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超声导波的多模式和频散特性使得其回波分析与定位异常复杂,在导波传播的模型解析的基础上,提出了一种基于频率相位追踪的回波辨识方法。首先,选取指定模式的直接散射信号的频域相位作为参考相位,将被分析信号各个波包的频域相位用参考相位进行归一化处理,得到各个波包相对参考波包传播距离的归一化阶次;然后,结合回波信号的传播路径分析,达到对各个波包定位辨识的目的。数值仿真和实验也验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

超声导波检测技术的发展、应用与挑战   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了近三十年的超声导波技术发展及应用,阐述了导波的频散现象及其求解方法,深入分析了导波激励的力学加载原理和模态选择原则。论述了导波的传感激励方法与装置,并比较了各种激励接收方法的特点与应用场合。对超声导波在板类、管类和复合材料中的应用进行了评述,并从提高缺陷检测能力的角度,介绍了时间反转法和相控阵法在超声导波技术中的应用。最后总结了当前导波技术面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

基于时间反转的管道导波缺陷参数辨识方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
针对导波检测中的缺陷辨识问题,通过对不同缺陷的时间反转导波检测缺陷反射率随时间反转信号截取窗宽变化关系的研究,确定缺陷散射波场中各导波模态的能量分布规律,并据此提出一种基于时间反转的管道导波检测缺陷辨识方法。在数值模拟的基础上,选择适当的特征参数用于表征反射率—窗宽关系曲线,建立与缺陷特征相对应的关系曲线样本库,并通过聚类分析方法在库中寻找到与待检测缺陷特征最为接近的样本。结果表明,该方法可达到评判缺陷特征的目的,为最终实现缺陷反演奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对管道缺陷与超声导波交互的特点,为解决在管道超声导波检测中的缺陷定位困难、轴向尺寸无法量化等繁琐和耗时严重等问题,设计了自发自收和一发一收两种管道缺陷的超声导波检测平台,对特定环形缺陷进行管道超声导波检测进行了研究,探究了环形缺陷的轴向长度和径向深度对超声导波检测的影响。结果表明:采用自设计的超声导波检测平台可实现管道缺陷的定位检测及轴向尺寸定量检测,缺陷的轴向长度主要影响缺陷回波的形态,缺陷的径向深度主要影响回波的能量。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法对弯管结构进行了分析.通过对4种不同弯曲半径弯管的特性进行分析,最终选定70 kHz作为导波的激励频率;通过对不同周期信号在弯管中的特征进行分析,选定激励信号的周期为5.通过对不同弯曲角度弯管进行分析,L(0,2)模态导波经过弯管时会发生模态转换,转换为F(1,2)模态;在弯管内侧与外侧进行检测发现存...  相似文献   

超声导波在管中传播的理论分析与试验研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
采用分布式PZT传感器在管中激励和接收超声导波。根据在管状波导中传播的超声波具有频散现象及多模态特征,选择具有单一频率的特定信号激励超声波,使其频散最小;同时采用分布式传感器抑制不同模态的波型。其试验结果与理论预测相吻合。  相似文献   

张兰 《压力容器》2012,29(11):69-72
为了提高高压蒸汽管道超声检测的效率,研究了超声导波在高压蒸汽管道缺陷检测中的应用。通过试验对比,设计并实践了高频导波换能器,确定了高压蒸汽管道高频导波检测灵敏度,为实现高压蒸汽管道快速检测提供了一种方法。  相似文献   

由于在复合材料板中传播的超声导波具有偏斜效应,使得理论群速度与试验测得的群速度不一致,因此需要对群速度幅值和传播方向进行校准。数值计算复合材料板中超声导波频散方程得到S0模态各个方向的理论相速度频散曲线。运用群速度校准法则对S0模态群速度幅度和传播方向进行修正。校准后的理论群速度与试验测得的群速度较为吻合。试验中采用频率200 kHz的S0模态对碳纤维复合材料板中的模拟缺陷进行检测。结果显示采用校准后群速度和试验测得的群速度可准确定位缺陷,且具有很好的一致性。因此,采用群速度校准法则可有效提高各向异性复合材料结构中超声导波的缺陷定位和识别能力。  相似文献   

