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We investigate the undetected error probabilities for bounded-distance decoding of binary primitive BCH codes when they are used for both error correction and detection on a binary symmetric channel. We show that the undetected error probability of binary linear codes can be simplified and quantified if the weight distribution of the code is binomial-like. We obtain bounds on the undetected error probability of binary primitive BCH codes by applying the result to the code and show that the bounds are quantified by the deviation factor of the true weight distribution from the binomial-like weight distribution  相似文献   

When a block code is used on a discrete memoryless channel with an incomplete decoding rule that is based on a generalized distance, the probability of decoding failure, the probability of erroneous decoding, and the expected number of symbol decoding errors can be expressed in terms of the generalized weight enumerator polynomials of the code. For the symmetric erasure channel, numerically stable methods to compute these probabilities or expectations are proposed for binary codes whose distance distributions are known, and for linear maximum distance separable (MDS) codes. The method for linear MDS codes saves the computation of the weight distribution and yields upper bounds for the probability of erroneous decoding and for the symbol error rate by the cumulative binomial distribution. Numerical examples include a triple-error-correcting Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code of length 63 and a Reed-Solomon code of length 1023 and minimum distance 31  相似文献   

The generalized Hamming weights of a linear code are fundamental code parameters related to the minimal overlap structures of the subcodes. They were introduced by V.K. Wei (1991) and shown to characterize the performance of the linear code in certain cryptographical applications. Results are presented on the generalized Hamming weights of several classes of binary cyclic codes, including primitive double-error-correcting and triple-error-correcting BCH codes, certain reversible cyclic codes, and some extended binary Goppa codes. In particular, the second generalized Hamming weight of primitive double-error-correcting BCH codes is determined and upper and lower bounds are obtained for the generalized Hamming weights for the codes studied. These bounds are compared to results from other methods  相似文献   

The problem of minimization of the decoder error probability is considered for shortened codes of dimension 2 m with distance 4 and 6. We prove that shortened Panchenko codes with distance 4 achieve the minimal probability of decoder error under special form of shortening. This shows that Hamming codes are not the best. In the paper, the rules for shortening Panchenko codes are defined and a combinatorial method to minimize the number of words of weight 4 and 5 is developed. There are obtained exact lower bounds on the probability of decoder error and the full solution of the problem of minimization of the decoder error probability for [39,32,4] and [72,64,4] codes. For shortened BCH codes with distance 6, upper and lower bounds on the number of minimal weight codewords are derived. There are constructed [45,32,6] and [79,64,6] BCH codes with the number of weight 6 codewords close to the lower bound and the decoder error probabilities are calculated for these codes. The results are intended for use in memory devices.  相似文献   

A maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability decoder of a block code minimizes the probability of error for each transmitted symbol separately. The standard way of implementing MAP decoding of a linear code is the Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) algorithm, which is based on a trellis representation of the code. The complexity of the BCJR algorithm for the first-order Reed-Muller (RM-1) codes and Hamming codes is proportional to n/sup 2/, where n is the code's length. In this correspondence, we present new MAP decoding algorithms for binary and nonbinary RM-1 and Hamming codes. The proposed algorithms have complexities proportional to q/sup 2/n log/sub q/n, where q is the alphabet size. In particular, for the binary codes this yields complexity of order n log n.  相似文献   

关于BCH码的广义Hamming重量上,下限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一个线性码的第r广义Hamming重量是它任意r维子码的最小支集大小。本文给出了一般(本原、狭义)BCH码的广义Hamming重量下限和一类BCH码的广义Hamming重量上限  相似文献   

Certain notorious nonlinear binary codes contain more codewords than any known linear code. These include the codes constructed by Nordstrom-Robinson (1967), Kerdock (1972), Preparata (1968), Goethals (1974), and Delsarte-Goethals (1975). It is shown here that all these codes can be very simply constructed as binary images under the Gray map of linear codes over Z4, the integers mod 4 (although this requires a slight modification of the Preparata and Goethals codes). The construction implies that all these binary codes are distance invariant. Duality in the Z4 domain implies that the binary images have dual weight distributions. The Kerdock and “Preparata” codes are duals over Z4-and the Nordstrom-Robinson code is self-dual-which explains why their weight distributions are dual to each other. The Kerdock and “Preparata” codes are Z4-analogues of first-order Reed-Muller and extended Hamming codes, respectively. All these codes are extended cyclic codes over Z4, which greatly simplifies encoding and decoding. An algebraic hard-decision decoding algorithm is given for the “Preparata” code and a Hadamard-transform soft-decision decoding algorithm for the I(Kerdock code. Binary first- and second-order Reed-Muller codes are also linear over Z4 , but extended Hamming codes of length n⩾32 and the Golay code are not. Using Z4-linearity, a new family of distance regular graphs are constructed on the cosets of the “Preparata” code  相似文献   

