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正光伏发电是可再生能源利用的一种主要方式,在我国能源结构转型中占据了重要地位,随着光伏系统的集成化、智能化及自动化程度越来越高,有望大幅降低光伏系统运营成本及提高普及率。太阳电池是光伏系统中的主要部件,银浆则是太阳电池金属化浆料重要的组成部分。作为全球领先的光伏导电银浆供应商和龙头企业,贺利氏通过不断降低每瓦电池的银浆使用量为光伏发电成本的降低提供支持。"可再生能源已经非  相似文献   

经过10多年的发展,我国光伏产业形成了包括硅料、晶体、切片、电池、组件及系统等产品生产的完整产业链,光伏组件出货量、光伏发电累计装机量和制造成本等均全球领先。针对我国对生态文明建设更加重视和互联网技术高速发展的全新形势,文章提出了促进我国光伏产业持续发展的建议:利用"互联网+光伏",打造共享光伏平台,让产业链上的各光伏企业优势互补、资源共享、协同发展;进一步拓展光伏发电在建筑、渔业、农业及交通等领域的跨界应用;将自身先进的生产制造、管理等优势与"一带一路"国家战略相结合,在沿线国家构建包含光伏发电等的绿色能源体系,布局多元化新兴市场;通过持续创新驱动降低光伏发电度电成本,加速我国光伏发电平价上网的进程。  相似文献   

过去几年来,中国光伏制造业在降低成本上取得了瞩目的成绩,无论是光伏组件还是光伏系统,造价比起7年前都下降了80%以上,然而除了降低制造成本,提高系统效率和系统发电量也是降低光伏度电成本(LCOE)的有效方法,还有很大潜力可挖。通过光伏应用技术创新,使光伏度电成本再下降30%~40%是完全有可能的。通过制造业和应用技术创新,2020年就有可能使光伏发电全面达到平价上网。详细介绍了光伏-逆变器最优容量比、太阳跟踪器及反向跟踪技术,以及其他提高系统发电量的措施,有分布式最大功率跟踪(MPPT)或组串逆变器、光伏电站智能运维系统、提高光伏电站的能效比等。  相似文献   

光伏发电成本的数学模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史珺 《太阳能》2012,(2):53-58
光伏发电从2005年进入产业化以来,成本不断降低.目前,我国发改委制定了1元/kWh的光伏发电上网标杆电价.但许多投资者对于光伏发电的成本却感到难以分析,不敢贸然投资.本文给出了光伏发电成本的数学分析模型,讨论了影响光伏成本电价的因素,如装机成本、日照时间、贷款状况、预期的投资回收期以及运营费用等.并根据该模型对现阶段光伏发电的投资效益进行了投资分析.计算结果表明,在我国西北地区,按照1元/kWh的上网电价,目前投资光伏电站的投资回收期为10年.  相似文献   

隋礼辉 《水电能源科学》2012,30(6):209-211,215
介绍了我国光伏发电的发展情况,以学习曲线模型为原理,分别采用恒定学习率与分阶段学习率分析了未来我国10年光伏发电单位成本发展趋势,并估算了光伏发电实现商业化运作所需的学习成本,预测在2020年左右我国光伏发电成本有望与传统化石能源相持平,进而步入大规模商业化运作阶段。  相似文献   

中国光伏产业蓬勃发展,巨大的光伏市场促进了光伏发电系统效率提升、系统成本下降,给技术改造创造了空间。利用泰和20 MW渔光互补光伏电站原有鱼塘水面已布置光伏组件后剩余的空间进行技术改造,增补了400 kW水面漂浮式光伏发电系统。从光伏组件布置、系统结构设计、建设成本分析等3个方面,对新增光伏发电系统分别采用水面漂浮式光伏发电系统和传统渔光互补光伏发电系统这两种方案的建设结果进行对比分析。结果表明:采用水面漂浮式光伏发电系统可减少建设成本,增加土地利用率。研究结果可为今后相似工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

