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ANFIS-based diagnosis and location of stator interturn faults in PM brushless DC motors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An automatic scheme for fault diagnosis and location of stator-winding interturns in permanent-magnet brushless dc motors is presented. System performances under healthy and faulty operation are obtained via a discrete-time model. Waveform of the electromagnetic torque is monitored and processed using discrete Fourier transform and short-time Fourier transform to derive proper diagnostic indices. Two adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) are developed to automate the fault diagnosis process. Test results show an acceptable performance for ANFIS in detecting the fault. 相似文献
Awadallah M.A. Morcos M.M. Gopalakrishnan S. Nehl T.W. 《Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on》2006,21(1):1-8
The paper presents methodologies to detect and locate short-circuit faults on the stator winding of VSI-fed PM brushless dc motors. Normal performance characteristics of the motor are obtained through a discrete-time lumped-parameter network model. The model is modified to accommodate short-circuit faults in order to simulate faulty operation. Fault signatures are extracted from the waveforms of electromagnetic torque and phase-voltage summation using wavelet transform. Three independent detection techniques are introduced. Experimental measurements agree acceptably with simulation results, and validate the proposed methods. This work sets forth the fundamentals of an automatic fault detector and locator, which can be used in a fault-tolerant drive. 相似文献
Automatic diagnosis and location of open-switch fault in brushless DC motor drives using wavelets and neuro-fuzzy systems 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The faulty performance of permanent-magnet (PM) brushless dc motor drives is studied under open-switch conditions. The wavelet transform is used to extract diagnostic indices from the current waveform of the motor dc link. An intelligent agent based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) is developed to automate the fault identification and location process. ANFIS is trained offline using simulation results under various healthy and faulty conditions obtained from a lumped-parameter, network model. ANFIS testing shows that the system could not only detect the open-switch fault, but also identify the faulty switch. Good agreement between simulation results and measured waveforms confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. 相似文献
Analysis of torque developed in axial flux, single-phase brushless DC motor with salient-pole stator 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An analysis of the torque developed by a single-phase disc brushless permanent magnet motor with salient-pole stator is presented. The machine represents a new family of brushless disc motors with the starting torque issue appearing to be most challenging. To produce a starting torque, the permanent magnets on one of the rotor discs are distributed nonuniformly. However, this significantly distorts a shape of the cogging torque versus rotational angle characteristic which, in turn, affects a waveform of the overall torque. A three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element model is used for the purpose of determining of angular variations of the torque developed by the motor. To find how the torque varies with time, a model of the source-inverter-motor circuit is developed. A simulation study on an influence of the commutation angle on the electromagnetic torque is also a subject of this paper. The results obtained show that the motor performance can be improved by a proper selection of the current commutation angle to reach the maximum efficiency. The simulation results are in good agreement with measurements obtained from a prototype motor. 相似文献
Analytical calculation of air-gap magnetic field distribution and instantaneous characteristics of brushless DC motors 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Xinghua Wang Qingfu Li Shuhong Wang Qunfeng Li 《Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on》2003,18(3):424-432
This paper derives the relative air-gap-specific permeance distribution function by Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, considering the effect of slotting. Neglecting the iron saturation, and employing the analytical algorithm for partial differential equations, efficient and effective analytical calculations of no-load air-gap magnetic field distribution, armature field distribution, and phase electromotive force (EMF), are demonstrated, considering the stator slots. Subsequently, based on the main circuit topology of a brushless DC motor (BLDCM), the field-circuit coupling model is constructed for the motor, and then the phase current waveforms and load air-gap magnetic field distribution at any time are determined. Consequently, the instantaneous electromagnetic torque is computed, which underpins the quantitative analysis of torque ripple and the pulsation induced by commutation. Hence, the present work paves the way to precise prediction of the motor's performance and acoustic noise. It is a powerful tool for the design of surface permanent magnet brushless DC motors. 相似文献
Analyses and compensation of rotor position detection error in sensorless PM brushless DC motor drives 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
In a permanent-magnet (PM) brushless DC motor, the waveform of back electromotive force (EMF) is related to the rotor position; hence, the back EMF can be used for position sensorless control. However, in practical implementation, the terminal voltage or phase voltage is used instead, as the back EMF is difficult to be sensed directly. Thus, detection error of the rotor position can occur. This paper documents the calculations and analyses on the detection error and the motor commutation angle, and presents an error compensation circuit to ensure proper commutation. Finite-element field simulation and experimental results are also given to verify the calculations as well as the compensation circuit. 相似文献
