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Preferences for housing attributes have beenstudied from different theoretical perspectivesand with a great variety of methodologicalapproaches. In explaining housing preferencesthe influence of both macro-level andmicro-level factors has been shownextensively. Relatively little attention hasbeen given, though, to motivational micro-levelfactors such as goals and values. In thisarticle micro-level motivational factors arestudied as determinants of stated preferencesfor housing attributes. The relationshipsbetween such motivational factors as values andgoals on the one hand and preferences forhousing attributes on the other are consideredfrom the perspective of means-end theory. Asemi-structured interviewing technique calledladdering is used for the measurement ofmeans-end chains. Some of the results of apilot project in which means-end theory wasapplied to preferences for housing attributeswill be discussed in the sequel.  相似文献   

The deconcentration of urban population is a widespread phenomenon in Western societies. Whatever the reasons for residential deconcentration, an inevitable consequence is that an increasing number of people will choose to reside on the outskirts of urban regions. In this paper, the relationship between residential preferences and housing choices is examined using questionnaire data from 1,137 residents of the Turku urban region. This study examines how congruent their stated and revealed residential preferences are in the urban region and to what extent residential preferences affect residential mobility within the urban region. The results show that the stated residential preferences of the respondents correspond closely with their housing choices but the relation of residential preferences to changing population distribution is not straightforward. Although preference for low-density housing is the most important factor describing population decentralisation, the population flow towards the central city is predominantly determined by demographic factors. The results emphasise the latent nature of residential preferences, as the preferred residential environment does not necessarily correspond with the chosen housing. The results stress the importance of gaining thorough knowledge of the subjective values given to housing in order to understand what aspects of housing are important for people and what kind of influence residential preferences actually have on housing choices.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to attain a better understanding of which aspects influence students’ housing satisfaction in Trondheim, Norway. Due to rising student numbers in the last decade in Norway, there is a distinct need for new student housing. It has been stated previously that students prefer specific, often central locations in university cities and that they have become more demanding when it comes to the standard of accommodation. Questions related to how and where to accommodate students have become an issue in both public and professional discussions. This study adds to the knowledge on different aspects that influence student housing satisfaction and thus offers background information for further discussion on the student housing situation in medium-sized university cities. Data were collected through a quantitative survey, which emphasized the following five aspects: (1) Type of tenancy/ownership, (2) The impact of demographic variables, (3) Housing location, (4) Different housing characteristics, and (5) Individual facilities (kitchen/bathroom). The survey data indicate that the most important variables for student residential satisfaction were, first, the type of tenancy/ownership; second, the quality of different housing characteristics; and third, the location. In this study, individual facilities and demographic variables did not have a significant effect on housing satisfaction.  相似文献   

The possibility to predict residential preferences and choices from people's beliefs about the effects of different housing alternatives on the attainment of a number of life values was investigated by means of a questionnaire answered by 36 Swedish adults. Housing alternatives were described to the respondents in terms of a number of attribute dimensions. Two models were tested. The first model was based on the assumption that the evaluation of a given level of a housing attribute is determined by a weighted sum of the respondent's evaluations of the life values which the attribute is believed to lead to, and that the evaluation of each housing alternative is obtained by summing this value‐fulfilment across all attributes. This model was quite successful in predicting preference ratings of the housing alternatives. When predicting simulated choices among housing alternatives, however, the second model, which did not presuppose additivity across attributes, yielded more successful predictions. For data aggregated across the whole sample of respondents, the number of housing attributes contributing to the predictions of the preferences was larger than the corresponding number for the choices. Finally, intrinsic housing attributes such as cost and size were found to be more important than location and neighbourhood attributes for both preferences and choices.  相似文献   

Conjoint estimates of residential preferencesare typically based on aggregate responses. Forreasons of segmentation or to differentiatebetween non-significant housing attributes andattributes that are characterized byconflicting preferences, further analysis isrequired. In this paper, the heterogeneity inthe conjoint estimates of residentialpreferences of families is analyzed. It isexamined how the estimated part-worth utilitiesof the housing attributes are related to thesocio-economic variables and current housingattributes by applying regression analysis.Although the explained variance was rather low,suggesting that residential preferences offamilies are highly idiosyncratic, therelationships that were significant could beinterpreted well.  相似文献   

This article considers the willingness of Randstad residents to move out of this urban region. The research question is “Which households plan to leave the Randstad and under what conditions?” The focus is on growth centers, which were developed to resolve soccial and environmental problems in the congested cities and to prevent urban sprawl. After giving some theoretical background on the phenomenon of mobility, the article considers migration from the Randstad to other parts of the country. That discussion is based on the literature and on empirical data. The design of our own investigation is presented, with an emphasis on the method we used, namely Decision Plan Nets. This method allows the investigator to query people with a propensity to move more explicitly on their housing preferences. The main conclusions of our research are that residents of growth centers generally express very little desire to leave the Randstad, even upon further probing. If they want to leave, they would only do so under certain conditions, primarily related to employment opportunities outside the Randstad.  相似文献   

