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A series of three dimensional (3D) shaking table tests were carried out to investigate the mechanism and effect of seismic measures of mountain tunnel using a scaled model based on a real tunnel. Key technical details of the experiment, including similarity relations, seismic measures simulation, boundary conditions, sensor layout, modeling methods, and ground motion input were presented. Main seismic measures, including reinforcing surrounding rock with anchors, increasing lining flexibility with steel wire mesh, and installing seismic isolation layer between reinforced surrounding rock and tunnel lining, were investigated in this study. Experiment results show that: (1) adding a layer of steel wire mesh in the tunnel lining can improve the flexibility and seismic performance and also may effectively prevent radial cracks from crossing the lining; (2) installing a geofoam isolation layer between the reinforced surrounding rock and the tunnel lining reduces dynamic earth pressure by 70–90% for the lining without a seismic isolation layer; (3) the flexible joints can effectively avoid global failures of tunnel lining for they reduce dynamic strain and bending force in the tunnel lining and decrease the seismic energy transmission along the lining in axial direction; (4) reinforcing surrounding rock with anchors significantly reduces dynamic earth pressure and strain of the lining by about 50%. In addition, the length of seismic reinforcement for general mountain tunnel portal is recommended to be 50 m from the tunnel portal along the axial direction. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of an experimental research on the behavior of geosynthetic encased stone columns and ordinary stone columns embedded in soft clay under dynamic base shaking. For this purpose, a novel laminar box is designed and developed to run a total of eight sets of 1-G shaking table tests on four different model soil profiles: Soft clay bed, ordinary stone column installed clay bed, and clay beds with geosynthetic encased columns with two different reinforcement stiffnesses. The geosynthetic encased columns are heavily instrumented with strain rosettes to quantify the reinforcement strains developing under the action of dynamic loads. The responses of the columns are studied through the deformation modes of the encased columns and the magnitude and distribution of reinforcement strains under dynamic loading. The response of the granular inclusion enhanced soft subsoil and embankment soil and the identification of the dynamic soil properties of the entire soil body are also discussed in this article. Finally, to determine the effect of dynamic loading on the vertical load carrying capacity, stress-controlled column load tests are undertaken both on seismically loaded and undisturbed columns. 相似文献
为实现钢框架结构的震后快速修复,提出了一种配置可更换弧形角撑和高强钢构件的抗弯钢框架结构。在目标水准地震作用下,结构塑性变形集中在弧形角撑上,高强钢构件基本保持弹性以降低震后残余变形,震后可通过更换弧形角撑快速修复结构。为研究所提出结构体系的抗震性能以及更换弧形角撑的可操作性,设计了1个带混凝土楼板的1/2缩尺模型进行振动台试验。试验结果表明:该模型实现了预定的损伤控制机制,能够满足GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》的最大层间位移角限值要求;由于该模型在超罕遇水准的地震作用下可以保持较大的屈服后刚度,因此其残余层间位移角很小(不超过0.028%),震后弧形角撑易更换;更换弧形角撑后,模型得到了一定程度的修复,但混凝土楼板开裂使得模型刚度未能完全恢复;在重复强震作用下,模型的最大层间位移角未发生显著变化,弧形角撑耗能稳定,但部分弧形角撑的最大变形有所增大,损伤在模型各局部呈现出不均匀发展的趋势。 相似文献
