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光纤连接器端面研磨装置运动分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
分析了一种具有两个自由度的双驱动行星式光纤连接器端面研磨装置的运动原理,并求解出光纤连接器在研磨时相对于研磨盘(研磨砂纸)的运动轨迹。通过引入定义\"速比\",建立了研磨装置两个独立主动件之间的转速关系。针对光纤连接器研磨中存在的问题,从速比入手,以运动轨迹曲线、研磨运动路程偏差、切削速度、速度周期变换系数为纽带,将研磨运动、研磨工艺以及研磨质量联系起来,得出了一组优化的光纤连接器研磨装置的运动参数。当系杆的转速设定为132r/min时,根据粗、精研磨不同的工艺要求,其内齿轮的转速应在31~54r/min调整。此时,速度周期变换系数小于2.2;运动路程偏差小于0.5%;研磨运动轨迹密集而不重复。实验证明了分析结果的正确。 相似文献
FDTD方法在光子晶体光纤中的应用 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
光子晶体光纤是近年来研究的热点,提出时域有限差分法在光子晶体光纤理论分析中应用的具体方法。通过实例计算,得到了光子晶体光纤的有效折射率等传播参量。 相似文献
为了让光纤中产生轨道角动量(orbital angular momentum,OAM)模式更加集成化,提出了一种利用光子晶体光纤(photonic crystal fiber,PCF)产生轨道角动量模式的方法。通过设计特殊的PCF,使其本征模的奇偶模传输速度不同,在传输一段距离后形成π/2相位差,从而产生OAM模式。该PCF由中心空气孔、二氧化硅环形层和外包层构成,其中外包层由两层圆形空气孔组成,每层圆的数目为2n+2个,对应产生n阶OAM模式。采用有限元法对所设计光纤进行了三维数值仿真分析,成功产生了+2、+3、+4、+5阶OAM模式。该PCF产生OAM模式的方法,满足了未来光纤通信系统集成化、小型化的趋势,在全光纤模分复用系统中有着潜在的应用前景。 相似文献
超声波加工作为一种新型的精密加工方法被广泛应用于精密加工中,特别在硬脆材料的精密加工中取得了普通加工所不能达到的效果。本文主要介绍了光纤连接器端面超声研磨的主要工艺因素并分析了超声研磨的工艺效果及研磨机理。 相似文献
高非线性光子晶体光纤中布拉格光栅的制作 总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1
采用相位掩模版法实验研究了高非线性掺锗光子晶体光纤中布拉格光栅的制作。实验中采用的光子晶体光纤的非线性系数约为12 W-1km-1,模场直径约为2.4 mm。 分析了布拉格光栅的反射率随着曝光脉冲数的变化,随着曝光脉冲数的增加其反射率逐渐达到饱和,继续增加曝光量发射率开始下降。实验验证了可以在高非线性光子晶体中写入布拉格光栅,得到光栅的反射率为44.4%,这对于研究光纤布拉格光栅的非线性效应和应用具有重要意义。讨论了影响布拉格光栅写入效率的因素。 相似文献
光子晶体光纤传感器的研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
简要介绍了光子晶体光纤的基本结构、导光原理和主要特性.依据传感机理将光子晶体光纤传感器分为4类:吸收型光子晶体光纤传感器、荧光光子晶体光纤传感器、干涉型光子晶体光纤传感器、光子晶体光纤光栅传感器,分别对其工作原理、结构、特点和研究进展进行了讨论. 相似文献
为了研制结构紧凑、低功耗和本质安全的激光吸收光谱气体检测系统,光子晶体光纤气体检测技术受到广泛关注。通过对光子晶体光纤结构参数的优化,可将90%以上的光场模式束缚在纤芯附近,从而将气体检测的相对灵敏度提升到60%以上,限制损耗降低到10- 8dB/m。对光学模式的调控依赖于纤芯微结构参数和包层光子晶体空气孔的阵列排布的优化,以期获得更高的相对检测灵敏度和更低的光学损耗;接着,针对端头反射式、光纤光栅波长调制型和不同光纤复合型的气体检测技术进行了分析。端头反射式结构最为简单,然而难以保证气体分子的高效交换。结合Bragg光栅和长周期光栅等特种光纤结构可以构建光学谐振腔,有效增强光信号与气体分子的吸收光程。结合不同类型光纤和气体敏感材料的复合光纤结构气体探头的设计,极大地优化了气体传感的选择性和灵敏度等特性。延长光纤至1m以上,或采用环形嵌入方式可有效增加光程,获得10- 12量级的检测限。掺铒光纤的引入可有效补偿光纤环内的光学损耗。最后,分析了多孔环形和柚子型等大空芯直径光子晶体光纤的气体检测性能和未来研究方向。针对光子晶体光纤气体激光光谱吸收检测技术,未来需要在性能优化、系统集成和环境适应性方面开展研究,从而为冶金化工等行业中危险气体实时监测仪器的研制提供技术保障。 相似文献
An all-fiber Sagnac temperature sensor based on 3?dB tapered coupling and ethanol selective-filled photonic crystal fiber was demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. The ethanol selectivity-filled photonic crystal fiber has noncircular symmetry and thus exhibits birefringence. The ethanol selective-filled photonic crystal fiber, acting as the sensing element, was inserted in a Sagnac loop interferometer to measure temperature. The output spectra of Sagnac interferometer applied different temperatures were measured and analyzed. Experimental results have shown the temperature sensitivity of the Sagnac interferometer is 1.65?nm/°C in the range of 25–33°C. 相似文献
A novel torsion sensor employing a short length of polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber was inserted into the fiber loop mirror with an output probe. The sensing scheme was described theoretically by a Jones matrix and experimentally demonstrated. The results showed that the sensitivity of the intensity loss in response to the twist angle may be up to 0.0394 dB/° and a resolution of 0.025° was achieved. This torsion sensor is attractive due to its compact size, insensitivity to temperature, and suitability for longer distance transmission than conventional sensors. 相似文献
