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Quantitative estimation of physical work load requires breakdown of jobs into smaller entities. The objective was to study the inter-rater reproducibility of the contents, frequency and duration of work tasks assessed by telephone interview. Two researchers interviewed 18 industrial workers with an interval of from 2 to 3 weeks in a balanced and blinded design. Altogether 114 tasks were identified, 68 of which were recorded by both interviewers. The tasks were classified into regularly occurring (n=34) and occasional (n= 80). The outcome was the total duration of the tasks per day computed from the data on frequency and duration. Validity of the interview was studied against prestructured diaries filled in by nine workers. The interviewers' assessments of the overall contents of the tasks were rated as ‘similar’ or ‘very similar’ for 17 of the 18 workers. Both interviewers detected all 34 regularly occurring tasks. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the total duration between the interviewers was 0.81 for regularly occurring tasks. ICCs of the total duration between the diary and the two interviewers were 0.90 and 0.91. However, in many cases the workers could not give a numerical value for duration or frequency. A telephone interview can be used as a first step in exposure assessment in epidemiological studies on risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders. These results show that a single telephone interview can give reproducible and valid information of the frequency and duration of tasks occurring daily. For occasional tasks interview methods should be developed further.  相似文献   

Velocity production in the absence of speedometer information was investigated as a function of car size. In the first experiment three vehicles of different sizes were driven by 30 subjects; in the second experiment a different sample of 20 subjects used their own vehicles, which were classified into two size categories. In both experiments subjects were required to drive under conditions of normal and attenuated auditory feedback. The results indicated a greater production accuracy in small compared with large cars and a tendency for drivers of small cars to make greater use of auditory information. The results are discussed in the context of the relative contribution of different sensory channels to the subjective scale of speed  相似文献   

Traditionally, driver distraction has been categorized into four types: visual, biomechanical, auditory, and cognitive. However, the place of emotion in driving research is largely undefined. The present study investigates the specific influences of anger – representative emotion arisen while driving, on driving performance, compared to those of traditional distraction tasks. In total, seventy-eight participants were recruited and placed into one of four driving conditions: physical (visual-biomechanical) distraction, cognitive (cognitive-auditory) distraction, emotional (anger), and control conditions. The results demonstrated that anger degrades driving performance as much as or more than other distraction types, specifically, in a yellow traffic signal situation. The causes for these results, underlying mechanisms, and other considerations are discussed with implications for future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of performing scrollable music selection tasks using a portable music player (iPod Touch™) on simulated driving performance and task-sharing strategies, as evidenced through eye glance behaviour and secondary task performance. A total of 37 drivers (18–48 yrs) completed the PC-based MUARC Driver Distraction Test (DDT) while performing music selection tasks on an iPod Touch. Drivers’ eye glance behaviour was examined using faceLAB eye tracking equipment. Results revealed that performing music search tasks while driving increased the amount of time that drivers spent with their eyes off the roadway and decreased their ability to maintain a constant lane position and time headway from a lead vehicle. There was also evidence, however, that drivers attempted to regulate their behaviour when distracted by decreasing their speed and taking a large number of short glances towards the device. Overall, results suggest that performing music search tasks while driving is problematic and steps to prohibit this activity should be taken.  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于MAPGIS的办公自动化系统的设计思想和实现技术,概括说明了基于MAPGIS的办公自动化系统的功能和特点,以及阐述在MAPGIS平台上具体实现过程。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机的广泛普及,利用计算机实现办公用品管理势在必行,既可以提高管理水平和工作效率,同时也可以大大减少手工操作带来的失误。本系统采用B/S模式、ASP开发语言和Access数据库,适合中小型企业及事业单位使用。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: "Ergonomic" questionnaires are widely used in epidemiological field studies to study the association between workstation characteristics, work posture and musculoskeletal disorders among office workers. Findings have been inconsistent regarding the putative adverse effect of work postures. Underestimation of the true association might be present in studies due to misclassification of subjects to risk (i.e. exposed to non-neutral working postures) and no-risk categories (i.e. not exposed to non-neutral working postures) based on questionnaire responses. The objective of this study was to estimate the amount of misclassification resulting from the use of questionnaires. METHODS: Test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of a newly developed questionnaire was assessed. This questionnaire collects data on workstation characteristics and on individual characteristics during computer work (i.e. work postures, movements and habits). Pictures were added where possible to provide visual guidance. The study population consisted of 84 office workers of a research department. They filled out the questionnaire on the Internet twice, with an in-between period of 2 weeks. For a subgroup of workers (n=38), additional on-site observations and multiple manual goniometer measurements were performed. RESULTS: Percentage agreement ranged between 71% and 100% for the test-retest analysis, between 31% and 100% for the comparison between questionnaire and on-site observation, and between 26% and 71% for the comparison between questionnaire and manual goniometer measurements. For 9 out of 12 tested items, the percentage agreement between questionnaire and manual goniometer measurements was below 50%. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire collects reliable data on workstation characteristics and some individual characteristics during computer work (i.e. work movements and habits), but does not seem to be useful to collect data on work postures during computer work in epidemiological field studies among office workers.  相似文献   

