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广东省居民主要膳食镉暴露风险的初步评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析主要食物中镉含量水平,对广东省居民通过膳食途径暴露镉的健康风险进行初步的评估。方法 2009年在全省21地市采集15类食物共2 200份,用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食物中镉的含量,结合居民膳食消费数据,比照镉的暂定每月耐受摄入量(PTMI)及安全限值(MOS)初步评估广东省居民主要食物的镉暴露风险。结果 15类食物中紫菜中镉含量最高,为1 830.0μg/kg。城乡居民通过大米、蔬菜类、鱼虾类、动物内脏类四类食物每月膳食镉暴露量分别为1 314.6和1 394.3μg。大米对城市和农村居民膳食镉的贡献率最高,分别为50.1%和64.9%,且以粤北地区最高。结论主要食品对居民膳食镉的平均贡献水平未超过PTMI值,MOS值大于1,居民膳食镉暴露水平总体上安全。由于我国南方地区居民大米的消费量大及其对居民膳食镉贡献率最高,有必要加强大米可能的镉污染问题研究,并从源头上预防污染。  相似文献   

目的通过分析2011—2013年杭州市主要食品中镉污染水平及居民膳食消费量,评估杭州市居民镉暴露的安全性。方法对各类食品中镉含量进行检测,并结合2010年杭州市居民膳食营养调查中各类食物消费量数据,获得杭州市居民膳食中镉的实际摄入量,对居民由膳食摄入的镉进行安全性评估。结果 10大类食品1 010份食品样品中镉的总检出率为73.76%(745/1 010),总超标率为5.12%(41/801)。大米、小麦及猪内脏均检出镉,检出率为100%,乳制品检出率最低(29.03%,27/93),超标食品主要是大米、水产品、猪肾、蛋类、蔬菜及食用菌。按照食品消费量的均值估算,杭州市居民每月10大类主要食品的镉暴露量为22.61μg/kg BW,未超过每月耐受摄入量(PTMI)为25μg/kg BW,镉的安全限值MOS=1.11。贡献率最大的3类食品分别为大米(64.16%)、蔬菜(15.28%)及水产品(14.48%)。结论杭州市主要食品对居民膳食镉的平均贡献水平未超过PTMI值,MOS1,居民膳食镉暴露水平总体上安全,由于杭州市居民大米的消费量较大且大米对居民膳食镉贡献率最高,监管部门应对大米的镉污染问题予以重视。  相似文献   

目的了解下城区居民主要食品中镉含量及居民膳食中镉暴露的风险。方法随机采集下城区11类食品进行镉含量检测,结合2009年下城区居民食物消费量调查数据,计算下城区居民膳食中镉的摄入量和安全限值(MOS)并进行风险评估。结果 875份食品中镉的总检出率为79.43%(695/875),总超标率为6.91%(55/796)。11类食品中菌藻类的紫菜镉含量最高为4.510 0 mg/kg。下城区居民主要膳食中镉每月平均总暴露量为15.785 8μg/kg BW,未超过镉暂定每月允许摄入量(25μg/kg BW),MOS1,表明经膳食暴露镉的健康风险较低。膳食中镉暴露贡献率最高的3类食品分别为水产品(43.97%)、菌藻类(17.42%)、大米(16.48%)。虽然下城区居民水产品和菌藻类的消费量很低,但因其镉污染严重,所以贡献率较高,为镉暴露高风险食品。结论下城区居民主要膳食中镉暴露水平总体上安全,水产品和菌藻类为镉暴露高风险食品,需加强水产品和菌藻类食品可能污染的问题研究。  相似文献   

分析丰台区主要食品中镉含量水平,对该区居民通过膳食途径暴露镉的健康风险进行初步评估。方法 2011—2012年在全区监测6类食品共215份样品,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食品中镉的含量,结合居民膳食消费数据,比照镉的暂定每月耐受摄入量(PTMI)及安全限值(MOS),初步评估丰台区居民主要食品的镉暴露风险。结果 6类食品中食用菌及其制品的镉含量最高,为2.2778mg/kg。按照食品消费量均值估算,丰台区居民每月6类主要食品的镉暴露量为0.00146mg/kg BW,未超过PTMI(0.025mg/kg BW),MOS值为17.2。镉贡献率最大的3类食品分别为蔬菜及其制品(52.4%)、谷物及其制品(25.8%)和食用菌及其制品(13.4%)。虽然食用菌和动物内脏的消费量很低,但因其镉污染严重,所以贡献率较高。因此,食用菌和动物内脏为镉暴露高风险食品。结论 丰台居民6类主要食品镉的暴露水平未超过PTMI值,MOS值>1,居民膳食镉暴露水平总体上安全,但有必要加强食用菌及动物内脏可能的污染问题研究。  相似文献   

