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In one of our first patients with severely disabling and fluctuating Parkinson's disease (PD) we observed a transient pancreatic enzymes increase 6 months after continuous apomorphine therapy. Since this adverse effect had not been previously reported, we systematically investigated the course of pancreas and liver functions in response to apomorphine: laboratory and neurological assessments were conducted before initiation of apomorphine therapy, during the increment phase up to the optimal motor effective level and at all follow-up visits. We found in five out of 29PD patients a transient increase of pancreatic enzymes during the initial phase of continuous subcutaneous apomorphine application. Peaks of pathological plasma levels were apparent from the first day up to the fifth day after apomorphine initiation, and returned to normal levels within 10 days in all 5 patients. Otherwise, this pancreatic enzymes increase was not accompanied by any raising in plasma levels of corresponding liver enzymes. No pathological signs in the endoscopic-retrograde cholangiopancreatography, the abdominal ultrasonography and the computed tomography of the abdomen were found in any of the affected PD patients. Furthermore, there was no evidence of pancreato-hepatal risk factors in the previous history in any of the PD patients studied. With respect to the course of PD, no differences were obtained upon comparison of affected and non-affected PD patients. Considering the patients' history, clinical course and current knowledge about the effect of apomorphine on pancreato-hepatal function, we conclude that a possible cumulative pathomechanism between transient pancreato-hepatal enzymes and continuous applied apomorpine, especially in the titrating phase, might cause this adverse event in about 20% of PD patients treated with apomorphine continuously.  相似文献   

We report a 2-day-old neonate with incontinentia pigmenti combined with destructive encephalopathy. Generalized seizures developed soon after birth; characteristic papulovesicles and hyperpigmented linear streaks appeared several days later. The brain CT scan showed multiple low density areas with cortical atrophy and ventricular enlargement. Histopathological examination favored the diagnosis of incontinentia pigmenti. Although a series of microbiological examinations failed to identify any infectious agent, the patient was still treated vigorously with anticonvulsants, systemic antibiotics, and acyclovir from the beginning of hospitalization. However, the seizures persisted, and the patient died 26 days after birth. Our report suggests that incontinentia pigmenti with encephalopathy may have a fatal prognosis.  相似文献   

Indirect observations suggest that the dopaminergic system may be involved in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The dopaminergic function of 15 patients with OCD and 15 age/sex-matched controls was evaluated by measuring the growth hormone (GH) responses to stimulation with the dopaminergic agonist apomorphine (APO), which increases growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), GH, and somatomedine C (SMD-C) secretions. Therefore, we measured basal plasma GH and SMD-C concentrations and GH responses to GHRH stimulation to exclude that a downstream pathology of the somatotropic axis could obscure the significance of the results of the APO test. The response of prolactin (PRL) to APO inhibition were also measured. Basal plasma levels of GH, SMD-C, and PRL, GH responses to GHRH stimulation, and PRL responses to APO inhibition did not differ in the two groups of subjects. GH responses to APO stimulation were blunted in obsessive-compulsive (OC) patients. The emetic response to the same stimulation was stronger in patients than in controls. These responses suggest that in our OC patients there is a dysregulation of the dopaminergic system, which is possibly expressed in different ways in the various areas of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The serology of treponemal disease has become simpler and more rational in recent years, mainly as a result of the widespread adoption of specific antibody tests and the use of monospecific fluorescent antibody procedures which give information about the immunoglobulin class of antibodies. A set of tests which has proved particularly useful in routine diagnosis is the following: quantitative TPHA test, quantitative VDRL test, and monospecific (IgG and IgM) FTA-ABS tests. This combination is especially valuable in the assessment of new patients with positive results to serological tests and in the management of patients with treated syphilis.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported a lower prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) in populations of African origin than in populations of European origin, raising the possibility that the former are protected against PD. However, the confounding effects of low case ascertainment and high selective mortality on PD prevalence estimates in populations of African origin cannot be ruled out at this time. One hypothesis consistent with available data is that populations of African origin are vulnerable to vascular parkinsonism, which is associated with high mortality.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of the basal ganglia and the brain nuclei interconnected with them leads to disturbances of movement and cognition, including disordered timing of movement and perceptual timing deficits. Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) were studied in temporal reproduction tasks. We examined PD patients when brain dopamine (DA) transmission was impaired (OFF state) and when DA transmission was reestablished, at the time of maximal clinical benefit following administration of levodopa + apomorphine (ON state). Patients reproduced target times of 8 and 21 sec trained in blocked trials with the peak interval procedure, which were veridical in the ON state, comparable to normative performance by healthy young and aged controls (Experiment 1). In the OFF state, temporal reproduction was impaired in both accuracy and precision (variance). The 8-sec signal was reproduced as longer and the 21-sec signal was reproduced as shorter than they actually were (Experiment 1). This "migration" effect was dependent upon training of two different durations. When PD patients were trained on 21 sec only (Experiment 2), they showed a reproduction error in the long direction, opposite to the error produced under the dual training condition of Experiment 1. The results are discussed as a mutual attraction between temporal processing systems, in memory and clock stages, when dopaminergic regulation in the striatum is dysfunctional.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a qualitative study of 26 runaways in a rural New England shelter. Runaway behavior was viewed from the perspective of the teenagers themselves. The findings challenge popular notions that run-aways are incorrigible delinquents who want to leave home, that the decision is impulsive, and that they hope never to return. Rather, many of the teenaged runaways left home in search of freedom from what they considered abusive treatment, whether physical, sexual, or emotional. Running away was found to be "last resort" behavior-teenagers' accounts yielded evidence that they struggled with the decision to run away. Nor was running away necessarily an irreparable break with family; many youths expressed the desire for reconciliation. Thus, running away was revealed to be a dynamic emotional experience for youths, which reflected changes in their social bonds with family, peers, and adults in the educational, legal, and medical systems.  相似文献   

