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矢量纹理图案是指由一种或几种矢量图案元素按照一定的规则进行分布而形成的纹理图案。这种纹理图案在日常生活中随处可见,对其进行自动合成是非真实感绘制中的一个重要研究课题。本文提出一种基于样本的矢量纹理图案合成方法,可以根据一小块样本图案自动合成与该样本图案有类似分布规则的大面积图案。在此方法中,我们采用一种“邻域直方图”的策略来进行元素邻域信息的匹配与合成:将矢量元素的邻域空间用以该元素为中心的射线束和同心圆簇划分为一定数量的小格;统计每个小格中出现的邻域元素数量就可以形成一幅直方图;以此直方图信息作为当前元素的邻域信息在样本图案中进行匹配搜索,从而完成图案的合成。该方法不仅可以应用于仅有一种图案元素的分布合成,还可扩展至多种元素图案的复杂分布合成。与以往的矢量纹理图案合成方法相比,本文方法不需要复杂的元素关系分析和频繁的元素位置比较,实现简单,效率较高。实验表明,本文方法对于规则、半规则及随机的图案分布,都可达到较好的合成效果,这对于非真实感绘制中的风格图案生成、笔划分布计算等都将具有很好的应用意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel technique, called volumetric texture synthesis, for non-photorealistic volume rendering. It extends texture synthesis from 2D areas/3D surfaces to volumes. By selecting different texture samples, it allows for a wide variety of stylized rendering for the target volume. As a preprocessing step, volume data analysis is used to identify texture orientations for the volume. This is followed by volumetric texture synthesis, which generates 3D non-photorealistic textures along the identified texture orientations. Finally, standard volume rendering is applied to display the volume data decorated by the texture. Experimental results are provided in the paper.  相似文献   

二维纹理合成算法优化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于已有的二维纹理合成算法,提出了基于样图纹理合成的优化算法。在合成过程中,通过多种子点选择、以螺旋状路径在原图中搜索新匹配点、边界扩充、L2距离计算优化等技术加速合成过程,提高合成质量,实验结果取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

Near-regular texture is probably among the most difficult to handle in the texture synthesis area, because the synthesis must preserve the holistic structural property and the local randomness simultaneously. In this paper, motivated by the relationship between a near-regular texture image and an evolutionary system, we propose a novel texture synthesis algorithm. By defining individuals with appropriate attributes and behaviors, we convert the texture synthesis problem to an evolution process of an evolutionary system. It can achieve high-quality synthesized results on a large variety of near-regular textures without any extra overhead for memory and pretreatment, and the speed approaches real-time. Moreover, it can be easily generalized to deal with other kinds of textures.  相似文献   

基于纹理合成的水墨山水画自动绘制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过分析中国山水画的一般创作技法,提出了基于纹理合成的水墨山水画绘制方法.将一幅图像作为控制图像,用于控制要绘制的区域轮廓和明暗色调;采集画家的手稿作为样本图像,通过纹理合成绘制出国画绘画中的各种皴、染笔触;在传统的纹理合成方法上,提出了一种目标控制的多级纹理合成算法,该算法能利用控制图像有效地控制纹理合成的结果.从而可以将一幅数字照片或简单的手绘图自动地转换成各种中国水墨画效果的图像.仿真结果证明了该方法对于各种山水画的绘制具有良好的效果.  相似文献   

使用Kinect可以方便地获取物体的纹理图像和三维点云数据。研究一种通过获取纹理图像的特征点进行快速三维点云数据配准的算法.并最终应用到室内环境的三维场芾重建中。实验表明,此算法具有直观、实现简单、运算量小等优点。  相似文献   

We present and compare five approaches for capturing, synthesising and relighting real 3D surface textures. Unlike 2D texture synthesis techniques they allow the captured textures to be relit using illumination conditions that differ from those of the original. We adapted a texture quilting method due to Efros and combined this with five different relighting representations, comprising: a set of three photometric images; surface gradient and albedo maps; polynomial texture maps; and two eigen based representations using 3 and 6 base images.We used twelve real textures to perform quantitative tests on the relighting methods in isolation. We developed a qualitative test for the assessment of the complete synthesis systems. Ten observers were asked to rank the images obtained from the five methods using five real textures. Statistical tests were applied to the rankings.The six-base-image eigen method produced the best quantitative relighting results and in particular was better able to cope with specular surfaces. However, in the qualitative tests there were no significant performance differences detected between it and the other two top performers. Our conclusion is therefore that the cheaper gradient and three-base-image eigen methods should be used in preference, especially where the surfaces are Lambertian or near Lambertian.  相似文献   