In the past, it has generally been assumed that the probability of undetected error for an(n,k)block code, used solely for error detection on a binary symmetric channel, is upperbounded by2^{-(n-k)}. In this correspondence, it is shown that Hamming codes do indeed obey this bound, but that the bound is violated by some more general codes. Examples of linear, cyclic, and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes which do not obey the bound are given.  相似文献   

The generalized Hamming weight of a linear code is a new notion of higher dimensional Hamming weights. Let C be an [n,k] linear code and D be a subcode. The support of D is the cardinality of the set of not-always-zero bit positions of D. The rth generalized Hamming weight of C, denoted by dr(C), is defined as the minimum support of an r-dimensional subcode of C. It was shown by Wei (1991) that the generalized Hamming weight hierarchy of a linear code completely characterizes the performance of the code on the type II wire-tap channel defined by Ozarow and Wyner (1984). In the present paper the second generalized Hamming weight of the dual code of a double-error-correcting BCH code is derived and the authors prove that except for m=4, the second generalized Hamming weight of [2m-1, 2m]-dual BCH codes achieves the Griesmer bound  相似文献   

Binary primitive BCH codes form a large class of powerful error-correcting codes. The weight distributions of primitive BCH codes are unknown except for some special classes, such as the single, double, triple error-correcting codes and some very low-rate primitive BCH codes. However, asymptotic results for the weight distribution of a large subclass of primitive BCH codes have been derived by Sidel'nikov. These results provide some insight into the weight structure of primitive BCH codes. Sidel'nikov's approach is improved and applied to the weight distribution of any binary linear block code. Then Sidel'nikov's results on the weight distributions of binary primitive BCH codes are improved and it is shown that the weights of a binary primitive code have approximate binomial distribution.  相似文献   

The generalized minimum distance (GMD) and Chase (1972) decoding algorithms are some of the most important suboptimum bounded distance decoding algorithms for binary linear block codes over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. We compute the limitation of the ratio between the probability of decoding error for the GMD or any one of the Chase decoding algorithms and that of the maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approaches infinity. If the minimum Hamming distance of the code is greater than 2, the limitation is shown to be equal to 1 and thus the GMD and Chase decoding algorithms are asymptotically optimum.  相似文献   

针对北斗卫星导航系统B1I信号中的BCH译码问题,该文提出一种校正子辅助的列表译码算法。首先,以校正子和汉明重量为准则构造若干错误模式列表;然后根据接收数据硬判决的校正子选择对应的错误模式列表;最后按照相关函数差测度搜索最优错误模式并译码。仿真结果表明,校正子辅助的列表译码算法在误码率10-5时,与最大似然译码算法的信噪比仅差0.08 dB,说明该方法是北斗B1I信号BCH码的一种近优译码方法;另外,该方法具有线性复杂度和可并行实现的特点。  相似文献   

In this letter, a turbo product code (TPC) is combined with multilevel modulations (8-phase-shift keying and 16-quadrature amplitude modulation). The component codes are Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquengem (BCH) or extended BCH. We derive soft-input/soft-output modules based on the dual code, with exact Euclidean metrics, and we show that the iterative TPC decoder gains no advantage in performance from this. Next, we evaluate asymptotic approximations for maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding from a combinatorial approach that can be applied to any bit-interleaved multilevel modulated code, once the first term (or terms) of the Hamming weight spectrum are known. For the TPCs and modulations studied in this letter, random bit interleaving before modulation leads to improved ML asymptotes. Simulations confirm that this advantage is maintained also under iterative decoding.  相似文献   

In 1991, C.L. Chen used the inverted construction Y1 on binary linear codes of minimum Hamming distance five to construct a new [47, 36, 5] code. We examine this construction in depth and show that no such codes are obtained unless the fields GF(8) or GF(32) are used. Using MAGMA, we prove that the binary [11, 4, 5] code and the binary [15, 7, 5] extension found by Chen are the only possible such codes using the field GF(8); indeed, the latter is a Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code. We prove also that, using the field GF(32), precisely three nonequivalent binary [47, 36, 5] codes arise along with one extension to a [63, 51, 5] code  相似文献   

