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Experiments were conducted to investigate flow and heat transfer characteristics of water in rectangular microchannels. All tests were performed with deionized water. The flow rate, the pressures, and temperatures at the inlet and outlet were measured. The friction factor, heat flux, and Nusselt number were obtained. The friction factor in the microchannel is lower than the conventional value. That is only 20% to 30% of the convectional value. The critical Reynolds number below which the flow remains laminar in the microchannel is also lower than the conventional value. The Nusselt number in the microchannel is quite different from the conventional value. The Nusselt number for the microchannel is lower than the conventional value when the flow rate is small. As the flow rate through the microchannel is increased, the Nusselt number significantly increases and exceeds the value of Nusselt number for the fully developed flow in the conventional channel. The micro‐scale effect was exhibited. The Nusselt number is also affected by the heat flux. The Nusselt number remains the constant value when the flow rate is small. The Nusselt number increases with the increase in the heat flux when the flow rate is large. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 37(4): 197–207, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20206  相似文献   

High-performance compact heat sinks have been developed for the effective cooling of high-density LSI packaging. Heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of the heat sinks in both air-cross-flow and air-jet cooling have been experimentally studied. The present heat sinks were of plate-fin and pin-fin arrays with a fin pitch of 0.7 mm. The plate-fin heat sinks had higher cooling performance than the pin-fin heat sinks in the range of large airflow rates both in air-cross-flow and air-jet cooling. The thermal conductance in cross-flow cooling was 20 or 40% larger than that in jet cooling. The correlation of Colburn j-factor/Fanning friction factor versus the Reynolds number for the present heat sinks was found to be very close to that of a conventional large-size heat exchanger. © Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 28(8): 687-705, 1999  相似文献   

A numerical model is developed to study the two-dimensional laminar, natural-convection flow in incandescent lamps by a finite-volume solution of the steady continuity, Navier-Stokes and energy equations on a curvilinear body-fitted computational grid. The model is applied to typical vertically- and horizontally-oriented lamps containing an inert gas at high pressure. The predicted heat transfer from the filament agrees to within 15% with a semi-empirical correlation. The relationship of the flowfield to observed blackening patterns is discussed. Transport of minor species is formulated and computed for inert tungsten vapor.  相似文献   

In this article, the complex transmission behavior was discussed in the slab mold with different corner structures. Results show that the up backflow is stronger than the down backflow. The cooling water temperature rise and heat flux through the wide face in the right-angle mold are the largest, while those through the narrow face in the multichamfered mold are larger than those in the big-chamfered mold. The corner temperature at mold exit of the right-angle, big-chamfered, and multichamfered strand increases. The shell thickness at the narrow face center in the chamfered mold is thinner than that in the right-angle mold.  相似文献   

A new complete model has been developed to predict the performance of high-speed rotating heat pipes with centrifugal accelerations up to 10 000 g. The flow and heat transfer in the condenser is modeled using a conventional modified Nusselt film condensation approach. The heat transfer in the evaporator has previously been modeled using a modified Nusselt film evaporation approach. It was found, however, that natural convection in the liquid film becomes more significant at higher accelerations and larger fluid loadings. A simplified evaporation model including the mixed convection is developed and coupled with the film condensation model. The predictions of the model are in reasonable agreement with existing experimental data. The effects of working fluid loading, rotational speed, and pipe geometry on the heat pipe performance are reported here.  相似文献   

