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Based on a study of the gas hold‐up data for stirred tank reactor generated in the present work and the data available in the literature for large stirred tank reactors (T = 0.57 m to 2.7 m) equipped with disc turbines and pitched blade downflow turbines a correlation is presented which reliably predicts gas hold‐up data over wide range of system configurations and operating parameters. The parameter used, N/Ncd, relates gas hold‐up at impeller speed N with respect to the gas hold‐up at minimum impeller speed for complete dispersion of the gas, Ncd. It is shown that the gas hold‐up data of different workers when compared on the basis of N/Ncd, shows unanimity. 相似文献
Gas—liquid mass transfer has been investigated in gas—liquid-solid three-phase stirred tank reactors with Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids. Volumetric mass transfer coefficients and gas hold-ups were measured in a 0.2 m i.d. stirred tank reactor and the effects of low-density polymeric particles (ρs, =1030 and 1200 kg/m3; up to 15 vol%) on gas—liquid mass transfer were examined. The volumetric mass transfer coefficients in water were found to decrease due to the presence of solid particles at constant impeller speed and superficial gas velocity. On the other hand, solids loading led to higher mass transfer rates in non-Newtonian carboxymethyl cellulose aqueous solutions. Our previously proposed model for mass transfer in gas—liquid two-phase systems was extended to gas—liquid—solid three-phase systems. Reasonable agreement was found between the predictions of the proposed model and the experimental data. 相似文献
The gas flow in a 3:1 aspect ratio vessel agitated by triple Rushton turbines has been measured by an ultrasound Doppler probe and by means of residence time studies. Strong recirculation around each impeller is found which fits in well with the compartmentalisation found in earlier liquid mixing studies. Surprisingly, when two axial A315 impellers above a Rushton turbine were used, gas recirculation around each impeller was still found. Study of the liquid phase mixing by a decolourisation technique confirmed that the gas flow essentially destroyed the strong axial liquid flow expected. Indeed, even under unaerated conditions, compartmentalisation was found between each impeller. 相似文献
The batch mixing model for liquid as the continuous phase of a gas-liquid system in a horizontal multiple-impeller vessel was applied to continuous flow operation. The back flow ratio was determined by measuring the residence time distribution. The relation between back flow ratio and operating variables was found to be similar to that for a vertical multiple-impeller vessel. A method for estimating the back flow ratio in a horizontal multiple-impeller vessel, from the mixing time in a single-impeller vessel, was presented. 相似文献
Among the different systems used for laboratory kinetic investigation, stationary catalytic basket stirred tank reactors (SCBSTRs) allow one to study triphasic reactions involving shaped catalyst with large size. The hydrodynamics of these complex reactors is not well known and has been studied experimentally in only a few cases. Despite the difference in the design of two commercial SCBSTRs reported in these works, the local measurements of the liquid-solid mass transfer coefficient inside the catalytic basket revealed the same velocity profile. The aim of the present work is therefore to investigate more accurately the hydrodynamics of the two reactors by means of CFD in order to compare the effect of the blade/baffle hydrodynamic interaction on the flow pattern. Owing to the geometrical complexity of the reactors, the hydrodynamic investigation is based on the k-ε model and the Brinkman-Forsheimer equations. The agreement at the local level with the experimental data (PIV and mass transfer measurements) validates this preliminary work performed with the standard values of the parameters present in the turbulent model and the Brinkman-Forsheimer equations. The simulations reveal in both reactors a ring-shaped vortex around the impeller in the agitation region. The high axial location of its centre induces a reverse flow at the tips of the basket. Owing to the fluid friction in the porous medium, the azimuthal flow in the core region is transformed into a radial flow in the basket where the flow decreases abruptly. Vertical vortices are located at the blade tips and at the downstream face of the baffles or they are located in the basket on both sides of the baffles, depending on the design and the location of the baffles. At the inner radius interface of the basket, the vertical blade impeller induces a rather homogeneous velocity profile, but the pitched blade impeller imposes a high velocity at the plane of symmetry. Therefore the simulations demonstrate that two different local velocity patterns and two different porous media may induce the same mass transfer properties. 相似文献