Texture enhances haptic interaction by providing unique, distinguishable, and versatile surfaces. In computer haptics, texture can render environments more realistic and provide useful information. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for virtual texture simulation by using solid noise, where only a few parameters need to be altered to generate a range of realistic and diverse textures by reproducing different frequencies similar to that of real vibrational signals in a virtual environment. The proposed method can capture the textural effect in a haptic simulation while retaining a simple overall geometry and stable update rate. This method also allows the user to change the texture at runtime and can be easily incorporated into any existing code and used in any traditional haptic device without affecting overall haptic-rendering performance. Moreover, the solid noise texture is independent of object geometry and can be applied to any shape without additional computations. We conducted a human-subject study to evaluate the recognition accuracy for each generated haptic texture as well as its realism and correspondence to real texture. The results indicated the high performance of the method and its ability to generate haptic textures with a very high recognition rate that were highly realistic.  相似文献   

针对物体表面镜面反射现象的绘制,提出了一种新的基于二维纹理映射技术的加速算法。将具有镜面反射表达式的Phong模型分解成多个简单的数学函数,预先离散采样计算后作为纹理对象传给显卡。使用OpenGL多重纹理技术,将每个纹理对象放入相应的纹理单元,分别设置其组合函数,将多个纹理的运算组合起来。将三角片顶点坐标及多组纹理坐标传入,从而实现了物体镜面反射现象的实时绘制。实验结果表明,该算法大大提高了绘制的性能。  相似文献   

Geometry mesh introduces user control into texture synthesis and editing, and brings more variations in the synthesized results. But still two problems related remain in need of better solutions. One problem is generating the meshes with desired size and pattern efficiently from easier user inputs. The other problem is improving the quality of synthesized results with mesh information. We present a new two-step texture design and synthesis method that addresses these two problems. Besides example texture, a small piece of mesh sketch drawn by hand or detected from example texture is input to our algorithm. And then a mesh synthesis method of geometry space is provided to avoid optimizations cell by cell. Distance and orientation features are introduced to improve the quality of mesh rasterization. Results show that with our method, users can design and synthesize textures from mesh sketches easily and interactively.  相似文献   

基于二维纹理样本的方向场引导的体纹理合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种考虑方向场的体纹理合成新方法.在二维纹理样本中搜索邻域,采用优化的邻域匹配算法逐个合成体素;在匹配二维纹理样本像素邻域和体素邻域时,考虑各体素上的方向,生成各向异性体纹理,并允许采用各向异性的二维纹理样本获得满意的合成结果.方向场可由过程式方法生成,也可由三维医学数据处理而得.实验结果表明,从动物的弥散张量图像得到的方向场能有效地合成真实的动物肌肉纹理,为计算机图形学提供了一种新的肌肉建模手段.  相似文献   

提出一个简单有效的基于样图的纹理合成新方法.现有纹理合成算法仅考虑两块待匹配块之间对应元素的颜色差别作为评价相似性的量度,对于一些纹理图象,找到的不一定是最相似的匹配块,因此合成后,没有得到令人满意的效果.为此,提出一个新的纹理合成算法,不仅考虑了两个匹配块之问的颜色相似性,还充分考虑了结构的差别,把结构的相似性作为匹配块之间相似性量度的重要因素之一.具体作法是:从样本图象产生一个基于结构的新的特征映射,降低结构上不连续的程度,从而获得比较理想的合成结果.  相似文献   

本文描述了一种利用基于Open GL三维纹理实现的直接体绘制方式显示流体模拟结果的方法。以JosStam的二维流体模拟模型为基础,扩展出三维流体模拟的模型;然后通过将密度场映射到三维纹理空间,实现实时的显示;并通过引入全局光照模型,得到真实感的渲染效果。最后通过与粒子系统进行对比,分析了本方法的显示效果优势。  相似文献   

一个新的基于3D纹理映射及Shear-warp变换的快速体绘制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个新的基于纹理映射及Shear-warp变换的快速体绘制方法。所提出的方法吸收了纹理映射方法的长处,通过纹理硬件的加速,并在纹理装载时提出了可适应性的纹理分割方法,使该算法不受纹理内存的限制。在进行纹理映射时,通过剪切(Shear)变换和三维图象的分割,加快给制速度。与多种经典的快速体绘制方法进行测试比较,该方法达到了交互的效果和更高的绘制速度。  相似文献   

