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We have analyzed the mutational spectra produced during in vitro DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha-primase and DNA polymerase beta. The polymerase mutation frequency as measured in the in vitro herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) forward assay was increased when reactions utilized single-stranded DNA templates randomly modified by 20 mM N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), relative to solvent-treated templates. A 20- to 50-fold increase in the frequency of G-->A transition mutations was observed for both polymerases, as expected due to mispairing by O6-ethylguanine lesions. Strikingly, ENU treatment of the template also resulted in a five- to 12-fold increased frequency of frameshift errors at heteropolymeric (non-repetitive) template sequences produced by polymerase beta and polymerase alpha-primase, respectively. The increased proportion of frameshift mutations at heteropolymeric sequences relative to homopolymeric (repetitive) sequences produced by each polymerase in response to ENU damage was statistically significant. For polymerase alpha-primase, one-base deletion errors at template guanine residues was the second most frequent mutational event, observed at a frequency only four-fold lower than the G-->A transition frequency. In the polymerase beta reactions, the frequency of insertion errors at homopolymeric (repetitive) sequences was increased six-fold using alkylated templates, relative to solvent controls. The frequency of such insertion errors was only three-fold lower than the frequency of G-->A transition errors by polymerase beta. Although ENU is generally regarded as a potent base substitution mutagen, these data show that monofunctional alkylating agents are capable of inducing frameshift mutations in vitro. Alkylation-induced frameshift mutations occur in both repetitive and non-repetitive DNA sequences; however, the mutational specificity is dependent upon the DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

We used anterograde transport of WGA-HRP to examine the topography of corticospinal projections from the forelimb areas within the rostral and caudal motor cortex subregions in the cat. We compared the pattern of these projections with those from the somatic sensory cortex. The principal finding of this study was that the laminar distribution of projections to the contralateral gray matter from the two motor cortex subregions was different. The rostral motor cortex projected preferentially to laminae VI-VIII, whereas caudal motor cortex projected primarily to laminae IV-VI. Confirming earlier findings, somatic sensory cortex projected predominantly to laminae I-VI inclusive. We found that only rostral motor cortex projected to territories in the rostral cervical cord containing propriospinal neurons of cervical spinal segments C3-4 and, in the cervical enlargement, to portions presumed to contain Ia inhibitory interneurons. We generated contour maps of labeling probability on averaged segmental distributions of anterograde labeling for all analyzed sections using the same algorithm. For rostral motor cortex, heaviest label in the dorsal part of lamina VII in the contralateral cord was consistently located in separate medial and lateral zones. In contrast, no consistent differences in the mediolateral location of label was noted for caudal motor cortex. To summarize, laminae I-III received input only from the somatic sensory cortex, while laminae IV-V received input from both somatic sensory and caudal motor cortex. Lamina VI received input from all cortical fields examined. Laminae VII-IX received input selectively from the rostral motor cortex. For motor cortex, our findings suggest that projections from the two subregions comprise separate descending pathways that could play distinct functional roles in movement control and sensorimotor integration.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of morphine microinjection into the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis (Sp5C) or the spinal trigeminal nucleus oralis (Sp5O) on C-fiber-evoked activities of Sp5O convergent neurons, after supramaximal percutaneous electrical stimulation in halothane-anesthetized rats. When it was microinjected into the Sp5O, morphine (2.5 microg in 0. 25 microl) never depressed the C-fiber-evoked responses of Sp5O convergent neurons (n = 13), whereas these neurons were responsive to the inhibitory effects of systemic morphine (6 mg/kg, i.v.) in a naloxone-reversible manner. On the contrary, morphine microinjected into the Sp5C produced a naloxone-reversible inhibition of the C-fiber-evoked responses of Sp5O neurons (n = 14). The magnitude and the time course of this effect varied according to the location of the injection sites. After microinjection into the superficial laminae (n = 7), a strong depressive effect of morphine (7 +/- 5% of control) on the C-fiber-evoked responses was apparent as soon as 5 min after the injection and could always be reversed by naloxone, administered either intravenously (0.4 mg/kg) or locally (2.5 microg in 0.6 microl) at the same site as morphine. After microinjection into deeper laminae (V-VI), a significant depressive effect (34 +/- 5% of control) of morphine could be detected only 20 min after the injection and was reversed only by intravenous administration of naloxone. These results suggest that morphine exerts its antinociceptive action on Sp5O convergent neurons by blocking the C-fiber inputs that relay in the Sp5C substantia gelatinosa. The mechanisms that underlie the activation of Sp5O convergent neurons by C-fibers and the inhibition of C-fiber-evoked responses of Sp5O convergent neurons by morphine microinjected into the Sp5C are discussed.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase-5 and creatine kinase from rabbit muscle were labeled by coupling with N-hydroxysuccinimidyl 3-(4'-hydroxy-[3',5'-125I]diiodophenyl)propionate. After purification, the analytical recovery of catalytically-active labeled enzyme averaged 90% for lactate dehydrogenase, 81% for creatine kinase. The labeled enzymes were injected intravenously into rabbits and disappearance from plasma of catalytic activity and radioactivity was measured. The disappearance curves for lactate dehydrogenase-5 differed considerably from those observed with the enzyme labeled by direct iodination. The discrepancy was due to rapid hydrolysis in vivo of the labeled amide-enzyme linkage, because about 50% of the injected radioactivity appeared in the urine as 125I-labeled 3-(4'-hydroxy-3',5'-diiodophenyl)propionic acid within 4-8 h of injection. Similar outputs were observed after administration of this acid to rabbits. The free acid was also detected in the urines of rabbits within 4-8 h of the intravenous injection of creatine kinase labeled similarly. We conclude that this method of labeling is unsuitable for preparing radioactive enzymes for study of their catabolism.  相似文献   

