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鉴于MIMO雷达多信号问正交性和天线阵列结构影响其动目标检测性能,提出了基于遗传算法优化提高自相关峰值并降低互相关峰值方法,从而实现了多信号间良好正交性,基本抑制了盲速的影响.基于得到最大连续孔径思想,给出了一种阵列结构,在不显著增加天线阵列长度奈件下,与正交信号结合,实现了MIMO空时自适应处理(STAP).仿真实验表明,基于正交信号和收发阵列设计,MIMO STAP可实现良好动目标检测性能.  相似文献   

多发射-多接收雷达发射方向图合成是当前波形设计和合成问题的热点,其目的在于实现将发射能量聚焦在感兴趣的空域方向上.而在复杂的电磁环境中,还必须兼顾考虑在拥堵频段上的频谱兼容性和灵活性,避免影响邻近频段通信系统传输性能.该文提出算法设计MIMO雷达发射波形向目标空域聚焦能量的同时,避开拥堵频段的频率范围.即针对发射波形在...  相似文献   

为了匹配MIMO雷达系统给定的发射方向图,采用半正定规划(SDP)来优化发射信号的协方差矩阵.基于该协方差矩阵,利用循环算法(CA)和极小极大法,通过优化波形相位设计出了具有低空域和时域副瓣的恒模发射信号.此外,又提出了用凸规划设计空域失配滤波器和时域失配滤波器的方法,进一步降低了空域和时域副瓣.  相似文献   

多输入多输出(MIMO)天波超视距雷达(OTHR)技术在雷达发射端发射低增益宽波束,在接收端进行波束形成得到高增益的窄波束,可以满足多层电离层探测和杂波抑制的需求。该文将两层电离层结构应用到MIMO-OTHR中,并针对OTHR杂噪比(CNR)比较高的特点,提出一种互信息理论方法对发射波形进行自适应优化。仿真结果表明该方法明显提升了目标距离分辨率和检测概率,说明在MIMO-OTHR中,经过合理的波形优化,可以利用多径回波改善雷达系统性能。  相似文献   

针对基于多进多出雷达的空时自适应处理方法的检测性能对目标参数估计误差敏感从而导致系统检测概率稳健性较差的问题,提出一种改善多进多出空时自适应检测性能的发射波形和接收权联合稳健设计方法。首先推导了多进多出空时自适应输出信干噪比的数学表达,而后构建了目标空时频导向矢量估计误差模型。在此误差模型、波形恒模特性、旁瓣以及杂波抑制等约束下,基于最大化最差情况下输出信干噪比准则,提出了改善多进多出空时自适应检测性能的发射波形相关阵和接收权联合稳健优化问题。为求解所得复杂非线性优化问题,提出一种迭代方法,其中每一步都可转化为半定规划问题,因而可获得高效求解。仿真结果表明,与现存主要的稳健方法、非稳健方法及不相关波形相比,所提方法可显著改善多进多出空时自适应检测概率的稳健性能。  相似文献   

单基地多输入多输出雷达由于其宽发射波束的特性而能有效解决目标高速运动跨越发射波束带来的能量损失问题;但是现有波形对速度容忍性较差,高速目标回波匹配滤波能量损失较大.因此,有必要研究适用于高速目标背景下的多输入多输出雷达波形. 文中提出了一种基于正交频分复用线性调频信号的多输入多输出波形. 该波形不同发射通道分时复用一组不同频段的线性调频信号,从而得到带宽相同的可分离多路多输入多输出雷达波形. 仿真结果表明,文中设计的多输入多输出雷达波形能有效降低高速目标回波匹配滤波的能量损失,适用于高速目标背景.  相似文献   

提出一种机载多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达降维空时自适应杂波抑制算法.首先将高维空时权向量重构为空域和时域权向量Kronecker积的形式,利用相关域信息,将最优空时处理的二次代价函数转化为两个二次代价函数,然后迭代求解两个二次代价函数中的两个低维权向量,分析表明该算法能有效降低计算量和估计采样协方差所需的训练样本数.最...  相似文献   

提出一种改进型正交分组空时码(ISTBC),它能有效的提高编码增益,克服原有正交分组空时码(OSTBC)在多天线(大于2)、复信号时不能实现全速传送的缺点。ISTBC在接收端采用复杂度适中的复球包线译码。  相似文献   

一种基于RAKE接收的空时分层码   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种基于RAKE接收的空时分层码.在空时分层码的基本结构之上引入正交扩频码,使得接收机可以充分利用接收信号中的正交信息,抑制来自其他发射天线的干扰;接收机采用基于RAKE接收原理的译码器,提取每个接收天线接收信号中的相应“层”的信息,以形成有效的判决统计量.仿真结果说明,基于RAKE接收的空时分层码性能要优于基于迫零算法的空时分层码,在低信噪比情况下也优于空时分组码.  相似文献   

针对杂波条件下目标反射信号方向不确定的情况,提出一种稳健的MIMO雷达发射波形和接收滤波器联合优化设计方法.在考虑各阵元发射功率相等的约束条件下,利用发射加权矩阵构造不确定集范围内关于输出信干噪比(SINR)的Maxmin优化模型;在此基础上,利用序列优化、半正定松弛和Charnes-Cooper转换,将非凸的联合优化问题转化为关于发射波形和接收滤波器的凸优化问题进行迭代求解;最后通过随机向量合成方法计算最终发射波形和接收滤波器,并对算法计算复杂度和收敛性给出分析和证明.所提方法在满足阵元发射功率一致的约束条件下,提高了算法稳健性并降低了计算复杂度.仿真实验证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

