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Eleven Oxalis L. species from the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) were investigated with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. We identified four different types and two subtypes of orbicules. We conclude that the close morphological similarity between these species is also reflected in their orbicules, and we suggest that the orbicules morphology may be a useful character in systematic studies.  相似文献   

Using light and scanning electron microscopy, we studied the pollen morphology of six species (one of which are endemic) of Chinese Pseudostellaria. All species were studied for the first time. Results of this study indicated that pollen grains of Pseudostellaria are spheroidal or spheroidal‐polyhedral in shape and small or medium in size and pantoporate. Each pollen grain has 12–16 round pores. These pores are apart from each other by 5.77–7.73 μm and each has 7–13 granules in the operculum region. These features have important taxonomic significance. In addition, their pollen grains have thin exine with microechinate‐punctate‐perforate surface ornamentation. Pollen features do not support the traditional infrageneric classification of Pseudostellaria into two sections, but support that Pseudostellaria is closely related to other species of the Odontostemma clade.  相似文献   

The Pollen morphology of subfamily Caryophylloideae (Caryophyllaceae) from different phytogeographical region of Pakistan has been evaluated. In this research, 16 species belong to 6 genera of subfamily Caryophylloideae have been studied using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for both qualitative and quantitative characters. Different palyno‐morphological features were observed including; pollen ornamentation, pore ornamentation, echini arrangement, echinidensity, number of pori, size of polar and equatorial diameter, P/E ratio, exine thickness, and size of pore were studied. The palyno‐morphological characters of subfamily Caryophylloideae have taxonomically significant in identification and delimitation of species. Two pollen types, i.e., subspheroidal (15 species) and prolate (one species Vaccaria hispanica) were observed. Microechinate‐punctate and microechinate‐perforate pollen ornamentation were examined. Two pollen types of pori, i.e., prominent (5 species) and sunken (11 species) ornamentation have been reported. Three types of echini arrangement have been reported irregular, regular and rather regular, while three type of echinidensity (i.e., medium, dense and sparse) were observed. Pori numbers were found different in different species range from 5 in Silene apetala to 19‐35 in Silene vulgaris. Based on different palyno‐morphological characters, taxonomic key was develop for quick and accurate identification. The quantitative data were processed using SPSS software for average, minimum, maximum, and standard error.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied pollen morphologies of seven species in genus Aletris in detail by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Of these, six species were reported for the first time. The palynological characteristics do not support the infrageneric classification into two clades. The results indicated that pollen grains of Aletris are small or medium with the P/E ratio of 0.36–0.59. They are elliptic or long‐elliptic in the polar view with blunt, round or acute ends and bilateral symmetric with a monosulcate, narrow or wide, deep colpus that has length extending to the ends of pollen grains, obvious or absent colpus membranes. The pollen ornamentation is gemmate, perforated, or reticulate. The sexine is slightly or quite thicker than the nexine.  相似文献   

The genus Sophora (Fabaceae) is one of the taxonomically challenging genera with high economic and medical values. In this study, the pollen morphology of 43 samples of 27 species, 4 subspecies, and 4 varieties of the genus Sophora and 3 closely related genera was examined using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the pollen diversity of the genus and its taxonomic significance. Pollen grains of the studied species were tricolporate (rarely six-aperture), and pollen shape varied from suboblate, spheroidal, subprolate to prolate. Echinate external ornamentation was reported for the first time in some species of the genus. Aperture membrane ornamentation and outline in a polar/equatorial view were described for the first time in the genus. Principal component analysis was used to understand the relationship and discrimination between the species and the genera, with six components accounting for 79.92% of the total variance. Taxonomic keys based on pollen morphology were also constructed to easily identify the taxa of the genus through palynological characteristics. Results showed that pollen morphology alone is not sufficient to elucidate or reconstruct taxonomic relationships within the genus Sophora, but palynological assessments can provide some useful information for identifying taxonomically problematic taxa.  相似文献   