A three dimensional finite element (3D-FE) method for the computation of global distributions of 3D magnetic fields in electric machines containing permanent magnets is presented. The formulation of this 3D-FE method including 3D permanent magnet modeling, which is based on a coupled magnetic vector potential-magnetic scalar potential (CMVP-MSP) approach, is given. The development of the necessary 3D-FE grids and algorithms for the application of the method to an example brushless DC motor, whose field is three dimensional due to the skewed permanent magnet mounts on its rotor, is also given here. A complete set of results of application of the method to the computation of the global 3D field distributions and associated motor parameters under no-load and load conditions are detailed in a companion paper 相似文献
The coupled magnetic vector potential-magnetic scalar potential (CMVP-MSP) method of computation of 3D magnetic fields by finite elements (3D-FE) is applied here to a brushless DC motor with skewed permanent magnet mounts on its rotor. Results of the CMVP-MSP and 3D-FE computation of the magnetic field and associated motor parameters (EMFs and armature inductances) are detailed in this paper. These results demonstrate vividly the three dimensional nature of the computed flux distributions, caused by the torque ripple reduction design employing skewed magnet mounts on the rotor. Experimental evidence supporting the validity of the BD-FE field computations, through comparison between computed and measured armature EMF waveforms is also provided in this paper 相似文献
This paper deals with the use of a new diagnostic technique based on the multiple reference frames theory for the diagnosis of stator winding faults in a direct-torque-controlled (DTC) induction motor drive. The theoretical aspects underlying the use of this diagnostic technique are presented but a major emphasis is given to the integration of the diagnostic system into the digital-signal-processor (DSP) board containing the control algorithm. Taking advantage of the sensors already built in the drive for control purposes, it is possible to implement this diagnostic system at no additional cost, thus giving a surplus value to the drive itself. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique to diagnose stator faults and demonstrate the possibility of its integration in the DSP board. 相似文献
This contribution describes a novel technique for evaluating the iron loss density distribution in a single phase induction motor using the temperature time method. This is achieved by measuring the temperature gradient which exists at any point within the machine when it is isolated from the supply. This method was used when the motor was lightly loaded. The measurements were carried out on a 200 W, 220 V, 4-pole, 1.6-A single phase induction motor 相似文献
The performance of the oversized three-phase induction motors can be improved, both in terms of efficiency and power factor, with the proper change of the stator winding connection, which can be delta or star, as a function of their load. A practical method is proposed to quickly and easily evaluate which stator winding connection is more appropriate for the actual motor load profile, in order to increase the motor efficiency and power factor. This new method is suitable for in-field evaluation, because it requires only the use of inexpensive equipment and has enough accuracy to allow a proper decision to be made. The automatic change of the stator winding connection, as a function of the motor line current, is also analyzed. When properly applied, these methods can lead to the improvement of the efficiency and power factor of permanently oversized motors, motors with a load variation between low load and near full load during their duty cycle, and/or motors driving high-inertia, low duty cycle loads. The proposed methods are particularly suitable to industrial plants where typically many electric motor systems are oversized and/or can have a wide load variation. In these conditions, the active and reactive electrical energy bill can be significantly reduced. 相似文献
Daqiang Bi Xiangheng Wang Weijian Wang Zhu Z.Q. Howe D. 《Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on》2005,20(1):128-134
An improved model for simulating the transient behavior of salient-pole synchronous generators with internal and ground faults in the stator winding is established using the multi-loop circuit method. The model caters for faults under different ground conditions for the neutral, and accounts for the distributed capacitances of the windings to ground. Predictions from the model are validated by experiments, and it is shown that the model accurately predicts the voltage and current waveforms under fault conditions. Hence, it can be used to analyze important features of faults and to design appropriate protection schemes. 相似文献
Penman J. Sedding H.G. Lloyd B.A. Fink W.T. 《Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on》1994,9(4):652-658
One major cause of motor failures is breakdown of the turn insulation leading to puncture of the groundwall. Early detection of interturn shorts during motor operation would eliminate consequential damage to adjacent coils and the stator core reducing repair costs and motor outage time. In addition to the benefits gained from early detection of turn insulation breakdown, significant advantages would accrue by locating the faulted coil within the stator winding. Fault location would not only increase the speed of the repair, but would also permit more optimal scheduling of the repair outage. This work was successful in practically implementing a theory to predict changes in the axial leakage flux resulting from stator winding interturn shorts and in developing an algorithm to locate the position of the faulted coil. An experimental setup consisting of a 200 hp motor loaded by a generator was used to validate this theory. Suitable transducers were developed and installed on this motor. Measurement using this experimental configuration clearly validated the theoretical model. On the basis of this experimental work an instrument to continuously monitor for shorted turns is under development 相似文献
