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A food-packaging database was developed to provide qualitative information on the types of packaging materials used for foods. Packaging information was collected from a sample of 594 children aged 5-12 years as part of a national children's food survey carried out in Ireland during 2003-04. All the food packaging collected during the survey was forwarded to the coordinating centre for further analysis and entry into the Irish Food Packaging Database. The database was created in Microsoft Access® and stored information on: the brand of the food, the packaging type, the unit weight, the contact layer, the European Union food type (i.e. aqueous, acidic, alcoholic or fatty) and other relevant parameters. Of the 5551 different brand foods consumed by children in the food survey, packaging information was collected on 3441 (62%). As some brand foods had different unit weights and packaging formats, there was duplication of some brand foods in the database to account for this fact. Therefore, there were 3672 packaging entries in the database. Of these, plastics were the most common packaging contact layer (n = 2874, 78.3%). Multimaterial multilayers with a plastic contact layer accounted for 459 (12.5%) entries. Polyethylene was the most frequently used contact layer (n = 941), with polypropylene a close second (n = 809). This database is unique in Europe for the quality and amount of food packaging information it contains and could be used to develop packaging use factors for a more refined exposure assessment to food packaging materials in the European Union.  相似文献   

目的建立我国饮料食品接触材料的暴露评估参数。方法利用2013年中国9省(市)居民饮料消费状况调查数据,计算饮料消费人群中各类包装的不同类型饮料的消费量,构建不同饮料食品接触材料的消费系数和食品分配系数。结果我国居民平均每天饮用的饮料为1 243.34 g,其中,塑料、玻璃、金属(带涂层)、纸和纸板(聚合物涂层)食品接触材料的消费系数分别为0.28、0.24、0.23和0.21。接触材料为塑料的饮料,主要为酸性和水性食品,食品分配系数分别为0.96和0.04。以无涂层金属材料包装的饮料为茶叶等干性食品。纸和纸板(无涂层)包装的饮料,主要是水性和酸性食品,食品分配系数分别为0.67和0.26。结论基于饮料实际消费状况调查数据构建的饮料食品接触材料暴露评估参数可为我国饮料食品接触材料安全性评估工作提供数据支持。  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大在开展食品包装材料暴露评估时采用方法的原理、所需资料和计算过程,并对各种方法的覆盖面、实用性、难易程度等方面进行了比较,分析各自优缺点,为建立适合于我国国情的食品包装材料暴露评估方法,制修订食品包装材料安全标准提供科学依据,同时为食品包装材料风险评估机构、监管部门以及相关行业、企业开展相关研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

The FACET tool is a probabilistic model to estimate exposure to chemicals in foodstuffs, originating from flavours, additives and food contact materials. This paper demonstrates the use of the FACET tool to estimate exposure to BPA (bisphenol A) from light metal packaging. For exposure to migrants from food packaging, FACET uses industry-supplied data on the occurrence of substances in the packaging, their concentrations and construction of the packaging, which were combined with data from a market research organisation and food consumption data supplied by national database managers. To illustrate the principles, UK packaging data were used together with consumption data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) dietary survey for 19–64 year olds for a refined deterministic verification. The UK data were chosen mainly because the consumption surveys are detailed, data for UK packaging at a detailed level were available and, arguably, the UK population is composed of high consumers of packaged foodstuffs. Exposures were run for each food category that could give rise to BPA from light metal packaging. Consumer loyalty to a particular type of packaging, commonly referred to as packaging loyalty, was set. The BPA extraction levels used for the 15 types of coating chemistries that could release BPA were in the range of 0.00005–0.012 mg dm–2. The estimates of exposure to BPA using FACET for the total diet were 0.0098 (mean) and 0.0466 (97.5th percentile) mg/person/day, corresponding to 0.00013 (mean) and 0.00059 (97.5th percentile) mg kg–1 body weight day–1 for consumers of foods packed in light metal packaging. This is well below the current EFSA (and other recognised bodies) TDI of 0.05 mg kg–1 body weight day–1. These probabilistic estimates were compared with estimates using a refined deterministic approach drawing on the same input data. The results from FACET for the mean, 95th and 97.5th percentile exposures to BPA lay between the lowest and the highest estimates from the refined deterministic calculations. Since this should be the case, for a fully probabilistic compared with a deterministic approach, it is concluded that the FACET tool has been verified in this example. A recent EFSA draft opinion on exposure to BPA from different sources showed that canned foods were a major contributor and compared results from various models, including those from FACET. The results from FACET were overall conservative.  相似文献   