The pollen cone and the pollen grain of the two Argentinean species of Araucaria are described with LM, SEM and TEM. Primordia of pollen cones are formed in April and May and reach maturity by mid-October in A. angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze and by mid-November in A. araucana. (Mol.) K. Koch. Characters of the mature pollen cones and microsporophylls between both taxa are clearly differentiated. Pollen grains are spheroidal-subspheroidal, inaperturate, and asaccate with granulate exine and a subequatorial annular area that corresponds to the sexine thickness. Sculpturing consists of irregularly dispersed granules that are sometimes fused to each other (A. angustifolia) or forming microrugulae (A. araucana). Microgranules and microspinules are also present. The pollen wall ultrastructure is formed by a granular ectexine and lamellated endexine. Granular elements in A. angustifolia are more loosely disposed, form more interstices, and are gradually smaller towards the endexine than in A. araucana. To asses the probable relationships within the family, we compared the pollen grains of the two Araucaria species with those of other extant genera (Agathis, Wollemia) and also with fossil pollen (Araucariacites, Balmeiopsis, Cyclusphaera, Dilwynites) attributed to Araucariaceae.  相似文献   

Egg morphology of nine species of the cluster fly genus Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy was studied with scanning electron microscopy. Funnel-shaped micropylar area, chorion covered with centrally depressed hexagons, well developed hatching pleats on the dorsal surface encompassing the median area were found in eggs of all species: P. amentaria (Scopoli), P. angustigena Wainwright, P. atramentaria (Meigen), P. labialis Robineau-Desvoidy, P. mayeri Jacentkovsky, P. pediculata Macquart, P. rudis (Fabricius), P. similis (Jacentkovsky), and P. vagabunda (Meigen). Untypical for Calliphoridae, a dual morphological structure of plastron-bearing area is described here for the first time. On the basis of our observations, all species studied share the presence of a plastron respiratory function on the entire surface between the hatching lines. Differences between species were found in the shape of the longitudinal hatching pleats and the proportion between 'island pattern' and 'hexagonal pattern' of their chorionic surface, and in the intensity of perforation of hexagons of the median area. Comparisons of Pollenia egg morphology with that of other representatives of Calliphoridae revealed its unique structure, allowing easy differentiation from other representatives of the family.  相似文献   

The spermiogenesis of Sitophilus zeamais and Sitophilus oryzae, the maize and the rice weevil, respectively, was studied by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Sitophilus spp. is the most widespread and destructive primary pest of stored cereals in the world. The spermiogenesis occurs within cysts. There are approximately 256 germ line cells per cyst. Inside each cysts, all the spermatids are in the same stage of maturation. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of S. zeamais and S. oryzae is similar to that described for other beetles. The head is formed by a three-layered acrosome with the perforatorium, the acrosomal vesicle, the extra-acrosomal layer and the nucleus. The flagellum has the typical axoneme formed by a 9+9+2 microtubules arrangement, two mitochondrial derivatives and two accessory bodies. The typical pattern for Curculionidae spermatozoa described here may provide useful information for future phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily Curculionoidea.  相似文献   

The antennal morphology and sensilla ultrastructure of Tomicus yunnanensis, T. minor, and T. brevipilosus were studied by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Eight common sensilla types were recorded: (1) sensilla trichodea (S.tr.) types 1 and 2 were located on the club and were innervated by five and eight dendrites, respectively; (2) sensilla chaetica (S.ch.) types 1 and 2 had no dendrites in the sensilla lymph lumen; (3) sensilla basiconica (S.b.), top‐protuberated S.b. and fluted cones (Fl.c.) occurred on the club; and Böhm bristles (B.b.) occurred on the funicle. S.b. were the most abundant and were innervated by 10–14 dendritic branches. Top‐protuberated S.b., a new sensilla type, were innervated by one dendrite. Fl.c. were innervated by five dendrites. Only three sensilla furcatea were visible on the antennae of female T. yunnanensis. The possible functions of these sensilla are discussed in relation to their morphology and ultrastructure. No statistical differences between sexes were found in the size and numbers of each sensilla type. Although the three species had similar antennal morphology and sensilla type, sensilla on sub‐segments 3 and 4 of the antennal club of T. minor were much sparser than those of T. yunnanensis or T. brevipilosus. Concerning the antennae of T. yunnanensis, there were more S.tr. type 2, S.ch. type 2 and S.b. and the size of S.tr. type 1 and S.b. were significantly greater than those of T. minor. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new species of cyclopoid copepod, Ozmana huarpium, is described as a symbiont to Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck 1822) (Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae). Rather large numbers (about one hundred copepods per snail) were found, although there was no evidence of harm to the host. To our knowledge, O. haemophila (symbiont to P. maculata), and the currently described species, O. huarpium, are the only copepod species ever recorded as endosymbionts to freshwater invertebrates. While O. haemophila is restricted to the haemocoel of its host, O. huarpium predominate in the penis sheath, the ctenidium and the mantle cavity, figuring in these pallial organs 63-65% of total mature forms. The sex ratio of the symbiont is skewed to the female side in these organs, specially in male hosts. The hypothesis that a special female tropism for the male host's pallial organs might ensure interindividual transmission of the symbiont was tested, with indications that the symbiont is mainly transmitted during copulation.  相似文献   

