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Can reducing black carbon emissions counteract global warming?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field measurements and model results have recently shown that aerosols may have important climatic impacts. One line of inquiry has investigated whether reducing climate-warming soot or black carbon aerosol emissions can form a viable component of mitigating global warming. We review and acknowledge scientific arguments against considering aerosols and greenhouse gases in a common framework, including the differences in the physical mechanisms of climate change and relevant time scales. We argue that such a joint consideration is consistent with the language of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. We synthesize results from published climate-modeling studies to obtain a global warming potential for black carbon relative to that of CO2 (680 on a 100 year basis). This calculation enables a discussion of cost-effectiveness for mitigating the largest sources of black carbon. We find that many emission reductions are either expensive or difficult to enact when compared with greenhouse gases, particularly in Annex I countries. Finally, we propose a role for black carbon in climate mitigation strategies that is consistent with the apparently conflicting arguments raised during our discussion. Addressing these emissions is a promising way to reduce climatic interference primarily for nations that have not yet agreed to address greenhouse gas emissions and provides the potential for a parallel climate agreement.  相似文献   

Total and size-segregated Pt and Pd emission factors from on-road vehicles were measured in the Kaisermühlen Tunnel in Vienna, Austria. Aerosol sampling was performed simultaneously inside and outside the tunnel during April and May 2005. Analysis of the acid-digested aerosol samples was performed using a preconcentration procedure with subsequent on-line detection by electro-thermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). Inside the tunnel distinctly increased Pt and Pd concentrations were found with highest levels in total suspended particulate matter samples and reduced concentrations in the size-segregated PM10 and PM2.5 samples. Emission factors were calculated from concentration differences between tunnel inside and tunnel outside samples, the distance between tunnel entrance and sampling location, the ventilation rate, and the number of vehicles passing through the tunnel. Emission rates observed for Pt ranged from 38 +/- 5.9 to 146 +/- 13 ng veh(-1) km(-1), whereas the emission factors of Pd varied between 13 +/- 2.1 and 42 +/- 4.1 ng veh(-1) km(-1). Variations in the emission rates were assumed to originate from alterations in traffic conditions. Size-segregated investigations revealed that the major part of Pt and Pd emissions were released in the coarse aerosol mode (size fraction > PM10), nevertheless a considerable fraction (approximately 12% and approximately 22% respectively) was emitted in the inhalable PM2.5 fraction.  相似文献   

Due to growing production, carbon nanotubes (CNT) may soon be found in a broad range of products and thus in the environment. In this work, an algal growth test was developed to determine effects of pristine and oxidized CNT on the green algae Chlorella vulgaris and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. CNT suspensions were prepared in algal test medium and characterized taking into account the suspension age, the reduced light transmittance of nanoparticle suspensions defined as shading of CNT and quantified by UV/vis spectroscopy, and the agglomeration of the CNT and of the algal cells. Growth inhibition and photosynthetic activity were investigated as end points. Growth of C. vulgaris was inhibited with effect concentrations of 50% (EC(50)) values of 1.8 mg CNT/L and of 24 mg CNT/L in well dispersed and in agglomerated suspensions, respectively, and 20 mg CNT/L and 36 mg CNT/L for P. subcapitata, respectively. However, the photosynthetic activity was not affected. Growth inhibition was highly correlated with the shading of CNT and the agglomeration of algal cells. This suggests that the reduced algal growth might be caused mainly by indirect effects, i.e. by reduced availability of light and different growth conditions caused by the locally elevated algal concentration inside of CNT agglomerates.  相似文献   

Environmental solid matrices such as soils and aerosols contain a variety of absorbents (e.g., organic matter) and adsorbents (rigid carbonaceous geosorbents, minerals) but the contribution of both modes of sorption to the overall sorption behavior is often uncertain. Absorption of a cycloalkane from air to bulk phases is generally stronger than that of the n-alkane of the same number of carbon atoms, while adsorption onto surfaces does not differ between these two compounds, or rather favors the n-alkane. The presentstudy explores this characteristic sorption behavior of alkanes and eventually claims that determination of n-alkane-to-cycloalkane sorption coefficient ratios (Kn/Kc) helps elucidate the mode of sorption by complex mixtures in the environment. Differences in sorption coefficients from air (K) between n- and cycloalkanes were explained based on the linear free energy relationship (LFER) models in the form log K = - a V+ b MR + constant, where V and MR are the molar volume and the molar refraction, respectively. The LFER models predict Kn/Kc < 1 for absorption and Kn/Kc approximately 1 for adsorption. An extensive number of experimental K values of C5--C8 alkanes for known ab- and adsorbents were evaluated. The data matched the model expectations and indeed exhibited a distinct difference in Kn/Kc, between ab- and adsorption. Steric factors due to sorbate and sorbent geometries generally favored adsorption of n-alkanes over that of cycloalkanes (Kn/Kc > 1), clarifying the contrast between the two sorption modes even more. The application to environmental solid matrices is demonstrated using sorption data for diesel soot, aerosols and snow. The results are in excellent agreement with previous discussions on the modes of sorption in these materials.  相似文献   

