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Mine void pit lakes often contain water of poor quality with potential for environmental harm that may dwarf other mine closure environmental issues in terms of severity, scope, and longevity. This is particularly so when many pit lakes occur close together and thus form a new “lake district” landscape. Pit lakes that can be developed into healthy lake or wetland ecosystems as a beneficial end use provide opportunities for the mining industry to fulfil commitments to sustainability. Clearly articulated restoration goals and a strategic closure plan are necessary to ensure pit lake restoration toward a new, yet regionally-relevant, aquatic ecosystem, which can achieve sustainability as an out-of-kind environmental offset. Such an approach must also consider obstacles to development of a self-sustaining aquatic ecosystem, such as water quality and ecological requirements. We recommend integration of pit lakes into their catchments as a landscape restoration planning exercise with clearly-identified roles and objectives for each new lake habitat and its surrounds.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Due to operational and regulatory practicalities, pit lakes will continue to be common legacies of mine lease relinquishments. Unplanned or inappropriate management of these geographical features can lead to both short- and long-term liability to mining companies, local communities, and the nearby environment during mining operations or after lease relinquishment. However, the potential for pit lakes to provide benefit to companies, communities, and the environment is frequently unrecognised and yet may be a vital contribution to the sustainability of the open-cut mining industry. Sustainable pit lake management aims to minimise short and long term pit lake liabilities and maximise short and long term pit lake opportunities. Improved remediation technologies are offering more avenues for pit lakes resource exploitation than ever before, at the same time mining companies, local communities, and regulatory authorities are becoming more aware of the benefit these resources can offer.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Surface water bodies are expected to form in several pits at the Getchell Open Pit Mine after mining has ceased due to inflowing surface and ground water. Predicting the long-term geochemical behavior of the pit water is important in assessing potential environmental effects. One of the pits, the Summer Camp Pit, began to develop a pit lake in 1991 when dewatering ceased and the pit was used to store water pumped from underground operations. This provided a field-scale opportunity to identify the controls on lake water chemistry and determine the effects of seasonal mixing events on long-term chemical behavior. During a five-year period (1996-2001), a number of physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the lake were monitored with the intent of using this information as a basis for predicting long-term geochemical behavior of future lakes in the other pits. Seasonal and multiyear cycles were identified within the water column. These cycles were influenced by climatic changes and element and sediment loadings of inflow to the lake. Stratification occurred, with the metalimnion or active layer of the lake evolving from a low total dissolved solids (TDS), alkaline water to a high TDS, neutral to mildly acidic water, until turnover occurred due to density variations between the metalimnion and epilimnion, completely mixing the layers. A hypolimnion that formed has the potential to stabilize metals in the basal sediments as sulfide minerals below a chemolimnion in the lake. Longer-term events also appear to involve the hypolimnion.The monitoring program demonstrated the dynamic nature of a pit lake and how the complex limnology can affect seasonal water quality. Such considerations are important in interpreting water quality from pit lakes and in selecting monitoring data to use when constructing mathematical models for predicting changes in water quality.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Microbial alkalinity production was evaluated as a method to prevent reacidification of neutralized mining lakes by acidic ground and seepage water. We used 60 L mesocosms to represent the sediment and water column of a shallow acidic mine lake. To enhance alkalinity production, acidic and neutralized lake waters were treated with either phosphorus (controlled eutrophication) or organic matter (controlled saprobization). Controlled eutrophication could not produce enough autochthonous biomass as substrate for microbial alkalinity production to change the acidity of the water. Chemical pre-neutralization of the acidic water caused the inorganic carbon concentration to increase, but at the same time, hindered algae growth by reducing the availability of phosphate by sorption to the freshly precipitated iron hydroxide. This effect was so strong that even high phosphorus additions could not increase the algae biomass production. In contrast to controlled eutrophication, controlled saprobization produced significant alkalinity. Despite inhibition of the most important alkalinity producing process, namely microbial sulfate reduction, by low pH values, the microbial alkalinity production rate was not affected by pre-neutralization of the water column. Other alkalinity producing processes raised the pH in the reactive zone until sulfate reduction was no longer inhibited.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The basic chemical properties of Tertiary (T) and Quaternary (Q) aquifers near the Piaseczno opencast sulphur mine and the water in the open pit, along with the stratigraphy and hydrogeology of the area, were characterized to assess the feasibility of inundating the mine with ground water. Ground water quality varied markedly in the opencast area. A distinct stratification was noted in the pit water; total dissolved solids, calcium, chloride, hardness, and hydrogen sulphide increased from the top water level to the bottom of the pit lake. The concentrations of SO42- and Cl- in the opencast water were very high, especially in the hypolimnion zone. Based on our preliminary analysis, it appears that an artificial lake formed in the Piaseczno open pit could be used in the future as a fish and wildlife habitat as well as for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

