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We have previously characterized the release of the signal peptide sequence-less fibroblast growth factor (FGF) prototype, FGF-1, in vitro as a stress-induced pathway in which FGF-1 is released as a latent homodimer with the p40 extravesicular domain of p65 synaptotagmin (Syn)-1. To determine the biologic relevance of the FGF-1 release pathway in vivo, we sought to resolve and characterize from ovine brain a purified fraction that contained both FGF-1 and p40 Syn-1 and report that the brain-derived FGF-1:p40 Syn-1 aggregate is associated with the calcium-binding protein, S100A13. Since S100A13 binds the anti-inflammatory compound amlexanox and FGF-1 is involved in inflammation, we examined the effects of amlexanox on the release of FGF-1 and p40 Syn-1 in response to stress in vitro. We report that while amlexanox was able to repress the heat shock-induced release of FGF-1 and p40 Syn-1 in a concentration-dependent manner, it had no effect on the constitutive release of p40 Syn-1 from p40 Syn-1 NIH 3T3 cell transfectants. These data suggest the following: (i) FGF-1 is associated with Syn-1 and S100A13 in vivo; (ii) S100A13 may be involved in the regulation of FGF-1 and p40 Syn-1 release in response to temperature stress in vitro; and (iii) the FGF-1 release pathway may be accessible to pharmacologic regulation.  相似文献   

By using p65 synaptotagmin-1 and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1:beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) NIH 3T3 cell co-transfectants, we demonstrate that a proteolytic fragment consisting of the extravesicular domain of synaptotagmin-1 is released into the extracellular compartment in response to temperature stress with similar kinetics and pharmacological properties as FGF-1:beta-gal. Using a deletion mutant that lacks 95 amino acids from the extravesicular domain of synaptotagmin-1, neither synaptotagmin-1 nor FGF-1:beta-gal are able to access the stress-induced release pathway. Furthermore, the p40 extravesicular fragment of synaptotagmin-1 is constitutively released in p40 synaptotagmin-1 NIH 3T3 cell transfectants, and this release is potentiated when the cells are subjected to temperature stress. These data demonstrate that the p40 fragment derived from synaptotagmin-1 is able to utilize the FGF-1 non-classical exocytotic pathway and that the release of FGF-1 is dependent on synaptotagmin-1.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans have been shown in vitro to bind multiple components of the cellular microenvironment that function during wound healing. To study the composition and function of these molecules when derived from an in vivo source, soluble proteoglycans released into human wound fluid were characterized and evaluated for influence on fibroblast growth factor-2 activity. Immunoblot analysis of wound fluid revealed the presence of syndecan-1, syndecan-4, glypican, decorin, perlecan, and versican. Sulfated glycosaminoglycan concentrations ranged from 15 to 65 microgram/ml, and treatment with chondroitinase B showed that a large proportion of the glycosaminoglycan was dermatan sulfate. The total glycosaminoglycan mixture present in wound fluid supported the ability of fibroblast growth factor-2 to signal cell proliferation. Dermatan sulfate, and not heparan sulfate, was the major contributor to this activity, and dermatan sulfate bound FGF-2 with Kd = 2.48 microM. These data demonstrate that proteoglycans released during wound repair are functionally active and provide the first evidence that dermatan sulfate is a potent mediator of fibroblast growth factor-2 responsiveness.  相似文献   