While charitable giving stagnates, Fair Trade and organic labelling as well as Cause-related Marketing campaigns are on the rise in Germany. The question as to whether the efficiency of the different systems is of relevance for consumers has received little attention in the literature so far. A latent class model for discrete choice analysis reveals five consumer segments with well distinguished preferences and willingness to pay measures for the modes of ethical consumption as well as for different donation amounts. For 27% of the 484 respondents ethical consumption occurs at the expense of other forms of ethical behaviour such as charitable giving.  相似文献   

In this study, antistatic sheath–core composite fibers with the core composed of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymer and a sheath composed of carbon black/polybutylene terephthalate (CB/PBT) polymer were fabricated using a conjugate spinning process. CB powders of various particle sizes were compounded with PBT polymers to prepare the antistatic CB/PBT pellets, and their electrical resistivities strongly depended on the intrinsic properties and dispersion of CB powders. The CB/PBT/PET fibers consisted of well-mixed CB powders within the polymer matrix showed an outstanding antistatic function, and they were employed to manufacture an antistatic glove with commercial acrylic yarns for practical applications. The antistatic glove with a reliable washing fastness is capable of being used on capacitive touch panels of smart phones, tablets, and other wearable electronic devices. This approach offers new possibilities for a variety of textile applications requiring antistatic properties.  相似文献   

American grocery shoppers face an array of front of pack (FOP) nutrition and health claims when making food selections. Such systems have been categorized as summary or nutrient specific. Either type should help consumers make judgments about the nutrition quality of a product. This research tests if the type or quantity of FOP claims are indeed good indicators of objective nutrition quality. Claim and nutrition information from more than 2200 breakfast cereals and prepared meals launched between 2006 and 2010 were analyzed using binary and multinomial logistic regression models. Results suggest that no type or number of front of pack claims could distinguish “healthy” foods. However, some types and frequencies of FOP claims were significant predictors of higher or lower levels of certain key nutrients. Given the complex and crowded label environment in which these FOP claims reside, one may be concerned that such cues are not closely related to objective measures of nutrition quality.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) air concentrations remain surprisingly high in parts of Africa and Asia. These are regions where PCBs were never extensively used, but which are implicated as recipients of obsolete products and wastes containing PCBs and other industrial organic contaminants, such as halogenated flame retardants (HFRs). We hypothesize that there may be different trends in emissions across the globe, whereby emissions of some industrial organic contaminants may be decreasing faster in former use regions (due to emission reductions combined with uncontrolled export), at the expense of regions receiving these substances as obsolete products and wastes. We conclude that the potential for detrimental effects on the environment and human health due to long-range transport by air, water, or wastes should be of equal concern when managing and regulating industrial organic contaminants. This calls for a better integration of life-cycle approaches in the management and regulation of industrial organic contaminants in order to protect environmental and human health on a global scale. Yet, little remains known about the amounts of industrial organic contaminants exported outside former use regions as different types of wastes because of the often illicit nature of these operations.  相似文献   