济南市居民主要膳食镉含量监测及暴露评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解济南市居民主要膳食镉污染现状,评估镉暴露风险。方法 2011—2012年对济南市小麦、大米、水产品、畜禽、蔬菜、蛋和乳制品中的镉含量进行监测,应用点评估方法,以山东省居民食物标准人平均消费量数据和JECFA 2010年制定的镉的暂定每月耐受摄入量(PTMI)25 μg/kg BW为参数,对济南市居民膳食镉暴露水平进行评估。结果 共监测食品样品441份,镉平均含量为49.39 μg/kg,P50和P95镉含量分别为13.40和118.20 μg/kg,总检出率为90.02%,总超标率为0.91%。小麦、大米和蔬菜均检出镉,乳制品镉检出率最低;水产品镉含量最高,镉平均含量为206.43 μg/kg。济南市居民主要膳食镉毎月平均暴露量为8.83 μg/kg BW,占PTMI的35.32%。镉贡献率较高的食品为水产品、小麦和蔬菜,贡献率分别为46.43%、32.62%和9.51%,三类食品对居民膳食镉暴露贡献了80%以上。结论 济南市居民膳食镉暴露水平位于安全限值以内,通过膳食摄入镉没有明显风险,但对头足类、贝壳类水产品应引起重视。  相似文献   

水产品对重金属具有富集作用,因此时常出现的重金属含量超标现象成为影响水产品质量安全的重要因素,在降低消费者信心的同时也严重影响了整个水产行业经济的健康发展。重金属对人体产生的毒副作用跟其摄入体内被吸收利用的程度相关,只有被肠道吸收的部分才会对人体产生危害。因此,为了更加科学地评估食品中重金属等有毒有害物质的危害,可通过生物可给性与生物有效性的方法对其进行研究。本文归纳总结了水产品中的几种重金属的危害,生物可给性与生物有效性的关系、研究方法与应用进展,对进一步科学评价水产品中重金属的危害性及水产品的食用安全性提供理论基础。  相似文献   

目的 通过开展第六次中国总膳食研究,获取我国代表性膳食样品中指示性多氯联苯(mPCBs)含量,开展我国居民对mPCBs的膳食暴露评估及时间变化趋势分析。方法 采用同位素稀释技术-高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱(HRGC-HRMS)对全国代表性混合膳食样品中的mPCBs进行测定,以点评估方法对以标准人所代表的我国居民膳食暴露mPCBs开展评估工作。结果 膳食样品中mPCBs普遍检出,不同膳食样品的污染物含量不同,动物性膳食中含量显著高于植物性膳食,其中谷类含量最低(2.8 pg/g?湿质量(fw),几何均数),水产类含量最高(118.2 pg/g?fw,几何均数)。我国居民mPCBs膳食摄入量为0.25[0.11,0.62] ng/kg?BW?d(几何平均数±几何均数标准差)。与第四次和第五次中国总膳食研究结果相比,我国居民膳食暴露水平显著下降(P<0.05)。结论 mPCBs虽在我国膳食样品中普遍检出,但我国居民膳食暴露水平持续下降,与欧美国家相关研究结果相比,我国居民膳食暴露处较低水平。  相似文献   

