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冰淇淋作为一种复杂的多相食品,由分散在半冷冻溶液中的脂肪球、气泡和冰晶组成。其脂肪含量通常为8%~16%,在冰淇淋体系中起着重要作用。然而,脂肪摄入过多会对健康造成不利影响,因此采用脂肪替代物部分或全部代替冰淇淋中的脂肪成为研究热点。综述了近年来国内外学者对于冰淇淋中脂肪替代物的研究进展,侧重于不同类型脂肪替代物的介绍,以及脂肪替代物对低脂冰淇淋理化和感官特性的影响,总结了其应用情况,并对未来的研发方向和重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

奶酪被称为“奶黄金”,一直以来深受人们的喜爱。但面对人们日益增长的食品健康意识,现在人们对于食品安全的要求越来越高,奶酪的脂肪含量成为人们的担忧,减脂或低脂奶酪具有很大的市场前景,更受消费者的欢迎。然而,降低或减少食品的脂肪含量会影响其感官特性,使食物口感变差、风味降低。因此,添加脂肪替代物是一个很好的方法,介绍了脂肪替代物的主要分类及近年来脂肪替代物在奶酪中存在的问题、研究前景,旨在为扩大脂肪替代物在低脂奶酪中的应用提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

脂肪在肉制品加工尤其是凝胶类产品中起着十分重要的作用。但随着人们生活水平和保健意识的提高,低脂甚至无脂食品越来越受到消费者的欢迎。本文主要简述了肉制品中降低脂肪含量的主要方式,重点介绍了脂肪替代物的分类、特性及在凝胶类肉制品中的应用效果、问题和注意事项,并展望了脂肪替代物未来的发展趋势,旨在安全有效地降低肉制品中的脂肪含量,为脂肪替代物在低脂食品中的应用提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

随着过度肥胖、代谢性疾病和心脑血管疾病等人群比例的上升,人们注重减少饮食中脂肪的摄入。通常,畜禽肉的脂肪含量较高,而上述疾病与脂肪的摄入有很大关系,因此低脂畜禽及脂肪替代物的研究成为食品行业的热点问题。本文综述低脂畜禽的培育方法及脂肪替代物的分类,着重论述新型脂肪替代物的研究现状,系统阐述低脂畜禽及脂肪替代物的开发途径,为低脂畜禽及脂肪替代物的发展提供重要理论依据和创新性思路。  相似文献   

近几年人们对于肉制品的摄入量逐渐增加,而传统肉制品中较高的脂肪含量给人们带来了很多慢性疾病。由于脂肪替代物在肉制品中的应用可有效降低脂肪的摄入,且能预防高脂膳食所引起的一系列疾病,弥补脂肪的减少给肉制品所带来的口味上的损失,因此低脂肉制品的研究势在必行。本文基于国内外脂肪替代物的发展现状,从单一型脂肪替代物(蛋白质类、碳水化合物类、脂质类)和复合型脂肪替代物(由不同基质来源物按照一定比例结合在一起协同发挥脂肪替代作用的混合物)2个方面阐述了各自对于低脂肉制品的感官特性和质构特性影响的研究进展还有脂肪替代物应用中存在的问题,并对脂肪替代物发展方向做出了展望,以期为低脂肉制品的研发提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

脂肪作为三大营养物质之一,提供了人体所需的养分,然而过多摄入脂肪则会导致一些心脑血管疾病的产生,因而,随着人们合理膳食的需求日益增加,低脂,无脂食品的研究近年来受到越来越多的重视,脂肪替代物作为低脂,无脂食品生产过程中重要的添加剂,正是研究者着力研究的对象,脂肪替代物主要分为蛋白基脂肪替代物,脂肪基脂肪替代物和碳水化合物基脂肪替代物这三大类,目前,三大类型的替代物不仅可以做到最大程度降低食品中的脂肪含量,同时还能有效地模拟脂肪的风味和外观并增加一定的功能性,使食品在添加脂肪替代物后,既能符合消费者对脂肪口感的需要,同时又能做到低脂肪膳食.在结合国外文献报道的同时,本文介绍了脂肪替代物的分类以及各类脂肪替代物目前的研究应用情况.  相似文献   

脂肪替代物的分类及在食品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过多摄取富含脂肪的食品严重危害人体健康,并与肥胖症,高血压、动脉硬化和冠心病密切相关.因此,低脂肪膳食一直为营养学家所倡导,食品逐渐向脱脂、低脂方向发展.消费者对脂肪含量非常敏感,但又无法接受无脂食品的粗糙口感.于是,脂肪替代物便应运而生.脂肪替代物的研究起步较晚,但发展很快,到目前为止,已形成了多种脂肪替代物.优质的脂肪替代物不仅能最大限度的降低食品中的脂肪含量,而且能尽可能的保持甚至改善原有食品的感官品质,制得的产品各项指标都非常接近高脂产品,与传统产品在外观、凤味、口感以及总接受性方面无明显差异.本文主要介绍脂肪替代物的分类和在食品工业中的研究与应用.脂肪替代物因其自身的功能,已愈发引起人们对它的关注,其市场前景相当广阔.  相似文献   

