contributions made by Henry P. David, 1992 recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology awarded by the American Psychological Association (APA). David has facilitated interactions of psychology with mental health and population concerns worldwide, combining scientific, professional, and public interests to improve public health policies and individual well-being. For the last 25 yrs, his work has been devoted to research in reproductive behavior, including research on Czechoslovakian children whose mothers had been denied abortions. He asserts that access to a safe abortion is a women's right and has served as chair of the APA Task Force on Psychology, Family Planning, and Population Policy and on the APA Task Force on the Status of Women in Psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 2001 Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest was awarded to Henry P. David. He is cited for his leadership roles and international research contributions in the areas of population, women's issues, and mental health. His pioneering research on reproductive behavior has had worldwide impact, helping to strengthen women's rights, improve access to modern methods of fertility regulation, and encourage responsible parenthood. He also facilitated interactions of psychology with mental health and population concerns in the US and abroad. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

John Janeway Conger, one of the 1986 recipients of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest, is recognized for "his remarkable contributions to the public interest during the course of his unique career as a researcher, teacher, administrator and policymaker in psychology. A foremost expert in the areas of childhood and adolescence, he is author of two exemplary texts. He contributed extensive research and policy consultation to the field of highway safety. He has made his expertise in human development and mental health available in influential positions, most notably as member of President Carter's Commission on Mental Health and as the first consultant on Mental Health (later, Vice President) to the MacArthur Foundation. His presidency of the APA focused on public interest issues of particular concern to children and youth. The same sterling qualities of competence and responsibility led to his long tenure as Vice President of Medical Affairs and Dean at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, a leadership role to which he was recently recalled as Acting Chancellor. In all of these roles, he has represented psychology at its best with wisdom, grace, unusual effectiveness and dedication." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

From the editor.     
Elliot Jurist, in beginning his third year as editor of Psychoanalytic Psychology, offers a few reflections on the field of psychoanalytic psychology, particularly in relation to the wider field of mental health. He introduces an interview that he conducted with Peter Fonagy, discusses the importance of Psychoanalytic Psychology remaining a scholarly journal, and notes that contributions to the journal are invited that discuss the place of psychoanalytic psychology in relation to the field of clinical psychology and the wider realm of mental health professions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

From Robert Q. Pollard's national leadership in deafness and mental health service delivery, advocacy, research, and training and his innovative multidisciplinary mental health traineeship program exclusively for deaf individuals to his establishment of a vibrant special interest section on deafness within APA's Division of Rehabilitation Psychology, he has led the way to providing full access to the profession and to the services of the profession for deaf individuals. His commitment to and effective advancement of a psychology open to and appropriately serving deaf individuals and other persons with disabilities substantially advances psychology in the public interest and fulfills our discipline's highest aspiration: to advance human welfare. This journal discusses the life and contributions of Robert Q. Pollard which enabled him to win the Psychology in the Public Interest Award in 1994. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reuben J. Silver received the 2001 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology as a Professional Practice. He was given this award for his contributions to the field. During his 50 yrs as a practitioner, an educator, and a supervisor, he has been an outstanding advocate for psychology. His contributions as a leader on state and national levels include serving as chair of the New York State Board for Psychology, a member of the Commissioner of Education's Task Force on Training, chair of the New York Health Department's Medical Access Review Committee, and a founder of the Association of Medical School Psychologists. He pioneered opportunities for psychologists nationwide with his appointment as director of a medical school psychiatry clinic. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Community violence has emerged as a major risk factor for the development of mental health problems in children and adolescents. If mental health providers are to meet the needs of children and communities dealing with community violence, then they will need to integrate principles from various subdisciplines in psychology (e.g., developmental psychology, school psychology, developmental psychopathology) as well as disciplines outside of psychology (e.g., sociology, public health, medicine) to understand fully the developmental impact of exposure to community violence. The development of such a model is necessary to identify the pathways, risk, and protective factors on which prevention and intervention programs can be built. The goal of this article is to present an ecological-transactional model of community violence as a conceptual framework for understanding the existing literature and for guiding future research on community violence exposure and child development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Committee on International Relations in Psychology confers the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology to an individual who has made sustained and enduring contributions to international cooperation and advancement of knowledge in psychology. This year's recipient is Henry P. David. His work is represented in 14 books and over 300 scientific papers that he has edited or co-authored. He has mentored dozens of educators and psychologists around the world who have been inspired by his wisdom and commitment to the improvement of family life. His persistent yet compassionate leadership skills have steered him to the helm of many organizations, including the International Council of Psychologists, the Division on Population and Environmental Psychology, and the APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology. Henry P. David's continuing dedication to the interactions of psychology with mental health and population concerns around the globe represents the finest ideals of our Association. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article describes the National Training Conference in Community Psychology, which marked the culmination of several years of planning, starting in 1970, by the Executive Committee of the Division of Community Psychology (APA Division 27). The Conference was held in Austin, Texas, April 27-May 1, 1975, and was sponsored by the Community Psychology Training Program of the University of Texas at Austin Department of Psychology. The Conference served to bring together for informal meetings and discussions the older and newer community psychologists, especially those who had entered the field during the last 5 years, to critically assess the many problems facing community psychology and to examine community psychology's conceptual independence from both clinical psychology and community mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. Wilbert Edgerton's career has been devoted to the development of rural mental health services and the enhancement of mental health services in the public sector. His extensive studies on mobilizing citizen advocates and developing community programs have greatly influenced the community mental health movement in this country. His advocacy for the profession led to the passage of licensure for psychologists in North Carolina. He is a tireless volunteer advocate and is widely known for his development of residential living arrangements for the mentally ill. An articulate man of high integrity, he has used his skills to do something concrete and practical about human problems and has devoted his life to making a difference in the lives of those affected by mental illness (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The contributions of Canadian community psychologists to ethics, theory, methodology, research, and practise are highlighted in this article. Important debates about ethical issues in psychological research and practise have been advanced by Canadian community psychologists. Canadian community psychologists have also introduced theoretical perspectives (e.g., cognitive community psychology) that have provided an impetus for research and practise, and they have broadened the focus of research in community settings with contributions to participatory action research, program evaluation, and qualitative methods. A variety of substantive contributions have been made to the research literature, especially in the areas of community mental health, prevention, and social inclusion. Finally, Canadian community psychologists have contributed to practise in terms of policy, programs, and social interventions. The article concludes with a discussion of future potential areas of contribution for Canadian community psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alfred Michel Wellner passed away on January 23, 1989. Originally studying Hebrew education in college, Wellner eventually earned a PhD in psychology and became a part of the community psychology movement that was just beginning. Wellner organized a psychology emergency service for the public schools and a consultation service for clergy while working as a full-time psychologist at a comunity health center in Hawaii. After moving back to the mainland, Wellner because Chief of Psychology Programs for the State of Maryland. His private consulting led him to accept a temporary position with the then-emerging National Register, which resulted in an appointment as the Executive Officer for the Council for the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology in 1975. Wellner was the driving force behind the Designation System to identify programs in psychology (now jointly administered by the National Register and the American Association of State Psychology Boards), which was a byproduct of the overall goal of enhancing psychology's role as a health profession. At the time of his death, Wellner was actively seeking solutions to the problems facing modern psychologists. This led to his role in creating General Psychological Services, a Register subsidiary designed to explore new approaches to service delivery, such as managed care. He was also the driving force behind the development of a Register-sponsored legal consultation service for psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an obituary for George W. Albee, a past President of the American Psychological Association (APA) and lifelong advocate of the importance of social change to deal effectively with mental disorders. His impact on psychology is reflected in the many awards he received in his lifetime, which included the APA Distinguished Professional Contribution Award in 1975, the American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest in 1993, and the Lifetime Achievement Award in Applied Preventive Psychology in 1997. With his passing, psychology lost one of the staunchest advocates of prevention as the most important approach to dealing with psychological ills. He was also a lifelong advocate for the disenfranchised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents Otto Klineberg with the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology. Klineberg is commended for contributions to the development of international cooperation in psychology and for leadership in cross-cultural research on intelligence, intragroup relations, and mental health. He is particularly recognized for his pioneering efforts on behalf of racial equality, culminating in the 1954 Supreme Court decision to end segregation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 2001 Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Application of Psychology was awarded to Joseph D. Matarazzo. He is honored for advancing the applications of psychology as both a science and a profession. His service to students and to patients, as well as his research and scholarly writings in clinical psychology, health psychology, and clinical neuropsychology, have enriched the discipline of psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

James Garbarino.     