The approach used to obtain European Union-wide data on the usage and concentration of substances in different food packaging materials is described. Statistics were collected on pack sizes and market shares for the different materials used to package different food groups. The packaging materials covered were plastics (both flexible and rigid), metal containers, light metal packaging, paper and board, as well as the adhesives and inks used on them. An explanation as to how these data are linked in various ways in the FACET exposure modelling tool is given as well as an overview of the software along with examples of the intermediate tables of data. The example of bisphenol A (BPA), used in resins that may be incorporated into some coatings for canned foodstuffs, is used to illustrate how the data in FACET are combined to produce concentration distributions. Such concentration distributions are then linked probabilistically to the amounts of each food item consumed, as recorded in national food consumption survey diaries, in order to estimate exposure to packaging migrants. Estimates of exposure are at the level of the individual consumer and thus can be expressed for various percentiles of different populations and subpopulations covered by the national dietary surveys.  相似文献   

目的建立我国饮料酒食品接触材料暴露评估参数。方法利用2013年中国9省(市)居民饮料酒消费状况调查数据,计算饮酒者人群中各类包装的不同类型饮料酒的消费量,并进行食品类型分类,研究构建饮料酒不同食品接触材料的消费系数和食品分配系数。结果我国饮料酒的接触材料主要包括玻璃、金属(带涂层)、金属(不带涂层)、塑料和陶瓷,消费系数分别为0.29、0.28、0.06、0.22和0.15。饮酒者饮用玻璃和金属(带涂层)包装的饮料酒约占全部饮料酒的57%。消费者饮用玻璃包装的饮料酒中,80%为低醇型饮料酒,20%为高醇型饮料酒。结论基于食品实际消费状况调查研究的食品接触材料暴露评估参数可成为我国食品接触材料安全性评估的科学基础。  相似文献   

Paper and board are widely used as food packaging materials, mainly for disposable products. As public interest in conservation of natural resources has accelerated in the past several years, the use of recycled paper and board has increased. Recycled fiber materials can be used in certain limits as food contact materials. The safety of recycled fiber-based materials for food contact applications is largely dictated by the ability of post-consumer contaminants to be absorbed into recycled materials and later released by the packaging material and trapped on the food. The present work was undertaken with the aim of investigating the physicochemical behavior of selected model contaminants on paper and board, in contact with foodstuffs thus producing a fundamental set of data about their mobility from recycled paper and board into foods. More specifically, the kinetics of migration of selected model contaminants (surrogates) from contaminated recycled paper packaging samples into dry foodstuffs with different fat content was studied using a method based on solvent extraction and GC-FID quantification. Results showed the ability of selected contaminants of various types and various volatilities to potentially transfer to dry foods. The proportion of substances migrated to food was strongly dependent on the nature of the paper samples, fat content of the food, chemical nature and volatility of the migrant. The highest level of migration of organic pollutants was observed for the substrate with the highest fat content. Furthermore, it is shown that contact time and temperature have a significant effect on migration of model contaminants into foods.  相似文献   

Fossil-based plastic materials are an integral part of modern life. In food packaging, plastics have a highly important function in preserving food quality and safety, ensuring adequate shelf life, and thereby contributing to limiting food waste. Meanwhile, the global stream of plastics into the oceans is increasing exponentially, triggering worldwide concerns for the environment. There is an urgent need to reduce the environmental impacts of packaging waste, a matter raising increasing consumer awareness. Shifting part of the focus toward packaging materials from renewable resources is one promising strategy. This review provides an overview of the status and future of biobased and biodegradable films used for food packaging applications, highlighting the effects on food shelf life and quality. Potentials, limitations, and promising modifications of selected synthetic biopolymers; polylactic acid, polybutylene succinate, and polyhydroxyalkanoate; and natural biopolymers such as cellulose, starch, chitosan, alginate, gelatine, whey, and soy protein are discussed. Further, this review provides insight into the connection between biobased packaging materials and innovative technologies such as high pressure, cold plasma, microwave, ultrasound, and ultraviolet light. The potential for utilizing such technologies to improve biomaterial barrier and mechanical properties as well as to aid in improving overall shelf life for the packaging system by in-pack processing is elaborated on.  相似文献   

目的研究稀释倍数对食品包装纸中高锰酸钾消耗量测定结果的影响。方法样品经浸泡前处理后,采用滴定法对多个试样不同稀释倍数下的高锰酸钾消耗量进行测定,进而确定不同滴定体积试样的稀释范围。结果滴定体积大于10 mL的试样,需要稀释5倍以上;滴定体积在9~10 mL之间的试样,需要稀释2~5倍;滴定体积7~9 mL之间的试样稀释需要1~2倍。滴定体积在约9 mL的试样稀释不得超过5倍,滴定体积约10 mL的试样稀释不得超过10倍,滴定体积在7~9 mL之间的试样稀释不得超过4倍。结论煮沸时出现褪色现象的试样需要稀释后测定,稀释倍数对高锰酸钾消耗量影响很大,要选择合适的稀释倍数才能测得准确的结果。  相似文献   

