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In previous papers (Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2008;50:3481–3489, 2009;52: 814–821), the authors conducted measurements of liquid–vapor structures in the vicinity of a heating surface for subcooled pool boiling on an upward‐facing copper surface by using a conducting probe method. We reported that the macrolayer dryout model is the most appropriate model of the CHF and that the reason why the CHF increases with increasing subcooling is most likely that a thick macrolayer is able to form beneath large vapor masses and the lowest heat flux of the vapor mass region shifts towards the higher heat flux. To develop a mechanistic model of the CHF for subcooled boiling, therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the effects of local subcooling on boiling behaviors in the vicinity of a heating surface. This paper measured local temperatures close to a heating surface using a micro‐thermocouple at high heat fluxes for water boiling on an upward‐facing surface in the 0 to 40 K range of subcooling. A value for the effective subcooling, defined as the local subcooling during the period while vapor masses are being formed was estimated from the detected bottom peaks of the temperature fluctuations. It was established that the effective subcooling adjacent to the surface remains at considerably lower values than the bulk liquid subcooling. This suggests that, from nucleation to coalescence, the subcooling of a bulk liquid has a smaller effect on the behavior of primary bubbles than the extent of the subcooling would appear to suggest. An empirical correlation of the effective subcooling is proposed to provide a step towards quantitative modeling of the CHF for subcooled boiling. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20277  相似文献   

Liquid–vapor behavior close to a heating surface was measured using two conductance probes with tip diameters smaller than 5 μm. Measurements were carried out for water boiling on an upward-facing copper surface under subcooling from 0 to 30 K. The probe signals and the void fraction distributions showed that there is little difference in the liquid–vapor structure beneath large vapor masses in saturated and subcooled boiling, that a macrolayer remains on the heating surface, and that in subcooled boiling it does not dry out even at heat fluxes far higher than CHF for saturated boiling. The thickness of the macrolayer forming beneath large vapor masses was determined from the location where the probe signals corresponding to the large vapor masses disappear. It was found that the thicknesses of the macrolayer formed in subcooled boiling are comparable to or thicker than those near the CHF in saturated boiling, and it is considered that this is most likely to be one of the causes why the CHF increases with the increasing subcooling.  相似文献   

The liquid motion induced by surface tension variation, termed the Marangoni effect, and its contribution to boiling heat transfer has been an issue of much controversy. Boiling heat transfer theory, although acknowledging its existence, considers its contribution to heat transfer to be insignificant in comparison with buoyancy induced convection. However, recent microgravity experiments have shown that although the boiling mechanism in a reduced gravity environment is different, the corresponding heat transfer rates are similar to those obtained under normal gravity conditions, raising questions about the validity of the assumption. An experimental investigation was performed in which distilled water was gradually heated to boiling conditions on a copper heater surface at four different levels of subcooling. Photographic investigation of the bubbles appearing on the surface was carried out in support of the measurements. The results obtained indicate that Marangoni convection associated with the bubbles formed by the air dissolved in the water which emerged from solution when the water was heated sufficiently, significantly influenced the heat transfer rate in subcooled nucleate pool boiling. A heat transfer model was developed in order to explain the phenomena observed.  相似文献   

Nucleate boiling at high heat fluxes has been studied numerically by solving the equations governing conservation of mass, momentum and energy in the liquid and vapor phases. The interface is captured by using the level set method based on a sharp-interface representation. The evaporative heat flux from the liquid microlayer is incorporated in the analysis. The effects of wall superheat, number density of nucleation sites and waiting period on the bubble dynamics and heat transfer in nucleate boiling are investigated. The heat fluxes obtained from the present numerical simulations are compared with the experimental data reported in the literature.  相似文献   

An investigation of a flow reversal that was observed to occur during narrow channel flow boiling is reported in this paper. The investigation was undertaken to determine the conditions under which the flow reversal occurred and to determine its cause. High-speed photography was used to study the sequence of events that occurred during each cycle of the flow reversal.Two-phase flow instability models involving boiling crisis were examined and correlations for the occurrence of boiling crisis based on the flow conditions and the test section geometry were tested with the experimental data. Strong agreement was found between the onset of the flow reversal and the prediction of CHF under subcooled flow boiling conditions as well as between the predicted rewetting times and the period of the flow reversal. As a result, the instability was deemed to be caused by the onset of CHF and to be the result of dryout and rewetting of the heated surface.  相似文献   

The modeling of convective subcooled boiling of water flowing in round tubes subjected to nonuniform axial heat fluxes is described. The effects of different axial heat flux profiles are modeled using a local hypothesis; i.e. flow and thermal development are assumed to occur very rapidly in the subcooled boiling (SCB) flow regime. A computer code has been developed to predict the pressure drop, heat transfer coefficient and wall temperature for nonuniform axial heat fluxes, starting with a well-validated code for uniform axial heat fluxes. The predictions for some common nonuniform axial heat profiles are compared to the uniform heat flux case.  相似文献   