A novel fiber sensor composed by two single mode fibers and long period fiber grating based on a photonic crystal fiber prepared by periodic discharge heating has been experimentally investigated to measure refractive index and temperature. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer was formed due to the presence of two fusion spliced collapsed regions in the photonic crystal fiber. The resonance dip and interference pattern were differently influenced by the ambient disturbance, so the dual-parameters were simultaneously measured by analyzing the characteristics of transmission spectrum. After the experimental measurements, refractive index and temperature sensitivities of 117.28?nm/RIU and ?86.29?pm/°C were realized. Therefore, the reported sensor with advantages of easy fabrication, simple structure, and small size has the potential for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurements involving biochemical sensing applications. 相似文献
A high sensitivity method is reported for the measurement of the internal refractive index using a photonic crystal fiber long period grating. Long period gratings of different lengths were inscribed in photonic crystal fibers, and the air holes of the fiber had varying refractive indices. A side lobe appeared near the resonant dip through the analysis of the characteristics of transmission spectra showing variation in the refractive index. The resonant dip and its side lobe provided varying sensitivities to the internal refractive index values. The sensitivity of the side lobe was as high as 2343?nm/refractive index unit (RIU), which exceeded the value for the resonant dip (2047?nm/RIU) for refractive indices from 1.3333–1.3792. Due to the high resolution of 8.5?×?10?6 RIU, this method offers promising applications for biological and chemical analysis in which high-precision refractive index measurements are required. 相似文献
碳化硼研磨后蓝宝石晶体的亚表面损伤 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了蓝宝石材料的亚表面损伤形成机制。考虑碳化硼磨料可产生较小亚表面损伤的优点,本文基于游离磨料研磨方式,研究了不同粒度碳化硼磨料研磨后蓝宝石晶体的亚表面损伤。利用KOH化学腐蚀处理技术,对研磨后的样品进行了刻蚀;通过特定的腐蚀坑图像间接反映了蓝宝石晶体的亚表面损伤形貌特征,获得了W20、W10和W5碳化硼磨料产生的亚表面损伤深度,得到了在不同刻蚀时间下蓝宝石亚表面损伤形貌、表面粗糙度和刻蚀速率。研究结果显示:游离碳化硼磨料研磨造成的蓝宝石晶体的亚表面损伤密度相当显著,但损伤深度并不大,其随磨料粒度的增大而增大,W20、W10和W5粒度的磨料研磨后产生的亚表面损伤深度分别为7.4,4.1和2.9μm,约为磨料粒度的1/2。得到的结果表明采用碳化硼磨料研磨有利于获得低亚表面损伤的蓝宝石晶片,而采用由大到小的磨料逐次研磨可以快速获得低亚表面损伤的蓝宝石晶片。 相似文献
Shengxi Jiao 《仪器科学与技术》2018,46(2):175-184
This paper reports a new method of detecting the concentration (mol?L?1) of methanol by the use of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab. Photonic band gap parameters are calculated using the plane wave expansion method. To find a model which has higher accuracy and practicality or applicability, fill factors used to analyze and compare the properties of the slab were computed. There is a linear proportional relationship between photonic band gap and dielectric constant of solution, which can be utilized to measure the concentration of methanol. The start frequency and the cutoff frequency also have a linear relationship with the dielectric constant of solution. The results show that a honeycomb lattice structure possesses better self-test functionality. 相似文献
考虑材料的电磁屏蔽特性和可见光透过的矛盾,设计了以铝/氧化铟锡(Ag/ITO)为周期的光子晶体薄膜以实现电磁屏蔽和可见光透过的兼容。首先根据电磁屏蔽和可视的双重需求,优化了光子晶体的组份并对其性能进行了研究。接着采用磁控溅射方法制备了以Ag/ITO为周期的光子晶体薄膜,并对光子晶体薄膜的屏蔽和可见光透光率进行了测试和分析。实验结果表明:这种光子晶体薄膜在金属Ag总膜厚大于可见光趋肤深度而远小于微波波段趋肤深度时,在可见光波段的最高透光率高达55%,而在微波x频率段的屏蔽性能最高可达65dB。通过结构设计,使薄膜的可见光透光率曲线与人眼的敏感曲线相吻合。随着每个周期Ag膜层的厚度增加,方阻相应降低,微波屏蔽性能相应提高。随着周期数的增加,薄膜的可见光透光率没有相应降低、屏蔽性能没有相应提高。设计的光子晶体薄膜在30 MHz~18GHz较宽波段的屏蔽性能均大于40dB。这种设计方法为材料的电磁屏蔽和可见光透明兼容开辟了一条新的技术途径。 相似文献
Infrared gas sensors employing hollow-core photonic crystal fibers are reported. A hollow-core photonic crystal fiber in the gas cell of the sensor was inserted between a single mode fiber and a multi-mode fiber in the light path. The gaps between the facets of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber and single mode fiber were optimized to increase the coupling efficiency. The gas chambers were modified to reduce the time for filling. Broadband and laser sources were employed to determine acetylene at concentrations between 0% and 0.6%. The resolution was 0.084 ppm and the stability was 0.556%. These sensors have promising applications for trace gas measurements. 相似文献