为实现钢框架结构的震后快速修复,提出了一种配置可更换弧形角撑和高强钢构件的抗弯钢框架结构。在目标水准地震作用下,结构塑性变形集中在弧形角撑上,高强钢构件基本保持弹性以降低震后残余变形,震后可通过更换弧形角撑快速修复结构。为研究所提出结构体系的抗震性能以及更换弧形角撑的可操作性,设计了1个带混凝土楼板的1/2缩尺模型进行振动台试验。试验结果表明:该模型实现了预定的损伤控制机制,能够满足GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》的最大层间位移角限值要求;由于该模型在超罕遇水准的地震作用下可以保持较大的屈服后刚度,因此其残余层间位移角很小(不超过0.028%),震后弧形角撑易更换;更换弧形角撑后,模型得到了一定程度的修复,但混凝土楼板开裂使得模型刚度未能完全恢复;在重复强震作用下,模型的最大层间位移角未发生显著变化,弧形角撑耗能稳定,但部分弧形角撑的最大变形有所增大,损伤在模型各局部呈现出不均匀发展的趋势。 相似文献
《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》2020,48(4):539-545
The behaviour and performance of different reinforced slopes during earthquake loading were investigated through a series of shaking table tests. Concrete-canvas and composite reinforcement (geogrid attached to concrete-canvas) were proposed for reinforcing slopes. By considering the effects of different reinforcement methods, the seismic responses of the reinforced slopes were analysed, along with the accelerations, crest settlements, and lateral displacements. The failure patterns of different model slopes were compared using white coral sand marks placed at designated elevations to monitor the internal slide of the reinforced slopes. Both the concrete-canvas and composite reinforcement could increase the safety distance, which ranged from the slide-out point to the back of the model box. The composite reinforcement decreased the volume of the landslide and increased the failure surface angle as a result of the larger global stiffness in the reinforced zone. These results indicate that the recently developed concrete canvas has a better effect on restricting the slope deformation during seismic loading than the nonwoven geotextile reinforcement, and that the use of composite reinforcement could improve the seismic resistance of slopes. 相似文献
以3层设置黏滞阻尼墙的钢框架结构为研究对象,对其进行3条地震波在不同水准下的振动台试验。通过对设置与不设置黏滞阻尼墙的两种结构动力特性和动力响应对比,分析了黏滞阻尼墙的减震效果和耗能特征及其变化规律。研究结果表明,黏滞阻尼墙是一种同时提供附加刚度和附加阻尼的被动消能减震装置,其在提供附加阻尼和附加刚度的同时可以对结构位移起到非常显著的控制作用,并且随着输入地震波峰值加速度的增大,该附加刚度逐渐减小,而附加阻尼则逐渐增大。此外,有限元分析结果与振动台试验结果的吻合度随响应对象和激励工况的不同而变化,说明了传统Maxwell模型用于模拟黏滞阻尼墙在动态力学特性方面的局限性。 相似文献
通过附加和不附加颗粒调谐质量阻尼器的5层钢框架振动台试验,研究其在实际地震波以及上海人工波激励下的减震效果。通过调整不同悬挂长度(频率比)、质量比、颗粒到阻尼器壁净距等参数,分析阻尼器参数对其减震效果的影响。试验结果表明:不同地震作用下该类阻尼器均能达到较好的减震效果,其中上海人工波的减震效果最好;对于多层钢框架结构,阻尼器能够有效控制第1振型的振动,但是对于高阶振型的控制作用无法保证;当阻尼器频率与主体结构基频相同时,能够达到最优减震效果,而当二者频率不同时,依然有一定的减震效果,说明其具有一定的鲁棒性;在合适的质量比(0.66%)下,阻尼器能够达到最佳减震效果;当颗粒到容器内壁净距为1.6D~3.6D时,可使阻尼器响应最小,且减震效果较好。 相似文献
持续强震作用对结构破坏作用较强,是造成2008年汶川地震中大量房屋结构破坏的主要原因之一。为研究房屋结构在持续强震作用下的结构反应特征,设计和制作了12层RC框架结构模型,并对其开展了三次模拟地震振动台试验,研究结果表明:结构在相同地震波持续强震作用下,对这种激励波的反应强度逐渐降低,并趋于稳定;当采用其他地震波对模型结构进行激励时,结构对不同地震波的反应明显增大,结构地震反应剧烈并增长迅速。根据试验研究结果,提出结构抗震稳健性的概念,对结构抗震稳健性的机理进行了探讨,并提出了结构抗震稳健性概念性计算方法,建议加强结构的抗震稳健性研究,以提高房屋结构在持续强震作用下的安全性。 相似文献
为研究半刚性框架-钢板剪力墙结构的抗震性能,进行了1个缩尺比为1/3的单跨4层钢框架-屈曲约束钢板剪力墙的振动台试验。试验采用模拟地震动的方法,选取El Centro波、Taft波和一条人工合成波,分析在7度多遇至9度罕遇共计8个水平地震作用工况下结构的动力特性和动力响应。研究结果表明:在多遇地震作用下,结构无明显塑性变形;罕遇地震作用时,1、3层墙板大部分区格形成拉力带。随着地震激励的增大,结构刚度逐渐退化,9度罕遇地震输入后结构抗侧刚度最大降幅仅为12%;屈曲约束钢板墙作为第一道抗震设防防线,率先进入弹塑性工作阶段,吸收耗散地震能量,避免框架发生破坏;在多遇及罕遇地震作用下结构的层间位移角分别为1/476和1/68,均满足我国现行抗震规范对层间位移角限值的规定。结构整体表现出优异的抗震性能,满足我国“两阶段,三水准”抗震设防要求。 相似文献
