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In relation to the formulation of one-dimensional interfacial area transport equation in a subcooled boiling flow, the bubble-layer thickness model was introduced to avoid many covariances in cross-sectional averaged interfacial area transport equation in the subcooled boiling flow. The one-dimensional interfacial area transport equation in the subcooled boiling flow was formulated by partitioning a flow region into two regions; boiling two-phase (bubble layer) region and liquid single-phase region. The bubble-layer thickness model assuming the square void peak in the bubble-layer region was developed to predict the bubble-layer thickness of the subcooled boiling flow. The obtained model was evaluated by void fraction profile measured in an internally heated annulus. It was shown that the bubble-layer thickness model could be applied to predict the bubble-layer thickness as well as the void fraction profile. In addition, the constitutive equation for the distribution parameter of the boiling flow in the internally heated annulus, which was used for formulating the bubble-layer thickness model, was developed based on the measured data. The model developed in this study will eventually be used for the development of reliable constitutive relations, which reflect the true transfer mechanisms in subcooled boiling flows.  相似文献   

The effect of bubble size on void fraction distribution in subcooled flow boiling in a vertical annular channel at low pressure is studied numerically. It is found that a simple linear formula used by Anglart and Nylund [1] and adopted in Reference [2] for calculation of bubble size as a function of local subcooling lacks a physical and experimental basis limiting the general application of the model for predicting subcooled flow boiling. A bubble size correlation proposed by Zeitoun and Shoukri [3] has been employed in this study. The predictions of void fraction profiles and the bubble size distributions, after incorporating the above bubble size correction, show very good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Bubble dynamics in water subcooled flow boiling was investigated through visualization using a high-speed camera. The test section was a vertical rectangular channel, and a copper surface of low contact angle was used as a heated surface. Main experimental parameters were the pressure, mass flux and liquid subcooling. Although all the experiments were conducted under low void fraction conditions close to the onset of nucleate boiling, no bubbles stayed at the nucleation sites at which they were formed. Depending on the experimental conditions, the following two types of bubble behavior were observed after nucleation: (1) lift-off from the heated surface followed by collapsing rapidly in subcooled bulk liquid due to condensation, and (2) sliding along the vertical heated surface for a long distance. Since the bubble lift-off was observed only when the wall superheat was high, the boundary between the lift-off and the sliding could be determined in terms of the Jakob number. Based on the present experimental results, discussion was made for the possible mechanisms governing the bubble dynamics.  相似文献   

Both visual technology and numerical simulation were employed to investigate bubble jet flow formation during boiling of subcooled water on ultrathin platinum wires. Experimental observations and measurements indicated that bubble jet flow formation could be typically divided into three stages: waiting, burst and stably developing stage. A transient numerical model was proposed to simulate the formation process accounting for the thermocapillary force existing at the bubble interface. The dynamical temperature variation in the liquid region, including the regions of the mushroom head and root stem, were numerically analyzed, showing a very good agreement with the experimental observations. The simulation very well explored the physical nature of the dynamical evolution of bubble jet flows and explained the experimental phenomena.  相似文献   

HighHeatFluxBurnoutinSubcooledFlowBoilingG.P.Celata;M.Cumo;A.Mariani(ENEAEnergyDepartment,ViaAnguillarese,301I-00060S.M.Galer...  相似文献   

The experimental investigation on vapor bubble growth is performed for analyzing subcooled boiling in a vertical annular channel with inner heating surface and upward water flow under atmospheric pressure. Bulk liquid mass flux ranges from 79 kg/m2s to 316 kg/m2s, and subcooling is from 40 K to 60 K. The bubble behaviors from inception to collapse are captured by High-speed photography. The performance of bubble growth recorded by the high-speed photography is given in this paper. The bubble behaviors, effect of the bubble slippage on the heat transfer, and various forces acting on the bubble are discussed.  相似文献   