邓可祥  邓辉  曹明星 《山西建筑》2006,32(15):11-12
根据住宅的使用功能介绍了住宅设计以人为本的体现,对室内房间布置如何体现以人为本做了论述,探讨了住宅的环境建设,以符合健康居住理念,满足城市可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

What are the significant design aspects of low-cost housing from a value analysis perspective? South Africa has made housing a cornerstone of its social development policies, but there is significant dissatisfaction expressed by the residents of the housing schemes built to date. To address this, a small survey was undertaken to identify what established (existing) residents of low-cost housing in South Africa regard as important or of value. These established residents’ views vary from other studies due to the ability to identify medium and long-term needs and problems. The survey identified nine concepts that can be used to evaluate housing scheme design using conjoint analysis or stated choice methods to quantify residents’ values. Future quantitative research is suggested into the measurement of the requirements of residents. Development of econometric models of the already investigated urban form is advocated, along with the potential for ‘densification’ strategies to address some of the issues raised by residents.

Quels sont les aspects importants de la conception de logements sociaux du point de vue de l'analyse de la valeur? L'Afrique du Sud a fait du logement une pierre angulaire de ses politiques de développement social, mais il existe un important mécontentement exprimé par les résidents des ensembles d'habitation construits à ce jour. Afin d'y remédier, il a été entrepris une petite enquête d'opinion visant à identifier ce que les résidents établis (existants) des logements sociaux d'Afrique du Sud considèrent comme important ou ayant de la valeur. Les avis de ces résidents établis diffèrent des autres études en raison de la capacité à identifier les besoins et les problèmes à moyen et long terme. L’étude a identifié neuf concepts qui peuvent être utilisés pour évaluer la conception des ensembles d'habitation en faisant appel à des méthodes d'analyse conjointe ou des méthodes des préférences déclarées pour quantifier les valeurs des résidents. Des recherches quantitatives ultérieures sont suggérées pour mesurer les exigences des résidents. Il est préconisé de développer des modèles économétriques de la forme urbaine déjà étudiée, ainsi que le potentiel des stratégies de « densification » pour faire face à certains des problèmes soulevés par les résidents.

Mots clés: logement?habitants?logements sociaux?qualité de la vie?développement social?gestion de la valeur?Afrique du Sud  相似文献   

本文以某住宅工程施工为实例,分析了影响施工质量的因素,阐明了施工阶段质量控制是工程项目质量控制的重点,是决定最终产品质量的关键阶段,提出了相应的控制措施及住宅工程施工质量控制中值得注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years, housing supply for university students has increased significantly given the considerable attention provided by national institutions on the issue of student housing. In Italy, however, only approximately 4% of students live in university residences. Since 2001, interventions on existing buildings have accounted for approximately 60% of the overall measures proposed for new university residences; these interventions comprise most of the available public economic resources. The possibility of recovering and reusing existing buildings for university residences is remarkable for the city of Catania because most of the students are enrolled in university courses located within the historic city center. Moreover, abandoned buildings are currently a significant part of the city's architectural heritage. This research aims to develop an articulated and integrated set of frameworks to support the various phases of the design process for recovering and then reusing existing buildings as university residences. The proposed approach applies existing dimensional standards and environmental sustainability principles to a constructed building using traditional techniques.  相似文献   


Buying a home for marriage is customary in many societies. Traditionally, therefore, young couples getting married is a key driver of demand for homeownership. Yet the idea of marriage-induced demand for homeownership is a relatively underexplored component of housing price change. We examine the role of marriage-induced demand for homeownership in Hong Kong, a relatively self-contained housing market with fewer options for migration than most large cities. We use an instrumental variable strategy to test the hypothesis that more unmarried individuals at the prime age for marriage increases housing prices. We find that an additional one thousand marriage-aged but unmarried individuals leads to a seven per cent increase in housing prices. These findings confirm the importance of demographic factors such as cohort size and marriage rates on housing price projections, housing needs assessments, and housing policy.  相似文献   