Zhongming Xiong Xuan Chen Chao Zhang Xiaopeng Huo Yan Zhuge 《The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings》2018,27(14)
To investigate the behavior of a reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure across earth fissure under strong earthquake, a series of shaking table tests on a scaled model were designed and conducted. Three earthquake motion records were selected as input excitations, and the Jiangyou motion has a dramatically greater dynamic effect on the structure mainly due to its inherent rich low‐frequency component. The structural acceleration amplification factor gradually decreased as the peak ground acceleration of input motions increased, implying the progressive degradation of the structure stiffness. The results indicated that the earth fissure site has amplification effect on acceleration of the soil, and the displacement response of frame across the earth fissure was different to that of a typical RC frame structure. The ground floor was the most vulnerable story of the RC frame across the earth fissure. 相似文献
《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》2021,49(6):1483-1494
In this paper, the seismic performance of wall-type gravel and rubber drains as a liquefaction countermeasure in silty sand has been addressed using a series of 1 g shaking table tests. In these tests, the liquefaction resistance of silty sand was studied by changing soil relative density, silt content, number of walls, and materials of drainage walls. In order to evaluate shear wave propagation, the generation and dissipation of pore water pressure (PWP), and the ground surface settlement, various accelerometers, displacement and PWP transducers were placed. The obtained results indicated that an increase in the relative density and the number of wall-type gravel and rubber drains in liquefiable silty sand reduces the settlement, liquefaction-induced deformations, as well as the excess PWP and eventually improves the liquefaction resistance. Totally, it can be noted that the reinforced silty sand with wall-type gravel drains revealed less excess PWP and settlement than that with wall-type rubber drains. 相似文献
为了解沉管隧道及其接头在地震作用下的动力响应,以中国广州洲头咀沉管隧道工程为背景,在北京工业大学九子振动台台阵系统上开展了1∶60比例尺大型沉管隧道–接头–场地土振动台模型试验。试验中模型箱采用装配式连续体刚性模型箱,其尺寸为7.7 m(长)×3.2 m(宽)×1.2 m(高),试验中输入地震动时程采用El Centro、Taft、天津及广州人工地震动记录,输入方向为水平横向和水平纵向一致地震动激励。设计了用于模拟沉管隧道接头的构件,并利用拉压传感器和激光位移计测得接头处所受轴向力及变形。结果表明:不同段模型结构测得的加速度及其傅立叶幅值谱有差别,且隧道结构地震响应不是随其自身特性振动,而是服从于周围土体的地震响应;不同强度地震动激励下,不同接头的受力情况可以为沉管隧道的抗震设计提供有价值的参考;不同强度地震激励下,不同接头的位移变化趋势基本上遵循J1接头位移最大,J3接头位移次之,J2接头位移最小,由于J2接头位于中间,这样的变化规律使得整个隧道沿纵向变形更加协调;水平纵向和水平横向一致地震激励下,每个接头的正反方向位移变化趋势基本平行,本次试验结果换算到原型结构,隧道接头止水带处于安全范围不会漏水。 相似文献
摩擦摆是一种常见的隔震装置,将基础和上部结构隔开,在地震发生时起到保护上部结构的作用。为研究摩擦摆隔震结构在地震作用下的响应,设计一个4层框架抗震结构与一个隔震结构以及它们对应的缩尺模型,选择了2条天然地震动和1条人工地震动,分别对2个缩尺模型进行振动台试验。试验考察2个结构的动力特性、层位移响应、楼层加速度以及隔震层的响应。研究表明:摩擦摆具有良好的隔震能力,能显著降低层位移以及楼层加速度,降低的幅度超过50%。 相似文献
为了研究半刚性连接组合梁框架在地震作用下动力特性以及破坏模式,为半刚性框架抗震设计及在地震区的使用提供依据,进行了1个足尺半刚性连接组合梁框架结构模型振动台试验研究。通过试验,分析了小震、中震和大震作用下半刚性连接组合梁框架结构的动力特性、位移反应、加速度反应、半刚性组合节点内力反应、结构破坏模式。研究结果表明:半刚性连接组合梁框架具有较好的抗震性能,在罕遇地震作用下(1.20g),整体结构仍然没有明显损坏,结构破坏形式为半刚性组合节点和柱脚处产生较大塑性变形,半刚性连接框架结构完全可以在高抗震设防烈度地区使用。对试验框架建立有限元分析模型,进行结构的非线性动力时程分析,计算结果与试验结果较为接近。 相似文献