Linear synthetic peptides related to the human Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (hFGF-1) segment [112-147] were tested for their capacity of mimicking FGF mitogenic activity, binding to heparin-Sepharose columns, stimulating DNA synthesis and competing with hFGF-1 for the cellular receptors. The results obtained indicated that the activity of these compounds is dependent on the presence of the sequence WFVGLK in their structures. The affinity for the cellular receptors increased when this sequence was elongated in order to incorporate amino acid residues that are important for FGF-heparin binding.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) is a potent mitogen for mesoderm- and neuroectoderm-derived cell types in vitro. However, a mutant FGF-1 with deletion in its nuclear localization sequence (NLS, residues 21-27) is not mitogenic in vitro. We demonstrated that synthetic peptides containing this NLS were able to stimulate DNA synthesis in a FGF receptor-independent manner after they were delivered into living NIH 3T3 cells by a cell-permeable peptide import technique. The stimulation of maximal DNA synthesis by these peptides required the presence of peptides during the entire G1 phase of the cell cycle. The mitogenic effect was specific for the NLS of FGF-1 because a peptide with double point mutations at lysine residues was inactive in stimulating DNA synthesis. Our results suggest that the NLS plays an important role in the mitogenic pathway initiated by exogenous FGF-1 by its direct involvement in the nuclear transport and signaling of internalized FGF-1.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) influences the differentiation and survival of retinal photoreceptors in vivo and in vitro, but it is not known whether it acts directly on photoreceptor FGF receptors or indirectly through activation of surrounding cells. To clarify the effects of FGF-2 on photoreceptor survival, we developed a purified photoreceptor culture system. The outer nuclear layers of postnatal day 5-15 rat retinas were isolated by vibratome sectioning, and the photoreceptor fractions obtained were enzymatically dissociated. Photoreceptors were maintained in monolayer culture for 1 week in a chemically defined medium. Immunocytochemical labeling showed that >99.5% of cells were photoreceptors, and glial contamination represented approximately 0. 2%. Photoreceptors from postnatal day 5-9 retinas survived for at least 24 hr in vitro, whereas cells from postnatal day 10-15 retinas died rapidly. Subsequent studies performed with postnatal day 5 photoreceptors showed that their survival was increased in a dose-dependent manner after the addition of FGF-2. In control cultures, 36% of originally seeded photoreceptors were alive after 5 d in vitro, and in the presence of 20 ng/ml FGF-2 this number was doubled to 62%. This increase was not caused by proliferation of photoreceptor precursors. Denaturing or blocking FGF-2 prevented enhancement of survival. Conversely, only 25.5% of photoreceptors survived in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF). FGF- and EGF-receptor mRNA and proteins were detected in purified photoreceptors in vitro, and addition of FGF-2 or EGF led to tyrosine phosphorylation of photoreceptor proteins. These data support a direct mechanism of action for FGF-2 stimulation of photoreceptor survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reading acuity as well as reading speed are good predictors of everyday visual function. As visual acuity tests are poor predictors of the real-world function, performance-based tests, e.g., reading speed measurements, can be used for the determination of visual function. Thus, a German reading chart was developed in order to evaluate reading acuity as well as reading speed. METHODS: Print size is defined as the height of a lower case x and progresses logarithmically from one phrase to another (factor: 1.25). Reading acuity is determined in LogRAD (Reading Acuity Determination). 32 short German phrases were created, comparable concerning grammatical difficulty as well as in number (n = 14), length and position of words. The reading speed parameters measured with a stop-watch in 160 persons (aged: Phi = 21a +/- 3.8a) were calculated in words per minute (w/min). Out of the 32 phrases the 24 most similar ones were selected statistically and used for the reading charts (Radner Reading Charts). With these reading charts a reading acuity score (LogRAD-score) can be calculated considering reading errors in words of different length. Reading speed can be determined at the same time. Reading acuity (LogRAD-Score) was measured in 32 normal eyes of 16 students and compared to the angular visual acuity (LogMAR). RESULTS: The mean reading speed of the test persons was 211.8 +/- 34.1 w/min. 24 phrases fulfilled the test item criteria for the reading chart: mean +/- 0.25 x SD. The reliability analyses yielded an overall Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.98! The mean visual acuity measured in 32 eyes was -0.115 +/- 0.097 LogMAR and the mean reading acuity score was +0.026 +/- 0.091 LogRAD. The mean difference was +0.104 +/- 0.066 and the correlation between LogMAR and LogRAD was good (r = 0.59). CONCLUSIONS: With these reading charts it is for the first time possible to simultaneously determine reading acuity as well as reading speed in German. The high reliability of the 24 phrases and the high correlation between LogMAR and LogRAD leads us to expect a good reproducibility of the reading acuity evaluations. For the "Radner Reading Charts" we have shown that print size is the main reason for changes of reading speed.  相似文献   