This paper presents a procedure for increasing the daily output mechanical energy supplied by DC motors directly connected to solar cell arrays (SCA). The technique is based on the use of DC motors with two components of magnetic field: a constant component that can be provided by a permanent magnet (or a separately excited winding) and a second one produced by a series field winding. It will be shown that through properly selecting the parameters of the motor's magnetic circuit, (i.e., the value of the constant field and the mutual inductance as well as their relative directions), an improved matching between the PV-array and the dc motor can be achieved. Based on assessing and minimizing an expression used to quantify the power mismatch between the SCA and the dc motor, the optimal parameters will be identified. A comparison will then be made between this suggested motor design and tooth the separately excited and series motors. 相似文献
A novel exact and universal approach for calculating the differential leakage related to harmonic waves in AC electric motors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, the distribution pattern of harmonic waves in AC electric motors is investigated. On the basis of this, a novel exact and universal approach for calculating differential leakage related to the harmonic waves was developed. This approach applies to any AC electric motor, regardless of winding type, single-phase or three-phase, regular or nonregular, integral-slot or fractional-slot, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Since this novel approach substitutes the approximation method adopted by conventional approaches with an exact one, it distinguishes itself by offering precise results, general applicability, and fast calculation. 相似文献
This paper presents a new method to approximate the effects of stator transients of synchronous machines in power system transient stability simulations during unsymmetrical faults. This method can approximate the DC offset currents which arise from the stator and network transients during faults. However, the method is based on the traditional model with stator and network transients neglected 相似文献
Kulig T.S. Buckley G.W. Lambrecht D. Liese M. 《Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on》1990,5(1):70-78
For pt.II see IEEE Winter Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1986. A novel method for analyzing the steady-state and transient currents in the stator, rotor, and damper windings of a large generator is discussed, and the application of the method to five classes of problems of practical importance is described. These are (1) internal phase-to-phase fault in a two-circuit machine; (2) 180° out-of-phase synchronization; (3) three-phase short circuit at generator terminals; (4) clearing of a three-phase system fault; and (5) unbalanced steady-state negative phase sequence load of 6%. The authors show the individual damper bar currents and energies or electric power loadings for these cases and, for one example, the time variations of stator and damper winding currents. The investigation was conducted on a standard two-pole generator that was designed for 60 Hz operation and has a rating of 700 MW 相似文献
直流输电的优点及交-直流改造的节能效果 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了高压直流输电提高传输能力,节能降耗的优点,并相应叙述了高压交流输电线路改造为高压直流输电线路的做法和应考虑的问题。 相似文献
The radial electromagnetic forces in induction motors play an important role in the production of audible noise and vibrations. The magnetic flux pulsations at the iron surfaces produce these radial forces, which act on the stator and rotor structures. An analysis for the calculation of the various field harmonics and radial forces in squirrel cage induction motors is presented in this paper. To verify the validity of the analysis, a squirrel cage induction motor is analyzed. Theoretical and experimental results are presented with a view to determine the actual role played by the air-gap harmonic fields on the radial forces. Also, the effects of loading on the radial forces and the ensuing vibrations are closely examined 相似文献
This study presents a flexible neuro-fuzzy approach for location optimization of solar plants with possible complexity and uncertainty. The flexible approach is composed of artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA). The intelligent approach of this study is applied for location optimization of solar plants in Iran. First, FDEA is validated by DEA, and then it is used for ranking of solar plant units (SPUs) and the best α-cut is selected based on the test of Normality. Also, several ANNs are developed through multi layer perceptron (MLP) for ranking of solar plants and the best one with minimum mean absolute percentage of error (MAPE) is selected for further considerations. Finally, the preferred model (FDEA or ANN) is selected based on test of Normality. The implementation of the flexible approach for solar plants in Iran identifies the preferred FDEA at α = 0.3, where is the level of data uncertainty. This indicates that the data are collected from the uncertain and fuzzy environment. This is the first study that presents a flexible approach for identification of optimum location of solar plants with possible noise, non-linearity, complexity and environmental uncertainty. This would help policy makers to identify the preferred Strategy for location optimization problems associated with solar plant units. 相似文献