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A low voltage full-swing BiCMOS bootstrapping technique that allows the design of BiCMOS logic circuits at supply voltages down to 1.5 V is presented. This is the first 1.5-V design technique that does not require complementary bipolar devices. The technique is shown to have significant advantages over existing low voltage BiCMOS logic designs in sub-3 V operation. Inverter gates fabricated using a 0.8-μm technology were operated at 150 MHz with a supply voltage of 1.5 V. Implementation of this technique on dynamic logic is also demonstrated and experimental results match closely with simulation  相似文献   

This paper presents a 1.5 V full-swing BiCMOS dynamic logic gate circuit, based on a dynamic pull-down BiPMOS configuration, suitable for VLSI using low-voltage BiCMOS technology. With an output load of 0.2 pf, the 1.5 V full-swing BiCMOS dynamic logic gate circuit shows a more than 1.8 times improvement in speed as compared to the CMOS static one  相似文献   

A BiCMOS logic circuit applicable to sub-2-V digital circuits has been developed. A transiently saturated full-swing BiCMOS (TS-FS-BiCMOS) logic circuit operates twice as fast as CMOS at 1.5-V supply. A newly developed transient-saturation technique, with which bipolar transistors saturate only during switching periods, is the key to sub-2-V operation because a high-speed full-swing operation is achieved to remove the voltage loss due to the base-emitter turn-on voltage. Both small load dependence and small fan-in dependence of gate delay time are attained with this technique. A two-input gate fabricated with 0.3-μm BiCMOS technology verifies the performance advantage of TS-FS-BiCMOS over other BiCMOS circuits and CMOS at sub 2-V supply  相似文献   

A novel BiCMOS logic circuit is described that provides highspeed rail-to-rail operation with only one battery cell (1-1.5 V). The proposed circuit utilises a novel pull-down scheme that involves bootstrapping the base of the pull-down p-n-p bipolar junction transistor to a negative potential during the pull-down transient period. Circuit simulations have shown that the proposed circuit outperforms the transient-saturation full-swing BiCMOS and the bootstrapped bipolar circuits in terms of delay, power and cross-over capacitance for all simulated supply voltages  相似文献   

An operational amplifier with an integrated current-mode charge pump is presented. This operational amplifier functions with a 4-μA single-supply above-the-rail input and rail-to-rail output. Having an integrated charge pump greatly simplifies the amplifier design while providing an increased dynamic range over other rail-to-rail amplifiers. The current-mode charge pump limits the power loss associated with feedthrough current found in most voltage mode designs. The resulting amplifier, designed with a dual-well BiCMOS process, achieves a bandwidth of 54 kHz while consuming less than 10 μW  相似文献   

The feasibility of realizing an emitter-coupled-logic (ECL) interface 4-Mb dynamic RAM (DRAM) with an access time under 10 ns using 0.3-μm technology is explored, and a deep submicrometer BiCMOS VLSI using this technology is proposed. Five aspects of such a DRAM are covered. They are the internal power supply voltage scheme using on-chip voltage limiters, an ECL DRAM address buffer with a reset function and level converter, a current source for address buffers compensated for device parameter fluctuation, an overdrive rewrite amplifier for realizing a fast cycle time, and double-stage current sensing for the main amplifier and output buffer. Using these circuit techniques, an access time of 7.8 ns is expected with a supply current of 198 mA at a 16-ns cycle time  相似文献   

In this paper, a regulated dual-phase charge pump with compact size is presented. By means of a nano-ampere switched-capacitor voltage reference (SCVR) circuit, the dual-phase charge pump regulator can reduce the quiescent current and the output ripple. Besides, a new power stage is proposed to define the stability of the overall system. Owing to the design of buffer stage, the charge pump regulator can extend bandwidth and increase phase margin. Thus, the transient response and driving capability can be improved. Beside, the proposed automatic body switching circuit can efficiently drive the bulk of the power p-type MOSFETs to avoid leakage and potential latch-up. This chip was fabricated by TSMC 0.35 μm, 3.3 V/5 V 2P4 M CMOS technology. The input voltage range varies from 2.9 to 4.9 V for the lithium battery and the output voltage is regulated at 5 V. Experimental results demonstrate the charge pump can provide 50 mA maximum load current without any oscillation problems.  相似文献   

为了降低电荷泵电路启动过程中的峰值电流,本文提出了一种具有低峰值电流的电荷泵电路。该电路中采用N-相位时钟电路,产生N个相位不交叠的时钟信号,使得电荷泵启动过程中时钟电路仅对一个电容进行充放电,从而有效减少了电源峰值电流。Hspice仿真结果表明,电荷泵电路级数为4时,所提出的电路能够将电源峰值电流减少约50%。  相似文献   