In this study, the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of new vascular designs for the volumetric bathing of the smart structures were investigated numerically by addressing three-dimensional continuity, momentum, and energy conservation as a conjugate heat flow phenomenon. The numerical work covered the Reynolds number range of 50–2000, cooling channels volume fraction of 0.02, pressure drop range of 20–2 × 105 Pa, and six flow configurations: first, second, and third constructal structures with optimized hydraulic diameters and non-optimized hydraulic diameter for each system size 10 × 10, 20 × 20, and 50 × 50, respectively. The numerical results show that the optimized structure of cooling plates could enhance heat transfer significantly and decrease pumping power dramatically compared with the traditional channels. The difference in thermal resistance performance between optimized and non-optimized structures was found to increase and manifests itself clearly as the system size increased. The channel configurations of the first and second constructs are competitive in non-optimized configurations, whereas the best architecture was the third construct across all working conditions in non-optimized configurations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the design, construction and instrumentation of an experimental microchannel, with a rectangular cross-section and large aspect ratio, that allows characterization of the flow and convective heat transfer under well defined and precise conditions and makes it possible to vary the hydraulic diameter of the microchannel. The flow friction coefficient is estimated by direct pressure drop measurements inside the microchannel in a zone where the flow is fully developed. Since the wall thermal conditions inside the microchannel can not be measured directly, their estimation requires temperature measurements in the wall thickness and an inverse heat conduction method. The thermal and hydrodynamic results obtained by varying the hydraulic diameter between 1 mm and 100 μm do not deviate from the theory or empirical correlations for large-scale channels. These results let us confirm that for smooth walls the continuum mechanics laws for convection and fluid mechanics remain valid in microchannels of hydraulic diameter greater than or equal to 100 μm.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional conjugate numerical simulations using the inlet, average and variable thermal properties respectively were performed for the laminar water flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannels with Dh of 0.333 mm at Re of 101–1775. Both average and variable properties are adopted in data reduction. The calculated local and average characteristics of flow and heat transfer are compared among different methods, and with the experiments, correlations and simplified theoretical solution data from published literatures. Compared with the inlet property method, both average and variable property methods have significantly lower fapp, but higher convective heat transfer coefficient hz and Nuz. Compared with the average property method, the variable property method has higher fappReave and lower hz at the beginning, but lower fappReave and higher hz at the later section of the channel. The calculated Nuave agree well with the Sieder-Tate correlation and the recently reported experiment, validating the traditional macroscale theory in predicting the flow and heat transfer characteristics in the dimension and Re range of the present work.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of forced convection heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks for electronic system cooling. In view of the small dimensions of the microstructures, the microchannel is modeled as a fluid-saturated porous medium. Numerical solutions are obtained based on the Forchheimer–Brinkman-extended Darcy equation for the fluid flow and the two-equation model for heat transfer between the solid and fluid phases. The velocity field in the microchannel is first solved by a finite-difference scheme, and then the energy equations governing the solid and fluid phases are solved simultaneously for the temperature distributions. Also, analytical expressions for the velocity and temperature profiles are presented for a simpler flow model, i.e., the Brinkman-extended Darcy model. This work attempts to perform a systematic study on the effects of major parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of forced convection in the microchannel heat sink. The governing parameters of engineering importance include the channel aspect ratio (αs), inertial force parameter (Γ), porosity (ε), and the effective thermal conductivity ratio (kr). The velocity profiles of the fluid in the microchannel, the temperature distributions of the solid and fluid phases, and the overall Nusselt number are illustrated for various values of the problem parameters. It is found that the fluid inertia force alters noticeably the dimensionless velocity distribution and the fluid temperature distribution, while the solid temperature distribution is almost insensitive to the fluid inertia. Moreover, the overall Nusselt number increases with increasing the values of αs and ε, while it decreases with increasing kr.  相似文献   

Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics are investigated here using experimental and analytical techniques for a dimple plate heat exchanger. The analysis uses the log mean temperature difference method (LMTD) in all its calculations. Whilest the shell side flow highly resembles the flow over a rough or wavy plate, the tube side passage in these represents the flow over short hexagonal tube banks with the flowing across the sectional areas between the hexagons having the shape of a benzene ring. Local and global experimental measurements are carried out around the heat exchanger. Furthermore, analytical models for both sides of the heat exchanger were obtained from the literature. Reasonable cross match between experimental and analytical results could be obtained. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer in a rectangular micro-channel heat sink are analyzed numerically using water as the cooling fluid. The heat sink consists of a 1-cm2 silicon wafer. The micro-channels have a width of 57 μm and a depth of 180 μm, and are separated by a 43 μm wall. A numerical code based on the finite difference method and the SIMPLE algorithm is developed to solve the governing equations. The code is carefully validated by comparing the predictions with analytical solutions and available experimental data. For the micro-channel heat sink investigated, it is found that the temperature rise along the flow direction in the solid and fluid regions can be approximated as linear. The highest temperature is encountered at the heated base surface of the heat sink immediately above the channel outlet. The heat flux and Nusselt number have much higher values near the channel inlet and vary around the channel periphery, approaching zero in the corners. Flow Reynolds number affects the length of the flow developing region. For a relatively high Reynolds number of 1400, fully developed flow may not be achieved inside the heat sink. Increasing the thermal conductivity of the solid substrate reduces the temperature at the heated base surface of the heat sink, especially near the channel outlet. Although the classical fin analysis method provides a simplified means to modeling heat transfer in micro-channel heat sinks, some key assumptions introduced in the fin method deviate significantly from the real situation, which may compromise the accuracy of this method.  相似文献   

