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This article deals with a flexible natural language interface to access data stored in a relational data base. This interface may prove of great value to the less sophisticated user.The FIDO system (Flexible Interface for Database Operations) is presented; it accepts queries issued in natural language (Italian) and translates them into relational algebra operations. FIDO is composed of a parser (not described in the paper), a two-level semantic network, which (among other things) expresses the correspondence between the natural language terms and the conceptual database objects, and a translator/optimizer, which translates the conceptual query into its logical equivalent (i.e. into a query expressed in terms of stored relations and their attributes). The article describes the main characteristics of the semantic network and addresses, in greater detail, the problem of query translation and optimization.The flexibility of FIDO is due to the complete independence of the semantic knowledge source from the logical schema of the data base. In fact, the logical schema can be designed on the basis of considerations not related to the overall structure of FIDO (e.g. the presence of particular types of applications that have to be implemented in a particularly efficient way). In principle, the (relational) data base could be preexistent with respect to the adoption of FIDO, in that the data structures used by the translator/optimizer and described in this paper are able to describe the correspondence between the conceptual model of the domain and different logical schemas. 相似文献
To enhance the spectrum sensing performance in cognitive radio system, a new cooperative spectrum-sensing scheme by using inactive secondary users (SUs) is proposed. Cooperative sensing is performed among SUs only when they have data to transmit. The inactive SUs have been introduced to cooperation group in the event that there are no enough active SUs to obtain the predefined spectrum detection performance cooperatively. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the trade-off between the time period used for sensing and the achievable throughput can be improved by utilizing the inactive SUs. The optimized additional listening time for inactive SUs can be obtained after the weights of the achievable throughput and the efficiency are determined. 相似文献
基于人工神经网络的多机器人协作学习研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
机器人足球比赛是一个有趣并且复杂的新兴的人工智能研究领域,它是一个典型的多智能体系统。文中主要研究机器人足球比赛中的协作行为的学习问题,采用人工神经网络算法实现了两个足球机器人的传球学习,实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。最后讨论了对BP算法的诸多改进方法。 相似文献
Eugnio Oliveira 《Robotics and Computer》1994,11(4):311-317
A multi-agent system architecture is described and justified for the sake of its application to an assembly robotics testbed. A blackboard-based agent using a GoalBlackboard/DataBlackboard facility for intra (not inter) agent communication and including knowledge about all the agent's community, is presented as well as its main functionality. Coordination of different agents dynamically playing the roles either of organizers or respondents may lead to the use of either negotiation or client/server protocols for cooperation. Also come cooperative strategies and involved knowledge have been studied, classified and implemented in the robotics testbed enabling a sophisticated agent behavior both in terms of cooperation and local control. A real testbed, whose agents are briefly presented here, working with real-time constraints, has already been implemented and tested in our laboratory. 相似文献
《Applied Soft Computing》2007,7(1):115-125
In this paper, an approach to the behavior acquisition required for humanoid robots to carry out a cooperative transportation task is proposed. In the case of object transportation involving two humanoid robots, mutual position shifts may occur due to the body swinging of the robots. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the position in real-time. Developing the position shift correction system requires a great deal of effort. Solution to the problem of learning the required behaviors is obtained by using the Classifier System and Q-Learning. The successful cooperation of two HOAP-1 humanoid robots in the transportation task has been confirmed by several experimental results. 相似文献
汽车转向/防抱死制动协同控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解决汽车转向过程中防抱死制动稳定性问题,提出一种新的协同控制系统.该协同控制结构由转向控制器和制动控制器组成.在转向控制中设计滑模鲁棒自适应控制器和横摆力矩控制器力求改善汽车动态响应,鲁棒自适应性和稳定性.此外定义协同误差,建立汽车协同误差模型并设计汽车防抱死制动鲁棒自适应控制系统.为了减少转向系统和制动系统之间的补偿控制律难以确定的困难,提出耦合误差补偿原理与同一给定控制相结合的新的耦合控制策略.最后用仿真结果验证所设计控制算法的有效性. 相似文献
根据可定制业务流程和信息安全访问控制的需求,提出了一种可扩展动态工作流的协同处理模型。用户可以按照任务处理环节的需求以工作流子模型为核心定制任务中的活动类型和业务处理逻辑,定制各种附加子模型的业务知识与规则,并将基于角色和任务的访问控制运用于模型中,实现安全访问控制的工作流建模。利用该模型,研发了信访业务协同处理系统,介绍了系统的动态工作流管理技术、基于角色和任务的工作流访问控制与协调处理方法、以及基于任务授权控制的监控机制。三年多的应用情况证明,该系统在系统维护、协同处理、以及监控异常方面,具有应用优势。 相似文献
空地异构机器人系统由空中无人机和地面无人车组成,当两者协作执行持续巡逻任务时,使用无人车充当无人机的地面移动补给站能够解决无人机续航能力不足的问题.运动受限于路网中的无人车必须在适当地点为无人机补充能量,这使得两者的路径高度耦合,给空地协作路径规划带来了挑战.针对此问题,本文通过分析无人机能量、路网、空地汇合时间、巡逻任务全覆盖等多种约束,以无人机完成全部巡逻任务的总距离为代价,建立了空地协作巡逻路径规划模型.该模型可推广至多架无人机与多辆无人车协作的情形.然后,采用遗传算法与蚁群算法相融合的方法,对无人机巡逻路径和无人车能量补给路径进行优化求解.仿真实验表明,本文的方法不仅可以得到很好的路径规划结果,而且较其他算法具有更优的收敛性和执行速度. 相似文献