Presents an overview of the career of James Garbarino and his contributions to the field of psychology. James Garbarino has wade an important contribution to public service by translating fundamental issues in psychology into practice, and by making this information available to new audiences, both professional and lay. For example, he has helped child welfare, law enforcement, legislative bodies, and the medical community develop programs and public policies to prevent child abuse and promote child safety. He continues, on a broader scale, to call attention to environmental conditions and societal actions which thwart or promote healthy family functioning. A prolific writer, lecturer, and researcher, he is not only a committed child and family advocate, but has a unique ability to precipitate social change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The three articles presented in this issue reflect different problems encountered by psychologists as each attempted to pursue a career. All three psychologists were trail blazers, developing new applications of psychological knowledge, and each faced different challenges. Stanley Moldawsky, a pioneer in the development of professional psychology, reflects on the establishment of a private practice in the 1950s. He shares how politics had to become an important concern in order to survive, gives us a glimpse of some of the hurdles that had to be crossed to establish a professional school in New Jersey, and impresses on us that professional psychology will grow only if we advocate for it. In contrast to Moldawsky, Jonathan Cummings' career was devoted to the application of clinical and counseling psychology to the medical-surgical areas of the health field. His career was focused on working in the Veterans Administration Hospital system, where he was the first psychologist who was assigned to work outside of the mental health area. Cummings' work was instrumental in the development of the field of health psychology and of the need to focus on the whole person when treating people in these settings. John Jackson, in his poignant essay, reflects on the upward climb of minorities into professional psychology. An African American, Jackson did not have the benefit of more recent civil rights legislation to assist his career. He reflects on his involvements with the American Psychological Association and how he perceives the role of minority psychologists within organized psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an overview of the career and contributions to the field of psychology of Patrick H. DeLeon. Patrick DeLeon has a distinguished career pushing psychology to its 'outer limits.' His passionate belief that behavioral science can contribute significantly to society has led him to work unrelentingly to ensure that all legislative and administrative policies provide complete parity for our profession. He enjoys 'getting things done' rather than being in the limelight. His vision is such that many do not appreciate the significance of his latest 'forays.' He has been instrumental in psychology being appropriately recognized under all federal health initiatives, by the military, and by the federal judiciary. He is the first to have received two professional awards from APA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recognizing the diversity of roles and activities in which many professional psychologists are engaged, beginning in 1979, Professional Awards have been presented to individual members of the Association whose distinguished contributions have served to advance psychology as a profession in the areas of knowledge, public service, and professional practice. For "Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Psychology as a Professional Practice," a 1988 recipient is George D. Goldman. Goldman is cited for having contributed to the field of psychology in many ways. He has helped shaped the image of psychologists and psychoanalysts in this country by being one of the founders and leaders of both the Adelphi University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and also the Division of Psychoanalysis. His Presidencies of APA Divisions 39 and 42 and the New York Society of Clinical Psychologists epitomized his leadership role in the profession. In addition to the citation, a biography and selected bibliography of his works are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Frank Landy died peacefully with his family by his side on January 12, 2010. His legacy to the education, research, and practice of industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology will live on in his students, his books and articles, and his ability to define and shape science and practice. Landy believed that good practice followed from good science and spent his career applying what he learned from his own research and the work of others to diverse problems related to selecting employees, managing performance, creating successful human–machine interfaces, and ensuring fair employment practices through his litigation-related work. He was the definition of a scientist–practitioner. Landy was born in Philadelphia on December 30, 1942. He began his study of psychology at Villanova University, where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1964. He earned a master’s degree (1966) and his doctorate (1969) from Bowling Green State University. Landy joined the faculty at Pennsylvania State University, and during his 26 years there he helped to build one of the most successful I/O psychology programs in the country. He was a member of many professional organizations and won many awards for his outstanding contributions to the field. He began his consulting career in 1965 and helped hundreds of organizations by applying psychological research to the solution of practical problems in human resource management, employee relations, and work motivation. Landy was an avid runner, completing more than 60 marathons, and he often participated in runs at the SIOP conferences. He played and collected guitars and was a great lover of music, often playing and singing publicly. He is survived by his wife Kylie Harper, his two daughters Erin and Elizabeth, his son-in-law George, and his four grandchildren. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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