The fluid dynamics of stirred aerated slurry reactors with A-310® propeller, 4-blade 45° pitch turbine and 6-blade Rushton disc turbine were studied over a wide range of gas flow rates. With respect to power consumption, gas hold-up, and fluid dynamically limiting cases, viz., suspension and flooding, the Rushton disc turbine was found to be the best in stirred aerated slurry reactors. The influence of particle density, shape and mass fraction and of liquid properties on gassed critical stirrer speed, Njsg, and of gassed power input per unit volume, Pjsg, on particle suspension and gas dispersion, were investigated. Empircal correlations in combination with that of Zwietering were established for scale-up design in three-phase slurry reactors. 相似文献
Naoki Dohi Yukimasa Matsuda Norihiro Itano Kimio Minekawa Takanori Takahashi Yoshinori Kawase 《加拿大化工杂志》2001,79(1):107-111
Solids suspension characteristics in gas—liquid–solid three‐phase stirred tanks with multi‐impellers were experimentally examined. Minimum impeller speeds for ultimately homogeneous solid suspension have been measured stirred tank reactors. Three impellers were installed: two four‐pitched blade downflow disk turbines and one Pfaudler type impeller chosen to provide good gas dispersion and to accomplish off‐bottom suspension of solid particles, respectively. Gas dispersion causes an increase in particle sedimentation associated with a decrease in power consumption and as a result, minimum impeller speeds for ultimately homogeneous solid suspension increase with increasing gas flow rates. A correlation was developed to predict minimum impeller speeds for ultimately homogeneous solid suspension. The proposed correlation, which agrees satisfactorily with the experimental results, is expected to be useful in design and scale‐up. 相似文献
Experimental and CFD investigation of power consumption in a dual Rushton turbine stirred tank 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Power consumption of a mixing system is a key variable in chemical and bioprocess engineering, the determination of which is of interest of many processes. Besides, prediction of the flooding-loading transition in an aerated stirred tank is crucial for the correct design of aerated stirred tank reactors. In this research, laboratory investigation has been carried out on local and total power consumption of a single phase as well as gas-liquid phase systems in a fully baffled stirred tank equipped with dual six-blade Rushton turbines; moreover, the flow regime behavior of a gas-liquid system was investigated. Results have been compared with data obtained from CFD simulation of experimental setup and the data available in the literature. Reasonable agreement between the experimental and simulation results indicates the validity of the CFD model. Using predicted data some empirical correlations have been derived which present new relations in estimation of power consumption and flow regime transitions in stirred tanks with dual Rushton impellers. 相似文献
搅拌槽内非牛顿流体的微观混合特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在直径为0·476m的搅拌槽内,分别选用三窄叶翼型搅拌桨和标准六直叶涡轮搅拌桨,采用羟乙基纤维素(HEC)水溶液非牛顿流体作为工作体系,以改进的硫酸铜沉降反应与氯乙酸乙酯水解反应的平行竞争反应作为研究微观混合的反应工作体系,在质量分数为0·1%~0·5%的HEC水溶液中,排除硫酸铜副反应的影响,利用铜离子质量浓度与可见光吸光度的线性关系,考察了进料时间、搅拌转速、溶液黏度、流体的非牛顿性以及搅拌桨类型等因素对副产物收率(XQ)的影响规律。结果表明,当进料时间超过临界进料时间3500s后,X_Q不再改变;随着搅拌转速的增加,X_Q减小,但其减小的趋势逐渐变缓;在相同转速下,X_Q随着流体黏度的增加而增加,但增加的趋势有所减缓;对于黏性流体不能仅仅采用雷诺数作为放大准则;在相同的能量耗散速率及桨叶区进料的情况下,Damkohler准数较大的标准六直叶涡轮搅拌桨的X_Q较小。 相似文献
The effect of process variables (temperature, pressure, space velocity, and H2/CO feed ratio) on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on a promoted fused iron catalyst was studied in a slurry phase stirred tank reactor (STR). Operating conditions were chosen such that some of the data could be compared with previously reported results, but experiments were also performed at more extreme conditions (temperatures up to 280°C and pressures up to 2.86 MPa) than previously studied in a slurry phase STR. The catalyst activity compares well with previous studies at an H2/CO feed ratio of 1.0 and 1.8, but the activity is lower than previously reported values in the 0.64-0.72 range of H2/CO feed ratios. Spacetime-yield increases with pressure, and reactor productivity is best increased by increasing pressure at a constant pressure to space velocity ratio. The water-gas-shift reaction is near equilibrium at high conversions, and always proceeds at a slower rate than the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a STR. 相似文献