The electron microscope has been used to study the localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of normal cats with special emphasis on the distribution near synaptic structures. Reaction product is found around both round and flattened synaptic vesicle-containing axon terminals, particularly in synaptic clefts and often specifically associated with the presynaptic, or less frequently the postsynaptic membrane. The presence of reaction product at these specific sites suggests that these are areas of high AChE activity and that acetylcholine may be important in neurotransmission in these regions.  相似文献   

The antinociceptive effects of the combination of spinal morphine and gabapentin were evaluated in the tail-flick test in rats. The intrathecal coadministration of a subantinociceptive dose of morphine at 0.2 microgram and gabapentin at 300 micrograms produced significant antinociception. Pretreatment with spinal gabapentin at 300 micrograms shifted the dose-response curve of spinal morphine to the left with a decrease in morphine ED50 value from 1.06 micrograms to 0.34 microgram. The antinociceptive effects produced by the combination of a subantinociceptive dose of morphine and gabapentin were reversed by spinal naloxone at 30 micrograms but were not reversed by spinal bicuculline at 0.3 microgram. Furthermore, the concurrent administration of spinal naloxone at 30 micrograms with the combination of morphine and gabapentin blocked antinociception, while the concurrent administration of spinal bicuculline at 0.3 microgram failed to prevent antinociception. These results indicate that the combination of spinal gabapentin and morphine produces an enhancement of antinociception that appears to involve the spinal mu opioid receptors. Furthermore, repeated administration of gabapentin for 3 days did not affect the enhancing effect of gabapentin on the antinociceptive effect of morphine, indicating that tolerance did not develop to gabapentin's ability to enhance morphine antinociception.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of nerve injury on Fos expression, temporal and spatial distributions of Fos-positive neurons in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis were examined after tissue injury for isolation of the infraorbital nerve as controls and transection of this nerve as well as noxious chemical stimulation by formalin injection in adult rats. Fos immunoreactivity was markedly elevated in laminae I and II of the only ipsilateral nucleus caudalis 2 h after these surgical procedures and noxious chemical stimulation. The distributions of Fos-positive neurons were restricted rostro-caudally following formalin injection and tissue injury compared to transection of the infraorbital nerve. One day after tissue injury and nerve transection, however, Fos-positive neurons were distributed bilaterally in laminae III and IV extending rostro-caudally and medio-laterally in this nucleus, and this persisted over the 2-week study period. The number of Fos-positive neurons in the side ipsilateral to nerve transection was markedly less than that in the contralateral side whereas positive neurons in the tissue injured rats were distributed symmetrically along the rostro-caudal axis. There was no difference in the contralateral sides between nerve transection and tissue injury groups. The rostro-caudal level showing reduction in Fos expression corresponded roughly to the sites of central termination of the injured nerve in this nucleus, suggesting a role for the primary afferents in the reduction of Fos expression in laminae III and IV neurons of the ipsilateral nucleus caudalis.  相似文献   