While pit lakes can pose potential risks to the environment and liabilities to mining companies, they may also present opportunities for sustainable end uses, if managed appropriately. The Springer Pit Lake and Mount Polley Mine provided an opportunity to store mine waste such as tailings and mill process water while the mine repaired its tailings storage facility after a breach in its perimeter embankment, which released tailings to the downstream environment in 2014. 1 year after the breach, a water treatment plant was installed so that the pit lake could be drawn down. Frequent monitoring of water quality in the pit, combined with a calibrated and verified water quality model, shows that water quality is improving. Based on the observations that tailings, suspended solids, and associated constituents are being removed efficiently by the pit, the treatment plant was reconfigured to a “passive” mode, which did not entail the use of reagents or mechanical energy—only in-line instrumentation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Berkeley pit lake in Butte, Montana is one of the largest accumulations of acid mine drainage in the world. The pit lake began filling in 1983, and continues to fill at a rate of roughly 10 million liters d-1. This paper details how changes in mining activities have led to changes in the rate of filling of the pit lake, as well as changes in its limnology and geochemistry. As of 2005, the Berkeley pit lake is meromictic, with lower conductivity water resting on top of higher conductivity water. This permanent stratification was set up by diversion of surface water—the so-called Horseshoe Bend Spring—into the pit during the period 2000 to 2003. However, the lake may have been holomictic prior to 2000, with seasonal top-to-bottom turnover events. The present mining company is pumping water from below the chemocline to a copper precipitation plant, after which time the Cu-depleted and Fe-enriched water is returned to the pit. Continued operation of this facility may eventually change the density gradient of the lake, with a return to holomictic conditions. A conceptual model illustrating some of the various physical, chemical, and microbial processes responsible for the unusually poor water quality of the Berkeley pit lake is presented.  相似文献   

The Potential Importance of Mine Sites for Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  Abandoned mine sites are typically viewed as environmental problems due to their negative impacts on local ecosystems. This paper presents an alternative viewpoint providing evidence of the potential importance of mine sites for supporting rare and threatened species from many of the major taxonomic orders. The potential importance of these species in remediation of polluted environments is also highlighted.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Sleeper open pit gold mine operated from the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s. Operations were mostly sub-water table and extensive dewatering was required to lower groundwater levels by 180 m. Dewatering flows peaked at 930 L/s, with most flow contributed from an alluvial aquifer. After completion of mining, the pit was rapidly filled with water pumped from the alluvial aquifer to reduce the exposure time of sulfide wall rocks and waste rocks in the ultimate pit. The pumped alluvial groundwater provided a large volume of low total dissolved solids (TDS), high alkalinity water that controlled the early chemistry. The rising lake waters were amended with lime to buffer excess acidity contributed to the lake from reactive pit wall rocks during submergence. The pore water contained in submerged waste rock at the base of the pit was elevated in TDS and subsequently of higher density that the lake water. The density contrast and waste rock location limited contributions of waste rock pore water to the main body of the lake. Some stratification of the early lake occurred, with shallow water characterized by higher pH, low dissolved metals, and sulfate; deeper water had lower pH and higher dissolved metals and sulfate. The reservoir of alkalinity in the shallow layer mixed with the deeper waters and created a stabilized lake with a homogenized column that exceeded water quality expectations. Current water quality meets all Nevada primary drinking water standards with the exception of sulfate, TDS, and manganese, which are slightly elevated, as predicted. Chemistry has remained stable since development of the initial lake.  相似文献   