目的分析广东省沿海常见海水鱼的脂肪酸含量和甲基汞(MeHg)污染水平,定量评估摄入海水鱼对神经发育的风险-获益,为广东省海水鱼的膳食指导提供科学依据。方法在广东省沿海地区采集20种常见海水鱼样品(共174尾),检测各种脂肪酸和MeHg的含量,并采用联合国粮食与农业组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)提出的以智力商数(IQ)值为健康终点的风险-获益定量评估模型,评估海水鱼对神经发育的净健康效应。结果 20种海水鱼总脂肪酸含量均值为0.73~19.95 g/100 g,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)为0.18~5.82 g/100 g,总n-3 PUFA为135.69~2 232.74 mg/100 g,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)为73.61~1 334.00 mg/100 g,二十碳五烯酸(EPA)为43.76~945.67 mg/100 g,所有海水鱼样品的MeHg含量均未超过GB 2762—2017《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》。基于广东省居民海水鱼消费量均值(100 g/周)、P97.5消费量(830 g/周)、推荐消费量(280 g/周)三种消费模式食用不同鱼种的IQ值净效应为0.5~5.7、3.8~5.6和1.3~5.7,仅在830 g/周的极端消费水平下摄入海鳗带来的MeHg暴露量超过了暂定每周耐受摄入量(PTWI,1.6μg/kg BW)。结论按中国居民膳食指南的推荐量消费广东省沿海常见海水鱼,均能对新生儿和婴幼儿带来一定的IQ值净增长效应,但对MeHg含量相对较高的鱼种(如海鳗)需注意食用频率不宜过大。  相似文献   

聚焦灰褐牛肝菌(Boletus griseus)富镉(Cd)问题,调研了云南3个地区B. griseus样本中的总Cd含量,选取了高、中、低3种不同Cd含量B. griseus样本,建立了一种更易实现、更易量化的体外全仿生消化方法,评价了B. griseus中镉的生物可给性(Cd-BAc),研究了单宁酸、CaCl2、原花青素、葡萄糖酸锌钙、红毛丹果皮多酚5种膳食营养成分对Cd-BAc的影响,并以此为基础评价了B. griseus中Cd的食用健康风险。结果表明,采集的53个B. griseus样本均具有较高的总Cd含量,在胃部的Cd-BAc为55.30%~59.36%,但是小肠的弱碱近中性环境显著降低了B.griseus中Cd的溶出,Cd-BAc为39.59%~52.86%,大肠菌群发酵进一步降低Cd-BAc至21.41%~25.28%。5种膳食营养剂在胃部对Cd-BAc影响不大,在小肠部和大肠菌群发酵中,均显著降低了Cd-BAc,CaCl2效果最为显著。以B. griseus中Cd总量计,摄食中镉、高镉含量的B. griseus,Cd对人体的风险熵为2.98和5.13;综合考虑Cd-BAc以及5种膳食营养剂的影响,其风险熵可降低至0~0.37。研究结果表明,B. griseus中Cd的食用健康风险很高,膳食营养剂可通过降低肠道Cd-BAc而调控其对人体的健康风险,因此,膳食营养剂可能是控制高镉食品健康风险的一种有效策略,但是该策略的有效性需要进一步的体内实验验证。  相似文献   

摘 要: 目的 对大米、玉米和辣椒中钙含量进行测定, 探究钙的生物可给性差异及其膳食营养价值。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法, 样本来自贵州省的9个市州。基于火焰原子吸收光谱法测定大米、玉米和辣椒钙含量, 通过体外消化模型(in vitro digestion mode)模拟胃部及肠道消化, 计算大米、玉米和辣椒中钙的生物可给性。结果 辣椒钙含量最高, 为(1799.50±398.70) mg/kg, 其次为玉米, 为(253.41±103.37) mg/kg, 大米最低, 为(69.90±20.53) mg/kg, 3组钙含量差异有统计学意义(F=5249.93, P<0.001)。通过体外消化模型得出大米、玉米和辣椒在胃阶段钙的生物可给性均高于肠阶段(P<0.001); 进一步分析发现, 大米在胃阶段钙的生物可给性(69.72%±10.31%)>玉米(41.40%±11.37%)>辣椒(35.31%±5.46%), 差异有统计学意义(F=192.67, P<0.001); 大米在肠阶段钙的生物可给性(56.69%±12.78%)>辣椒(23.29%±7.66%)>玉米(14.51%±5.19%), 差异有统计学意义(F=294.73, P<0.001)。结论 研究发现大米、玉米和辣椒中钙的膳食营养价值均有限, 不是居民良好的膳食钙来源, 因此, 有必要开展相关的营养教育和干预, 改善居民的饮食结构, 增加牛奶和乳制品的摄入量, 以减少膳食钙摄入量的不足。本研究可为我国居民建立合理饮食结构提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Total mercury levels and methylmercury levels were investigated for various grain parts (whole rice, rice husk, brown rice, polished rice, and bran) of 507 rice samples from 15 main rice-producing areas of China. The average total mercury contents in brown rice samples and polished rice samples were 4.2 and 3.3 μg/kg, respectively, the percentages exceeding the national standard limit were 0.59% and 0.39%, respectively. The average methylmercury levels were 2.9 and 2.4 μg/kg in brown rice and polished rice, respectively. The order of total mercury contents in different parts of rice was bran > brown rice > whole rice > rice husk > polished rice, and the order for methylmercury was bran > brown rice > whole rice > polished rice > rice husk. Total mercury intakes and methylmercury intakes were estimated for the Chinese population and the associated health risks were assessed.  相似文献   