基于Lotus Domino/Notes的企业办公自动化系统应用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过对企业办公自动化的需求分析 ,根据LotusDomino/Notes的产品功能特性 ,提出企业办公自动化系统的体系结构、功能结构图 ,最后给出了一个工作流实例的实现方法。  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal disorders have a multi factorial etiology that includes not only physical risk factors but also psychosocial factors. This study aimed to investigate psychosocial risk factors and musculoskeletal symptoms among office workers of an Iranian oil refinery and also to examine the subsequent effects of ergonomics intervention on musculoskeletal discomfort and psychosocial risk factors.In this study, 73 office workers as a case group and 61 office workers as a control group from an Iranian oil refinery plant were randomly selected and examined. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire and the Persian version of the Job Content Questionnaire (P-JCQ) were used as collecting data tools before and after the interventional program.Low back problem (28.8%) was found to be the most common problem among the office workers. Significant differences found between prevalence rates of reported musculoskeletal in upper back, lower back and feet/ankle regions before and after intervention. Our findings showed that psychosocial variables were not affected by the intervention. The only variables on the P-JCQ that were significantly different pre/post intervention are the physical variables: physical job demands, physical exertion and physical isometric load. None of the other psychosocial variables were found to be significant. With the top management support, improvements in all office workstation components were made successfully.

Relevance to industry

Recently, changes in the nature of work draw increased attention to the relation between psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal disorders. The results of the current study indicate that a well conducted implementation of an interventional program can lead to a decrease in musculoskeletal symptoms and to some extent in the psychosocial factors at work.  相似文献   

Many occupations, particularly involving maintenance operations, require individuals to perform both physical tasks and mental tasks in restricted spaces. Researchers have examined physical task performance under various restrictions; however, little research has investigated the effects of restricted space on cognitive tasks. Cognitive task performance in restricted spaces presents cognitive demands (i.e. the task itself) as well as additional physical demands (e.g. awkward postures), which may adversely affect task performance or operator workload. This research focused on the effects of whole-body restrictions on cognitive task performance. An experiment was conducted that examined 9 levels of restriction created in a laboratory: an unrestricted control, 6 single whole-body restrictions at two severity levels (2 lateral, 2 sagittal and 2 vertical) and 2 multiple restrictions (sagittal/vertical, lateral/sagittal/vertical). An inspection task served as the cognitive task. Behavioural, physiological and psychophysical measures were collected and analysed to measure the operator and performance effects. Operator response differences were found among the various forms of restriction as well as the severity level of similar forms of restriction. Increasing restriction significantly affected the behavioural and physiological operator response as opposed to the cognitive response.  相似文献   

Since adding background music and sound effects even to short animations is not simple, an automatic music generation system would help improve the total quality of computer generated animations. This paper describes a prototype system which automatically generates background music and sound effects for existing animations. The inputs to the system are music parameters (mood types and musical motifs) and motion parameters for individual scenes of an animation. Music is generated for each scene. The key for a scene is determined by considering the mood type and its degree, and the key of the previous scene. The melody for a scene is generated from the given motifs and the chord progression for the scene which is determined according to appropriate rules. The harmony accompaniment for a scene is selected based on the mood type. The rhythm accompaniment for a scene is selected based on the mood type and tempo. The sound effects for motions are determined according to the characteristics and intensity of the motions. Both the background music and sound effects are generated so that the transitions between scenes are smooth.  相似文献   

基于工作流技术的OA系统模型   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
工作流技术是工作流管理系统(WFMS)中的核心技术,它是提高业务过程效率和生产率的关键技术。文章研究了工作流技术在办公室自动化系统中的应用,提出并建立了基于工作流管理的办公自动化系统模型及其工作流的数学模型表示。  相似文献   