In advanced capitalistcountries, the term social housing normallyrefers to social rented housing, and itsprovision can be examined within the context ofthe type of housing welfare regime that hasevolved within the country under consideration.However, in large parts of Latin America –because of minimal affordability and limitedinvestment – social housing is very much amarginalised tenure and – apart from a smallsocial-rented sector – comprises illegalshelter in shantytowns, assisted self-buildhousing, and low-cost owner-occupation. Itwould therefore be unproductive to examinesocial housing in Latin America within thecontext of any of the welfare regimes thatprevail in the developed world.Within the region, large-scale migration intothe major urban areas created a substantial andgrowing housing deficit among the poor in thelatter half of the twentieth century. At first,there was an attempt to satisfy housing needsby the provision of social rented housing, butit was soon recognised that such accommodationwas unaffordable to the majority of the poor,while municipal governments were constrained bybudgetary considerations from increasing oreven maintaining its supply. At the same time,it was realised that informal housing could beupgraded more cost-effectively, and that forits future development the legalisation oftenure was essential; while self-build formalhousing could be constructed through theprocess of community funding. By the 1990s,even the middle-income segment wasdisadvantaged in the housing market asunemployment and interest rates rose and realwages fell, and therefore – through theintroduction of means-tested demand-sidesubsidies – the term social housing wasextended to the conventional owner-occupiedsector.Clearly, welfare regimes in Latin America areat a rudimentary stage in their development,although there is a tendency for governments toembrace neo-liberal housing policies. But at atime of fiscal constraint, it is a cause forconcern that macroeconomic priorities mightmake it more difficult for a large proportionof the population of the region to satisfy itshousing needs.  相似文献   

在总结我国绿色保障房设计建设情况的基础上,以郑州市主城区的公租房为例,从规划设计和建筑设计的层面总结了郑州公租房的设计特点,结合《评价标准》针对郑州市公租房的绿色节能设计情况进行了实地调研和分析,以此提出选址要依据基础设施规划进行、合理布局降低干扰等有关绿色保障房的设计建议。  相似文献   

This study examined spatial dependence in neighborhood change between 1990 and 2010 in the largest 100 metropolitan areas in the U.S. By analyzing neighborhood housing value change, this study found that there is considerable spatial autocorrelation in neighborhood change. Neighborhoods form spatial clusters in neighborhood housing value and its change. The spatial analysis also showed that there was a persistent spatial inequality between the city and suburbs but that this spatial inequality has declined over time. Finally, this study suggests that coordinating community development efforts with surrounding neighborhoods rather than taking isolated actions can result in more successful outcomes.  相似文献   

Lawrence maintains about all architectural environments and housing that, they are both in a relationship with culture and they are a total configuration of social, demographical, psychological, human behavioral and environmental structure. Moreover, in analyzing this complex structure, he emphasizes to examine it within two perspectives: design-meaning and use. Consequently, the basic components, which affect housing design, are classified in three main topics: cultural, social, and psychological. In the light of Lawrence's ideas, under the topic of the role of culture and tradition in the development of housing, this paper aims to define the basic Turkish traditional housing principles with slogans and important examples. In this content, cultural, social and psychological components in traditional Turkish houses are held under the heading of the development of traditional Turkish house. The organization rules, the effects of the basic psycho-social components…etc., and the presence of these principles are criticized with Turkish housing examples before and after 1980. The chosen period in this study is not coincidental. The aim of choosing the periods before and after 1980 has a special meaning in Turkey's economic, politic and social life. Choosing these two basic periods, will not only point out the changes—like a metamorphism—in cultural life, but in architectural needs in Turkish houses. Therefore, in the aim of analyzing cultural changes and their effects on housing design, the architectural meanings in the elements of Turkish houses are put forward in details, in order to make some estimation for the future of changing Turkish architectural life.  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - We explore the participation levels of NIMBY (‘Not In My Backyard’) proponents versus other voices at public hearings San Francisco, a...  相似文献   

Notwithstanding current market volatility, there has been exceptional expansion in owner-occupied housing sectors and increases in house prices across European countries in recent decades. In the EU, individual wealth held in housing equity, especially among older people, has been considered a substantial reserve that could be tapped into to meet future pension needs as the ageing of the population becomes a greater stress on European welfare states. This paper seeks to take the notion of ‘property-based welfare’ further by examining, in principle at least, how home ownership may function as a pension across EU states. This firstly involves very approximate estimates of the types of, and rates of, income homeowners could hypothetically generate from their homes, including forms of income in kind. Secondly, criteria are identified to estimate how ‘adequate’ such potential incomes are in relation to working incomes and in bringing retired households above poverty levels. Thirdly, different circumstances across EU member states with regard to existing housing and pension arrangements are examined. Broad national groupings appear evident, with housing income having least impact in older member states in central and northern Europe. The paper concludes that while the potential outcome of housing wealth is country specific, in many cases, greater dependency on home ownership in welfare provision, particularly if it is used as a substitute rather than a complement to existing arrangements, may have adverse consequences for many.  相似文献   

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