目的 评价浙江省居民膳食赭曲霉毒素A(OTA)暴露风险。方法 收集2018—2019年浙江省居民消费食物5大类24种共518份,结合浙江省2015—2016年膳食消费量调查数据,对居民OTA膳食暴露进行评估。结果 OTA只在谷物及其制品中检出,而水果、茶叶、膨化食品、婴幼儿谷类辅食中均未检出OTA。燕麦及其制品OTA检出率最高为16.1%(5/31);OTA阳性样本含量范围为0.53~4.00μg/kg,其中燕麦及其制品检出含量最高,为4.00μg/kg;OTA含量均未超过我国限量标准(5μg/kg)。暴露评估显示,浙江省全人群中绝大多数消费情景下谷物及其制品膳食OTA暴露量为0.004~7.360 ng/kg BW,在OTA的安全摄入范围内(14 ng/kg BW);少数高污染高消费情景下,稻谷OTA摄入量为19.627 ng/kg BW,是安全摄入量的140.19%。不同年龄组人群以1~6岁组每日摄入量最高,为0.014~34.644 ng/kg BW,是安全摄入量的0.10%~247.46%。本研究中稻谷是浙江省居民膳食OTA的主要贡献食物,不同消费人群贡献率达到87.22%~9...  相似文献   

The occurrence and human dietary exposure of 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in 41 marine fish samples from Shandong Province of China were investigated. The DL-PCB congeners were extracted using automated Soxhlet extraction, purified via a composite column clean-up procedure and analysed by gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. DL-PCB congeners were found in all analysed samples, with a mean concentration of 0.887 ng/g ww (wet weight). The TEQ concentrations of DL-PCBs in individual fish samples ranged from 0.011 to 9.214 pg WHO TEQ/g ww. The mean dietary intake for all fish species was 36.5 pg TEQ/kg bw/month, which was lower than the provisional tolerable monthly intake of 70 pg TEQ/kg bw/month set by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. To monitor the trend of DL-PCBs in fish for food safety control, it is necessary to maintain a surveillance programme.  相似文献   

The concentration of methylmercury (MMC) and total mercury (TMC) in marine fishes (five species) frequently consumed in the coastal areas of Zhejiang province, China, was determined. The method of high-performance liquid chromatography–atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-AFS) with the microwave-assisted extraction was used for the MMC determination. TMC was analysed by a direct mercury analyser. MMC and TMC concentrations in five fish species ranged from 53 to 158?µg?kg?1 and 60 to 172?µg?kg?1, respectively. The proportion of MMC levels in TMC was greater than 80%. The highest MMC and TMC levels were found in Hairtail.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Predatory fish tend to accumulate high levels of mercury (Hg). Food safety assessment of these fish has been carried out on the raw product. However, the evaluation of the risk from Hg concentrations in raw fish might be modified if cooking and bioaccessibility (the contaminant fraction that solubilises from its matrix during gastrointestinal digestion and becomes available for intestinal absorption) were taken into account. Data on Hg bioaccessibility in raw predatory fish sold in Spain are scarce and no research on Hg bioaccessibility in cooked fish is available. The aim of the present study was to evaluate Hg bioaccessibility in various kinds of cooked predatory fish sold in Spain to estimate their health risk. RESULTS: Both Hg and bioaccessible Hg concentrations were analysed in raw and cooked fish (swordfish, tope shark, bonito and tuna). There were no changes in Hg concentrations during cooking. However, Hg bioaccessibility decreased significantly after cooking (42 ± 26% in raw fish and 26 ± 16% in cooked fish), thus reducing in swordfish and tope shark the Hg concentration to which the human organism would be exposed. CONCLUSION: In future, cooking and bioaccessibility should be considered in risk assessment of Hg concentrations in predatory fish. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   