Abstract  The copper mine at Kilembe in the Ruwenzori Mountains in western Uganda ceased to operate in 1978 but a steady flow of contaminants, including Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, and sulphate, continues to enter the Nyamwamba-Rukoki River, which passes through Queen Elizabeth National Park, and finally flows into Lake George. Lake George is quite shallow, alkaline, and highly eutrophic. Measuring mass-flow of contaminants, water, and suspended solids in the Rukoki River near Kasese allowed us to estimate their input into Lake George. Grid sampling of lake sediments indicated that the contaminants settle near the two mouths of the river; low concentrations in a drill core in the centre of Lake George indicate that further dispersion within the lake is small. Sequential extraction experiments on lake sediments and lake water analyses suggest low bioavailability of the heavy metals. We conclude that Lake George is a highly resilient system that efficiently immobilises contaminants. Though there is no health risk for the population under present environmental conditions, a reduction of the contaminant load is desirable.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Permitting of open pit mines that intersect the groundwater table necessitates the use of sophisticated numerical models to determine the temporal impact of pit lake hydraulics. However, while mine feasibility and the potential environmental influences of open-pit dewatering can be estimated using conventional screening-level methods, to date there have been few published transient analytical solutions to estimate the pit lake recovery duration and inflow rates. The Comprehensive Realistic Yearly Pit Transient Infilling Code (CRYPTIC) described here is based on the Jacob-Lohman equation, modified to include the pit geometry and effects of precipitation and evaporation from the pit lake surface as well as the input/output of external flows. It assumes that the aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic with laterally extensive horizontal flow but differs from other methods in that it includes transient inflows. CRYPTIC was used to successfully model the Berkeley Pit Lake (Butte, Montana) recovery data and its predictions also compared favorably with results from the Pipeline Pit (north-central Nevada) numerical model. However, while this analytical approach provides useful hydraulic insights at the feasibility stage of mine planning, more detailed analysis is required to determine critical mine permitting requirements. For example, the lateral extent of the drawdown cone, time to maximum extent of dewatering, and temporal effects on springs and seeps require deployment of a full numerical code and substantially more data.  相似文献   

Abstract.   The Vale de Abrutiga uranium deposit, located in Central Portugal near the Aguieira dam reservoir, was surface mined. Low-grade ore and waste rock were deposited on permeable ground, close to the mine, and were not revegetated. A lake has formed in the open pit. Surface waters draining the mine site are acidic, have high conductivity, and high concentrations of U, SO42-, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ra, Cu, Th, and Pb. The groundwater and the water from the reservoir cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation. The sampled waters show higher contaminant concentrations in winter than in summer. Stream sediments have high geoaccumulation indices for U, Fe, Ag, Zn, Cr, Co, and Pb. In general, sediments bordering the dam reservoir have higher metal contents in winter than in summer.  相似文献   

An infiltration and salinity transport model (ISTM) based on the HYDRUS modeling platform was developed to support the beneficial use of treated coal seam gas (CSG) water to irrigate perennial forage plots in eastern Australia. The ISTM was used to support the expansion of irrigated areas under the CSG industry’s first specific irrigation beneficial use approval issued by the Queensland environmental regulatory administering authorities in March 2009. To support meeting regulatory requirements for expansion beyond the original irrigation area, forward modelling within the vadose zone was used to evaluate the fate and transport of the irrigation water as it migrates through the shallow soils and unsaturated bedrock toward the saturated zone; simulations beneath three agricultural systems with contrasting infiltration capacities were assessed. The model simulation results were used to guide irrigation activities to maximize water use in the readily available soil water capacity range for these agroecosystems, without detrimental impacts to plant growth or surface water/groundwater and soil resources. In this paper, a practical irrigation and rainfall systems-driven hydrogeochemical conceptual model is presented to identify processes that are likely to govern infiltration from the land surface, root water uptake, and solute transport into, and potentially through, the unsaturated zone. A numerical model is then parameterized to represent the primary processes hypothesized to affect water and salinity movement in the vadose zone. Finally, a series of simulations, conducted to identify the key parameters and processes governing the potential movement of water and salt through the root zone and into the bedrock vadose zone, are discussed. The simulations are used to support continuous improvement in modeling approaches for sustainably managing treated CSG extraction water allocated to irrigation.  相似文献   