A 0.3-μm sub-10-ns ECL 4-Mb BiCMOS DRAM design is described. The results obtained are: (1) a Vcc connection limiter with a BiCMOS output circuit is chosen due to ease of design, excellent device reliability and layout area; (2) a mostly CMOS periphery with a specific bipolar use provides better performances at high speed and low power; (3) the direct sensing scheme of a single-stage MOS preamplifier combined with a bipolar main amplifier offers high speed; and (4) the strict control of MOS transistor parameters has been proven to be more important in obtaining high speed DRAMs, based on the 4-Mb design  相似文献   

This paper presents novel low-voltage dynamic BiCMOS logic gates and an improved carry look-ahead (CLA) circuit with carry skip using these new dynamic BiCMOS topologies. The well-known “MOS clock feedthrough effect” is used to achieve full swing with substantially reduced low-to-high evaluation delay in the logic gates, thus, resulting in reduced carry propagation/bypass delay in the cascaded CLA array. Simulations at clocking frequency of 100 MHz, using 2-μm BiCMOS process parameters and supply voltage in the range of 2-4 V displays lower gate delay and lower power dissipation compared to other recent dynamic BiCMOS logic topologies. The circuit has no dc power dissipation, race, or charge redistribution problems. An 8-b CLA with 5-b carry skip was achieved in 2.917 ns. This speed is significantly higher than other recent dynamic BiCMOS CLA designs. In addition, the new CLA circuit is more compact compared to previous dynamic BiCMOS CLA designs. A tiny chip was fabricated using the MOSIS Orbit Analog 2-μm V-well CMOS process for the experimental verification of the new low-voltage dynamic BiCMOS topologies  相似文献   

The authors present a BiCMOS dynamic multiplier, which is free from race and charge-sharing problems, using Wallace tree reduction architecture and 1.5-V full-swing BiCMOS dynamic logic circuit. Based on a 1-μm BiCMOS technology, a 1.5-V 8×8 multiplier designed, shows a 2.3× improvement in speed as compared to the CMOS static one  相似文献   

This paper proposes a BiCMOS wired-OR logic for high-speed multiple input logic gates. The logic utilizes the bipolar wired-OR to circumvent the use of a series connection of MOS transistors. The BiCMOS wired-OR logic was found to be the fastest compared with such conventional gates as CMOS NOR, BiCMOS multiemitter logic and CMOS wired-NOR logic, when the number of inputs was more than four and the supply voltage was 3.3 V. The BiCMOS wired-OR logic was also determined to be the fastest of the four when the fan-out number was below 20 and the number of inputs was eight. In addition, the speed was more than twice as faster when the fan-out number was less than 10. The BiCMOS wired-OR logic was applied to a 64-b 2-stage carry look-ahead adder, and was fabricated with a 0.5-μm BiCMOS process technology. A critical path delay time of 3.1 ns from an input to a sum output was obtained at the supply voltage of 3.3 V. This is 35% faster than that of conventional BiCMOS adders  相似文献   

An efficient charge recovery logic circuit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient charge recovery logic (ECRL) is proposed as a candidate for low-energy adiabatic logic circuit. Power comparison with other logic circuits is performed on an inverter chain and a carry lookahead adder (CLA). ECRL CLA is designed as a pipelined structure for obtaining the same throughput as a conventional static CMOS CLA. Proposed logic shows four to six times power reduction with a practical loading and operation frequency range. An inductor-based supply clock generation circuit is proposed. Circuits are designed using 1.0-μm CMOS technology with a reduced threshold voltage of 0.2 V  相似文献   

A 45-Gb/s BiCMOS decision circuit operating from a 2.5-V supply is reported. The full-rate retiming flip-flop operates from the lowest supply voltage of any silicon-based flip-flop demonstrated to date at this speed. MOS and SiGe heterojunction-bipolar-transistor (HBT) current-mode logic families are compared. Capitalizing on the best features of both families, a true BiCMOS logic topology is presented that allows for operation from lower supply voltages than pure HBT implementations without compromising speed. The topology, based on a BiCMOS cascode, can also be applied to a number of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) circuits. In addition to the retiming flip-flop, the decision circuit includes a broadband transimpedance preamplifier to improve sensitivity, a tuned 45-GHz clock buffer, and a 50-/spl Omega/ output driver. The first mm-wave transformer is employed along the clock path to perform single-ended-to-differential conversion. The entire circuit, which is implemented in a production 130-nm BiCMOS process with 150-GHz f/sub T/ SiGe HBT, consumes 288 mW from a 2.5-V supply, including only 58 mW from the flip-flop.  相似文献   