The first simultaneous measurements and analytical data on atmospheric concentrations of PM(2.5), PM(10), inorganic constituents, carbonaceous species, and their optical properties (aerosol optical depth, AOD; absorption coefficient, b(abs); mass absorption efficiency, σ(abs); and single scattering albedo, SSA) from an urban site (Kanpur) in the Indo-Gangetic Plain are reported here. Significantly high aerosol mass concentration (>100 μg m(-3)) and AOD (> 0.3) are seen as a characteristic feature throughout the sampling period, from October 2008 to April 2009. The temporal variability in the mass fractions of carbonaceous species (EC, OC, and WSOC) is pronounced during October-January when emissions from biomass burning are dominant and OC is a major constituent (~30%) of PM(2.5) mass. The WSOC/OC ratio varies from 0.21 to 0.65, suggesting significant contribution from secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). The mass fraction of SO(4)(2-) in PM(2.5) (Av: 12.5%) exceeds that of NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+). Aerosol absorption coefficient (@ 678 nm) decreases from 90 Mm(-1) (in December) to 20 Mm(-1) (in April), and a linear regression analysis of the data for b(abs) and EC (n = 54) provides a measure of the mass absorption efficiency of EC (9.6 m(2) g(-1)). In contrast, scattering coefficient (@ 678 nm) increases from 98 Mm(-1) (in January) to 1056 Mm(-1) (in April) and an average mass scattering efficiency of 3.0 ± 0.9 m(2) g(-1) is obtained for PM(10) samples. The highest b(scat) was associated with the dust storm event (April 17, 2009) over northern Iraq, eastern Syria, and southern Turkey; thus, resulting in high SSA (0.93 ± 0.02) during March-April compared to 0.82 ± 0.04 in October-February. These results have implications to large temporal variability in the atmospheric radiative forcing due to aerosols over northern India.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1987,25(2):117-126
The rates of extraction of theaflavins from sieved Kapchorua Pekoe Fannings (600–710 μm) and from a Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe Fine Leaf Blend have been measured at 80°C with a set of aqueous salt and buffer solutions spanning the pH range 3·1 to 8·1. There was little effect on adding 1:1 electrolytes but considerable decreases in rate occurred in the presence of calcium chloride. The rate constants in acid buffers were the same as in a normal unbuffered infusion but in alkaline buffers of pH 8 they were over 50% larger. This phenomenon was quantitatively accounted for by the partial dissociation of theaflavins at higher pH and the greater diffusion coefficient of the resulting ionic salt. The relevance of these findings to tea brewing and to industrial theaflavins extraction is discussed.  相似文献   

Streamwater composition data obtained through periodic sampling of streams that support brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the mountains of western Virginia were examined for evidence of recovery from acidification during the 1988-2001 period. Measurements of sulfate deposition in precipitation indicate that sulfate deposition in the region declined approximately 40% between 1985 and 2000. While no significant regional trends in acid-base constituents were observed for the set (n = 65) of western Virginia study streams, significant regional trends were observed for a subset (n = 14) of streams in Shenandoah National Park (SNP). For the subset of SNP streams, the median increase in acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) was 0.168 microequiv L(-1) year(-1) and the median decrease in sulfate concentration was -0.229 microequiv L(-1) year(-1). Although these trends are consistent with recovery from acidification, the degree of apparent recovery is small compared to estimates of historic acidification in SNP streams and much less than observed in other, more northern regions in the United States. Correlation between sulfate concentration trends and current sulfate concentrations in streamwater suggests that recovery from stream acidification in the western Virginia region is determined by sulfur retention processes in watershed soils. A transient increase in nitrate concentrations that occurred among some western Virginia streams following forest defoliation by the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) complicates interpretation of the observed patterns of change in acid-base status.  相似文献   

A starch-rich portion is produced as a by-product of black Tartary buckwheat processing. The effect of enzymatic combined with autoclaving–cooling cycles (one, two, or three times) on the physicochemical and structural properties of black Tartary buckwheat type 3 resistant starch (BRS) was evaluated. The autoclaving–cooling cycles enhanced solubility and reduced swelling, with the BRS content increasing from 14.12% to 25.18%. The high crystallinity of the BRS reflected a high molecular order. However, increasing the number of autoclaving–cooling cycles did not result in higher BRS content. The highest BRS yield in the autoclaved starch samples was 25.18% after double-autoclaving–cooling cycles. Furthermore, the autoclaving–cooling cycles altered the crystalline structure of black Tartary buckwheat, and the subsequent crystallinity changed from 36.33% to 42.05% to 38.27%. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy shows that the number of cycles results in more efficient double-helical packing within the crystalline lamella. Principal component analysis showed that the autoclaving–cooling cycle treatment leads to significant changes in the molecular structure of resistant starch (RS). These results indicated that autoclaving–cooling cycles might be a feasible way for producing RS from black Tartary buckwheat starch with better structural stability to expand their application range.  相似文献   