Although the principalis nucleus (Vp) contains trigeminothalamic and internuclear tract cells, the functional and morphologic differences between the two kinds of neurons have remained unsettled. The present study was aimed to address these problems by using the intracellular horseradish peroxidase injection technique in the cat. Of 20 neurons stained, 7 and 13 were located in the dorsomedial subnucleus (Vpd) and ventrolateral subnucleus (Vpv) of Vp, respectively. The Vpd neurons received input from the intraoral structures only but the Vpv neurons from the intraoral or facial structures. Nineteen neurons could be divided as class I and class II, based on the branching pattern of their stem axons. Class I (eight neurons) had an ascending stem axon without branching. Class II was divided into two subclasses (IIa and IIb). Class IIa (eight neurons) had an ascending stem axon from which branches were given off. Their branches formed a local-circuit restricted to the lower brainstem. Class IIb (three neurons) had a stem axon that formed the local-circuit only. The dendritic morphology was indistinguishable between different classes of neurons and between the subdivisions. Although the dendritic arborization pattern was governed by the location of the somata, it was suggested to be also important elements for determining primary afferent arborizations. In the brainstem nuclei, the jaw-closing motor nucleus received the highest density of projections from class II neurons with the receptive field involving the periodontal ligaments. The present study provides new findings that Vp neurons could be divided into three distinct populations and suggests that each population exerts a distinct function with respect to sensory discrimination, sensorimotor reflexes, or both.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive HPLC method for determination of metronidazole in human plasma has been developed. A step of freezing the protein precipitate allowed an efficient separation of aqueous and organic phases minimizing the noise level and improved therefore the limit of quantitation (10 ng ml(-1) using 1 ml of plasma sample). The separation of compounds was performed on a RP 18 column with acetonitrile-aqueous 0.01 M phosphate solution (15:85, v/v) as mobile phase. Detection was performed by UV absorbance at 318 nm. Metronidazole was well resolved from the plasma constituents and internal standard. An excellent linearity was observed between peak-height ratios plasma concentrations over a concentration range of 0.01 to 10 microg ml(-1). Within-day and between-day precision (expressed by relative standard deviation) and accuracy (mean error in per cent) did not exceed 4% between 1 and 10 microg ml(-1) and 8.3 and 7.2% respectively for the limit of quantitation. The method is suitable for bioavailability and pharmacokinetic studies in humans.  相似文献   

The biophysical and morphological characteristics of acutely isolated neurons from the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (rNST) were investigated under current clamp conditions and compared with the results obtained from neurons recorded in brain slices. The passive membrane properties of the isolated neurons were similar to rNST neurons in brain slices and the neurons maintained their morphological characteristics although their dendritic tree was truncated. The isolated neurons also retained their characteristic repetitive firing properties. In addition we also noted developmental changes in the intrinsic membrane properties of the isolated neurons, such as a shortening in action potential duration, decrease in membrane time constant and input resistance, that occurred when these parameters were compared in neurons isolated from young (5-10 days) and older animals. These enzymatically dispersed neurons therefore retained both the membrane properties and morphology observed in the intact brainstem and in vitro brain slice preparation. The use of this isolated neuron preparation provides a basis for further study of rNST neurobiology.  相似文献   