Among healthcare workers, shiftwork (mostly if nightwork is also included), ageing and work-related stress may be factors leading to impaired health. Such risk factors may also operate in interaction, resulting in an even increased harm for health. The present study aims at evaluating these relationships in a sample of 1842 hospital workers in Northern Italy. Subjects were mainly women, 33.1% were aged > or = 45 yr, and they were almost evenly distributed between dayworkers and rotating shiftworkers (nights included). Shiftwork was associated with poor sleep, while it was protective against gastrointestinal disorders, poor work ability and job dissatisfaction. Work stress was the risk factor with the highest relevance for poor health. Ageing was associated with lower physical health. Few significant interactions were observed. Shiftwork with nights and high work stress significantly interacted in increasing the risk for poor sleep. The "healthy worker effect" may have played a strong role in study findings.  相似文献   

The nature of work-related neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The nature of work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limbs is reviewed using both scientific data and the consensus view of experts, union bodies and government agencies across the European Union. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders describe a wide range of inflammatory and degenerative diseases and disorders. These conditions result in pain and functional impairment and may affect, besides others, the neck, shoulders, elbows, forearms, wrists and hands. They are work-related when the work activities and work conditions significantly contribute to their development or exacerbation but are not necessarily the sole determinant of causation. The classification and the need for standardised diagnostic methods for assessment of neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders are reviewed. These disorders are a significant problem within the European Union with respect to ill health, productivity and associated costs. The pathomechanisms of musculoskeletal disorders affecting tendons, ligaments, nerves, muscle, circulation and pain perception are reviewed and conceptual models for the pathogenesis of musculoskeletal disorders affecting the neck and upper limbs are presented. The epidemiological evidence on the work-relatedness of these disorders is discussed. A relationship between the performance of work and the occurrence of neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders is evident. Intervention strategies in the workplace for the reduction of both exposure and effect should focus upon factors within the work organisation as well as actively involving the individual worker. The current knowledge is sufficient to enable informed decisions to be made on future research needs and prevention strategies at the societal, organisational and individual level.  相似文献   

Workplace illumination is of paramount importance in determining the employee's productivity and well-being. Moreover, light exerts non-visual effects with respect to biological rhythms. In this study, we investigated the impact of different lighting conditions (500-1800 lx, 6500 K; 500 lx, 4000 K) on sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6-s) and subjective mood in an experimental office accommodation. Urinary aMT6-s concentrations were significantly decreased at all days of the experiment in both lights. On day 3, differences between aMT6-s concentrations in specimen collected at 05:00 p.m. and at 09:00 a.m. were significantly higher under variable lighting conditions. Analyses of a mood rating inventory revealed a benefit of variable light with respect to the dimensions of "Activity", while "Deactivation" and "Fatigue" were increased in regular light on day 1. "Activity", "Concentration", and "Deactivation" changed in opposite directions when comparing variable with regular illumination on two consecutive days. In conclusion, variable light exerts a potential advantage in indoor office accommodations with respect to subjective mood, although no unequivocal differences in the profile of aMT6-s were found as compared to regular light.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether indoor lighting and colour would have any systematic impact on the mood of people working indoors. Earlier studies have mostly focused either on light, colour or windows in laboratory settings. The present study was carried out in real work environments at different seasons and in countries with different latitudes. A total of 988 persons completed all parts of the study. In the countries situated far north of the equator there was a significant variation in psychological mood over the year that did not occur in the countries closer to the equator. When all four countries were considered together, it became evident that the light and colour of the workplace itself also had an influence on the mood of persons working there. The workers' mood was at its lowest when the lighting was experienced as much too dark. The mood then improved and reached its highest level when the lighting was experienced as just right, but when it became too bright the mood declined again. On the other hand, the illuminance as measured in objective terms, showed no significant impact on mood at any time of the year. The relationship between mood and the distance to the nearest window was bimodal. The results also indicate that the use of good colour design might contribute to a more positive mood. It is suggested that in future research light and colour should be studied as parts of the more complex system making up a healthy building.  相似文献   