目的 研究食品接触材料中高锰酸钾消耗量的影响因素。方法 通过控制变量实验对可能影响高锰酸钾消耗量的因素进行考察。结果 选取合适的取样量, 保证煮沸过程中试液不褪色; 煮沸时间应该准确控制5 min; 撤去热源2 min时加入草酸最佳; 滴定速度应采取慢-快-慢的节奏; 溶液出现微红色且在30 s内不褪色, 即可认为到达滴定终点; 硫酸加入量应保持0.5~1.0 mol/L; 浸泡液不能长期放置, 应在1 h内完成滴定。结论 取样量、煮沸时间和加入草酸的时间是影响高锰酸钾消耗量测定值的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的分析我国食品包装材料标准体系现况,发现其存在的问题并提出建议,为食品包装材料监管部门以及相关行业、企业提供参考。方法介绍我国目前食品包装材料标准体系各部分构成,分析标准体系存在的问题。结果我国食品包装材料标准体系中存在一系列问题,提出了改进建议。结论我国已基本形成了一套食品包装材料标准体系,但其中还存在很多不足,应尽快采取有效措施解决存在的问题,逐步完善我国食品包装材料标准体系。  相似文献   

A generic methodology for the assessment of consumer exposure to substances migrating from packaging materials into foodstuffs during storage is presented. Consumer exposure at the level of individual households is derived from the probabilistic modeling of the contamination of all packed food product units (e.g. yogurt pot, milk bottle, etc.) consumed by a given household over 1 year. Exposure of a given population is estimated by gathering the exposure distributions of individual households to suitable weights (conveniently, household sizes). Calculations are made by combining (i) an efficient resolution of migration models and (ii) a methodology utilizing different sources of uncertainty and variability. The full procedure was applied to the assessment of consumer exposure to styrene from yogurt pots based on yearly purchase data of more than 5400 households in France (about 2 million yogurt pots) and an initial concentration c0 of styrene in yogurt pot walls, which is assumed to be normally distributed with an average value of 500 mg kg-1 and a standard deviation of 150 mg kg-1. Results are discussed regarding both sensitivity of the migration model to boundary conditions and household practices. By assuming a partition coefficient of 1 and a Biot number of 100, the estimated median household exposure to styrene ranged between 1 and 35 µg day-1 person-1 (5th and 95th percentiles) with a likely value of 12 µg day-1 person-1 (50th percentile). It was found that exposure does not vary independently with the average consumption rate and contact times. Thus, falsely assuming a uniform contact time equal to the sell-by-date for all yogurts overestimates significantly the daily exposure (5th and 95th percentiles of 2 and 110 µg day-1 person-1, respectively) since high consumers showed quicker turnover of stock.  相似文献   

随着塑料制品使用量的增加,其不当处置使得塑料污染问题日益严峻。近年来,微塑料(microplastics, MPs, <5 mm)和纳米塑料(nanoplastics, NPs, <1 μm)污染作为新型污染物已成为研究焦点。通过饮食途径摄入的微/纳米塑料(micro/nanoplastics,M/NPs)对人体健康构成了严重威胁。越来越多的研究表明食品包装材料使用中所产生的微塑料丰度远高于食品中本身存在的,然而目前尚未有对包装材料塑料颗粒的检测标准,其随食品一同摄入的健康风险亟待明确。本文综述了食品包装材料M/NPs的污染情况,包括颗粒浓度、粒径、形状及其他溶出成分,据此进一步过论了温度、搅拌时间、溶剂性质、材质等因素对于包装材料M/NPs污染的影响;同时阐述了包装材料溶出M/NPs的生物安全性及人体暴露风险,为塑料食品包装安全评估及塑料制品使用标准制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 建立聚酯(PET)和4种食品模拟物中锑的电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定方法.用该方法研究PET中的锑向水、10%(V/V)乙醇溶液、3%(W/V)乙酸水溶液和精炼橄榄油4种食品模拟物迁移的行为与浸泡时间、温度、食品模拟物属性、锑初始含量等参数的关系.方法 在不同的温度下,将不同的PET浸泡于食品模拟物中,于一定的时间点吸取少量浸泡液,用ICP-MS测定其含量.结果 ICP-MS方法回收率在94.3% ~96.1%之间,相对标准偏差在1.38% ~3.31%之间.结论 锑迁出量随温度升高而增加;随着时间的延长,锑迁出量逐渐增加,一定时间后达到迁移平衡;大部分PET材料本底含量越高迁出量越高;PET中锑易于在酸性食品模拟物中迁出,应少食用PET包装的酸性食品.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach to estimate the exposure of the Portuguese population to phthalates as a contaminant originating from paperboard packaging. The approach combined data of migrant concentration in the foods resulting from a stochastic simulation with consumption data of food packaged in paperboard. The results from the exposure model were validated with experimental values actually found in the food. A short surveillance exercise was conducted with samples collection from market shelves to identify and quantify the phthalates present in both the packages and the food. The distribution of values for the di-butyl phthalate concentration in the packages was used as the input of the initial concentration in the Weibull model to estimate the concentration of this phthalate in the foods. This distribution of occurrence data was then combined with the packaging usage data in a probabilistic simulation with a Monte Carlo sampling method. Exposure values ranged between zero and 8.95 µg day?1 kgbw, a value close to the tolerable daily intake established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)–10 µg day?1 kgbw. However, the 97.5th percentile and the average were 1.82 and 0.44 day?1 kgbw, respectively, indicating that further refinement of the estimates is not necessary. Other phthalates were also detected in the packaging samples: di-isobutyl phthalate and di-ethylhexyl phthalate. The latter was present in all packaging samples collected and was detected in a few food samples at values requiring further investigation.  相似文献   