在装有单层或双层蛇管换热器的搅拌釜中,分别以六直叶圆盘涡轮(DT)、四叶(45°)折叶桨(4IBT)或六叶(45°)折叶桨(6IBT)为上层桨,DT为下层桨,测定了不同双层桨的搅拌功率和气含率。结果表明,搅拌功率随蛇管层数、液位高度和桨间距的增加而增大,但气含率随液位的上升而下降。在装有双层蛇管换热器的搅拌釜中,DT与6IBT双层桨的通气搅拌功率Pa和气含率α的关联式为Pa=2.49(P02ND3/QG(0.56))(0.37)及α=0.029P_v ̄(0.48)u_s ̄(0.47)。 相似文献
An LIF (Laser induced flourescence) line scan system was used to obtain unobtrusive scalar concentration measurements in a continuously operated stirred tank agitated by a radial flow Rushton turbine and an axial flow 60°‐pitched blade impeller. A better blending process was generally achieved in the axial flow field, with macro‐ and micromixing in the radial flow field being most complete with fluid injected into the radial discharge jet, and in the axial flow field with fluid injected from above into the rotating impeller. Local concentration levels and fluctuations scaled with the feed pipe flow rate, and the degree of concentration uniformity throughout the tank scaled with the impeller speed and increased with the cube of the power input. 相似文献
We study the mixing structure, mixing performance, and short term dynamics in round bottomed laminar tanks agitated by an eccentrically located angled disc. We define eccentricity (E = e/R) as the ratio of the distance of the axis of rotation from the center line of the tank (e) and the tank radius (R). The structural and dynamic features observed at different eccentricity values were compared using planar laser‐induced fluorescence techniques and computational fluid dynamics calculations. A Poincaré analysis demonstrates the chaotic nature of the flow induced by eccentricity. Practically globally chaotic conditions are observed for E = 0.42 and E = 0.50, with mixing times of 5–8 min at Re = 416. We study the effect of different injection points on the short‐term mixing dynamics and we calculate axial flow rates and Power numbers. Stirred tanks agitated by an eccentrically located angled disc are a simple and cost effective system for laminar mixing applications. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 3092–3108, 2013 相似文献
Gunwant M. Mule Amol A. Kulkarni 《Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering》2016,50(6):914-921
Mixing of viscous liquids in a stirred tank is a daunting task. The present paper explores the possibility of using a fractal impeller for mixing of viscous liquids in a stirred tank. The analysis includes power consumptions characteristics, mixing characteristics and the flow patterns in the stirred tank. Ultrasonic velocity profiler (UVP) was used to measure the local velocities in the stirred tank. Fractal impeller found to exhibit different power consumption characteristics than known for conventional impellers. For the range of viscosities 0.58–0.192 Pa s, mixing time found to be directly proportional to the power consumption per unit mass. The normalised mean radial velocity profiles were found to be independent of fluid viscosities studied in the present work. 相似文献
目前,处理高黏流体和对剪切敏感介质的层流搅拌槽的报道并不多见。本文建立了描述双层组合桨搅拌槽内高黏非牛顿流体层流流动、混合过程的数学模型,利用Laminar模型、多重参考系法(MRF)和示踪剂浓度法对其流场特性、示踪剂扩散过程进行数值模拟,分析搅拌槽内轴向速度曲线、示踪剂浓度响应曲线和混合时间。结果表明:中心搅拌中间面将介质阻隔在各自的半层内运动,偏心搅拌介质作全局运动,轴向混合能力突出;转轴中心搅拌依靠上下半层浓度差的增大向下扩散,转轴偏心搅拌通过不对称结构扩散示踪剂,叶轮相对转轴偏心搅拌则利用叶片的不对称分布;距离加料点较近和较远的监测点浓度响应曲线因振荡和调整,混合时间较长,处于中间面的监测点拥有最短的混合时间。 相似文献
Yulong Zhang Zhengming Gao Zhipeng Li J. J. Derksen 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(8):3610-3623
The way in which the single phase flow of Newtonian liquids in the vicinity of the impeller in a Rushton turbine stirred tank goes through a laminar‐turbulent transition has been studied in detail experimentally (with Particle Image Velocimetry) as well as computationally. For Reynolds numbers equal to or higher than 6000, the average velocities and velocity fluctuation levels scale well with the impeller tip speed, that is, show Reynolds independent behavior. Surprising flow structures were measured—and confirmed through independent experimental repetitions—at Reynolds numbers around 1300. Upon reducing the Reynolds number from values in the fully turbulent regime, the trailing vortex system behind the impeller blades weakens with the upper vortex weakening much stronger than the lower vortex. Simulations with a variety of methods (direct numerical simulations, transitional turbulence modeling) and software implementations (ANSYS‐Fluent commercial software, lattice‐Boltzmann in‐house software) have only partial success in representing the experimentally observed laminar‐turbulent transition. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 3610–3623, 2017 相似文献