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张蔚 《华中建筑》2007,25(3):11-13
全国建筑与规划研究生年会是面向全国建筑类专业研究生的学术性会议.从2002年由华中科技大学和东南大学发起,至今已走到了第五年.第四届全国建筑与规划研究生年会于2006年11月3日至5日在天津大学胜利召开.这次会议以主题演讲、名家论坛、专家讲坛、主题展览等形式,促进了全国建筑院校研究生之间的学术交流,增进了研究生与知名建筑师之间、研究生与相关企业之间的对话与合作.  相似文献   

Alex Romer and Naïm Aït-Sidhoum define EXYZT's practice as one characterised by ‘transgressive forms’ and ‘construction devices’. They explain how this has come about through the studio's penchant for the loose conditions of leftover spaces – derelict urban sites or marginal spaces by the sides of roads and railway lines – which require the building of temporary structures in tight timetables on limited budgets.  相似文献   

Rapidly shrinking tolerances and increasing fidelity of emerging additive layer systems are beginning to afford a new opportunity: the ability to design below the macroscopic scale. This is resulting in the engineering of hybrid materials in which every element of their properties can be prescribed at the point of design conception. Richard Beckett of the Digital Manufacturing Centre (DMC), London, and the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, and Sarat Babu of Betatype explore a potential new architecture that encompasses a scalar hierarchy of matter, enabling design to take place concurrently at scales ranging from the micrometre to the metre.  相似文献   

Here Peter Busby, Michael Driedger and Max Richter of Perkins+Will Canada (P+W) describe the office's core focus on ‘regenerative design’: an approach where each operation in a building's construction is measured by its positive impact on human and natural systems. This is supported by an in-house research team of architects, engineers and sustainability strategists that concentrates on the advancement of sustainable building practices. They describe how this is played out in projects such as the Living with Lakes Centre at Laurentian University in Sudbury and the VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre, Vancouver. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

夏兵 《建筑学报》2008,(2):84-87
对东南大学建筑学院前工院改造设计进行了简要的介绍和分析,以教学空间对教学行为的影响作为切入点,详细阐述了改造所采用的策略以及技术措施,并从中引申出教学空间的探索性设计实践具有特殊的建筑学教学意义。  相似文献   

Tom Noonan describes how, for this award-winning project, he took up the pen and developed a hybrid drawing technique that exploited the benefits of both the analogue and the digital - characterised by the tactility of the hand and the precision of the computer. He explains that a preoccupation with representation was further ‘reflected and supported by the programme, narrative and language of the architecture’.  相似文献   

创造有文化特色的中学校园是时代的召唤,杭州第二中学的规划与建筑设计以把握地域传统文化特征为契入点,有机结合现代中学教育理论,用整体系统化的手法对此进行了探索与实践。  相似文献   

童淑媛  龙彬 《新建筑》2012,(2):146-150
西方传统文化一直重视空间、轻视时间,导致以西方传统文化为基础的现代建筑乃至现代社会产生了种种难以协调的问题。对此,当代建筑理论与实践不得不重新审视时间因素对建筑的作用。一种时间与空间并重的潜流欲从现代哲学、艺术与建筑发展的背景中喷薄而出,这似乎预示着建筑创作的一种新趋势。通过对此现象的探讨,呼吁当代建筑创作重视时间因素,将时间与空间并重,在一种全局视野下进行建筑创作,以期营造更符合科学规律的新建筑。  相似文献   

What are the possibilities of interactive technologies delivering a new level of social engagement in architecture? Taking 2002, with the ETH Ada project and Diller & Scofidio's Braincoat project, as an important watershed, Mark Garcia reviews the advances that have been made per se, and with four projects in particular, in socially interactive spatial design. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

‘Our work begins with the premise of a dynamic world. Political and cultural conditions change: what if the walls and windows morphed in response?’ New York-based team The Living, led by David Benjamin and Soo-in Yang, have developed a practice of deep, open-source interfaces of participation. Jordan Geiger describes how for The Living their home city and its environs is a site of evolving forms of public space whether on land, air or water. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artist Hilary Powell describes how her work in film, food and the pop-up book offers playful critiques of regeneration and place making. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Brian McGrath and VictoriaMarshall discern the newly resilient urban patterns that are emerging in the meta-city, shifting and adjusting to changing local and global conditions. Based on smart infrastructure, self-sufficiency and hybrid local models, highly adaptive design patterns take the form of responsive micropatches rather than overarching masterplans. As demonstrated by the featured projects, ‘pattern recognition’, sensory mapping techniques and sensitivity to a city's ecosystem are becoming essential tools to the urban designer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main focus of Mario Cucinella's work is an overlapping preoccupation with technology and the natural environment. In his hands buildings are transformed into complex climatic machines. Anna Giorgi explains how, when combined with an instinctive sense of place, these concerns allow Cucinella's buildings to remain open objects, fragments of a greater natural or urban system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, the over-intellectualisation of architecture has detached it ‘from its experiential, embodied and emotive ground’. Juhani Pallasmaa provides a template for architecture and landscape design that enables a stronger continuum between our outer and inner landscapes, drawing on historic and modern artistic inspirations alike. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What happens when we invert the usual sequence of the design process - form-structure-material - so materiality becomes the generative driver? Taking nature as her model, Neri Oxman advocates a new material method, Variable Property Design (VPD), in which material assemblies are modelled, simulated and fabricated with varying properties in order to correspond with multiple and continuously shifting functional constraints. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For four years, AVATAR at the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London has been advancing the ‘digital and visceral terrain’. As its main exponent, Neil Spiller explains how its preoccupations fan out far beyond the merely technological, encompassing the aesthetic, philosophical and the natural, enabling it to question current stylistic tyrannies in architecture. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interactive design has come about as a result of the intermingling of disciplines. As a consequence, the language it uses has become blurred - borrowed or stolen with little restraint from elsewhere. Though particular terms have become ubiquitous, the original concepts that lie behind them have been lost. This means that all too frequently they are no longer knowingly used. Usman Haque sorts the wheat from the chaff and brings clarity to bear on the vocabulary and thinking behind interactivity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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