食品包装材料中有害物质迁移的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着人们生活水平的提高,食品安全问题得到了广泛的关注。塑料、纸质、玻璃、金属和复合材料等食品包装材料中有害物质的迁移现已成为食品安全隐患的重要组成部分。食品包装材料中添加的功能性助剂以及包装印刷过程中使用含苯、正己烷、卤代烃等有害化工材料为主要原料的油墨、溶剂及辅料的迁移都得到了一定的研究。目前,国内研究多局限于塑料包装材料,而国外的研究相对全面。结合国内外的研究现状,对食品包装材料中有害物质的来源组成及其迁移的研究现状和趋势加以综述,为科研工作者的研究、食品包装行业的质量监控以及食品安全问题的妥善解决提供一定的理论基础和实践参考。  相似文献   

Rodent management programs at food distribution centers in the United States and Canada often adhere to interval-based spacing of control devices, with traps spaced 6–12 m apart on the interior perimeter, and exterior bait stations spaced 15–30 m apart. However, this design is based only on rodent foraging ranges, and does not consider the influence of rodent behavior or biology on movement patterns. Therefore, this study evaluated characteristics of food distribution centers that influence rodent behavior to determine their impact on interior trap capture and exterior bait feeding by rodents. We found that rodent interactions with control devices was not uniform in facilities, and less than half (45.2%) of all interior devices trapped at least one mouse. Rodent feeding at exterior bait stations was similarly not uniform, with 56.1% of observations representing minor feeding (one corner of bait or less consumed). Furthermore, we found that certain ecological and structural characteristics of device location were associated with higher trap capture and/or bait consumption. Results of this investigation suggest that rodent management at food distribution centers can be improved with assessment-based placement of traps and bait stations. In addition to reducing food safety threats through improved trap capture, this approach can reduce the number of devices to service and redirect service time toward pro-active inspections, rather than trap checking. Finally, device locations that are assessment-based align with the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act that mandates preventive controls to protect human food.  相似文献   


Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are used in manufacturing food contact materials, including non-stick cookware coatings and oil- and moisture-resistant paper coatings. The chemical stability of PFCs poses an issue for human safety, as they do not degrade well naturally and hence may accumulate in the body. In terms of food safety, since dietary intake is thought to be a major source of exposure to PFCs, it is necessary to assess the migration of PFCs from food packaging articles to food under typical cooking and storage conditions. An analytical method was developed for assessing the migration of 16 PFCs from food contact materials to food simulants using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. The applicability of the method for regular inspection was assessed by monitoring 312 samples. Based on the results of the exposure assessment, all food contact materials deemed to be safe for use, which evaluated migrated concentrations and dietary food intake.  相似文献   

食品和食品包装材料中塑化剂对人体的危害不可小觑。本文主要介绍了食品及食品包装材料中塑化剂国内外检测标准、样品前处理方法及主要的检测方法。欧盟法规(EU)No 10/2011相对于以往的2002/72/EC对于迁移测试的要求整体趋于严格,生产企业有必要改进生产工艺以应对更新的测试规则。国家现有的标准中对于食品和食品包装材料中塑化剂有一定的要求,目前最常见的研究大部分为食品和食品包装材料中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物,但对于其他类型的塑化剂检测结果相对较少,这也将是今后食品和食品包装材料中塑化剂检测研究的一个主要方向。  相似文献   

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