Analytical expressions for macrolayer thickness and the rate of heat transfer through a macrolayer in a high heat flux region near the critical value were reported in previous papers by the authors. The results of an experimental investigation into the liquid macrolayer formation are being reported in this paper. The initial thickness of this liquid layer formed between the heated surface and the vapour mass and the frequency of the vapour mass as a function of impressed heat flux have been measured. Using these data, the contribution of macrolayer evaporation to the heat flow from heated surface to bulk has been estimated. Experimental results of macrolayer thickness and frequency of vapour mass have been found to compare well with analytically predicted values. Contribution of heat conduction through the macrolayer has also been found to account for a considerable portion of wall heat flux.  相似文献   

Closure correlations describing bubble nucleation and departure on the heating surface is indispensable when modeling subcooled boiling flow using a two-fluid model. Due to the small contact angle and surface tension, nucleation and departure of nitrogen vapor bubble has different characteristics to those of high-boiling liquids. For the purpose of accurate two-fluid model formulation, these factors have to be taken into consideration. In this study, some closure correlations of the bubble departure diameter, active site density and bubble waiting time were tested in the frame of the two-fluid model and the CFX code. Benchmark experiments were then performed to evaluate the correlations. Comparison of the numerical results against the experimental data demonstrates that the surface tension is crucial to modeling the bubble departure diameter and the active site density. The bubble waiting time correlation formulated according to bubble growth is expected to be used as a criterion of judging the transition from subcooled to saturated boiling.  相似文献   

Based on the fractal distribution of nucleation sites present on heating surfaces, a new comprehensive model is developed for the nucleate pool boiling of pure liquid at low to high heat fluxes including the critical heat flux (CHF). The proposed model is expressed as a function of total number, minimum and maximum sizes of active nucleation sites, fractal dimension, superheat temperature, and properties of fluids. No additional empirical constant is introduced in the proposed model. This fractal model contains less empirical constants than the conventional models. The model predictions are in good agreement with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the results of a visualization study of the burnout in subcooled flow boiling of water, with square cross section annular geometry (formed by a central heater rod contained in a duct characterized by a square cross section). The coolant velocity is in the range 3–10 m/s. High speed movies of flow pattern in subcooled flow boiling of water from the onset of nucleate boiling up to physical burnout of the heater are recorded. From video images (single frames taken with a stroboscope light and an exposure time of 1 μs), the following general behaviour of vapour bubbles was observed: when the rate of bubble generation is increasing, with bubbles growing in the superheated layer close to the heating wall, their coalescence produces a type of elongated bubble called vapour blanket. One of the main features of the vapour blanket is that it is rooted to the nucleation site on the heated surface. Bubble dimensions are given as a function of thermal-hydraulic tested conditions for the whole range of velocity until the burnout region. A qualitative analysis of the behaviour of four stainless steel heater wires with different macroscopic surface finishes is also presented, showing the importance of this parameter on the dynamics of the bubbles and on the critical heat flux.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a transient inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP) defined on an irregular three-dimensional (3D) domain in pool boiling experiments. Heat input to a circular copper heater of 35 mm diameter and 7 mm thickness is provided by a resistance heating foil pressed to the bottom of the heater. The heat flux at the inaccessible boiling side is estimated from a number of temperature readings in the heater volume. These temperatures are measured by some high-resolution microthermocouples, which are mounted 3.6 μm below the surface in the test heater. The IHCP is formulated as a mathematical optimization problem and solved by the conjugate gradient (CG) method. The arising partial differential equations (PDEs) are solved using the software package DROPS. A simulation case study is used to validate the performance of the solution approach. Finally, we apply the solution approach to the IHCP in pool boiling experiments. The procedure enables the reconstruction of local instantaneous heat flux distribution on the heater surface at different locations along the boiling curve.  相似文献   

Pool boiling on surfaces where sliding bubble mechanism plays an important role has been studied. The heat transfer phenomenon for such cases has been analysed. The model considers different mechanisms such as latent heat transfer due to microlayer evaporation, transient conduction due to thermal boundary layer reformation, natural convection and heat transfer due to the sliding bubbles. Both microlayer evaporation and transient conduction take place during the sliding of bubbles, which occurs in geometries such as inclined surfaces and horizontal tubes. The model has been validated against experimental results from literature for water, refrigerant R134a and propane. The model was found to agree well for these fluids over a wide range of pressures. The model shows the importance of the contributions of the different mechanisms for different fluids, wall superheats and pressures.  相似文献   

This paper deals with heat transfer and critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling offering a fundamental study aimed at high heat flux cooling. Experiments with water at 0.12 MPa were conducted in a mass velocity range from 500 kg/m2s to 15,000 kg/m2s (velocity from 0.5 m/s to 15 m/s) and subcooling from 20 K to 60 K. A sheet of stainless steel (80 mm in heated length, 10 mm wide, and 0.2 mm thick) was mounted flush with a sidewall of a vertical rectangular channel (cross-section 20 mm by 30 mm) and heated directly using direct current. It was found that mass velocity and subcooling strongly affect CHF and heat transfer in non-boiling convection and partial nucleate boiling regimes. These two parameters have no appreciable influence in the fully developed nucleate boiling regime. In the parameter range used, CHF reached 15 MW/m2. Boiling bubble behavior just prior to reaching CHF was found to vary depending on mass velocity and subcooling. 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(5): 376–389, 1998  相似文献   