In the design of the multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) radar waveform, decreasing transmit beampattern sidelobes could reduce the energy of clutters and false targets from sidelobes and increase the received signal to noise ratio (SNR) so as to improve the angle estimation property. Motivated by this idea, a transmit waveform design method based on low sidelobe beampattern modification is proposed for MIMO radar. First, the transmit waveform cross-correlation matrix can be obtained by the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique. Then the essence of our method is to establish an optimization modification model to reduce the beampattern sidelobe by changing the non-diagonal elements of the waveform cross-correlation matrix. Finally, the corresponding transmit beamforming weight matrix is obtained by this modified matrix, and the ESPRIT algorithm is used for the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. Meanwhile, the feasibility of our method is demonstrated. Simulation results show the superiorities of our method in sidelobe suppression, DOA estimation accuracy and angle resolution.  相似文献   

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems which deploy one-bit DACs are at-tractive in many fields, such as wireless communications and radar. In this paper, the problem of transmit waveform design in MIMO radar system with one-bit DACs is investigated. By appropri-ately designing the transmitted QPSK signal waveforms, the majority of radiated energy can be fo-cused into the mainlobe region(s) by minimizing the integrated sidelobe to mainlobe ratio (ISMR) of beampattern, such that the intensity of backscattered signals from targets can be enhanced. However, the resulting optimization problem which consists of constrained fractional quadratic problem (CFQP) is noconvex. To tackle this problem, a block-sparse semidefinite relaxation meth-od is first utilized to reformulate the CFQP into a reduced convex semidefinite programming (SDP). Further, a customized interior point algorithm (IPA) is developed to solve the small-scale SDP. Finally, the desirable one-bit transmit waveform sequence can be properly synthesized by us-ing Gaussian randomization method. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method offer better performance than the state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   

For matching the desired transmit beampattern of the two dimensional(2-D) wideband MIMO radar system, a new transmit beampattern synthesis and waveform design algorithm is proposed based on the frquency invariant beamforming. In this algorithm, to eliminate any dependency on frequency of the emiting waveform, the 2-D fourier relationship between uniform rectangular array(URA) transmit beampattern and spectrum of emiting waveform is used. Then the cost function of waveform matching frequency response is established, which imposes a constraint on constant modulus. Finally, the alternating matrix fitting method is used to design unimodular sequences. The proposed method effectively mitigates frequency dispersion of the 2-D wideband MIMO radar transmit beampattern. Numerical simulations have proved the validity of this algorithm.  相似文献   

阵元利用率最高的MIMO雷达阵列结构优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种多输入多输出雷达阵列结构优化新算法.首先要求在实际物理阵元数最少的条件下能够在接收端获得尽可能多的有效虚拟阵元数,即系统总的物理阵元利用率最高; 然后约束多输入多输出雷达的虚拟阵列满足最小冗余阵的要求,从而提高系统的分辨率并克服栅瓣和高旁瓣的影响.理论分析和算法求解结果都表明,该算法优化出的多输入多输出雷达阵列是收发为同一阵列的非均匀线阵,在物理阵元总数相同的条件下,较其他阵列结构具有更好的波束性能.  相似文献   

The joint optimization of detection threshold and waveform parameters for target tracking which comes from the idea of cognitive radar is investigated for the modified probabilistic data association (MPDA) filter. The transmitted waveforms and detection threshold are adaptively selected to enhance the tracking performance. The modified Riccati equation is adopted to predict the error covariance which is used as the criterion function, while the optimization problem is solved through the genetic algorithm (GA). The detection probability, false alarm probability and measurement noise covariance are all considered together, which significantly improves the tracking performance of the joint detection and tracking system. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive waveform-detection threshold joint optimization method outperforms the adaptive threshold method and the fixed parameters method, which will reduce the tracking error. The average reduction of range error between the adaptive joint method and the fixed parameters method is about 0.6 m, while that between the adaptive joint method and the adaptive threshold only method is about 0.3 m. Similar error reduction occurs for the velocity error and acceleration error.  相似文献   

Aiming at the signal bandwidth design problem for multi-target imaging task, a kind of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar waveform design method is proposed. At first, the closed-loop feedback between the range profile and the signal bandwidth, which can design the minimum bandwidth of a transmitting signal that can distinguish each scatterer of the target in range direction, is established. Then, considering the request of beam pattern and the bandwidth limitation, a waveform optimization model is established and solved. Therefore, the multi-target observation and the dynamic adjustment of the signal bandwidth are accomplished. In the end, the simulation results prove the performance of the algorithm in a low SNR circumstance.  相似文献   

针对多输入多输出雷达正交相位编码波形设计中数值优化方法计算量和存储量较大、效率较低的问题,提出一种代数理论设计方法.首先利用逆归约相乘法求解产生序列族所需的多项式;然后构造以该多项式为特征多项式的线性迭代方程,并通过线性移位寄存器求解而获得序列族;最后将该序列族映射为信号码集从而完成波形设计.仿真结果表明,该方法设计的波形恒模,并且具有低的自相关峰值旁瓣电平和互相关峰值电平.与数值优化方法比较,码集序列数量大,波形产生速度快.  相似文献   

Aiming at the direction of arrival(DOA) estimation problem of the Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) Phased-array Radar, an effective solution is proposed based on transmit weight optimization and Unitary ESPRIT of the virtual array. First, we build the receiving signal model. Then a transmit weight vector is designed by convex optimization to simultaneously construct the receiving subarray rotational invariance and control the side lobe of the pattern of Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar to improve the DOA estimation accuracy. Finally, the Unitary ESPRIT is exploited to estimate the azimuth and elevation of Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar to decrease the calculation load. Numerical simulations show that our approach can realize DOA estimation of the Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar.  相似文献   

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