An emerging body of evidence suggests that the heat shock proteins (hsp) may be involved in drug resistance. When hsp are induced by elevated temperatures, resistance to doxorubicin (Dox), but not to other commonly used chemotherapeutic agents, is induced in breast cancer cells. To evaluate the role of hsp27 in this phenomenon, we have transfected MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, which normally express low levels of hsp27, with a full-length hsp27 construct. These hsp27-overexpressing cells now display a 3-fold elevated resistance to Dox. Anchorage-dependent proliferation and anchorage-independent growth were also increased 2-4-fold in these transfectants. We have also derived a MCF-7 breast cancer cell line with amplified endogenous hsp27 which is highly resistant to Dox. When these cells are transfected with an antisense hsp27 construct, they are rendered sensitive to Dox (3-fold) with anchorage-dependent as well as anchorage-independent growth, similarly decreased. These results suggest that hsp27 specifically confers Dox resistance in human breast cancer cells and, furthermore, that hsp27 may be involved in the regulation of cell growth.  相似文献   

Class III malocclusion with retrusive maxilla can be orthopedically corrected in the deciduous and mixed dentition, with reverse-pull headgear in combination with rapid palatal expansion. The literature recommends this procedure be carried out before the patient is 8 years old to obtain the optimal orthopedic result. This statement, however, has not been supported by scientific data. The current study examined the treatment effects of patients younger than 8 years old (5 to 8 years) and patients older than 8 years old (9 to 12 years). Thirty patients treated with maxillary protraction and expansion in the Department of Children's Dentistry and Orthodontics, University of Hong Kong were included in this study. Cephalometric radiographs were taken 6 months before the initiation of treatment (T(0)), at the initiation of treatment (T1), and after 6 months of treatment (T2). In this way, (T(2)-T1) represented cephalometric changes during the treatment period and (T1-T0) represented 6 months of growth changes without treatment. Experimental subjects served as their own control in this study. A grid system consisting of maxillary occlusal plane (OL) and a line perpendicular to OL through sella (OLp) was used for linear measurements. A total of 15 linear and 3 angular cephalometric measurements were made. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), which used age and treatment time as its factors, was used to determine effect of age and/or treatment on each cephalometric parameter. Results indicated strikingly similar therapeutic response between the younger and older age groups. These data suggest that similar skeletal response can be obtained when maxillary protraction was started either before age 8 (5 to 8 years) or after age 8 years (8 to 12 years).  相似文献   

A new 3D HCCH-COSY-TOCSY experiment is presented for the assignment of RNA sugar and protein side chains. The experiment, which combines COSY and TOCSY units, is more powerful than the sum of individual HCCH-COSY and HCCH-TOCSY pulse sequences. The experiment was applied to a 13C, 15N-labeled 26 mer RNA complexed with the antibiotic tobramycin, and a 12 kDa 13C, 15N-labeled FKBP12 protein sample. The power of HCCH-COSY-TOCSY is demonstrated through complete spin system assignments of sugars in the 26 mer RNA sample, which could not be assigned using a combination of HCCH-COSY, HCCH-TOCSY and 13C-edited NOESY experiments.  相似文献   

