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艾勇军 《山西建筑》2007,33(28):49-50
从城市经营、城市竞争力和城市发展战略三者的关系论述了中国的城市化进程中所遇到的问题,通过对三者的分析,从一个侧面反映了城市作为一个客体存在,是一个巨大的系统,它们相互联系、相互制约,并促进城市的发展.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is occurring at an unprecedented scale worldwide, with developing countries claiming the biggest share. Developing countries are increasingly facing enormous pressures to manage their urban and rural areas challenged by limited resources, exploding numbers of population and rising expectations for a higher quality of life. Sustainability is central to the management of existing and newly developed areas. It can offer a comprehensive discourse for understanding the functioning of cities and their hinterlands, with an aim to achieve a balance between environmental, economic and social issues for current and future generations. Managing the urbanization of newly developed areas requires innovative thinking and an ability to predict and evaluate the impacts of possible futures. As the new map of Egypt is redrawn and much hope lies on the development of its deserts constituting 95% of the total land area, an efficient process of directing and facilitating urban development is urgently required. This paper presents an Urban Sustainable Management System (USMS) using the process of Integrated Assessment to assess three possible development scenarios based on different economic bases for new developments on desert reclaimed land. Indicators of a quantitative and qualitative nature are used to describe environmental, social and economic capitals of three scenarios as well as setting targets towards the aim of sustainability. Pressure points hindering the sustainable development of reclaimed land are drawn under the three different scenarios. The USMS provides an urban management system that overcomes difficulties of data availability, combines interdisciplinary knowledge and deals with uncertainties of future developments; struggles decisionmakers confront across the divide but more so in developing countries.  相似文献   

城市世纪、城市问题、城市规划与市长的作用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
吴良镛 《城市规划》2000,24(4):17-21
1 城市是新世纪关注的焦点1 1 从世界形势看 本文是作者在 1999年 11月 2 6日副省级和省会城市规划专题研究班的讲话的基础上修改而成。新世纪有“城市世纪”或“城市时代”之称 ,未来的世界被认为是一个城市化的世界。在世纪交接之际 ,人们在自觉地思考新世纪的走向 ,城市已经成为世界研究的焦点 :——— 1 993年 ,联合国东京会议称“2 1世纪将是一个新的城市世纪” ;——— 1 996年 ,联合国“全球人类住区报告”称“城市化的世界 (anurbanizingworld)” ;———从 1 986年开始 ,联合国将每年十月的第一个周一定为“世…  相似文献   

通过对莱芜市钢城边缘区永兴路的空间解读,提出了构建整体性城市设计的目标,重点通过对带形区域的功能定位、城市空间形态重新进行评估和认识,对土地资源进行整合,研究确定城市边缘区城市设计的策略。  相似文献   

In the past decades, urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon in the city and its corresponding issues including the mitigation methods have become the main research topics in the area of urban climatology. Researchers have conducted various investigations and measurements in the urban environment. Prediction models such as impact mitigation strategies, urban air temperature predictions, improved weather forecasting and air quality forecasting have been developed as a result. With the current issue of sustainable urban development in the cities, urban planners are beginning to look into different aspects of urban climatic parameters and incorporate them as the design parameters. However, it is rather difficult for the planners to attempt to design without engaging the urban climate scientists. Presently, Geographical Information System (GIS) is a platform commonly used in various geographical related research and applications, including those relating to urban climate research, as it can be used to analyze different urban climatic parameters. Although it is, by all standards, an appropriate urban design tool, urban planners tend not to embrace this technology. This paper shall present an idea to overcome this challenge by means of developing a user friendly urban design platform that takes after GIS. This paper will also discuss the plan for advancement of the urban design tool from the current situation to the future.  相似文献   

This is a revised version of a paper presented at the International Research Conference, “Housing, Policy, and Urban Innovation” held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in June–July, 1988. The Conference was sponsored by three research institutes that are members of the Netherlands Organisation of Research Institutes in the field of housing and urban research (GS): the Center for Metropolitan Research, University of Amsterdam; the Institute of Geographical Research, University of Utrecht; and, OTB Research Institute for Policy Sciences and Technology Delft University of Technology.  相似文献   

介绍了城市设计的概念及其重要特征,以南浔中心区城市设计为例,就如何发掘城市特色,不断提升城市的整体品位,扩大城市的影响力进行了探讨,以展示城市的独特魅力,构筑城市特色。  相似文献   

Accra, the capital and largest city in Ghana, has undergone major transformation over the past two decades. Growing population has strengthened the formation of a functional city-region. Increases in local and foreign investments have further intensified territorial linkages of the city with adjoining areas, but its management is mainly characterised by district delimitations. This profile documents the historical development of Accra, recent changes in governance, population, and the economy, as well as critical challenges in urbanisation from a city-region perspective. It also reviews recent metropolitan planning initiatives aimed at addressing those issues.  相似文献   