Because in the literature bradykinesia and hypokinesia are frequently confounded, we assessed the relation between these two fundamental aspects of altered movement and the influence of disease severity on these measures in 41 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 24 age-matched healthy controls. Bradykinesia was measured with a test microcomputer interfaced with a response-board. Hypokinesia was assessed by activity monitoring at home over a period of 5 successive days. For each subject the choice reaction time and measures reflecting bradykinesia (tap rate, movement time) and hypokinesia (movement index, duration of immobility periods) were calculated. Patients with PD had a normal choice reaction time and a significantly impaired execution of voluntary movement and reduced amount of movement over time. Bradykinesia was clearly present in the less affected patients with PD, and worsened as the disease severity increased. Hypokinesia, however, emerged prominently only in the more affected patients. There was a striking lack of relation between the measures that reflect bradykinesia and hypokinesia. The use of levodopa or dopamine agonists did not confound these findings. Our findings show the very different character and course of two tiers of altered movement in patients with PD and question the causative mechanisms of both motor features in PD. A more precise use of the terms brady- and hypokinesia is a prerequisite for future studies that attempt to provide insight in the causative mechanisms of both motor features.  相似文献   

We report thiolmethyltransferase (TMT) activity in RBC membrane preparations from patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), normal controls, and patients with symptomatic parkinsonism. Unlike previous reports, our report found no significant decrease in TMT activity in PD patients compared with normal controls. Low S-methylation capacity does not appear to be a risk factor for PD in Japanese patients.  相似文献   

The occurrence of dementia in patients with Parkinson's disease was studied in a Parkinsonian population consisting of all traceable patients residing in a defined area. The prevalence of dementia was found to be 29 per cent in 444 patients studied. The frequency of dementia increased with advancing age and the patients showing signs of clinical arteriosclerosis were more often demented than the patients without arteriosclerosis. There was, however, an evident association between the stage of the disease and the frequency of dementia. The most severely disabled patients displayed dementia more often than the mildly affected, both among the patients with and without arteriosclerosis. The demented patients showed significantly more severe rigidity and hypokinesia when compared with the non-demented. Increasing severity of rigidity and hypolinesia, in particular was found to have a positive correlation with the degree of dementia. The association between dementia and the degree of motor involvement is considered to suggest the role of subcortical structures in the patholophysiology of dementia in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The five modifications Aron (1988) proposes for our mate-selection simulation address reasonable concerns, each of which we touched upon when we introduced the simulation (Kalick & Hamilton, 1986). Nevertheless, Aron has exaggerated the impact of his considerations on the outcome of our type-preference simulation. We tested the effects of modifications suggested by his critiques and found that our simulation, results, and previous conclusions were not compromised. We reiterate that we do not claim that a type preference accounts for all of the intracouple attractiveness correlation observed among actual couples, and we consider the relationship between simulation modeling and real-world social science research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) have trouble programming two separate motor acts concurrently. We tested the hypotheses that (1) PD patients may also have difficulty processing two cognitive tasks simultaneously, and (2) the expected deficit may be related to the striatal dopaminergic depletion. We used auditory and visual choice reaction time (CRT) tasks, presented either separately or concurrently, and compared the performance of three groups of PD patients: a group of patients under their usual dose of levodopa ("standard"); a group assessed both at the time of maximal clinical benefit ("on" state) and at the time of minimal clinical benefit (treatment withdrawn for about 18 hours; "off" state); and a group of recently diagnosed untreated patients ("de novo"). Compared with controls, standard and "on" state patients had a normal performance for both separate and concurrent CRT tasks. In contrast, "off" state and de novo patients had a normal performance in the separate CRT tasks but significant deficits in the concurrent CRT tasks. These results suggest that adequate dopaminergic transmission is necessary for concurrent processing of cognitive information and that the striatum integrates the sensorimotor information required to program cognitive acts.  相似文献   

In a review of the literature on the psychological and social aspects of Parkinson's disease, it is noted that since the discovery of the underlying neuropathology of parkinsonism, research on its psychological aspects has had a biomedical orientation and has focused almost exclusively on the depression and cognitive impairment observed in a substantial proportion of Parkinson's patients. Present evidence does not permit firm conclusions about the relative contributions of neurological and psychosocial factors to these symptoms. Methodological problems, reliance on indirect evidence, and the paucity of psychosocial data all contribute to the inconclusiveness of the findings. It is argued that a comprehensive understanding of the psychological aspects of Parkinson's disease depends on combining the investigation of how individual patients experience and adapt to their illness with the prevailing biomedical approach to research. (117 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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