A long-term database of weekly air concentrations was examined to establish temporal trends of PCBs in the Arctic atmosphere. Several methods were employed to reduce the intra-annual variability allowing the elucidation of longterm trends for a selection of congeners at Alert located in the Canadian Arctic. These methods included temperature normalization (TN), multiple linear regression (MLR), and digital filtration (DF). Estimation of the slope (m) resulting from the linear regression between the natural logarithm of the partial pressure in air versus reciprocal temperature (In P = m/T + b), required for TN and MLR, proved difficult due to the poor correlation with temperature experienced forthe majority of congeners. Values of m were considerably lower than those obtained from temperate studies, implying that regional air-surface exchange plays a minor role in supporting the observed air concentrations in the Arctic. The lighter congeners generally showed very low slopes, and some even showed positive correlation with 1/T. This might be a result of their relatively fast reaction rates with OH radicals following the onset of 24-h sunlight in spring. Use of DF (in combination with TN and MLR) revealed declining trends for several of the lower chlorinated congeners in the high Arctic atmosphere, with estimated first-order half-lives, t1/2, ranging from approximately 3 to 20 yr. Declining trends of the lower congeners probably reflect falling levels in source regions, as a result of long-range transport to this Arctic site. There were no apparent trends for the higher chlorinated congeners (penta-substituted and above), exceptfor PCB 180, in marked contrast to temperate studies, indicating a lag time for decline between the Arctic and source regions.  相似文献   

Since years, serine proteases and their inhibitors were an enigma to meat scientists. They were indeed considered to be extracellular and to play no role in postmortem muscle proteolysis. In the 1990's, we observed that protease inhibitors levels in muscles are a better predictor of meat tenderness than their target enzymes. From a practical point of view, we therefore choose to look for serine protease inhibitors rather than their target enzymes, i.e. serine proteases and the purpose of this report was to overview the findings obtained. Fractionation of a muscle crude extract by gel filtration revealed three major trypsin inhibitory fractions designed as F1 (Mr:50–70 kDa), F2 (Mr:40–60 kDa) and F3 (Mr:10–15kD) which were analyzed separately. Besides antithrombin III, an heparin dependent thrombin inhibitor, F1 and F2 comprised a large set of closely related trypsin inhibitors encoded by at least 8 genes bovSERPINA3-1 to A3-8 and able to inhibit also strongly initiator and effector caspases. They all belong to the serpin superfamily, known to form covalent complexes with their target enzymes, were located within muscle cells and found in all tissues and fluids examined irrespective of the animal species. Potential biological functions in living and postmortem muscle were proposed for all of them. In contrast to F1 and F2 which have been more extensively investigated only preliminary findings were provided for F3. Taken together, these results tend to ascertain the onset of apoptosis in postmortem muscle. However, the exact mechanisms driving the cell towards apoptosis and how apoptosis, an energy dependent process, can be completed postmortem remain still unclear.  相似文献   

Visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics was used in an attempt to classify commercial Riesling wines from different countries (Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany). Commercial Riesling wines (n = 50) were scanned in the VIS and NIR regions (400–2500 nm) in a monochromator instrument, in transmission mode. Principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and stepwise linear discriminant analysis (SLDA) based on PCA scores were used to classify Riesling wines according to their country of origin. Full cross validation (leave-one-out) was used as the validation method when classification models were developed. PLS-DA models correctly classified 97.5%, 80% and 70.5% of the Australian, New Zealand and European (France and Germany) Riesling wines, respectively. SLDA calibration models correctly classified 86%, 67%, 67% and 87.5% of the Australian, New Zealand, French and German Riesling wines, respectively. These results demonstrated that the VIS and NIR spectra contain information that when used with chemometrics allow discrimination between wines from different countries. To further validate the ability of VIS–NIR to classify white wine samples, a larger sample set will be required.  相似文献   

The selection of potential probiotic strains that possess the physiological capacity of performing successfully in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a critical challenge. Probiotic microorganisms must tolerate the deleterious effects of various stresses to survive passage and function in the human GIT. Adhesion to the intestinal mucosa is also an important aspect. Recently, numerous studies have been performed concerning the selection and evaluation of novel probiotic microorganisms, mainly probiotic bacteria isolated from dairy and nondairy products. Therefore, it would be crucial to critically review the assessment methods employed to select the potential probiotics. This article aims to review and discuss the recent approaches, methods used for the selection, and outcomes of the evaluation of novel probiotic strains with the main purpose of supporting future probiotic microbial assessment studies. The findings and approaches used for assessing acid tolerance, bile metabolism and tolerance, and adhesion capability are the focus of this review. In addition, probiotic bile deconjugation and bile salt hydrolysis are explored. The selection of a new probiotic strain has mainly been based on the in vitro tolerance of physiologically related stresses including low pH and bile, to ensure that the potential probiotic microorganism can survive the harsh conditions of the GIT. However, the varied experimental conditions used in these studies (different types of media, bile, pH, and incubation time) hamper the comparison of the results of these investigations. Therefore, standardization of experimental conditions for characterizing and selecting probiotics is warranted.  相似文献   

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