半解析有限元法求解钢轨中超声导波频散曲线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢轨中超声导波的频散曲线是采用超声导波技术进行无缝线路钢轨完整性检测的重要参考依据.通过传统的有限元模态分析方法,无法求解得到钢轨中超声导波完整的频散曲线,针对这一问题,采用了半解析有限元方法.求解时假设导波在钢轨中以简谐振动的方式传播,仅对钢轨的横截面采用三角形单元进行有限元网格划分,经理论推导得到超声导波在钢轨中传播的波动方程,通过求解特征方程,得到波数与频率的值,进而获取频率与相速度、群速度的关系,绘制出频散曲线.通过求解得到的特征向量还可以分析各导波模态的振动特性.实验结果表明,半解析有限元法求解得到的我国无缝线路CHN60钢轨的频散曲线与实际线路测试结果有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

空心圆管中导波频散特性与检测频率选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
频散是长距离管道导波检测中影响检测频率选择的重要因素。通过分析空心圆管中纵向模态导波的频散特性,探讨导波检测常用模态L(0, 2)和L(0, 1)的频率选择问题。根据导波频散现象,建立缺陷回波分辨距离与激励信号参数间的量化关系,分析检测频率优化选择问题。以导波频散引起的信号分辨距离为依据,计算不同几何尺寸管道中L(0, 2)和L(0, 1)导波非频散段的限制频率。结果表明,限定或最小化缺陷回波分辨距离,可获得最佳的导波激励信号周期及检测频率或频段。随着管道几何尺寸变化,得到L(0, 2)和L(0, 1)导波频散特性变化的几个重要结论。当管道内径壁厚比不小于4时,L(0, 2)导波低限频率与管道直径的乘积约为4.0 MHz•mm,高限频率与壁厚的乘积约为1.06 MHz•mm。对于小口径管中的L(0, 1)导波,其高限频率与直径的乘积约为0.81 MHz•mm。这些简单的函数关系为管道检测时快速确定非频散段频率范围提供参考。  相似文献   

In plate-like structures, wall-thinning defects resulting from corrosion may not be accompanied by any indication of damage on the surface. Thus, inspections are required to ensure that wall-thinning defects are within allowable limits. However, conventional ultrasonic techniques require physical contact to the structure. Alternatively, acoustic wavenumber spectroscopy (AWS) may be used for detecting, locating, and characterizing defects. This paper describes the performance of AWS in the estimation of a wall-thinning defect size in thinplate structures using finite element analysis (FEA). Through a series of FEAs, the structure’s steady-state response to a single-tone ultrasonic excitation is simulated, and the wall-thinning defect-size effect on the wavenumber-estimation accuracy is investigated. In general, the A0 guided wave mode is widely used to visualize defects because of the nature of the wave speed variation in relation to the plate thickness. However, it is not appropriate for the detection of relatively shallow wall-thinning defects, because the rate of change in wave speed with the thickness decreases with increasing plate thickness. To overcome this limitation, we propose a method to optimize excitation frequency and effective guided wave mode instead of utilizing the A0 mode. The results can be used to determine the size of shallow wall-thinning defects in plate-like structures.  相似文献   

现有损伤成像算法应用于真实复杂的航空结构时,由于结构的各向异性、复杂边界反射以及导波自身频散特性的影响,成像效果往往较差,应用时误差较大,甚至不能成像。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于频散补偿与路径-波速映射的结构损伤成像方法,首先针对各向异性影响下的结构实现损伤散射波包的频散补偿,以优化导波幅值特征,其次基于路径-波速映射法解决各向异性所带来的导波时差获取误差大的问题。所提方法在含有加筋和开口的复合材料结构上进行了验证,结果显示损伤成像的准确率得到了明显优化。  相似文献   

导波雷达液位计在方家山核电站的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
液位测量是核电站自动控制系统中重要组成部分。导波雷达液位计基于电磁波的时域反射(TDR)原理,具有受环境影响小、测量精度高等诸多优点。方家山项目是导波雷达液位计第一次在二代改进型核电站核岛厂房进行应用。通过研究,报告了导波雷达液位计在方家山项目中的选型与应用,阐述了导波雷达液位计的工作原理、性能特点、使用注意问题以及在ASG系统液位测量方面的应用。  相似文献   