The effects of angiotensin II (AII) on the firing rates of suprachiasmatic neurons were determined in rat brain slices. AII in pmol ranges stimulated 25% and inhibited another 25% of 52 irregular firing neurons, while it stimulated 23% and inhibited 4% of 30 regular firing neurons. Three "oscillating" neurons whose firing rates oscillated with rather constant amplitudes and periods were recorded. AII induced the occurrence of oscillation in one unit and modulated the oscillation amplitude of the other two. Pretreatment with saralasin, an AII antagonist, effectively blocked (100%) the actions of AII (n = 5). The present findings suggest that AII may act as an important mediator in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and its mode of action may be variable in different neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of midazolam, one of the most popular benzodiazepines, on synaptic transmissions were compared with intracellular recordings between CA1 pyramidal cells (CA1-PCs) and dentate gyrus granule cells (DG-GCs) in rat hippocampal slices. First, we studied the effects of midazolam on orthodromically evoked spikes, membrane properties and synaptic potentials. Secondly, the effects of a GABA(A) receptor agonist, muscimol, were examined on membrane properties to determine whether or not the densities of GABA(A) receptors are different between CA1-PCs and DG-GCs. Midazolam (75 microM) markedly depressed orthodromically evoked spikes in CA1-PCs, compared with those in DG-GCs. A GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (10 microM), almost completely antagonized the depressant effects of midazolam on spike generation in CA1-PCs, whereas it had little effect on midazolam in dentate gyrus granule cells. Midazolam produced either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing effects on resting membrane potentials (Vm) with an input resistance decrease in CA1-PCs, whereas it produced depolarized Vm in DG-GCs. Midazolam significantly increased the amplitude of monosynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in CA1-PCs, whereas midazolam slightly decreased these in DG-GCs. Midazolam significantly decreased the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials both in CA1-PCs and DG-GCs. Muscimol (100 microM) produced either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing effects on Vm with an input resistance decrease in CA1-PCs, and it depolarized Vm with an input resistance decrease in DG-GCs. These results demonstrate that midazolam has differential effects on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmissions in hippocampal neurons. The mechanism of this difference could be partly due to the different types of GABA(A) receptors between CA1-PCs and DG-GCs.  相似文献   

The derivation of the conclusion Anna is bigger than Mary from the premises Anna is bigger than Paul and Mary is smaller than Paul is considered an instance of transitive deduction. For a non-verbal presentation, the premise statements were here transformed into a multiple operant discrimination task. Adult subjects were trained with overlapping pairs of a six-member stimulus series A+B-, A+C-, C+D-, D+E-, E+F-; +: choice rewarded, -: choice penalized). A computer game-type presentation that hid the actual problem structure from the subjects was employed. The effects of varying the presentation style of the task on the objective performance and the structure awareness of subjects were investigated. A first experiment used random polygons as stimuli and the relations between them were only signalled by the above reinforcement allocations. In a second experiment the stimuli were cartoon figures additionally involved in a dominance hierarchy that was suggested graphically. A third experiment used named items that were related through visible size differences in addition to the reinforcement allocations but was otherwise like an experiment using an abstract format reported by Werner et al. (1992). In all experiments a similar proportion of subjects responded transitively when subsequently tested with the pairs BD, BE and CE by preferentially choosing stimulus B or C. Each subject subsequently filled in a questionnaire, completed a stimulus ordering exercise, and was interviewed to find out whether they were explicitly aware of the stimulus hierarchy underlying each of the tasks. Although the proportion of subjects revealing an explicit transitive responding increased together with the concreteness of the stimuli and their relations across the experiments, the objective performance in terms of choice accuracy did not vary. The accuracy performance on tests could be accurately simulated with a modification of a simple conditioning model. It is concluded that an implicit mode of processing may underlie many instances of transitive responding in humans even when explicit task understanding is reported.  相似文献   