针对射频识别(RFID)系统中为了满足多类应用、异构网络、多样性服务等应用而部署的多阅读器和多应答器,导致数据识别、传输时延和信号完整性等性能下降的问题,研究了一种适用于多阅读器应答器系统的基于中继传感器的协同防碰撞算法.根据系统发生数据碰撞的三种情形,结合数据碰撞角度 和碰撞效应权重,提出一种有效避免数据碰撞的中继传感器结构设计方案;设计了适合于RFID系统中继传感器协同合作的外围电路;结合系统覆盖区内三类辐射元的信号汇聚,提出了基于中继传感器的协同防碰撞算法.实验结果表明:在读取时隙和传输时延等方面,所提协同防碰撞算法明显优于传统的ALOHA算法. 相似文献
Keith Paton 《Software》1994,24(4):405-420
This paper describes a step-by-step method for reaching agreement between the client and the software builder concerning how a system should interact with its user. The method springs from the view of McMenamin and Palmer that all physical systems have both essential behaviour (what is to be done) and physical behaviour (how it is to be done) and that it is useful to define the essential behaviour before discussing how to implement it using real hardware and software. The method leads to an essential system behaviour guide that combines completeness and brevity; it encourages client and builder to share the task of describing essential system behaviour in a language that both can understand. The method is illustrated for the case of a system that manipulates elements and sets. 相似文献
Recently, distributed autonomous robotic system (DARS) has been attracting many researchers' interests. As one of the model of DARS, we proposed cellular robotic system (CEBOT). Like an organism of a living thing, the CEBOT is composed of a number of heterogeneous robotic units called 'cells'. Based on the concept of CEBOT, we have studied a flexible and adaptive multiple robot system by using a production transit model. In this model, we assume a number of mobile robots that have a few kinds of manipulators and variation of transportation ability according to the combination of the different manipulation functions. We suppose that by changing its combination appropriately against environment changes, the adaptability of the system can be improved. At first, we address the combination making and show the advantage of the proposed system. Generally, in a swarm-type robot system, we can find some sort of collective phenomena that are not defined in each robot's behaviour decision process. Oscillation is one of the typical collective properties emerged in DARS. In our model, the occurrence of oscillation affects the performance of transportation. Therefore, we need a way of controlling such collective property as well as the appropriate combination making. In this paper, we show the advantage of the dynamically reconfigurable robotic system and a control method of collective property through a computational simulation. 相似文献
随着各种分布式计算的广泛应用,移动Agent技术引起了人们越来越多的关注.在移动Agent的应用环境中,数据传输、服务器资源.移动Agent运行环境和移动Agent自身安全等方面的安全性问题日益突出.同时移动Agent应用系统中各个数据处理Agent之间的自主进行协商和协调也是一个有待解决的问题.针对这些问题,提出了一种基于移动Agent的分布式数据库的协同安全模型,来初步解决移动Agent的分布式数据库安全性和Agent之间协调工作的问题. 相似文献
The problem of determining the output feedback control matrix such that the system is as stable as possible is considered from the point of view of minimizing the real part of the least stable eigenvalue of the system. To ensure reasonable control and system behaviour, minimum and maximum constraints are placed on each element of the feedback matrix. An effective algorithm is given to carry out the pole shifting. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated with an eight-state three-feedback linearized model of a divided winding rotor synchronous machine and a linear six-plate gas absorber. 相似文献
This report analyses a way of defining the most suitable changes for attenuating structural vibration. The following are studied: —the possibility of singling out the most suitable modification area by way of energy considerations; —the importance of the modification area, the modifications themselves being equal; —the applicability and validity of the perturbation formulae as a rapid means of forecasting.Two structures are investigated. 相似文献
Autonomous intersection management (AIM) is an innovative concept for directing vehicles through the intersections. AIM assumes that the vehicles negotiate the right-of-way. This assumption makes the problem of the intersection management significantly different from the usually studied ones such as the optimization of the cycle time, splits, and offsets. The main difficulty is to define a strategy that improves the traffic efficiency. Indeed, due to the fact that each vehicle is considered individually, AIM faces a combinatorial optimization problem that needs quick and efficient solutions for a real time application. This paper proposes a strategy that evacuates vehicles as soon as possible for each sequence of vehicle arrivals. The dynamic programming (DP) that gives the optimal solution is shown to be greedy. A combinatorial explosion is observed if the number of lanes rises. After evaluating the time complexity of the DP, the paper proposes an ant colony system (ACS) to solve the control problem for large number of vehicles and lanes. The complete investigation shows that the proposed ACS algorithm is robust and efficient. Experimental results obtained by the simulation of different traffic scenarios show that the AIM based on ACS outperforms the traditional traffic lights and other recent traffic control strategies. 相似文献