We devise a technique designed to remove the texturing artefacts that are typical of 3D models representing real-world objects, acquired by photogrammetric techniques. Our technique leverages the recent advancements in inpainting of natural colour images, adapting them to the specific context. A neural network, modified and trained for our purposes, replaces the texture areas containing the defects, substituting them with new plausible patches of texels, reconstructed from the surrounding surface texture. We train and apply the network model on locally reparametrized texture patches, so to provide an input that simplifies the learning process, because it avoids any texture seams, unused texture areas, background, depth jumps and so on. We automatically extract appropriate training data from real-world datasets. We show two applications of the resulting method: one, as a fully automatic tool, addressing all problems that can be detected by analysing the UV-map of the input model; and another, as an interactive semi-automatic tool, presented to the user as a 3D ‘fixing’ brush that has the effect of removing artefacts from any zone the users paints on. We demonstrate our method on a variety of real-world inputs and provide a reference usable implementation.  相似文献   

曾静  李陶深 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(4):1363-1365,1444
为了避免网格重建过程而直接在三维点采样表面上进行纹理合成,研究了在点模型上的三维纹理合成的算法。利用KDtree这种数据结构在离散采样点上构建点与点的邻域关系,通过投影和建立匹配窗得到每一个待合成纹理的点与样图的映射关系,根据映射关系在样图中找出与待定点纹理值最佳匹配的点。最后将该匹配点的纹理值赋给待定点,同时结合邻域关系实现多点同时赋值。实验结果表明,该算法能有效地保持了生成的纹理结构和视觉效果的连续性和平滑性,具有耗时短、灵活可控、较好的鲁棒性等特点。  相似文献   

模拟绘画的三维几何纹理生成研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文提出一种模拟绘画的三维几何纹理生成方法。该方法的主要思想如下:(1)对物体表面进行近似等距离分点;(2)假设在各分点处放置一个个小球,利用这些小球来获得物体表面的总体明暗信息;(3)建立各分点处画元的绘制模式;(4)在绘制阶段,利用所获得的光照信息和画元的绘制模式在各分点处绘制画元,以获得符合物体表面总体明暗调子的几何纹理;(5)在上述工作的基础上,通过对画元实施一系列操作来获得更为复杂的几何纹理。与传统方法相比,该文所给出的几何纹理生成技术具有对信息处理的同一性、可对画面信息进行离散处理、所生成的纹理更具立体感和速度快等特性。实验结果验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A hybrid-based texture synthesis approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Texture synthesis has been an active research area in computer graphics, vision, and image processing. A hybrid texture synthesis approach that combines the strength of Ashikhmins [1] and Liangs [11] algorithms is presented in this paper. Using patches from the input sample texture to extend the input itself, more suitable valid candidate pixels in the input sample can be more precisely determined. An extra original position array is used to record the valid pixel position in the extended region of input sample texture such that the candidate pixel can be retrieved efficiently. Pasting patches with more global information of texture features to initialize the output texture, the texture synthesis process tends to grow larger pieces in the output texture so that the perceptual similarity is reserved as much as possible. Many classes of textures have been used to test our approach. As the experimental results showed, the proposed hybrid approach effectively and efficiently synthesizes high-quality textures from a wide variety of textures.  相似文献   

将KL变换与小波变换相结合提出了一种新的纹理合成方法,利用KL变换克服了合成彩色图时存在的颜色失真;对样图进行二维小波分解使得最佳匹配块的搜索仅在原样图的低频部分进行,从而提高了合成速度。在搜索最佳匹配块时,使用多尺度小波变换后的小波系数的差异作为误差度量,并在比较匹配误差时增加高频系数的权重,突出了纹理结构的匹配。实验结果表明,该方法不仅得到了较好的合成质量,而且在很大程度上减少了合成时间。  相似文献   

王冲  李小奇  高明  张峰 《计算机仿真》2007,24(2):195-198
在传统的视景仿真开发过程中,研究人员需要将海量的航空影像照片经过数字化等一系列处理变成可使用的地表纹理,映射在地形表面,生成地景数据库.此法耗费大量人力,而且地景库一经生成就不可再改变,真实性降低.提出一种新的地表纹理的生成方法,以随机生成的高度信息作为约束,不同的地表纹理单元作为样图,采用带约束的基于样图纹理合成算法合成出真实地表纹理图像.实验中,通过改变高程约束和对多种地表纹理进行组合,可以方便快速地合成高质量的二维地表纹理图像.提出的纹理合成的方法,为今后与数字地图相结合开发地景数据库,积累一定的经验.对提高视景数据库的真实性具有实际意义.  相似文献   

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