The heart rate development and time consumption of four Zimbabwean forest workers engaged in manual harvesting were studied to assess their performance strategy and whether this strategy was affected by differences in fluid consumption. Each worker was studied during 8 consecutive working days and produced 2.4 m3 pulpwood/day. They consumed either 0.17 l or 0.6 l of water each 1/2 hour with one fluid scheme assigned to each day according to a randomised block (person) design with four replicates (days). All workers were found to harvest large trees at the start of the working day and small trees at the end. All workers took longer to complete their task when on the low fluid scheme, however, the effect on the heart rate development varied for the individual workers as the strategies adopted to accommodate the stress inflicted by the low fluid scheme, varied for the individual workers. It is recommended that sufficient fluid supply during work be accompanied by training of the workers to convey the need and benefits of sufficient fluid consumption.  相似文献   

Donmez B  Boyle LN  Lee JD 《Human factors》2006,48(4):785-804
OBJECTIVES: An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of distraction mitigation strategies on drivers' performance and productivity while engaged in an in-vehicle information system task. BACKGROUND: Previous studies show that in-vehicle tasks undermine driver safety and there is a need to mitigate driver distraction. METHOD: An advising strategy that alerts drivers to potential dangers and a locking strategy that prevents the driver from continuing the distracting task were presented to 16 middle-aged and 12 older drivers in a driving simulator in two modes (auditory, visual) and two road conditions (curves, braking events). RESULTS: Distraction was a problem for both age groups. Visual distractions were more detrimental than auditory ones for curve negotiation, as depicted by more erratic steering, F (6, 155) = 26.76, p < .05. Drivers did brake more abruptly under auditory distractions, but this effect was mitigated by both the advising, t (155) = 8.37, p < .05, and locking strategies, t (155) = 8.49, p < .05. The locking strategy also resulted in longer minimum time to collision for middle-aged drivers engaged in visual distractions, F (6, 138) = 2.43, p < .05. CONCLUSIONS: Adaptive interfaces can reduce abrupt braking on curve entries resulting from auditory distractions and can also improve the braking response for distracted drivers. APPLICATION: These strategies can be incorporated into existing in-vehicle systems, thus mitigating the effects of distraction and improving driver performance.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that musculoskeletal disorders are prevalent among US retail food workers. Cashiers who use electronic scanners appear to be at especially high risk for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders. Checkstand design has been implicated as a contributor to musculoskeletal injury among cashiers because workstation design can significantly impact working posture. The present study examines working posture among two groups of cashiers to determine if checkstand design is associated with substantial differences in posture and movement during scanning. The work activities of twenty grocery cashiers using one of two checkstand designs (front-facing and right-hand takeaway) were examined. Videotapes of cashiers performing scanning tasks were observed and associated postures and movements were visually coded. The right-hand takeaway design was associated with a significantly higher percentage of non-neutral trunk postures than the front-facing design. However, there were no significant differences in shoulder posture, grasp, or scanning motion associated with checkstand/scanner design. Factors that appeared to affect cashier work posture during scanning included stature, order size, and product type. Although improving the checkstand design may reduce the occurrence of certain awkward postures and static muscle loading conditions among cashiers, the success of these interventions is likely to be limited unless follow-up programmes are instituted to ensure that cashiers are able to use these designs effectively. Furthermore, fundamental changes in cashier work may be required to fully eliminate hazards for musculoskeletal disorders from this job.  相似文献   

IntroductionWork-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are the major causes of lost workdays, increased costs, and occupational diseases in all countries. The prevalence of WMSDs among the workers in small and medium-sized enterprises in Iran was reported as 73%. This paper aimed to describe the design of an interventional study to investigate the effects of ergonomic interventions on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, quality of work-life, and productivity among office workers of knowledge-based companies and introduce the results obtained from the baseline survey.Methods/designIt was a quasi-randomized control trial study on 313 participants with four parallel groups including ergonomic training intervention; management training and work changes intervention; ergonomic training, management training and work changes intervention; and non-interventional control group. The primary outcome was WMSDs, and the secondary outcomes were occupational stress factors, quality of work-life, and productivity. All primary and secondary outcomes were measured before the interventions, one, three, and six months after the interventions.ResultsAt this phase of study only baseline results were reported. 328 participants, with a mean age of 31.97 years (SD = 5.39), completed the baseline survey and entered the study. The highest prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was found in neck (52.13%), right shoulder (41.16%) and right forearm (37.2%), respectively.ConclusionErgonomic interventions were conducted based on baseline data of the participants at individual and management levels. The focus of training program interventions was to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in upper limbs; in management training and work changes program, the focus was to increase social support.Trial registrationIRCT registration number: IRCT20181204041840N1 (date of registration: 2019-02-05).  相似文献   

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