Trigeminal primary neuronal cell bodies were labeled by retrograde transport of Fluoro-gold (FG) from the nasal mucosa of rats. The trigeminal ganglion containing the labeled cell bodies were processed for double stain for calretinin- and tachykinin-immunoreactivities (CR- and TK-irs). Except for a few contralateral cells, all the cells that innervated the nasal mucosa (NM cells) were confined to the ophthalmo-maxillary division of the trigeminal ganglion ipsilateral to the FG application. In the dorsal two-thirds of the ganglion, NM cells formed a cluster in the rostromedial part of ophthalmo-maxillary division (the rostromedial cluster). In the ventral third, the number of cells in the rostromedial cluster markedly decreased. Instead, numerous NM cells were found in the caudolateral part of the ophthalmo-maxillary division (the caudoventrolateral cluster). CR- and TK-irs were detected in 18% and 54% of overall population of NM cells, respectively. Virtually all of CR-immunoreactive (-ir) NM cells coexpressed TK. Although the proportion of TK-ir cells, irrespective of CR-ir, was similar for both clusters, CR-ir cells were more frequent in the caudoventrolateral cluster than in the rostromedial cluster. In the dorsal 1/3 of the ganglion where all the NM cells belonged to the rostromedial cluster, only 8.4% exhibited CR-ir. On the other hand, as much as 30.1% of NM cells expressed CR-ir in the ventral 1/3 where most NM cells were found in the caudoventrolateral cluster. Trigeminal cell bodies innervating the cornea and conjunctivum were located in the rostromedial part of the ophthalmo-maxillary division.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Within the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), there are two classes of putative pain modulation neurons: ON cells and OFF cells, which respectively burst or pause prior to withdrawal reflexes elicited by noxious stimulation. Alpha-adrenergic agonists injected into the RVM produce changes in the latency of spinal nocifensive reflexes and, when iontophoretically applied, alter the firing of RVM ON but not OFF cells. To provide further information about the contribution of norepinephrine to RVM neuron function, we analyzed the distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-ir) appositions upon RVM ON and OFF cells. In the lightly anesthetized rat, seven ON and five OFF cells were identified by changes in their discharge rate in relation to nociceptive withdrawal reflexes and were labeled by intracellular injection of neurobiotin. Sections containing labeled cells were visualized by using avidin conjugated to a Texas Red fluorophore. Tissue with labeled cells was subsequently processed for TH-ir by using a Bodipy fluorophore conjugated secondary antibody. The distribution of the Bodipy-labeled fibers and terminals upon the Texas Red-labeled neurons was mapped using a confocal laser-scanning microscope. All the labeled neurons exhibited close TH-ir appositions. Appositions were of two types: swellings and fibers. Although the numbers and density of appositions varied among the cells, there were no consistent differences that correlated with physiological properties. Thus the overall density of appositions for ON cells (29.0 +/- 22.2 x 10(4) microns2) did not differ significantly from that for OFF cells (25.4 +/- 22.2 x 10(4) microns2). Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-ir) appositions upon ON and OFF cells varied with their location along the dorso-ventral axis with more ventral neurons having a greater density of TH-ir swelling-type appositions. In a separate study, TH-ir and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (DBH-ir) were mapped in the same sections by using confocal microscopy. Nearly 97% of the TH-ir profiles co-localized with DBH-ir. These observations provide evidence that both ON and OFF cells in the RVM are targeted by noradrenergic inputs.  相似文献   

Neurons in different regions of the rat thalamic reticular nucleus were labeled with biotin dextran amine and reconstructed. When viewed in coronal section, some neurons had a radial dendritic tree while others had dorso-ventrally elongated arbors. When rotated, all the neurons had a planar, disc-shaped dendritic field with the dendrites orientated parallel to the long axis of the nucleus. We conclude that all thalamic reticular nucleus neurons have a similar dendritic morphology and orientation.  相似文献   