The use of a jet from an orifice nozzle with a saddle‐backed‐shape velocity profile and a contracted flow at the nozzle exit may improve the heat transfer characteristics on an impingement plate because of its larger centerline velocity. However, it requires more power to operate than a common nozzle because of its higher flow resistance. We therefore initially considered the use of a cone orifice nozzle to obtain better heat transfer performance as well as to decrease the flow resistance. We examined the effects of the cone angle α on the cone orifice free jet flow and heat transfer characteristics of the impinging jet. We compared two nozzles: a pipe nozzle and a quadrant nozzle. The first one provides a velocity profile of a fully developed turbulent pipe flow, and the second has a uniform velocity profile at the nozzle exit. We observed a significant enhancement of the heat transfer characteristics of the cone orifice jets at Re=1.5×104. Using the cone orifice impinging jets enhanced the heat transfer rates as compared to the quadrant jet, even when the jets were supplied with the same operational power as the pipe jet. For instance, a maximum enhancement up to approximately 22% at r/do?0.5 is observed for α=15°. In addition, an increase of approximately 7% is attained as compared to when the pipe jet was used. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20243  相似文献   

The optical fiber coating process, using a die and applicator system, was numerically simulated. The coupled partial differential equations, governing the fluid flow and heat transfer, were solved on a transformed, non-uniform, staggered grid. A finite volume method, with conjugate heat transfer, boundary-fitted grid, and variable transport properties, was employed. The pressure was calculated using a SIMPLE-based algorithm. An isothermal case was first modeled, where the effect of the Reynolds number (Re) was studied for different geometries. Different coating fluids were considered. A conjugate boundary condition was employed at the fiber–fluid interface for the non-isothermal flow. A free surface boundary condition was used at the fiber entry into the coating fluid. The meniscus was prescribed on the basis of prior experimental work. Regardless of fiber speed, a circulating flow was observed in the applicator. High shear rates at the dynamic contact point suggest that air can be entrained with a fast moving fiber. It was also found that pressures at the coating fluid inlet did not play a major role, for typical fiber speeds, whereas the thermal conditions that affect the properties of the fluid, such as viscosity, made a significant impact on both the flow and the thermal field. This work could be used to determine the parameters that are critical for improving the quality of the coating, particularly its uniformity, and the production rate.  相似文献   

Measurements were made on the effects of circulating solid particles on the characteristics of fluid flow and heat transfer in the fluidized bed vertical shell and tube type heat exchanger with counterflow. The present work showed that the flow velocity range for collision of particles to the tube wall was higher with heavier density solid particles, and the increase in heat transfer was in the order of sand, copper, steel, aluminum, and glass.  相似文献   

This study examines the thermal–hydraulic performance of heat sinks having plate, slit, and louver fin patterns. Comparison of the associated heat transfer performance and the effect of fin spacing are made. The results indicate that the enhanced fin patterns like louver or slit fin operated at a higher frontal velocity and at a larger fin spacing is more beneficial than that of plain fin geometry. The heat transfer performance of louver fin is usually better than that of slit fin but accompanies with higher pressure drops. However, it is found that the pressure drops for slit fin is comparable to the louver fin geometry when the fin spacing is reduced to 0.8 mm. This is associated with the appreciable rise of entrance/exit loss (form drag) caused by the slit fin geometry. The test results also reveal a significant drop of heat transfer performance at a low Reynolds number and at a small fin spacing, or the so-called “maximum” phenomenon of Colburn j factor. This is applicable to all the tested geometries. By a careful examination of the test results, it is concluded that this phenomenon is related to the developing/fully developed flow characteristics. In fact, the maximum point occurred roughly at x+ = 0.1 where fully developed and developing flow is separated.  相似文献   