我国作为肉制品消费总量最高的国家,其中低脂凝胶类肉制品十分符合当今人们的消费观念和健康的饮食理念.单纯将脂肪含量降低势必会影响肉制品品质,因此,在保持产品品质或对产品品质影响较小的同时降低脂肪含量成为肉制品研究热点.本文主要概述了脂肪替代及非热加工技术的分类和特点,着重论述低脂凝胶类肉制品中碳水化合物类脂肪替代物,常见...  相似文献   

目的:研究麦芽糖醇在低脂干酪中作为脂肪替代物的应用潜力,探究其对低脂再制马苏里拉干酪和低脂模拟干酪的功能特性及微观结构的影响。方法:通过测定由不同含量的麦芽糖醇(0%,1%,2%,3%)制成的低脂再制马苏里拉干酪和低脂模拟干酪的基本组分、质构特性、功能特性、微观结构及疏水作用力,研究不同添加量麦芽糖醇对上述干酪的影响。结论:麦芽糖醇作为脂肪替代物效果较好,能够提高酪蛋白分子间疏水作用力,降低干酪硬度,改善低脂干酪的功能特性。本研究表明麦芽糖醇可作为一种良好的脂肪替代物应用于低脂干酪。  相似文献   

脂肪替代品在烘焙行业中的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用脂肪替代品替代烘焙产品中的脂肪,可维持食物本身的美味且减少脂肪含量,有利于消费者的健康,具有广阔的市场前景。为了给脂肪替代品在烘焙行业中的应用提供更多的理论支持,该文讨论了脂肪的形式及其在烘焙产品质构和感官品质方面的作用,并从脂肪替代物(olestra和salatrim)、脂肪模拟物(淀粉、改性淀粉、麦芽糖糊精、聚葡萄糖、胶体、纤维素和蛋白质)和复合型脂肪替代物3个方面对国内外低脂烘焙产品特点以及应用进行总结分析,最后对烘焙产品中脂肪替代品的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

以全氢化棕榈油作为高熔点脂肪源,将0.5%~2.5%的全氢化棕榈油与葵花油混合作为基料油,制备凝胶油基人造奶油。探究高熔点脂肪对凝胶油基人造奶油的脂肪酸组成、稳定性、熔点、质构、流变性质、微观结构和晶型的影响。结果表明,当高熔点脂肪添加量低于1.5%时,人造奶油的熔点过低、可塑性较差;而添加量高于1.5%时,人造奶油的不稳定指数值大于1.5,体系劣变严重;添加量为1.5%时,硬度、可塑性和黏度均更接近于市售人造奶油,综合表现最佳。  相似文献   

对脂溶性天然抗氧化剂迷迭香、VE、抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯和水溶性天然抗氧化剂表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯,在以棕榈油为主体的纯油产品和油包水型人造奶油产品中的抗氧化效果进行研究。结果表明:亲水亲油性不同的抗氧化剂在两种体系中的抗氧化性有明显差异。在人造奶油体系中,0.02%水溶性表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯的抗氧化性最好。在纯油体系中,0.07%脂溶性迷迭香的抗氧化性最好。人造奶油体系的氧化稳定性明显低于纯油体系。  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》1999,16(4):327-333
The microbiology and safety of margarine are reviewed from the perspective of its material composition and the historical absence of foodborne illness incidents associated with the consumption of this product. Intrinsic factors limit the growth of most micro-organisms, including pathogens. Margarine is a water-in-oil emulsion with a high fat content that limits the growth of most prokaryotic and eukaryotic micro-organisms. The size of the aqueous phase droplets and the inability of micro-organisms to move between droplets also reduce the ability of margarine to support microbial growth. In addition, depending upon the formula, up to 2% salt may be added which further reduces the ability of most micro-organisms to grow. The addition of preservatives such as sorbates can reduce spoilage problems. Spoilage, when it is observed, is typically caused by molds which can extend mycelia into the oil phase. The use of raw material specifications and the implementation of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system can be effective in enhancing the microbiological quality of margarine. The safety of margarine is documented by the lack of any verified incidences of foodborne illness resulting from the consumption of margarine.  相似文献   

<正>在冷饮行业日新月异的今天,中国的冷饮产品无论从品质、生产工艺、到种类都已今非昔比。其中配料的不断更新发展功不可没。本文介绍了起酥油和乳化剂的应用问题。 一.起酥油在冷饮中的应用 油脂作为冷饮产品的最主要的原料  相似文献   