Tryptamine acts as a neuromodulator and vasoactive agent in the human body. Dose–response data on dietary tryptamine are scarce and neither a toxicological threshold value nor tolerable levels in foods have been established so far. This paper reviews dose–response characteristics and toxicological effects of tryptamine as well as tryptamine contents in food, estimates dietary exposure of Austrian consumers, and calculates risk-based maximum tolerable limits for food categories. A dose without effect of 8 mg kg?1 body weight day?1 was derived from literature data. Dietary exposure via fish/seafood, beer, cheese and meat products was estimated for Austrian schoolchildren, female and male consumers, based on 543 food samples analysed in Austria 2010–15 and on food consumption data from 2008. Even worst-case estimates based on very high tryptamine contents reported in the literature did not exceed 5.9 mg kg?1 body weight day?1, and thus were below the dose without effect. Maximum tolerable levels for food commodities were calculated for high-consumption scenarios (95th percentile of female Austrian consumers). For fresh/cooked fish, preserved fish, cheese, raw sausage, condiments, sauerkraut and fermented tofu, maximum tolerable levels were 1650, 3200, 2840, 4800, 14,120, 1740 and 2400 mg kg?1, respectively. For beer, the maximum tolerable limit of 65 mg kg?1 included an uncertainty factor of 10. None of the Austrian occurrence data exceeded these levels (in fact, only 3.3% of samples demonstrated measurable amounts of tryptamine), and just one report was found in the literature on a raw fish sample exceeding the respective tolerable level. In sum, dietary intake of tryptamine should not cause adverse health effects in healthy individuals. The assessment did not take into account the combined effects of simultaneously ingested biogenic amines, and increased susceptibility to tryptamine, e.g., due to reduced monoamine oxidase activity.  相似文献   

In children, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may elicit a suite of health benefits including enhancement of cognitive development. Subsequently, dietary supplements containing omega-3 PUFAs have become increasingly popular. Often, the largest source of beneficial PUFAs in these supplements is fish oil, which may contain significant levels of contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The objectives of this study were to evaluate congener-specific PCB concentrations in 13 over-the-counter children's dietary supplements containing fish oils/powders and assess potential PCB exposures through ingestion of these products on a daily basis. Every supplement analysed contained PCBs, with a mean concentration of 9?±?8?ng PCBs/g supplement. When following serving size suggestions, mean daily exposure values ranged from 2.5 to 50.3?ng PCBs/day. Daily exposures for children's supplements were significantly lower than those previously reported for adult supplements and may be explained, in part, by the variability in the amount of fish oil (and PUFA content) in a serving size. Based on this study, factors such as fish oil purification methods (e.g., molecular distillation) and the trophic level of the fish species used to make the fish oil cannot be used as indicators of PCB levels within children's supplements. Fish supplements may decrease or increase daily PCB exposure compared with ingestion of fresh fish. However, eating fish high in omega-3 PUFAs and low in PCBs may reduce PCB exposure compared with daily supplementation with fish oils for some products studied.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省市售食品中铝污染状况,评估陕西省居民膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的健康风险。方法 2013—2015年在陕西省10个地市随机采集8类食品共计666份,按照食品中铝测定的标准操作程序进行检测,结合陕西省开展的居民膳食营养状况调查中各类食物的消费量数据,采用点评估方法,对陕西省不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的风险进行评估。结果陕西省居民全人群膳食中铝平均每日摄入量为0.154 9 mg/kg BW,不同性别-年龄组人群以18~59岁女性摄入量最高,为0.178 5 mg/kg BW。当食物中铝含量取P97.5数值时,膳食中铝摄入量最高的人群是2~7岁儿童。各性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝平均暴露量(铝含量数据采用平均值)安全限值(MOS值)均1,偏高暴露量(铝含量数据采用P97.5数值)MOS值均1。2~7岁和8~12岁儿童膳食中铝摄入贡献率较高的食品是油炸食品和焙烤食品,其他组人群膳食中铝摄入贡献率前3位的食品均是油炸食品、凉皮和淀粉制品。结论陕西省居民不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝偏高暴露量已超过最新的健康指导值。女性和儿童是暴露量较高的人群,油炸食品是不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入的最主要来源。  相似文献   

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