A decoding algorithm for linear codes that uses the minimum weight words of the dual code as parity checks is defined. This algorithm is able to correct beyond the half minimum distance and has the capability of including soft-decision decoding. Results on applying this algorithm to quadratic residue (QR) codes, BCH codes, and the Golay codes (with and without soft-decision decoding) are presented.  相似文献   

To prevent soft errors from causing data corruption, memories are commonly protected with Error Correction Codes (ECCs). To minimize the impact of the ECC on memory complexity simple codes are commonly used. For example, Single Error Correction (SEC) codes, like Hamming codes are widely used. Power consumption can be reduced by first checking if the word has errors and then perform the rest of the decoding only when there are errors. This greatly reduces the average power consumption as most words will have no errors. In this paper an efficient error detection scheme for Double Error Correction (DEC) Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) codes is presented. The scheme reduces the dynamic power consumption so that it is the same that for error detection in a SEC Hamming code.  相似文献   

A list decoder generates a list of more than one codeword candidates, and decoding is erroneous if the transmitted codeword is not included in the list. This decoding strategy can be implemented in a system that employs an inner error correcting code and an outer error detecting code that is used to choose the correct codeword from the list. Probability of codeword error analysis for a linear block code with list decoding is typically based on the "worst case" lower bound on the effective weights of codewords for list decoding evaluated from the weight enumerating function of the code. In this paper, the concepts of generalized pairwise error event and effective weight enumerating function are proposed for evaluation of the probability of codeword error of linear block codes with list decoding. Geometrical analysis shows that the effective Euclidean distances are not necessarily as low as those predicted by the lower bound. An approach to evaluate the effective weight enumerating function of a particular code with list decoding is proposed. The effective Euclidean distances for decisions in each pairwise error event are evaluated taking into consideration the actual Hamming distance relationships between codewords, which relaxes the pessimistic assumptions upon which the traditional lower bound analysis is based. Using the effective weight enumerating function, a more accurate approximation is achieved for the probability of codeword error of the code with list decoding. The proposed approach is applied to codes of practical interest, including terminated convolutional codes and turbo codes with the parallel concatenation structure  相似文献   

Two deterministic algorithms of computing the weight spectra of binary cyclic codes are presented. These algorithms have the lowest known complexity for cyclic codes. For BCH codes of lengths 63 and 127, several first coefficients of the weight spectrum in number sufficient to evaluate the bounded distance decoding error probability are computed  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce stopping sets for iterative row-column decoding of product codes using optimal constituent decoders. When transmitting over the binary erasure channel (BEC), iterative row-column decoding of product codes using optimal constituent decoders will either be successful, or stop in the unique maximum-size stopping set that is contained in the (initial) set of erased positions. Let Cp denote the product code of two binary linear codes Cc and Cr of minimum distances dc and dr and second generalized Hamming weights d2(Cc) and d2(Cr), respectively. We show that the size smin of the smallest noncode- word stopping set is at least mm(drd2(Cc),dcd2(Cr)) > drdc, where the inequality follows from the Griesmer bound. If there are no codewords in Cp with support set S, where S is a stopping set, then S is said to be a noncodeword stopping set. An immediate consequence is that the erasure probability after iterative row-column decoding using optimal constituent decoders of (finite-length) product codes on the BEC, approaches the erasure probability after maximum-likelihood decoding as the channel erasure probability decreases. We also give an explicit formula for the number of noncodeword stopping sets of size smin, which depends only on the first nonzero coefficient of the constituent (row and column) first and second support weight enumerators, for the case when d2(Cr) < 2dr and d2(Cc) < 2dc. Finally, as an example, we apply the derived results to the product of two (extended) Hamming codes and two Golay codes.  相似文献   

Some methods to determine the local weight distribution of binary linear codes are presented. Two approaches are studied: A computational approach and a theoretical approach. For the computational approach, an algorithm for computing the local weight distribution of codes using the automorphism group of the codes is devised. In this algorithm, a code is considered the set of cosets of a subcode, and the set of cosets is partitioned into equivalence classes. Thus, only the weight distributions of zero neighbors for each representative coset of equivalence classes are computed. For the theoretical approach, relations between the local weight distribution of a code, its extended code, and its even weight subcode are studied. As a result, the local weight distributions of some of the extended primitive Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghen (BCH) codes, Reed-Muller codes, primitive BCH codes, punctured Reed-Muller codes, and even weight subcodes of primitive BCH codes and punctured Reed-Muller codes are determined  相似文献   

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