Bubble lift-off size in forced convective subcooled boiling flow   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Forced convective subcooled boiling flow experiments were conducted in a BWR-scaled vertical upward annular channel. Water was used as the testing fluid, and the tests were performed at atmospheric pressure. A high-speed digital video camera was applied to capture the dynamics of the bubble nucleation process. Bubble lift-off diameters were obtained from the images for a total of 91 test conditions. A force balance analysis of a growing bubble was performed to predict the bubble lift-off size. The dimensionless form of the bubble lift-off diameter was formulated to be a function of Jacob number and Prandtl number. The proposed model agreed well with the experimental data within the averaged relative deviation of ±35.2%.  相似文献   

狭缝中流动沸腾传热过冷沸腾起始点的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以间隙为1.0mm和1.5mm的环形狭缝通道中流动沸腾传热的实验数据为基础,分析了影响过冷沸腾起始点热负荷的主要因素,给出了计算环形狭缝通道中流动沸腾传热过冷沸腾起始点的经验关联式,并将计算结果与实验值进行了比较。该关联式可以用来预测实验范围内的过冷沸腾起始点的热负荷。  相似文献   

Bubble growth behavior and heat transfer characteristics during subcooled flow boiling in segmented finned microchannels have been numerically investigated. Simulations have been performed for a single row of segmented finned microchannel and predicted results are compared with experimental investigations. Onset of nucleation, formation of bubbles, their growth and movements have been investigated for different values of applied heat flux. Mechanism of bubble expansion without clogging resulting in enhanced heat transfer in segmented finned microchannels has been explained. Temperature and pressure fluctuations during subcooled flow boiling condition have been investigated. It is observed that at high heat flux, thin liquid film trapped between the bubble and channel wall is evaporated leading to localized heating effect. Predicted flow patterns are similar to experimental results. However, simulations over predict the bubble growth rate and heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

High heat flux removal from plasma-facing components and electronic heat sinks involves conjugate heat transfer analysis of the applicable substrate and flowing fluid. For the present case of subcooled flow boiling inside a single-side heated circular channel, the dimensional results show the significant radial, circumferential and axial variations in all thermal quantities for the present radial aspect ratio (Ro=outside radius to inside radius) of 3.0. A unified, dimensionless representation of the two-dimensional inside wall heat flux, and the dimensional inside wall heat flux (qi(φ,z)) and temperature (Ti(φ,z)) data was found and used to collapse the data for all circumferential locations. Finally, 2-D boiling curves are presented and are among the first full set of 2-D boiling data presented for a single-side heated circular configuration.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt at extending the Interfacial Lift-off CHF Model to subcooled flow boiling conditions. A new CHF database was generated for FC-72 from ground tests as well as from microgravity tests that were performed in parabolic flight trajectory. These tests also included high-speed video imaging and analysis of the liquid–vapor interface during the CHF transient. Both the CHF data and the video records played a vital role in constructing and validating the extended CHF model. The fundamental difference between the original Interfacial Lift-off Model, which was developed for saturated flow boiling, and the newly extended model is the partitioning of wall energy between sensible and latent heat for subcooled flow boiling. This partitioning is modeled with the aid of a new “heat utility ratio”. Using this ratio, the extended Interfacial Lift-off Model is shown to effectively predict both saturated and subcooled flow boiling CHF in Earth gravity and in microgravity.  相似文献   

This paper deals with heat transfer and critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling offering a fundamental study aimed at high heat flux cooling. Experiments with water at 0.12 MPa were conducted in a mass velocity range from 500 kg/m2s to 15,000 kg/m2s (velocity from 0.5 m/s to 15 m/s) and subcooling from 20 K to 60 K. A sheet of stainless steel (80 mm in heated length, 10 mm wide, and 0.2 mm thick) was mounted flush with a sidewall of a vertical rectangular channel (cross-section 20 mm by 30 mm) and heated directly using direct current. It was found that mass velocity and subcooling strongly affect CHF and heat transfer in non-boiling convection and partial nucleate boiling regimes. These two parameters have no appreciable influence in the fully developed nucleate boiling regime. In the parameter range used, CHF reached 15 MW/m2. Boiling bubble behavior just prior to reaching CHF was found to vary depending on mass velocity and subcooling. 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(5): 376–389, 1998  相似文献   