2011年,亏损、减产、停产成了光伏行业发展常用词。进入2012年,欧洲国家超预期增长的市场给我国光伏企业带来了一丝希望,但传统光伏装机大国补贴政策的削减,以及"双反"初裁又给长期依赖国外市场的我国光伏产业蒙上了一层阴影。加强技术研发、降低生产成本、提高产品质量成为未来光伏企业得以在激烈的市场竞争中成功突围的关键。本文将回顾2012年上半年我国光伏产业发展的最新情况及存在的问题,探讨下半年光伏产业发展走势并提出相应的对策建议。摘要:  相似文献   

围绕并网光伏发电系统的度电成本/平准化电力成本(LCOE)水平进行了分析讨论。针对LCOE的评估依据和测算方法,提出一种适用于我国光伏发电项目的 LCOE评估模型。利用该模型对影响LCOE的几个典型因素进行了敏感性分析;测算了我国光伏发电项目的 LCOE水平;预测了光伏发电项目的 LCOE发展。  相似文献   

正时间进入2016年,我国光伏产业快速发展已逾十余载,度过欧美对我光伏"双反"后的低迷时期后,在我国政府对光伏产业扶持政策的强力驱动下,如今我国光伏产业再次进入爆发增长期。据来自中国光伏行业协会的最新统计,2016年1~8月份,国内光伏新增装机达28 GW,全年有可能超过35 GW;与此同时,光伏组件转换效率每年平均提升0.4%,系统投资成本下降至约7元/W。我国光伏发电平价上网时代正在来临。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电系统从军用到民用、从离网系统到并网系统已走过了半个多世纪的历程,效率不断提高,技术日益完善,发电成本逐年下降。随着科技和时代的发展,家庭太阳能光伏发电已在经济发达国家蓬勃兴起。我国也在国家电网的大力支持下,开始步入这一新科技领域。文章介绍了近十年来笔者对家庭离网光伏系统、家庭并网光伏系统、家庭微电网系统的研究成果。  相似文献   

Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) power is a form of clean and renewable energy. However, the cost of harvesting solar energy is still economically prohibitive as compared to more traditional electricity generation methods such as hydroelectric or fossil fuel power. In this study, an innovative, high volume but low cost thermal slumping process was proposed as an alternative method for manufacturing of glass mirrors for high concentration photovoltaic system. In this paper, first a freeform optical design was performed to create a two-stage concentrator with ±1° acceptance angle and uniform output irradiance. Ray-tracing simulation was performed to evaluate the optical design. A machinable ceramic, MACOR®, was tested as mold material for its preferred mechanical and chemical stability at high temperature conditions. To assist the development of the slumping process, finite element method (FEM) simulation was performed to compensate for the mold design for manufacturing errors in this process. Moreover, surface profile and surface roughness were measured to characterize the thermal slumping process. Different manufacturing parameters were tested to identify the proper slumping conditions. It is discovered that surface roughness of the inner surface of the slumped glass mirror remained unchanged after slumping under a pre-determined soaking temperature. This study established a methodology for low cost, high volume glass optics for possible solar concentrator applications.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the findings of a comprehensive study commissioned by the Commission of the European Communities in March 1981 to provide an independent assessment of the potential of photovoltaics over the next twenty years, as an energy resource for Europe, as an export for European industry and as part of European aid to developing countries. After reviewing the current status of photovoltaic technology and the prospects for cost reduction, the economics of electricity generation by photovoltaics in comparison with conventional alternatives are discussed, followed by a review of the market prospects for photovoltaics for the principal applications in Europe and in the world as a whole. Finally, proposals are presented for a co-ordinated Action Plan for the development and implementation of photovoltaics within the European Community.  相似文献   

