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This paper discusses how urban institutions affect urban form. It presents an introduction of the position of urban institutions into the research framework of new institutional economics, discusses the relationship between institutional reform and development of urban morphology, and carries out a comparison on New York, Hong Kong, and Barcelona in four aspects, i.e., policy-dominated type(formal and informal), regulatory strategy(compulsory and incentive), policy beneficiary(public and private), and the role of the government(manager and mediator), to attempt to ascertain in what specifi c ways institutions directly or indirectly affect changes in urban texture and urban form. Thereupon, it argues that release of institutions may not achieve its predicted purpose. On the contrary, the form of a city, generated unexpectedly and spontaneously within scope of the rules will to some extent prompt the transformation of old institutions. Finally, it indicates that the interaction between effect and feedback is actually a circular causal reaction.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how urban institutions affect urban form. It presents an introduction of the position of urban institutions into the research framework of new institutional economics, discusses the relationship between institutional reform and development of urban morphology, and carries out a comparison on New York, Hong Kong, and Barcelona in four aspects, i.e., policy-dominated type(formal and informal), regulatory strategy(compulsory and incentive), policy benefi ciary(public and private), and the role of the government(manager and mediator), to attempt to ascertain in what specifi c ways institutions directly or indirectly affect changes in urban texture and urban form. Thereupon, it argues that the release of institutions may not achieve its predicted purpose. On the contrary, the form of a city, generated unexpectedly and spontaneously within the scope of rules will to some extent prompt the transformation of old institutions. Finally, it indicates that the interaction between effect and feedback is actually a circular causal reaction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):259-276
Kevin Lynch's magnum opus A Theory of Good City Form (1981) is well known as a normative theory of the city. The intersection of human purposeful activity and city form is a principal feature. However, little attention is given in the literature to a small appendix in the book, A Theory of Good City Form (1981), in which the theories that explain the form and function of the city are classified and reviewed. The brief review insightfully reveals embedded values that are implicit in urban theory. We use a similar classification to review the progress of urban theory since Lynch's brief assessment noting the city's complexity can only be effectively explained through multiple historical and theoretical, value‐laden perspectives. The values are the bridge between human purpose and city form, between substance – the city – and procedure – decision making about the city, that is between urban theory and planning (procedural) theory. Finally, the review is concluded with the implications of urban theory, informed by A Theory of Good City Form, for urban morphological design theory as well as planning (procedural) theory.  相似文献   

<正>Urban Planning of Beijing(1949 – 1960)Author: Li Hao Year: 2022Publisher: China Architecture & Building Press ISBN: 9787112281725(447 pages, in Chinese)The 1950s is an important period in terms of the urban planning history study of China. It is not only the initial and foundation stage of China’s modern urban planning, with profound influence on contemporary urban planning,  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIN:This bibliography is the companionvolume to an earlier bibliography preparedfor HUD by Laurence J.C.Ma.That compi-lation,Cities and City Planning in the Peo-ple's Republic of China:An Annotated Bib-liography(1980),covered sources in Englishup to and including part of 1980.The pres-ent work begins with sources from 1980 andcontinues through the end of 1987.Empha-sis is on sources concerning post-liberationChina;however,some sources do include in-formation on conditions prior to 1949.Thebiblography is divided into three main sec-tions:(1)Housing,(2)Urban Planning andDesign,and(3)Urban Economic Develop-ment Trends and Policies.Altogether it con-tains 340 items.In a number of ways,this is a very per-  相似文献   

(Continued from Volume 6 Number 3 September1990)169.“The 6th Five-Year Plan(1981-85) of the People's Republic of Chinafor Economic and Social Development”Beijing Reviewvol.26,no.22May 30,1983,pp.Ⅰ-ⅩⅥChapter ⅩⅩⅩⅡ contains sections onurban and rural construction,urban resi-dents housing,and urban public utilities.  相似文献   

(Continued from volume 6 Number 2 June 1990)74.“Architecture and Environment”Shixing BaoChina City Planning Reviewvol.3,no.2December 1986,pp.56-63Uses Beijing as an example to discusspreservation problems generally.Two usefulmaps with height control areas for inner cityand city as a whole.75.“Awaiting That Bus”Beijing Reviewvol.29,no.3January 20,1986,p.7  相似文献   

226.“Modernization and China's UrbanDevelopment”Sen-dou ChangAnnals of the Association of AmericanGeographersVol.71,No.21981,pp.202-219227.“Urbanization and economicReadjustment in China”Sen-dou ChangIn Chi-Keung Leung and Ssteve S.K.  相似文献   

