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In an exploratory questionnaire study at McGill University, we examine the reasons given by top women and men engineering students for deciding whether or not to continue their studies. Women are significantly less likely than men to plan on graduate school; they encounter hurdles such as limited personalized information, difficulties in obtaining reference letters, a low level of encouragement, and the discomfort of the engineering academic environment. We conclude with seven specific recommendations designed to encourage women, in particular, and also men to pursue graduate work.  相似文献   

We describe the development and successful implementation of a spreadsheet used to help undergraduates in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida plan their courses until graduation. The sheet is similar to a table with rows for courses, and columns for terms. For each course, the user enters a one in the cell for the term to take the course. The sheet computes various things, checks that all corequisites and prerequisites are satisfied, and that each course is chosen. In addition, various documentation is provided.  相似文献   

A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is an extra-curricular opportunity for science or engineering students in the sophomore, junior, or senior year to participate in academic research in much the way graduate students do. It is a way to introduce undergraduates to the excitement of real research. Because it also seems an easy and attractive way to integrate ethics into undergraduate education, working out how professors of engineering or science might actually incorporate professional ethics into an REU seems desirable. This paper describes one effort to do that with engineering students.  相似文献   

张芷  王健 《人类工效学》2013,19(3):6-11
目的观察青年大学生身体意象的构成特征,探讨身体意象和体脂肪含量的性别差异。方法采用横向对比研究设计,选取18~22岁在读大学生198名,分别采用生物电阻测量法(BIA)完成体脂肪含量测量和采用问卷调查法完成身体意象测试。结果①大学生身体意象有身体各部位满意度、外表评估、外表取向、过重评价、体重自我评量5个构成特征;②女大学生体脂肪含量百分比显著大于男大学生;(3)性别因素在身体意象各个构成特征上存在明显主效应,体脂肪含量对身体各部位满意度、外表评估和体重自我评量3个维度有明显作用,性别和体脂肪含量在身体意象各个构成特征上存在显著的交互作用。结论大学生身体意象各个构成特征上存在显著的性别差异,男生对自己的体重可能存在“低估现象”,而女生对自己的体重可能存在“高估现象”。  相似文献   

文章借鉴社会心理学和管理学关于非正式群体的概念,通过对高校非正式群体的性质和作用进行研究分析,从高校学生管理的创新和发展的角度提出了具有可操作性和现实意义的高校学生非正式群体的管理途径。  相似文献   

根据省属地方综合性大学的办学实际,以社会需求为导向,以培养未来的工程师为目标,本着更好为设计、为工程、为项目、为创新、为交流服务的目的,从机械类本科设计表达能力培养出发,围绕设计表达能力培养的知识体系、评价体系,构建了以数字化为特色的全程化的设计表达能力培养线,有效提高了机械类学生的设计表达能力.  相似文献   

目前,大学生拖欠学费的行为已由原来单纯的家庭贫困,向主、客观原因并存的多元因素演变,且呈日益严重化,这一问题不仅严重影响了高校的资金正常运转和健康发展,也影响到大学生诸如诚信等素质的培养。文章从高校学生拖欠学费的基本情况入手,剖析了拖欠学费的原因,并根据原因相应地提出了解决高校学生拖欠学费问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

大学生消费群广告名人效应的心理加工机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈宁 《人类工效学》2002,8(2):16-19
从自动化加工和控制性加工这个视角研究了名人效应的心理加工机制。实验运用加工分离程序,探讨了大学生消费对名人广告的信息加工模式。结果发现:①与用一般消费做代言人相比,大学生消费对名人广告明显存在更多的自动化加工;②在非注意条件下,代言人的专业化程度明显地影响了大学生消费的控制性加工,但与自动化加工关系不大。  相似文献   

文章针对近年来高校学生欠费日益严重的现状,分析总结其中的原因,通过阐明学生欠费对我国整个教育事业的影响,使大家认识到问题的严重性,引起政府、社会和学校的重视,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

本科教学工作水平评估是教育部对本科高校实施监督和宏观控制的一种重要手段。评估既是对普通高等本科教育工作质量好坏的检测,也是学校办学的导向,是在市场竞争下学校自身生存发展的需要。文章试图从理论和实践的层面来探讨本科教学评估工作。  相似文献   

从实践的角度出发,结合“卓越工程师培养计划”、金工的实训课程、以及绘制“减速箱”的要求,论述了在工程图学实践教学过程中以任务为驱动,以学生为主体的教学方法,该方法将图学知识与图学实践相结合,并将该实践融入大学整个教学之中,有助于培养学生的工程意识和创新能力.  相似文献   

The demand for commissioning services for new-building construction projects is experiencing rapid growth. Commissioning (Cx) is touted as being a quality-focused process for ensuring the owner’s project requirements (OPR) are met by design, final construction, and the operations of a building. To an owner this is just what is needed to receive a perfect building at occupancy. However, as many owners have realized, the Cx process does not guarantee the completed building will be what was expected. It should be pointed out that this is typically not caused by the Cx process, but the Cx process should or could have identified, in the early phases of the project, many of the issues that made it through to the completed building. There are a number of reasons why the Cx services received may not be optimal. Often it is poor communication and the transfer of knowledge between project teams. Cx should and can facilitate both communication and the transfer of knowledge from phase to phase. An adaptation of the quality function deployment (QFD) four-phase model can accomplish this by filling the gaps among the major Cx activities and provide a standard approach to the process. The four-phase model effectively links each of the Cx activities to each other and back to the OPR, providing a method for improved communication and knowledge transfer. This paper investigates some potential reasons for inconsistent Cx services, presents an argument for the need of a Cx standard, and proposes a potential standard.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an effort to enhance the learning and affective experience of students in a laboratory module in metabolism through the use of the “How People Learn” framework, which is grounded in educational theory and research. The laboratory, which was a component of a systems physiology course in biomedical engineering, was modified such that some students had educational experiences informed by How People Learn principles while other students encountered a more traditional laboratory. Students were compared on a number of dimensions including knowledge acquisition, ability to use information to solve problems, transfer, and perceptions of their course experience. Several differences were observed between groups, with students in the “How People Learn” group out‐performing controls on measures that required a deeper ability to use the material, but not differing in basic acquisition of information. Implications for the development of similar laboratories are discussed.  相似文献   

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