An investigation of a flow reversal that was observed to occur during narrow channel flow boiling is reported in this paper. The investigation was undertaken to determine the conditions under which the flow reversal occurred and to determine its cause. High-speed photography was used to study the sequence of events that occurred during each cycle of the flow reversal.Two-phase flow instability models involving boiling crisis were examined and correlations for the occurrence of boiling crisis based on the flow conditions and the test section geometry were tested with the experimental data. Strong agreement was found between the onset of the flow reversal and the prediction of CHF under subcooled flow boiling conditions as well as between the predicted rewetting times and the period of the flow reversal. As a result, the instability was deemed to be caused by the onset of CHF and to be the result of dryout and rewetting of the heated surface.  相似文献   

Local measurements of flow parameters were performed for vertical upward subcooled boiling flows in an internally heated annulus. The annulus channel consisted of an inner heater rod with a diameter of 19.1 mm and an outer round pipe with an inner diameter of 38.1 mm, and the hydraulic equivalent diameter was 19.1 mm. The double-sensor conductivity probe method was used for measuring local void fraction, interfacial area concentration, and interfacial velocity. A total of 11 data were acquired consisting of four inlet liquid velocities, 0.500, 0.664, 0.987 and 1.22 m/s and two inlet liquid temperatures, 95.0 and 98.0 °C. The constitutive equations for distribution parameter and drift velocity in the drift-flux model, and the semi-theoretical correlation for Sauter mean diameter, namely, interfacial area concentration, which were proposed previously, were validated by local flow parameters obtained in the experiment.  相似文献   

Critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling under axially nonuniform heating conditions was experimentally investigated using a tube heated with a dc power source. The thickness of the tube wall in the axial direction was varied to attain axially nonuniform heating. The different thicknesses, therefore, separated the tube into regions of high heat flux and regions of low heat flux. The lengths of these regions of the tube were also varied to study the effect on the CHF. The objective of this system is to initiate boiling in the high-heat-flux region, thus increasing heat transfer, and to interrupt the bubble boundary layer in the low-heat-flux region. Because it is the initiation of boiling that increases heat transfer, the performance of such a system is linked to its effectiveness in repeatedly interrupting and re-establishing the bubble boundary layer. Our experiments, involving tubes that had sections of different thicknesses and different lengths, showed that when the heat flux in the low-heat-flux region was below the net vapor generation (NVG) heat flux, this system enhanced the CHF, but not when it was above the NVG. Also, for relatively short low-heat-flux regions, the CHF was not enhanced, presumably because there was insufficient time to interrupt the bubble boundary layer. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 169–178, 1998  相似文献   

Heat removal of more than 10 MW/m2 in heat flux has been required in high‐heat‐generation equipment in nuclear fusion reactors. In some conditions of water subcooling and velocity, there appears an extraordinary high heat flux boiling in the transition boiling region. This boiling regime is called micro‐bubble emission boiling (MEB) because many micro‐bubbles are spouted from the heat transfer surface accompanying a huge sound. The study intent is to obtain heat transfer performance of MEB in horizontal and vertical heated surfaces to parallel flow of subcooled water, comparing with CHF of this system. Three types of MEB with different heat transfer performance and bubble behavior are observed according to the flow velocity and liquid subcooling. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 32(2): 130–140, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10077  相似文献   

In this paper, the developed algorithm was described, which can discriminate the local phase temperature in the two-phase flow measured by a self-designed micro-thermocouple with an outer diameter of 12.7 μm. The algorithm used to calculate the temperature of each phase was based on the response time of the micro-thermocouple and the exponential regression method. This algorithm was verified by conducting experiments with an optical chopper and a laser. It was shown that the more accurate temperatures were measured, when the newly proposed algorithm was used. Moreover, this algorithm was applied to the measurement of the liquid temperature in subcooled flow boiling. The measured liquid temperatures in subcooled flow boiling were used to assess the capability of the CFX-4.2 code, additionally.  相似文献   

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