蜂花粉含有丰富的营养成分与多种生物活性物质。多糖是蜂花粉的主要活性成分之一。不同来源的蜂花粉多糖具有提高机体免疫力、调节血糖、降血脂、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抑菌等多种作用,蜂花粉多糖已成为医药与食品行业的重要资源。本文对近几年蜂花粉多糖的上述生物活性研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

In this study we have discussed pollen morphology of 14 mimosaceous species belonging to five genera by using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The palynological features of species were determined by both qualitative and quantitative characters. The qualitative characters include pollen shape, colpi arrangement, and exine sculpturing. Oblate spheroidal shaped pollens were noted in Albizia procera, Albizia lebbeck, Acacia tortilis, Acacia ampliceps, and Acacia modesta, subprolate shaped pollen in Leucaena leucocephala, Prosopis julifera, and Acacia nilotica, prolate pollen in Acacia farnesiana and Prosopis glandulosa while spheroidal, sub spheroidal and sub oblate pollen grains were observed in Acacia catechu, Mimosa himalayana, Prosopis cineraria, respectively. Sparsely foveolate, reticulate, scabrate, and scrobiclate exine sculpturing were observed. Colpi with sunken ornamentation were seen in P. cineraria, P. glandulosa, P. juliflora, and L. leucocephala while colpi were absent in rest of the studied species. The quantitative characters were statistically studied using SPSS software. The current study gives important morpho‐palynological characters for identifying and validation of close related and similar taxa which will aid to the phylogenetic analysis of Mimosaceae family.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer-aided tutorial for biological stereology. Stereology, a type of quantitative morphology, includes a collection of statistical methods that quantify the structural compartments that can be viewed in sections with light and electron microscopy. These methods provide volume, surface, length, shape, and number data, and help define the quantitative relationships among the structural compartments of biological hierarchies. Hierarchies, which connect structural data ranging in size from molecules to organs, serve as a central core to which the data of biological databases can be linked. The tutorial focuses on two objectives. It provides the user primarily interested in using quantitative morphology databases with background information, and offers a set of state-of-the-art tools to researchers wishing to use these methods in the laboratory. The main topics of the tutorial include: introduction to quantitative morphology, symbols/terms, data types, sampling, hierarchies, data interpretation, and utilities. The tutorial runs under the MS-DOS operating system and requires at least an IBM PC AT (or compatible), a color monitor (EGA, VGA), 540 KB of RAM, and 3 MB of hard disk space.  相似文献   

The leaf epidermal morphology of 38 samples, representing 22 Lobelia species from China, was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The stomata and other epidermal features were largely consistent within species, and therefore represented good characters for taxonomic purposes. Diagnostic characters of the leaf epidermis were used to differentiate species of Lobelia. The species pairs L. clavata and L. pyramidalis, L. alsinoides and L. terminalis, and L. davidii and L. erectiuscula, were differentiated using leaf epidermal characters. Results at the micro‐structural level partly supported the current subdivisions of Lobelia. Previous taxonomic revisions of Lobelia in China were evaluated based on species epidermal characteristics. The results supported the recognition of Pratia merged with Lobelia, and of L. chevalieri as a distinct species. Lobelia brevisepala should not be included in L. montana. The status of Lobelia in the evolutionary history of Campanulaceae was assessed. The Lobelia species investigated retained many primitive leaf epidermal features.  相似文献   