Extracellular single-unit discharges were obtained from 165 spontaneously active neurons within the region of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) by glass microelectrode from 89 brain slices of the Sprague-Dawley rats. The units could be divided into three types: regular (61.8%), irregular (24.2%) and silent (14%). Acetylcholine (ACh, 0.1, 0.3 mumol/L) showed four kinds of effects on spontaneous discharges of RVLM neurons: excitatory, inhibitory, biphasic and non-responsive, counting respectively 41.8%, 20%, 3% and 35.2% of the neurons tested. The excitatory effect of ACh was dose-dependent. The effects, either excitatory or inhibitory, of ACh (n = 49) were mostly blocked by atropine (0.3 mumol/L, n = 42). The excitatory effect of ACh (n = 14) could be blocked mainly by selective antagonist of M1 receptor, pirenzepine (PZ, 30 nmol/L, n = 9), but not by selective antagonist of M2 receptor, methoctramine (MT) and AFDX-116. The inhibitory effect of ACh (n = 10) could be blocked mostly by M2 receptor antagonist MT (30 nmol/L, n = 7); and this inhibitory effect (n = 9) could be blocked mostly by another M2 receptor antagonist AFDX-116 (30 nmol/L, n = 6), but not by M1 receptor antagonist PZ.  相似文献   

We describe an intramedullary nitric oxide synthase (NOS) neural pathway that projects from the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) to the rostral nucleus ambiguus (NA) in the rabbit. With the use of NADPH diaphorase histochemistry and NOS immunohistochemistry, a compact group of NOS-positive perikarya was identified in the central subnucleus of the NTS dorsomedial to the tractus solitarius and rostral to the obex. A dense network of NOS terminals was seen in the rostral NA. We investigated whether NOS terminals in the NA derive from NOS perikarya in the central NTS and whether the central NOS pathway links esophageal afferents and efferents. In some rabbits, the central NTS was unilaterally lesioned. In others, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was injected into the central NTS, or cholera toxin-gold was injected into the NA, or cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into the wall of the esophagus. The medulla was subsequently processed to demonstrate PHA-L, cholera toxin-gold, HRP, and NOS reactivity. Seven days after the NTS lesion, we observed a marked decrease in the density of NOS terminals in the ipsilateral NA. After injection of PHA-L into the central NTS, a dense group of PHA-L fibres was seen in the rostral NA, principally ipsilaterally. Afferent fibres from the esophagus were found around the NOS cell bodies in the central NTS, and many of these NOS neurons were double labeled with cholera toxin-gold after injection of this tracer into the NA. NOS terminals were found around NA neurons that were retrogradely labelled from the esophagus. We conclude that the NOS neurons in the central NTS act as interneurons in a central pathway connecting esophageal afferents and efferents.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from slices of guinea pig spinal trigeminal nucleus pars caudalis (SG). 2. Muscarine [0.3-30 microM; half maximally effective concentration (EC50) = 2.9 microM] hyperpolarized 61% of SG neurons. The effect was mimicked by carbachol (0.3-30 microM; EC50 = 3.9 microM) and antagonized by pirenzepine (1 microM). Thirty-four percent of the neurons were depolarized by muscarine and carbachol (1-30 microM: EC50 = 5.7 microM), and the effect was antagonized by pirenzepine (100 nM). 3. In approximately 80% of recordings, muscarine (10-30 microM) evoked repetitive spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) that were sensitive to bicuculline (10 microM). 4. Muscarine (1-30 microM; EC50 = 3 microM) decreased the amplitude of the majority of evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), and the effect was mimicked by carbachol and antagonized by pirenzepine (100 nM). 5. These results indicate that there are at least three mechanisms by which muscarine inhibits SG neurons: 1) hyperpolarization through activation of non-M1 receptors; 2) activation of gamma-amino-butyric acid-containing interneurons that mediate IPSPs in a subset of neurons; and 3) a decrease in evoked EPSP amplitude. Muscarine can also activate SG neurons via interaction with an M1-type receptor.  相似文献   

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