Urban development and climate change are expected to have significant effects on urban stormwater runoff. In this study, the Dynamic Urban Water Simulation Model (DUWSiM) is applied to Dublin, Ireland, to explore urban runoff patterns under varying urban growth and climate scenarios. Results show that annual urban runoff could decrease by 3.0% from climate change and monthly runoff could increase by 30% in winter and decrease by 28% in summer. Results also indicate that urban growth could increase annual runoff by up to 15%. The combined effect of climatic and land-use change generated runoff may potentially increase annual totals from between 2.9% to 21%. Monthly changes in runoff totals could increase by up to 57%. Accommodating these variations in runoff between the scenarios, flexible decentralised systems such as green roofs and pervious pavements, have a vital role in increasing the adaptability and long term sustainability of water infrastructure.  相似文献   

This typological account of the urban morphology of shopping presents a diagrammatic genealogy of urban retail types from traditional markets, streets and plazas through various adaptations and mutations into the contemporary shopping mall and power centre. This genealogy shows an increased car-dependency, privatized and centralized control, and disintegration from urban life. Many cities have been transformed by contemporary retail types that are less walkable, equitable, productive and resilient than those from which they were derived. The challenge lies in the invention of new retail types with potential for re-integration into more resilient forms of urban development.  相似文献   

In the years since liberalization, state power has been rescaled in India's polity and this is both a cause and consequence of greater inter-state competition for footloose capital. In this context, some state governments are designing special regulatory tools to attract and concentrate investments by easing ‘doing business’ for private investors and leveraging land resources—primarily in their largest cities. Equally important, they ensure public investments are channelled to these select spaces and that resources are available for maintaining high standards of infrastructure. In Hyderabad, the ‘Industrial Area Local Authority’ (IALA) is a powerful tool that allows privatised management by state and non-state actors of recently constructed productive spaces, mainly concentrating globalised service sector activities, including by collecting local tax revenues and various development charges to be spent exclusively within the industrial area. In this way, governance and fiscal functions are outsourced to non-elected bodies, outside the purview of democratic institutions. By essentially replacing municipal authorities, the IALA framework produces new forms of governance at the same time that it generates fragmentation of the institutional fabric of urban spaces. In effect, it creates a tool for by-passing urban politics, or in the case of periurban spaces does not allow an urban politics to emerge. Building on recent research, this paper examines the implications of IALAs in Hyderabad on urban governance and local state sovereignty.  相似文献   

The troubled, historical relationship between Russia, Poland and Germany is revealed in their struggles for dominance over borderland territories. Berlin, Moscow and Warsaw boast scars left by dynastic wars and cultural skirmishes between these nations before 1914. The final Partition of Poland (1795), making Warsaw the third largest city in the Russian empire, and its destruction in 1944–5, epitomise their deadly rivalry. WWI was a watershed: Imperialism and the belle époque in architecture were replaced by socialism and modernism; the urban working class demanded security against a system founded on the ‘callous cash nexus’. This socialist phase was, like its predecessor, memorialised in monuments and statues, buildings, architecture and urban design. The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the opening of the era of choice, quintessentially expressed in the Mallification of public spaces. The concomitant of choice is risk, whose antidote may not be sought in class-based actions but in pre-socialist, nationalist narratives.  相似文献   

中国现行的城市设计必须要以规划控制指标为原则进行设计,然而这些既有的控制指标往往以相类城市控制指标经验为依据制定,缺乏考虑本体城市所呈现出的政治、经济、文化的多元性,使城市设计的创造性受到很多的限制,并使得城市设计与下一步的详细规划或建筑设计相脱节,暴露了现行城市设计与控制指标之间的矛盾。本文以宁德市金塔组团梦龙路地块的城市设计为例,通过对城市形态的整合设计来确定控制性详细规划指标,进而引导城市规划的进程,探寻城市控制性指标体系与城市设计连续性。  相似文献   

浅析城市设计与城市规划及建筑设计的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王民成 《山西建筑》2009,35(26):42-43
从城市发展的角度出发,分析了城市设计与城市规划及建筑设计的关系,在明确它们之间关系的基础上,找回人们遗失在快速城市化浪潮里的文明,从而创造更为舒适、更为人性化的城市空间。  相似文献   

城建档案要更好地为城市规划建设管理服务,必须攻克难关,畅通收集机制,不断深化城建档案资源建设;必须突出重点,做好档案开发利用工作;必须消除肓点,着手地下管线普查建档工作;而最关键的是立足基点,不断提升自身服务能力和水平。  相似文献   

在辽宁省城建档案座谈会期间,记者第一次见到沈阳市城建档案馆的当家人——焦洁馆长,在焦馆长端庄秀丽的外表下,透露着的是睿智和精干。在谈到沈阳市城建档案馆的目前状况和今后发展思路上,焦馆长感慨万千,她说,虽然沈  相似文献   

各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委及有关部门: 为了施行<市政公用事业特许经营管理办法>,建设部组织有关专家,结合各行业的特点,制定了<城市供水特许经营协议示范文本>、<管道燃气特许经营协议示范文本>和<城市生活垃圾处理特许经营协议示范文本>(以下简称<示范文本>).现予印发,供各地在实施特许经营制度时参考.  相似文献   

浅谈城市共生综合体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文由分析城市发展所带来的建筑类型的演化入手指出可以凭借建筑的手段反过来在某种程度上解决城市问题,并提出了城市共生综合体的概念。从这个概念出发我们阐述了对共生综合体的几个基本认识,进而分析了共生这个最主要的特征以及它对于共生综合体的重要性。随后我们粗略讨论了互动机制,它是实现综合体共生的主要途径。  相似文献   

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