The sensilla on the terminal antennomere of selected Hydradephagans (Coleoptera) are modified in several distinct ways as compared to the sensilla on the terminal antennomere of Geadephagans (Coleoptera). There are no long sensilla of any type on antennae of Hydradephagans, the sensilla are either short, peg-like sensilla that may be recessed in the antennal surface or they are multiporous plate-like sensilla. Multiporous plate-like sensilla have not been found on the antennae of Geadephagans. A pit sensillum occurs on the antennae of one family, Gyrinidae, in the Hydradephaga whereas it is found on the antennae of several species from the families of Geadephaga. The sensilla on the terminal antennomere of Hydradephaga are often grouped into sensory fields that could be located on a particular area of the antennomere. Sensory fields are also located on the apices of the maxillary and labial palps and the most unique sensory fields occur in the Noteridae. The maxillary palpal apex of Hydrocanthus oblongus (Noteridae) is bifurcate and a sensory field with several types of sensilla is at the apex of each branch. The terminal labial palpomere is greatly enlarged and has a long, slender sensory field at the apex and a secondary sensory field on a thumb-like projection. The sensilla on the palpal apices are more diverse and complex in form as compared to the sensilla on the palps of Geadephaga. The most complex sensillum has a cuticular collar and a dome that is divided into six or seven triangular sections. The dome may be opened or closed and a peg-like sensillum with a very wide apical pore is situated beneath the dome.  相似文献   

The morphology of the hair cells of the inner ear end organs from the domestic pig ( Sus scrofa ) have been studied using a combination of Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM), revealing hair cells from the cochlea and vestibule using a novel surgical and technical approach. This is the first time that the inner ear hair cells from S. scrofa have been studied, thus providing useful anatomical information on the morphology of the hair cells from the cochlea, saccule and utricle from a large mammal. Anatomical information in relation to the morphology of the inner ear is of considerable importance, both in the pathological diagnosis of trauma and in the development of cochlea implants and other biotechnological systems associated with the enhancement of hearing. Standard fixation protocols using cardiac perfusion was not employed in this study as this method cannot always be applied, such as the pathological examination of the human ear, or the study of animals protected by endangered species legislation. With the exception of a very few countries, cetaceans cannot be killed for research purposes, yet physiological information on the inner ear from these species is urgently required for ecological assessment reasons. Supporting the use of S. scrofa as a model for cetacean hearing research is that this animal is a member of the order Artiodactyla, which includes both the hippopotamus and cetaceans. Being of a similar size, the pig is an ideal subject for developing protocols and surgical techniques required to investigate both the human and small cetacean auditory systems.  相似文献   

Pollen micromorphology is not only used to check the functional and structural evolution in plants but also to solve the taxonomic problem related to the classification of plants. Therefore, keeping in view the significance of pollen traits, selected taxa of the subfamily Caesalpiniaceae was collected from different geographical regions of Pakistan. The species were then analyzed under both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques to investigate the importance of micromorphological characters of pollen in the identification and classification of species. Great variation was recorded in equatorial shape, surface ornamentation, tectum, polar diameter, equatorial diameter, and exine thickness. However, little variation was observed in pollen type, polar shape, and fertility of pollen. The equatorial shape of five types was observed: prolate, prolate-spheroidal, spheroidal-subprolate, subspheroidal-prolate, and subspheroidal. Four types of surface ornamentation, psilate, granulate, clavate, and perforate, were recorded. Tectum of five types, intactate, reticulate regulate, medium reticulate, tactate, and striate, was observed. Sexine was thicker than nexine in all studied species. The largest polar diameter was observed in Caesalpinia pulcherrima 64.1 μm while the smallest in Parkinsonia aculeata 26.1 μm. The largest equatorial diameter was found in C. pulcherrima of 70.25 μm whereas the smallest in P. aculeata 27.57 μm. All the pollens analyzed were tricolporate. All studied species have a fertility ratio of more than 90%. A taxonomic key was developed to show the variation in pollen features and delimit species for the correct identification. In conclusion, the pollen traits were found useful to define species boundaries at various taxonomic ranks and will strengthen the taxonomy of this subfamily. Besides, this study also explored the palynological traits and their implication in the taxonomy of the subfamily Caesalpiniaceae.  相似文献   

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