Using a radioligand binding assay we have demonstrated that phosphacan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan of nervous tissue that also represents the extracellular domain of a receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase, shows saturable, reversible, high-affinity binding (Kd approximately 6 nM) to fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). Binding was reduced by only approximately 35% following chondroitinase treatment of the proteoglycan, indicating that the interaction is mediated primarily through the core protein rather than the glycosaminoglycan chains. Immunocytochemical studies also showed an overlapping localization of FGF-2 and phosphacan in the developing central nervous system. At concentrations of 10 microg protein/ml, both native phosphacan and the core protein obtained by chondroitinase treatment potentiated the mitogenic effect of FGF-2 (5 ng/ml) on NIH/3T3 cells by 75-90%, which is nearly the same potentiation as that produced by heparin at an equivalent concentration. Although studies on the role of proteoglycans in mediating the binding and mitogenic effects of FGF-2 have previously focused on cell surface heparan sulfate, our results indicate that the core protein of a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan may also regulate the access of FGF-2 to cell surface signaling receptors in nervous tissue.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant glycosylasparaginase from Flavobacterium meningosepticum has been determined at 2.32 angstroms resolution. This enzyme is a glycoamidase that cleaves the link between the asparagine and the N-acetylglucosamine of N-linked oligosaccharides and plays a major role in the degradation of glycoproteins. The three-dimensional structure of the bacterial enzyme is very similar to that of the human enzyme, although it lacks the four disulfide bridges found in the human enzyme. The main difference is the absence of a small random coil domain at the end of the alpha-chain that forms part of the substrate binding cleft and that has a role in the stabilization of the tetramer of the human enzyme. The bacterial glycosylasparaginase is observed as an (alphabeta)2-tetramer in the crystal, despite being a dimer in solution. The study of the structure of the bacterial enzyme allows further evaluation of the effects of disease-causing mutations in the human enzyme and confirms the suitability of the bacterial enzyme as a model for functional analysis.  相似文献   

Neurons and glia are generated throughout adulthood from proliferating cells in two regions of the rat brain, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the hippocampus. This study shows that exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) have differential and site-specific effects on progenitor cells in vivo. Both growth factors expanded the SVZ progenitor population after 2 weeks of intracerebroventricular administration, but only FGF-2 induced an increase in the number of newborn cells, most prominently neurons, in the olfactory bulb, the normal destination for neuronal progenitors migrating from the SVZ. EGF, on the other hand, reduced the total number of newborn neurons reaching the olfactory bulb and substantially enhanced the generation of astrocytes in the olfactory bulb. Moreover, EGF increased the number of newborn cells in the striatum either by migration of SVZ cells or by stimulation of local progenitor cells. No evidence of neuronal differentiation of newborn striatal cells was found by three-dimensional confocal analysis, although many of these newborn cells were associated closely with striatal neurons. The proliferation of hippocampal progenitors was not affected by either growth factor. However, EGF increased the number of newborn glia and reduced the number of newborn neurons, similar to the effects seen in the olfactory bulb. These findings may be useful for elucidating the in vivo role of growth factors in neurogenesis in the adult CNS and may aid development of neuronal replacement strategies after brain damage.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) V beta repertoire in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of a large number of healthy individuals was analysed by quantifying V beta-specific mRNA using the method of anchored multiprimer DNA amplification and a reverse dot blot assay. Among 16 V beta gene families examined, particular V beta genes were noted to be unequally expressed in the PBL of 70 healthy donors. The frequently used genes belong to the V beta 4, 5, 6, 8 and 13 (12) families, while V beta 1, 9 and 15 were the least frequently used gene families. This bias in gene usage was observed in all individuals. Marked deviation from the mean percentage usage was noted for some V beta genes in individuals when their PBL were examined serially, but the common pattern of biased usage was not grossly distorted. When the TCR repertoire of different ethnic groups was examined, a lower mean frequency of V beta 3.2 was seen in the repertoire of 19 Caucasians compared with 25 age-matched Samoans (P < 0.003). Conversely, the expression of V beta 5.1 and V beta 5.3 was higher in Caucasians than in 51 age-matched Polynesians (Maoris and Samoans, P < 0.003). Considering the 20% co-efficient of variation in the estimate of V beta gene usage, our data from 70 unrelated individuals suggest that in PBL, individual variations in the TCR repertoire were superimposed upon a common biased usage of V beta genes in the general population.  相似文献   

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