Wang Songlin  Zhou Bo  Ye Qiang  Wang Hui  Guo Wangrui 《半导体学报》2010,31(4):045009-045009-5
Novel improved power metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) drive circuits are introduced. An anti-deadlock block is used in the P-channel power MOSFET drive circuit to avoid deadlocks and improve the transient response. An additional charging path is added to the N-channel power MOSFET drive circuit to enhance its drive capability and improve the transient response. The entire circuit is designed in a 0.6 μm BCD process and simulated with Cadence Spectre. Compared with traditional power MOSFET drive circuits, the simulation results show that improved P-channel power MOSFET drive circuit makes the rise time reduced from 60 to 14 ns, the fall time reduced from 240 to 30 ns, and its power dissipation reduced from 2 to 1 mW, while the improved N-channel power MOSFET drive circuit makes the rise time reduced from 360 to 27 ns and its power dissipation reduced from 1.1 to 0.8 mW.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the Dickson charge pump circuit are analyzed. The analytical results enable the estimation of the rise time of the output voltage and that of the power consumption during boosting. By using this analysis, the optimum number of stages to minimize the rise time has been estimated as 1.4 Nmin, where Nmin is the minimum value of the number of stages necessary for a given parameter set of supply voltage, threshold voltage of transfer diodes, and boosted voltage. Moreover, the self-load capacitance of the charge pump, which should be charged up at the same time as the output load capacitance of the charge pump, has been estimated as about one-third of the total charge pump capacitance. As a result, the equivalent circuit of the charge pump has been modified. The analytical results are in good agreement with simulation by the iteration method, typically within 10% for the rise time and within 2% for the power consumption. In the case of a charge pump with MOS transfer transistors, the analytical results of the rise time agree with the SPICE simulation within 10%  相似文献   

王松林  周波  叶强  王辉  郭王瑞 《半导体学报》2010,31(4):045009-5
提出了一款新型功率管驱动电路。P沟道功率管驱动电路加入了防死锁模块防止了死锁的出现,提高了瞬态响应;N沟道功率管驱动电路加入了附加的充电支路,提高了驱动能力和瞬态响应。整个电路基于0.6μm BCD工艺,在Cadence Spectre下仿真。和传统的功率管驱动电路相比,新的P沟道功率管驱动电路的上升时间由60ns减少到14ns,下降时间由240ns减少到30ns,并且功耗从2mW减少到1mW;新的N沟道功率管驱动电路的上升时间由360ns减少到27ns,功耗从1.1mW减少到0.8mW。  相似文献   

冯鹏  李昀龙  吴南健 《半导体学报》2010,31(1):015009-5
设计实现了一种高效率的电荷泵电路。利用电容和晶体管对电荷传输开关进行偏置来消除开关管阈值电压的影响。同时,通过对开关管的的衬底进行动态的偏置使得在电荷传输期间当开关管打开时其阈值电压较低,在开关管关断时其阈值电压较高。该电荷泵电路的效率得到了提高。基于0.18μm,3.3V标准CMOS工艺实现了该电路。在每级电容为0.5pF,时钟频率为780KHz,电源电压为2V的情况下,测得的8级电荷泵的输出电压为9.8V。电荷泵电路和时钟驱动电路从电源处总共消耗了2.9μA的电流。该电荷泵电路适合于低功耗的应用。  相似文献   

Feng Peng  Li Yunlong  Wu Nanjian 《半导体学报》2010,31(1):015009-015009-5
A high efficiency charge pump circuit is designed and realized. The charge transfer switch is biased by the additional capacitor and transistor to eliminate the influence of the threshold voltage. Moreover, the bulk of the switch transistor is dynamically biased so that the threshold voltage gets lower when it is turned on during charge transfer and gets higher when it is turned off. As a result, the efficiency of the charge pump circuit can be improved. A test chip has been implemented in a 0.18 μm 3.3 V standard CMOS process. The measured output voltage of the eight-pumping-stage charge pump is 9.8 V with each pumping capacitor of 0.5 pF at an output current of 0.18 μA, when the clock frequency is 780 kHz and the supply voltage is 2 V. The charge pump and the clock driver consume a total current of 2.9 μA from the power supply. This circuit is suitable for low power applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design methodology to produce an adaptive supply voltage, which is used to drive digital sub-threshold logic system. Design guidelines to maintain constant speed and power via adaptive VDD regulation are presented first. Then the paper discusses modification of sub-1 V bandgap reference (BGR) circuits using dynamic threshold MOSFET technique to provide the necessary adaptive reference voltage. Another well-known sub-1 V BGR circuit using current mode technique is also fabricated and compared. Both circuits are implemented in CMOS 0.18 μm technology. Empirical data from SPICE simulation and first order approximation techniques are used to derive analytical design models used inside BGR circuit. Measurement results of both the fabricated circuits show reference voltage output of 500 mV range; which are in good match of SPICE simulation.  相似文献   

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