The paper presents an ultrasonic based Lamb waves propagation method for identifying and measuring the damage location in a material for SHM. The present work determines the experimental and analytical effects of various parameters on the sensitivity of damage detection and a methodology is proposed for estimating and measuring the location of damage in the test specimens. An experimental setup is used for generating Ao Lamb waves by calibrating ultrasonic pulse generation for optimal value of the parameters. The experiment is performed on two carbon fiber reinforced plastic bars in both undamaged and damaged state, where the two damaged states are (1) having a cut partway through the bar, perpendicular to the long axis of the bar and (2) having a circular hole. The Lamb wave propagation parameters are calibrated using the ultrasonic pulse generator test setup and the method was compared with direct measured values of ultrasonic instrument.  相似文献   

由于超声导波难以准确检测非金属管道的早期损伤,本文提出了一种非线性超声导波延时方法对非金属管道结构损伤进行测试和定位。基于非线性超声调制机理分析了非金属管道损伤状态,使用同侧非线性超声的混频信号激励方式并根据超声导波传播速度的差异产生激励信号延时,然后在管道损伤处实现混频信号的非线性调制。采用HHT(Hilbert-HuangTransformation)提取混频延时信号的瞬时特征量,并通过分析非线性分量延时分组进行损伤区域检测,实现了对非金属管道裂纹损伤的定位。PVC(Ployninylchloride)非金属管道实验显示,无损伤状态下延时信号分组的标准化基准值为0.518 8;单裂纹状态下延时信号分组标准值为0.593 7,损伤定位相对误差为3.277%;双裂纹损伤状态下的标准化瞬时平均幅值为0.580 1与0.607 3,损伤定位值绝对误差小于4mm。相对于利用小波包络分解的非线性延时定位检测法,实验得到的单裂纹损伤准确度提高了36.4%。结果表明该方法能够对非金属管道裂纹损伤准确定位,并能够检测早期多裂纹损伤。  相似文献   

A special technique is proposed for processing detected signals. The technique uses an adjustable orthonormal basis and makes it possible to effectively identify defects by monitoring the structure and peculiarities of surface wave fields.  相似文献   

The application of the time reversal method in pipe-like structures based on finite element method (FEM) is investigated. A steel pipe model measuring 70 mm x 3.5 mm is used to analyze the reflection coefficient of the L(0,2) mode with the time reversal process. Simulation results show that the time reversal array method is beneficial to the improvement of the signalto-noise ratio of a guided wave inspection system. As the intercepting window is widened, more energy is included in re-emitted signals, which leads to a large reflection coefficient of the L(0,2) mode. In parallel, a circumferential locating method based on the time reversal method is described. The time reversal process used for guided wave inspection leads to the temporal and spatial focusing. When the time reversal signals are re-emitted, the angular profile obtained at the axial location of the defect can be used to determine the circumferential location of the defect. Except for a pipe with one defect, the circumferential locating method has been verified on another pipe model with two defects. Meanwhile, the elements number of the time reversal array has been discussed for enhancing the discrimination of the defect circumferential location.  相似文献   

本系统采用有级功率因数动态补偿及谐波滤波装置,其主要特点是在国内首次采用了自动投切控制器,很好地解决了无功倒送问题,消除了谐波危害,使系统有功容量增加,使一总降功率因数罚款降至0,为公司创造了十分可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

The application of the time reversal method in pipe-like structures based on finite element method (FEM) is investigated. A steel pipe model measuring 70 mm × 3.5 mm is used to analyze the reflection coefficient of the L(0,2) mode with the time reversal process. Simulation results show that the time reversal array method is beneficial to the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio of a guided wave inspection system. As the intercepting window is widened, more energy is included in re-emitted signals, which leads to a large reflection coefficient of the L(0,2) mode. In parallel, a circumferential locating method based on the time reversal method is described. The time reversal process used for guided wave inspection leads to the temporal and spatial focusing. When the time reversal signals are re-emitted, the angular profile obtained at the axial location of the defect can be used to determine the circumferential location of the defect. Except for a pipe with one defect, the circumferential locating method has been verified on another pipe model with two defects. Meanwhile, the elements number of the time reversal array has been discussed for enhancing the discrimination of the defect circumferential location.  相似文献   

海洋平台吊机波浪补偿系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为消除在两船吊放货物的过程中波浪对作业船舶的影响,以主动式波浪补偿反馈控制系统作为研究对象,分析了补偿原理和位移测量原理,推导了传递函数.通过仿真结果表明,伪微分控制完全满足波浪补偿控制系统的要求.  相似文献   

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