Heat transfer analysis of lateral perforated fin heat sinks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article fluid flow and conjugate conduction-convective heat transfer from a three-dimensional array of rectangular perforated fins with square windows that are arranged in lateral surface of fins are studied numerically. For investigation, Navier–Stokes equations and RNG based k  ε turbulent model are used. Finite volume procedure with SIMPLE algorithm is applied to coupled differential equations for both solid and gas phases. Computations are carried out for Reynolds numbers of 2000–5000 based on the fin thickness and Pr = 0.71. Numerical model is first validated with previous experimental studies and good agreement were observed. Based on a valid numerical model, numerical solution is made to find fluid flow and temperature distribution for various arrangements. For each type, fin efficiency of perforated fins is determined and compared with the equivalent solid fin. Results show that new perforated fins have higher total heat transfer and considerable weight reduction in comparison with solid fins.  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement study has been carried out to investigate the start-up, heat transfer and flow characteristics of three silicon-based micro pulsating heat pipes (MPHPs) with the trapezoidal cross-section having hydraulic diameters of 251 μm (#1), 352 μm (#2) and 394 μm (#3), respectively. Experiments were performed under different working fluids, filling ratios, inclination angles (bottom heating mode) and heating power inputs. It is found that (1) the silicon-based MPHPs could start up within 200 s when charged with R113 or FC-72, but they failed to start up at all inclination angle when charged with water or ethanol having lower (dP/dT)sat, higher viscosity, higher latent heat and higher surface tension at the same temperature. During the start-up period, no obvious nucleation was observed. After the start-up period, MPHPs entered the operation period. The silicon-based MPHP could operate normally even at a Bond number of 0.26 and a hydraulic diameter of 251 μm, both smaller than the corresponding values in literatures; (2) the thermal performance of MPHPs depends greatly on the type of working fluid, filling ratio and inclination angle. At the lower power input, MPHPs charged with R113 showed better thermal performance than that charged with FC-72, however, the latter exceeded the former at the higher power input. For the same working fluid, there existed an optimal filling ratio corresponding to the best thermal performance of MPHPs, which was about 52%, 55% and 47% for MPHPs #1, #2 and #3 at the vertical orientation (90°), respectively. When the MPHPs turned from the vertical to the horizontal orientation, the thermal performance tended to be decreased, indicating that the gravity effect cannot be ignored in these silicon-based MPHPs. In MPHP #3 at the inclination angle from 70° to 90°, there appeared a special thermal resistance curve with two local maximum points, which is absent in the traditional PHPs; (3) in the operation period of larger MPHP #3, nucleation boiling, bulk circulation and injection flow were all observed, while these flow patterns were absent in the smaller MPHPs #1 and #2. Intense liquid film evaporation, instead of bubbles’ generation and expansion which usually activated the oscillation flow in macro-PHPs, drove the two-phase flow in the smaller MPHPs #1 and #2.  相似文献   

In pin-fin heat sinks, the flow within the core exhibits separation and hence does not lend itself to simple analytical boundary layer or duct flow analysis of the wall friction. In this paper, we present some findings from an experimental and modeling study aimed at obtaining physical insight into the behavior of square, in-line pin fin heat sinks. In addition to the detailed pressure measurements, the overall thermal resistance was measured as a function of Reynolds number and by-pass height. A “two-branch by-pass model” was developed, in which a one-dimensional difference approach was used to model the fluid flow through the heat sink and its top by-pass duct. Inlet and exit pressure losses were as important as the core pressure drop in establishing the overall flow and pressure drop. Comparisons were made with the data using friction and heat transfer coefficients available in the literature for infinitely long tube bundles of circular cross-section. It was shown that there is a good agreement between the temperature predictions based on the model and the experimental data at high approach velocities for tall heat sinks, however the discrepancy increases as the approach velocity and heat sink height decrease. The validated model was used to identify optimum pin spacing as a function of clearance ratio.  相似文献   

Heat and fluid flow in microchannels of size (200μm × 200 μm, 5 cm long) of different substrate thicknesses (t = 100 μm–1000 μm) and different MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) materials (Polyimide, Silica Glass, Quartz, Steel, Silicon, Copper) was studied to observe the effects of thermal conductivity and substrate thickness on convective heat transfer in laminar internal flows.The results of the model were first validated by the theoretical results recommended by standard forced convection problem with H1 (Constant heat flux boundary condition) condition before the results from the actual microchannel configurations were obtained. Thereafter, general Nusselt number results were obtained from the models of many microchannel configurations based on the commercial package COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS® 3.4 and were discussed on both local and average basis.A general Nusselt number correlation for fully developed laminar flow was developed as a function of two dimensionless parameters, namely Bi, Biot number and relative conductivity k1, to take the conduction effects of the solid substrate on heat transfer into account. It was also demonstrated when the commonly used assumption of constant heat flux boundary (H1) condition is applicable in heat and fluid flow analysis in microfluidic systems. For this, a new dimensionless parameter was employed. A value of 1.651 for this suggested dimensionless parameter (Bi0.04k1?0.24) corresponds to 95% of the Nusselt number associated with the constant heat flux boundary condition so that it could be set as a boundary for the applicability of constant heat flux boundary (H1) condition in microfluidic systems involving heat transfer.  相似文献   

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