This research adopts the approach to constructing reinforced-soil walls on rock slope, where the extent of reinforced zone has to be constrained since excavation of the relatively rigid zone may not be economical and may disrupt the traffic. To examine the seismic behavior of these structures, a series of 1-g shaking table tests using variable-amplitude harmonic excitations was conducted on 0.8m-high polymeric-strip reinforced-soil walls (PSWs) on rock slope under a scenario of waves with different intensities. Rock slope appeared to have a satisfactory dynamic response compared to the soil base as the rock behind the reinforced zone controls the development of active wedge failure and prevents higher amplification and progressive deformation. The results illustrated that the confining pressure and reinforcement length considerably affect the shear modulus and damping ratio. Also, it was found that in PSWs on rock with L/H ratio of 0.3 for bottom strips, the lowest facing panel, having the maximum horizontal displacements after failure, and lower maximum shear modulus (Gmax), and damping ratio (D), is the most crucial one despite having the highest confining pressure representing the profound effect of L/H ratio when it equals 0.3. 相似文献
为了研究预制预应力混凝土装配整体式框架结构(世构体系)抗震性能,以某实际工程世构体系框架结构为原型,对其底部两层进行缩尺模型振动台试验研究。观察试验模型在不同振动工况下的损伤及破坏情况,对模型在各水准地震作用下的动力特性、加速度、位移、应变及扭转反应进行分析,并根据试验现象与试验结果,对世构体系框架整体进行抗震性能的综合评价。结果表明:该预制装配框架体系在多遇地震作用下未出现明显损伤,在罕遇地震作用下节点核心区未出现裂缝,模型仍能保持较好的整体性,抗震性能良好;试验模型结构布置合理,地震作用下主要运动形式为平动;罕遇地震作用下,模型自振频率最大降幅为21.89%,最大层间位移角为1/122;虽然模型存在一定程度的损伤,但其弹塑性层间位移角均小于GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》中的限值,满足我国“小震不坏”、“大震不倒”的抗震设防目标。 相似文献
梁端铰型受控摇摆式钢筋混凝土框架抗震性能振动台试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
受控摇摆式钢筋混凝土框架(CR-RCF)采用梁柱铰接节点,后张预应力钢筋提供结构整体恢复力,并采用层间阻尼器耗散地震能量、控制结构整体位移。通过模拟地震振动台对比试验,研究受控摇摆式钢筋混凝土框架的抗震性能。介绍了CR-RCF结构的摇摆机制及摇摆节点的构造形式,设计了受控摇摆式钢筋混凝土框架和常规框架两个振动台试验模型,输入El Centro地震波,得到了不同地震动峰值加速度下结构的动力响应,对比分析了两个模型的振动台试验结果。结果表明:CR-RCF结构较常规框架具有更小的抗侧刚度,故其地震加速度响应更小;CR-RCF结构设置了层间阻尼器耗能装置,地震作用下的结构整体位移得到有效控制;在经历罕遇地震作用后,仅层间阻尼器进入屈服状态,主体框架承重构件保持完好,无任何损伤,表现出优异的“免损伤”特征。 相似文献
Zhongming Xiong Xuan Chen Yongwei Wang Chao Zhang Yan Zhuge 《The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings》2019,28(1)
A series of shaking table tests on a scaled model were conducted to investigate the effect of steel braces on reinforced concrete frame structure across earth fissure under earthquake. In the test, a 1/15 scaled model structure taking into account soil–structure interaction was designed on the basis of similarity theorem. Seismic response data, including acceleration responses, displacement responses, shear force distributions, and strain amplitudes of column reinforcement were obtained and analyzed by comparing the results of unbraced and braced structure. Results show that with the peak ground acceleration of input motions increased, maximum of inter‐story drifts, shear forces, and strain amplitudes increased, whereas the acceleration amplification factors decreased. Steel braces could obviously reduce the seismic response of the structure, indicating that this retrofit method is an effective control measure for structures across the earth fissure under earthquake. These results are significant for studying the effect of earth fissure on seismic responses of structures. 相似文献