(Continued from Volume 6 Number 1 March 1990)Film review.Provides excellent infor-mal introduction to the urban housing prob-lem.Discusses room trading,allocation ofbuilding materials,problems created by lackof kitchens,use of“back door”to obtainhousing,etc.Film revolves around six fami-lies living on a hallway of housing providedby a construction institute for its faculty andstaff.If you can't get to China,seeing thefilm itself would be an excellent way tovicariously experience urban life.  相似文献   

Drawing on some results of a broader research project, this paper aims to discuss the relation between urban design and creative dynamics in cultural districts. Appropriation and production of public spaces in three ‘creative quarters’ are analyzed, through a photographic approach, covering material aspects, human appropriation and symbolic dimensions in these areas. Discussing the boundaries of public spaces and their relevance for creative activity (through the conviviality and sociability they promote), it is argued that urban design characteristics and specific place morphologies significantly influence the appropriation of these areas and the development of specific creative dynamics.  相似文献   

The architecture of fear has become more complex, and more subtle, as it has adapted to the contradictions of privacy and publicity in American urbanism in the late twentieth century. In response to a growing fear of urban violence in the late 1960s, architect Oscar Newman argued that a network of private domains would prevent crime and preserve a way of urban life that he and others felt was under attack. In his book, Defensible Space: Crime Prevention through Urban Design, the architect presented a carefully crafted theory of human territoriality and natural surveillance, which was received as common sense because of its resonance with prevailing public opinion.  相似文献   

The intention of tourists to visit urban destinations is influenced by their perceptions or their knowledge of that destination. Risk perceptions, although situation specific, have an impact on travel behaviour. Mega events are once-off occasions in which a negative perception of destination, in this case related to crime, can be turned into a positive image. Can the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup (WC) help South Africa undo the current perceptions and opinions, especially among foreign visitors, that our cities are dangerous places to visit? Can South Africa manage the 2010 WC in such a way that the destination image can be changed to a more positive one? It is within the context of speculating about the potential impacts the event may have in 2010 on reshaping internationally (and nationally) the safety and security image that visitors have of South African cities as crime ridden that this paper aims mainly to investigate international visitors’ perceptions and opinions on safety and security. Nine hundred and seven international visitors were interviewed when exiting the country at the OR Tambo and Cape Town International airports. The findings revealed that more than a third of the respondents indicated that they were worried about their safety before travelling to South Africa, that the central business districts of Cape Town and Johannesburg are the most feared places they visited and 6% of the respondents were victims of crime. Perceptions, however, changed for the better after their visit to the country, and it is against this background that the 2010 WC can potentially show the world that the country is a safe destination to visit and in the process re-create the destination’s image as a safe tourist experience.  相似文献   

The Argentinean Southern Lakes Region, in the north-west of the ‘mythical’ Patagonia, is blessed with a landscape of amazing beauty. Dominating from a small hill the shores of the Nahuel Huapi Lake and backed by the mountain range of the Andes, the Hotel Llao Llao, built in 1937 as part of a series of schemes of the then recently created Administration of National Parks, is considered to be the showcase of the local architectonic style (Fig. 1). The following study scrutinises the success of architecture as part of a complex process of ‘creating place’ in a wild and beautiful environment. The process includes the extermination and condemnation to oblivion of the primitive aboriginal culture, the colonisation of ‘desert lands’, the arrival of European pioneers, the foundation of cities and the imprint of tourism.  相似文献   

Vitamins A and E content of inner organs, among these the kidneys, are increasingly being used as an indicator of adverse effects caused to the organism by e.g. environmental contaminants. In general, only a renal sub sample is used for analyses, and it is thus essential to know which part of the organ to sample in order to get a representative value for this important biomarker. The aim here was to assess the distribution of vitamins A (retinol) and E (α-tocopherol) within the polar bear multireniculate kidney (i.e. polar vs. medial position) and also within the cortex vs. medulla of each separate renculi. The results showed no significant difference between the medial and polar renculi with regards to either retinol (p = 0.44) or α-tocopherol (p = 0.75). There were, however, significant differences between cortex and medulla for both vitamins (retinol, p = 0.0003; α-tocopherol, p < 0.0001). The kidney cortex contained higher values of both vitamins than the medulla; on average 29% more retinol and 57% more α-tocopherol. Mean concentrations in the medulla was 2.7 mg/kg for retinol and 116 mg/kg for α-tocopherol, and in the cortex 3.5 mg/kg for retinol and 182 mg/kg for α-tocopherol. These results clearly indicate that one should take precautions when analyzing retinol and α-tocopherol in polar bear kidneys. Prior to analysis, the renculi should be separated into medulla and cortex. The results indicated no significant differences between renculi from different parts of the kidney.  相似文献   

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