Abstract  An attempt was made to use the U.S. EPA DRASTIC ranking system to assess the vulnerability of ground water in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Analysis of the various system components indicate that several DRASTIC factors would have to be modified to consider the effects of mining, subsidence, and ground water rebound.  相似文献   

建立矿山公园是地质环境保护的一项创新举措,但在建设过程中缺乏对典型动力地质现象的特别保护。同时由于煤矿自身属性相对特殊,煤炭开发诱发了一系列地质环境问题及其效应,对公园的后续建设留下了地质灾害隐患。开滦国家矿山公园及其周边区域地质环境条件复杂,曾发生过震灾、岩溶和采空塌陷等地质灾害。近年来,开滦因地制宜地实施塌陷区治理、土地复垦和矿井水合理利用等,明显改善了矿区的地质环境,着力从根本上减少灾害的发生。但是那些潜在的、突发性的和人为引发的地质灾害不容忽视。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The main challenge facing many of the coal mines in South Africa is the management of mine water following the closure of mining operations. The Sigma Colliery is situated in the Free State Province, adjacent to the town of Sasolburg and bordering the Vaal River, one of the country's largest rivers. The mining includes both opencast and underground operations; however, this paper will only discuss the main underground operations. There are several aquifer systems overlying the deeper mining, which was done by bord and pillar and high extraction mining. Detailed conceptual models of the interactions between several aquifer systems and the rebounding mine voids were constructed using mining and monitoring data. From this, numerical flow models were used to model the complex flow system where rebound of water levels is expected. The results have led to an accurate understanding of the complex flow system and the important controls on the final water levels in the area.  相似文献   

利用方式和处理技术是影响矿井水利用的最主要因素,因此通过大量的文献和调查研究,对国外主要矿业国家的矿井水利用方式和处理技术进行了分析总结.目前国外矿井水利用方式除了自身生产利用外,主要还包括生活饮用水、工业用水、灌溉用水、环境用水、回注地下和用于蓄热等,同时矿井水达标外排也较为普遍.国外的矿井水利用处理技术主要包括反渗...  相似文献   


This paper presents a case study of an optimized combination of mine water control, treatment, utilization and reinjection to achieve the zero discharge of mine water. Mine water has been considered a hazard and pollution source during underground mining, so most mining enterprises directly discharge mine water to the surface after simple treatment, resulting in a serious waste of water. Moreover, discharging a large amount of mine water can destroy the original groundwater balance and cause serious environmental problems, such as surface subsidence, water resource reduction and contamination, and adverse impacts on biodiversity. The Zhongguan iron mine is in the major groundwater source area of the Hundred Springs of Xingtai, which is an area with a high risk of potential subsidence. To optimize the balance between mining and groundwater resources, a series of engineering measures was adopted by the Zhongguan iron mine to realize mine water control, treatment, utilization, and reinjection. The installation of a closed grout curtain has greatly reduced the water yield of deep stopes in the mine; the effective sealing efficiency reaches 80%. Nanofiltration membrane separation was adopted to treat the highly mineralized mine water; the quality of the produced water meets China’s recommended class II groundwater standard. Low-grade heat energy from the mine water is collected and utilized through a water-source heat pump system. Finally, zero mine water discharge is realized through mine water reinjection. This research provides a beneficial reference for mines with similar geological and hydrogeological conditions to achieve environmentally sustainable mining.


Abstract.  An investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of a large barite mining operation on local ground water quality near Mangampeta,Andhra Pradesh, India.Water samples were collected from drinking water wells in the mining and adjacent regions. The drinking water in the mining region had sulphate concentrations that ranged from 211 to 589 mg/L, compared to sulphate concentrations of 25 mg/L or less in the non-mined areas. The natural existence of barite and the widespread mine waste dumps at Mangampeta are believed to be responsible for the higher levels of sulphate in the ground water.  相似文献   

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