考虑需求侧响应的并网型微电网调度常忽略光伏出力特性对可控负荷调度的影响,且缺乏完善的需求侧评价指标。文章提出一种PVP&LS(Photovoltaic Priority&Load Shifting)分段混合调度策略,PVP策略依据预测光伏出力,以弃光率最小为目的调控可控负荷;LS策略以降低峰谷差率为目的,对上阶段剩余可控负荷移峰填谷。同时,提出了改进的用电优质系数模型,不仅避免调控过度,还可量化用户感受。最后通过自适应遗传算法仿真对比,运行成本减少了3.91%,用电优质系数增加了4.09%,弃光率下降了10.2%。  相似文献   

In the developed world, grid-connected photovoltaics (PVs) are the fastest-growing segment of the energy market. From 1999 to 2009, this industry had a 42% compound annual growth-rate. From 2009 to 2013, it is expected to grow to 45%, and in 2013 the achievement of grid parity – when the cost of solar electricity becomes competitive with conventional retail (including taxes and charges) grid-supplied electricity – is expected in many places worldwide. Grid-connected PV is usually perceived as an energy technology for developed countries, whereas isolated, stand-alone PV is considered as more suited for applications in developing nations, where so many individuals still lack access to electricity. This rationale is based on the still high costs of PV when compared with conventional electricity. We make the case for grid-connected PV generation in Brazil, showing that with the declining costs of PV and the rising prices of conventional electricity, urban populations in Brazil will also enjoy grid parity in the present decade. We argue that governments in developing nations should act promptly and establish the mandates and necessary conditions for their energy industry to accumulate experience in grid-connected PV, and make the most of this benign technology in the near future.  相似文献   

Printing and spray technologies are the most recent and novel approaches to form organic photovoltaics (OPV) with inexpensive, high speed, and environmentally friendly process. With an electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) approach, the active layer composed of polymer mixture (P3HT:PCBM) was successively fabricated. Operating conditions for obtaining the stable cone jet mode were determined with various applied voltages and liquid feed flow rates. The size distribution of EHDA droplets was characterized by aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) measurement. The mode diameters of the droplets were 580 and 670 nm, respectively, when the liquid flow rates were 1 and 20 μl/min. The maximum power conversion efficiency of 0.48% was obtained under AM 1.5 solar simulation for an OPV device fabricated in air.  相似文献   

700 W太阳光伏并网示范电站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细地介绍了700W太阳光伏并网发电示范电站相关内容,重点阐述了远程数据传输和数据实时显示等技术.该电站自动化程度高,其设计融合了建筑一体化、远程监测、远程数据采集和实时显示等先进技术,具有较强的科普功能和示范作用.  相似文献   

A fuel cell microgrid with photovoltaics effectively reduces greenhouse gas emission. A system operation optimization technique with photovoltaics and unstable power is important. In this paper, the optimal operation algorithm of this compound microgrid is developed using numerical weather information (NWI) that is freely available. A GA (genetic algorithm) was developed to minimize system fuel consumption. Furthermore, the relation between the NWI error characteristics and the operation results of the system was clarified. As a result, the optimized operation algorithm using NWI reduced the energy cost of the system.  相似文献   

Alloys of copper indium diselenide are among the most promising candidates for reducing the cost of photovoltaics below the cost of crystalline silicon. Small area, fully integrated modules exceed 13% in efficiency and long-term outdoor stability has been shown. The availability of natural resources and the effect upon the environment both appear to be acceptable. Challenges remain to scale the process to larger area and to pass accelerated environmental testing.  相似文献   

We fabricate photovoltaics comprised layers and blends of a hole-transporting derivative of poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) with a variety of electron-transporters: titanium dioxide, a cyano-substituted PPV, and a fullerene derivative (PCBM) to enhance device performance. Photovoltaic device characterization is combined with time-resolved and steady-state photoluminescence to understand the nature of the excited state and its effect upon device performance. We find that morphological differences, such as chain conformation or domain size, often overshadow the effect of charge transfer, so that device performance is not necessarily correlated with rapid decay times. Exciton generation is found to be a similarly important factor in most devices. These results provide insight into non-optimized device morphologies.  相似文献   

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