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某中学校舍建于1985年,主体结构形式为砖混结构,圈梁、构造柱缺失.因使用要求需对其进行抗震鉴定并进行加固改造设计.通过对该建筑地基基础及上部结构进行现场检测及抗震鉴定分析,该建筑抗震承载力不能满足相关标准要求.依据检测数据并结合后续使用要求,经综合分析验算,确定了安全可靠、经济合理的加固设计方案.  相似文献   

实验是科学课学习的最有效的手段,精心设计实验,让学生通过亲自参与实验获得知识是搞好科学教学的关键。"做中学"有利于学生良好的学习习惯的养成,"做中学"让学生的思维能力和动手操作能力得到了锻炼,"做中学"让学生掌握了一定的基础知识,提高了学生的科学素养。  相似文献   

David Littlefield explains how Buschow Henley Architects' new building for St Benedict's School in Ealing, west London, addresses the Catholic foundation's needs - both secular and religious. A circulation core provides much needed adhesion and connection among a veritable mishmash of existing buildings, while the new assembly hall and chapel supplies the body with a new heart and soul. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

九龙柯士甸道西1号是3幢并行排列的65层的高层建筑,其中豪华会所占据地上的2层,宽敞的停车场有5层之多,总建筑面积为130000m^2,提供1122套高档住宅,另设4组"空中花园",为住户增添活动空间。  相似文献   

林云峰 《城市建筑》2009,(3):97-104
香港专上学院(西九龙校园)是香港理工大学专为工商副学士课程而设的学院。位于海庭道与海泓道交界.远离附近住宅区。西九龙校园环抱维多利亚海港景色属西九龙区的地标建筑。校园善用空间布局.以高层建筑作垂直发展,于课室,饭堂及图书馆等公用设施附近设置平台花园.为专上教育院校带来全新面貌。  相似文献   

问题 面对这样一座城市——它的经济成绩非常突出,而它文化艺术根基的发展则相对基础薄弱或缺乏,我们将怎样规划一个切实可行的文化艺术区,使它能适应这一独特的人文环境?在香港杰出的商业成绩中,是否存在合适的运营模式,以适合规划要求的艺术,文化与娱乐综合开发的要求?  相似文献   


Pembridge in Herefordshire is home to one of the earliest surviving timber bell towers in the country. Survey work was undertaken on the structure in 1997, funded by a grant from English Heritage, and the detailed measured survey, combined with the dendrochronology undertaken on the timbers, has established that the original tower dates from between 1207 and 1223 and that part of a contemporary roof may survive. The work also showed that the ambulatory surrounding the lower part of the structure was constructed in 1471 or shortly after, and that a major reframing of the tower and bell frame was undertaken in 1668/9. This article considers the early construction and development of the tower and discusses its national context.  相似文献   

圣保罗学院仅存的教堂立面,是澳门最具历史意义的古迹。20世纪初涌入澳门的难民,沿着教堂后院城墙兴建住屋,形成茨林围这一片肌理丰富的违章社区,在高密度的城市中保持了独特的田园肌理。不同于主流话语中的宏伟教堂或广场,茨林围保存的是边缘社群的日常生活轨迹和一种活的建筑文化延续,是澳门旅游业在东西融合的主流话语背景下,不可缺少的庶民物质文化财富。规划所强调的循序渐进与人本尊重,更是在后殖民时代建立身份认同的澳门步入公民社会中不可缺少的进程。  相似文献   

The solar block of the St. Mary's School, Wallasey (formerly St. George's School) is recognized as an important building in the development of passive solar technology. The building is one of the largest and most northerly of its type in the world, and has been in continuous educational use since it was built in 1961. The University of Liverpool has, over a number of years, monitored the thermal performance of the building [1,2], and has undertaken a user study [3]. This work reports an analysis of the lighting of the solar block. A comprehensive photometric survey describes the visual environment of the school in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Some general conclusions are drawn, which emphasize the importance of visual aspects within the total design of passive solar technology buildings.  相似文献   

St.MagdaIena小村庄的建筑零散分布在VillnoB峡谷的顶部.起伏的山脊邻近南蒂罗尔的Puez-Geisler自然公园。在该村庄20世纪80年代的学校场地上。新建了一座带幼儿园的小学和自然公园游客中心。  相似文献   

<正>业主:伦敦哈克尼自治区获奖:2013年英国皇家建筑协会国家奖完工时间:2013年Client:LondonBoroughofHackneyAward:RIBANationalAward2013Completed:2013劳瑞斯顿小学计划新建一所2FE小学,代替原有的1FE学校,这一计划有赖于其创意学校的地位,以及当前教员基于学习成绩、交叉培养、艺术和包容性学校环境的创新教学方法。这些因素共同构成了劳瑞斯顿学校的特色,而新校舍必须保留和诠释这些特色。原有的现场条件限制,加上学校制定的宏伟计划,为该项目带来了极为复杂的挑战,  相似文献   

This paper discusses the visual environment at St. George's School, Wallasey. A number of aspects of the visual environment related to the use of glazing are used to organise observations and measurements together with comments made previously by other authors. It is concluded what what has previously been described as a ‘solar wall’ should be assessed as a ‘solar window’ and that this is an important message for passive solar designers. The visual aspects of glazing cannot be ignored and designers of passive solar buildings should be at least as concerned with the interior visual consequences of glazing as with the interior thermal effects.  相似文献   

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