In nucleate boiling at high heat flux, a liquid layer, known as the ‘macrolayer’, is trapped between the heating surface and the vapour masses. An analysis of the mechanism of formation of this macrolayer is presented. Based on the analysis, a theoretical expression has been derived for the initial thickness of the macrolayer. The agreement between the theoretical values of the initial macrolayer thickness and the experimental values published in the literature is reasonably good.  相似文献   

An analytical approach for heat transfer modelling of jet impingement boiling is presented. High heat fluxes with values larger than 10 MW/m2 can be observed in the stagnation region of an impinging jet on a red hot steel plate with wall temperatures normally being associated with film boiling. However, sufficiently high degrees of subcooling and jet velocity prevent the formation of a vapor film, even if the wall superheat is large. Heat transfer is governed by turbulent diffusion caused by the rapid growth and condensation of vapor bubbles. Due to the high population of bubbles at high heat fluxes it has to be assumed that a laminar sublayer cannot exist in the immediate vicinity of a red hot heating surface. A mechanistic model is proposed which is based on the assumption that due to bubble growth and collapse the maximum turbulence intensity is located at the wall/liquid interface and that eddy diffusivity decreases with increasing wall distance.  相似文献   

HighHeatFluxBurnoutinSubcooledFlowBoilingG.P.Celata;M.Cumo;A.Mariani(ENEAEnergyDepartment,ViaAnguillarese,301I-00060S.M.Galer...  相似文献   

Critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling under axially nonuniform heating conditions was experimentally investigated using a tube heated with a dc power source. The thickness of the tube wall in the axial direction was varied to attain axially nonuniform heating. The different thicknesses, therefore, separated the tube into regions of high heat flux and regions of low heat flux. The lengths of these regions of the tube were also varied to study the effect on the CHF. The objective of this system is to initiate boiling in the high-heat-flux region, thus increasing heat transfer, and to interrupt the bubble boundary layer in the low-heat-flux region. Because it is the initiation of boiling that increases heat transfer, the performance of such a system is linked to its effectiveness in repeatedly interrupting and re-establishing the bubble boundary layer. Our experiments, involving tubes that had sections of different thicknesses and different lengths, showed that when the heat flux in the low-heat-flux region was below the net vapor generation (NVG) heat flux, this system enhanced the CHF, but not when it was above the NVG. Also, for relatively short low-heat-flux regions, the CHF was not enhanced, presumably because there was insufficient time to interrupt the bubble boundary layer. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 169–178, 1998  相似文献   

Bubble dynamics in water subcooled flow boiling was investigated through visualization using a high-speed camera. The test section was a vertical rectangular channel, and a copper surface of low contact angle was used as a heated surface. Main experimental parameters were the pressure, mass flux and liquid subcooling. Although all the experiments were conducted under low void fraction conditions close to the onset of nucleate boiling, no bubbles stayed at the nucleation sites at which they were formed. Depending on the experimental conditions, the following two types of bubble behavior were observed after nucleation: (1) lift-off from the heated surface followed by collapsing rapidly in subcooled bulk liquid due to condensation, and (2) sliding along the vertical heated surface for a long distance. Since the bubble lift-off was observed only when the wall superheat was high, the boundary between the lift-off and the sliding could be determined in terms of the Jakob number. Based on the present experimental results, discussion was made for the possible mechanisms governing the bubble dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the method of decreasing the size of heat exchanger surfaces by increasing the heat transfer coefficients and the importance of heat transfer enhancement for vaporization. We report an experimental study on surfaces modified by passive methods applied to heat transfer surfaces mechanically processed, covered with sleeves made by metallic tissues or covered with metallic porous layers performed using welding procedures. Experiments are made to investigate the heat transfer coefficient on copper tubes with a 22 mm external diameter using heat from inner source to outer vaporizing liquid. There are developed specific heat transfer correlations for each group of enhanced surfaces. The experimental data and new proposed correlations are compared with well known correlations. The results are in best agreement with the Cornwell–Houston correlation.  相似文献   

The interfacial heat transfer coefficient is an important parameter for the analysis of multi-phase flow. In subcooled boiling flow, bubbles condense through the interface of phases and the interfacial heat transfer determines the condensation rate which affects the two-phase parameters such as void fraction and local liquid temperature. Thus, the present experiments are conducted to correlate the interfacial heat transfer coefficient at low pressure in the subcooled boiling flow. The local liquid temperature is measured by microthermocouple and the bubble condensation rate is estimated by orthogonal, two-image processing. The condensate Nusselt number, which is a function of bubble Reynolds number, local liquid Prandtl number, and local Jacob number, is obtained from the experimental results. The bubble history is derived from the newly proposed correlation and the condensate Nusselt number is compared with the previous models.  相似文献   

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