Two typical commercial palm oil-based margarines, denoted A (complained as with over-hardness) and B (commercially considered as with acceptable hardness), respectively, were compared in terms of hardness, solid fat content (SFC), lipid composition [fatty acid and triacylglycerol (TAG) composition], crystallization behavior and microstructure. On the basis of these results, the reason of over-hardness in margarine A was discussed. Margarine A showed higher hardness than margarine B with the differences increasing along with rise in temperature in the typical range from 15 to 30 °C. While margarine B has good quality and appropriate hardness, it showed SFCs higher than margarine A. Lipid composition analyses showed that margarine B has small amounts of medium chain fatty acids and higher content of monounsaturated TAGs [1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycerol (POP), 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-glycerol (PLP), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-3-stearoyl-glycerol (POS)]. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that both margarines have β′ and β polymorphs with the β form being dominant in margarine B. Isothermal crystallization kinetics of both margarines under 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C, respectively, fitted using the Avrami model indicates that margarine B hardly crystallizes at temperatures ≥25 °C. Morphologic observations of the microstructure of both margarines by polarized light microscope and scanning electron microscopy showed that formation of large spherulites have an important influence on margarine texture. Occurrence of large spherulites in margarine B is considered to decrease the numbers of crystals and lessen mutual attraction with temperature increasing, which leads to weakened strength of the total network, even if margarine B has a higher SFC value.  相似文献   

Abstract: Omega‐3 fatty acids (n‐3 FAs) have been positively associated with prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Intake of high amounts of trans fatty acids (TFAs) is correlated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, inflammation, and cancer. Structured lipid (SL) was synthesized using stearidonic acid (SDA) soybean oil and high‐stearate soybean oil catalyzed by Lipozyme® TLIM lipase. The SL was compared to extracted fat (EF) from a commercial brand for FA profile, sn‐2 positional FAs, triacylglycerol (TAG) profile, polymorphism, thermal behavior, oxidative stability, and solid fat content (SFC). Both SL and EF had similar saturated FA (about 31 mol%) and unsaturated FA (about 68 mol%), but SL had a much lower n‐6/n‐3 ratio (1.1) than EF (5.8). SL had 10.5 mol% SDA. After short‐path distillation, a loss of 53.9% was observed in the total tocopherol content of SL. The tocopherols were lost as free tocopherols. SL and EF had similar melting profile, β’ polymorph, and oxidative stability. Margarine was formulated using SL (SLM) and EF (RCM, reformulated commercial margarine). No sensory difference was observed between the 2 margarines. The SL synthesized in this study contained no TFA and possessed desirable polymorphism, thermal properties, and SFC for formulation of soft margarine. The margarine produced with this SL was trans‐free and SDA‐enriched. Practical Application: The current research increases the food applications of stearidonic acid (SDA) soybean oil. trans‐Free SDA containing SL was synthesized with desirable polymorph, thermal properties, and SFC for formulation of soft margarine. The margarine produced with this SL had no trans fat and had a low n‐6/n‐3 ratio. This may help in reducing trans fat intake in our diet while increasing n‐3 FA intake.  相似文献   

The extent of oxidative and storage stability of margarine samples were determined by measuring peroxide values (PV) and Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT). Two margarine samples, A and B, which were packaged with parchment and Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), respectively, were studied to predict their storage stabilities. Samples were stored at 4 and 14C in the dark as being typical of long term storage (LTS) conditions to study the deteriorative parameters of PV and free fatty acid (FFA). Induction times estimated from ASLT results were 9.18, 5.32 and 2.65 h for Margarine (A), and 8.92, 5.12 and 2.6 h for Margarine (B) at 100, 110 and 120C, respectively. During long term storage at 4 and 14C the shelf-life, based on peroxide formation, values were determined as 145 and 108 for Margarine (A), and 134 and 96 days for Margarine (B) at these temperature, respectively. Only a slight increase in the FFA content was observed on either sample. The main goal of the study was to test the methodology utilized rather than to compare packaging materials.  相似文献   

冯旸旸  徐敬欣  于栋  孔保华  刘骞 《食品科学》2019,40(21):236-242
随着消费者越来越注重饮食与健康之间的关系,如何替代肉制品中含有大量饱和脂肪酸的动物脂肪已经成为肉品科学领域研究的热点问题。然而,单纯地过多降低动物脂肪使用量会大大降低肉制品的风味和柔嫩多汁的口感。近年来,利用具有独特结构和功能特性的乳液凝胶作为一种新型的动物脂肪替代物越来越受到重视。本文在国内外相关研究的基础上,全面综述了乳液凝胶的制备方法、品质特性和在低脂肉制品中的应用情况,以期为乳液凝胶替代动物脂肪在肉制品中的应用提供良好的理论依据,也为生产高附加值的新型健康低脂肉制品提供创新性技术指导。  相似文献   

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