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在激烈的市场竞争中,企业要生存与发展离不开有用的“人”,企业无“人”则止。企业教育培训工作,是企业人力资源管理与开发的重要组成部分和关键职能,是企业培养人才的重要途径,也是企业给员工的最有效增值的回报。现针对当前企业教育培训工作存在的主要问题,谈谈如何做好企业教育培训工作。  相似文献   

张衡  张伟 《世界有色金属》2007,(1):60-62,55
人是企业中最大的资源,管理企业最有效的方法就是通过文化的暗示对员工进行微妙引导。美国管理学家彼得·德鲁克曾经说过:“管理是以文化为基础的”。然而,人在企业中又是最活跃的,员工创新则是企业发展的不竭动力。因此,有色金属企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中始终保持优势,一定要处理好企业文化与员工创新的关系。企业文化与员工创新的关系The relation between enterprise culture and staff innovation科学管理的提倡者泰勒,主张通过各种标准、定额、规章制度和有差别的工资制度来约束企业员工的行为,从而提高生产效率。应当说在管理发展…  相似文献   

江香玲  郑荣华 《山东冶金》2003,25(2):J004-J004
市场作为商品的聚散地 ,是买卖双方采取不同的交易方法进行交易并使商品或劳务发生转移的场所。市场是社会生产、分配、消费的纽带 ,是实现供求平衡的桥梁 ,它能最直接、最灵敏、最迅速地反映供求关系的变化 ,也能较精确地检验商品的余缺、质量的优劣和价格的高低 ,企业的经济效益也只有通过市场才能最终体现。企业要想在激烈竞争中立于不败之地 ,应该采取多种策略。1 广告策略出奇制胜的广告策略是指企业在市场竞争中采取新颖而奇妙的广告来吸引顾客 ,这是企业在市场竞争中必须坚持的一项很重要的策略。日本著名企业家、索尼公司总裁盛田…  相似文献   

提高培训层次开发人力资源全面提高企业的整体素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业核心竞争力的提高是企业能够在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟的关键,企业培训对提高核心竞争力尤为重要.核心竞争力的基础是人的素质,人的素质取决于学习力的高低.企业培训就是全面提高人的学习力的一种手段.人世后,我国企业面临国内和国际市场的竞争日益激烈,这种竞争是多方面的,也是多层次的,但最终都集中表现在人才的竞争上,表现在人力资源开发质量的竞争上,这就迫使所有的企业必须在人力资源开发的广度和深度上加大工作力度.传统的职工培训工作往往被看作是企业的一项成本支出,而现代"人力资本"学说认为,仅在生产中增加机械设备等物质投入的做法是不够的,在某种程度上,增加教育培训的投资来提高人的素质则效果更佳.这是发展生产的一种最有效、最合理和最简捷的投入,是一种高效、持久产生作用并能取得丰厚回报的投资行为.正确的行动首先来源于思想观念的转变,把职工培训提高到对人力资源开发的高度来认识,用全新的角度来思考、运作职工培训工作将大有裨益.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,行业之间的竞争日益激烈,作为以提供服务为主体的物业服务企业,如何能够在市场竞争中立于不败之地,并取得长足的发展,一直是企业最关注相关心的问题.  相似文献   

企业重组与经营机制转换长城特殊钢股份有限公司股制是现代企业制度中一种最典型的组织形式。原国有大中型企业进行股份制改造,其根本目的是使企业成为独立的法人实体和市场竞争主体。通过股份制改组,进行企业产权的重组,从而推动企业经营机制的转换。作为股份制规范化...  相似文献   

郭红  王方俊 《黄金》2005,26(11):1-3
人本管理是现代企业管理的新模式,在激烈的市场竞争时代,它激活了企业的整体竞争力。文中通过人在现代企业中的作用以及矿业企业坚持人本管理重要性的阐述,提出了矿业企业实现人本管理的有效途径,值得研讨。  相似文献   

技术创新是现代企业的灵魂,是企业生机活力的原动力,是企业在激烈的市场竞争中取胜的根本保证。“九五”以来,兴澄人始终将技术创新放在一切工作的首位,大胆引进国际先进装备,大力开展技术改造,广泛开展群众性小改小革、难题攻关和合理化建议活动,从而极大  相似文献   

管道运输是石油、天然气最经济、最方便、最主要的运输方式之一,近几年来,管道工程建设飞速发展,从而带动了油气管线用钢板产量的大幅度提高。由于市场竞争的激烈,产品结构调整始终是钢铁企业长期的话题,目前,许多大型冶金企业均将油气管线用钢板作为未来10年重点发展的品种之一。  相似文献   

国有企业的政治优势最集中的体现和标志是党的政治领导、党组织和党员的作用。如何更好地把国有企业的政治优势转化为企业核心竞争力,转化为市场竞争优势,既是一个亟需破解的时代课题,也是一项意义深远的战略任务。  相似文献   

Human exploration of the solar system can be said to have begun with the Apollo missions. The Apollo Project was publicly funded with the narrow technical objective of landing human beings on the Moon. The transportation and life support systems were specialized technical designs, developed in a project management environment tailored to that objective. Most scenarios for future human exploration assume a similar long-term commitment of public funds to a narrowly focused project managed by a government organization, which becomes a single customer for a large industrial complex supporting the mission. Advocates of human exploration of space have not yet been successful in generating the political momentum required to initiate such a project to return to the Moon or to explore Mars. Alternative scenarios of exploration may relax some or all of the parameters of organizational complexity, great expense, narrow technical focus, required public funding, and control by a single organization. Development of the Moon using private investment is quite possibly a necessary condition for alternative scenarios to succeed.  相似文献   

I would like to comment on the remarks of Peters and Seminara (Amer. Psychologist, 1957, 12, 751-752) on the use of the term "Human Engineering." When, in the United Kingdom, a group was formed nine years ago as an interdisciplinary society for the study of human work and working environment, we spent many months in discussion on what we should call this integrated area. We came to the conclusion that a new word would have to be coined for reasons that are given in this article. After study of possible roots, the name "Ergonomics" was decided upon (gr. ergos = work; nomos = natural laws) as the noun, which gives "ergonomic" as the adjective and "ergonomist" as the practitioner. It is readily usable in other European languages such as French (ergonomie) and has now come into fairly general use in Europe. The author explains how the group decided on this term. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Human beta-globin gene mainly expressed in the adult bone marrow, while not expressed in fetal liver, adult liver and K562 cells. Using gel mobility shift assay, different protein factors binding to the regulatory elements (from -372 to -194 bp) in the 5' flanking sequence of human beta-globin gene were detected in the nuclear extracts from human fetal liver, adult liver and K562 cells respectively. Competitive experiments showed that both the protein factors from adult and K562 cells not only bind to negative control region 2 (NCR 2, from -372 to -224 bp), but also bind to positive control region (PCR, from -223 to -194 bp), suggesting that there may be similar mechanism to silence the expression of human beta-globin gene in these two kind of cells. The protein factor in human fetal liver only binds to NCR 2, indicating that there is a particular silencing mechanism for beta-globin gene expression in human fetal stage.  相似文献   

A good understanding of the factors involved in female urinary incontinence is essential for the therapeutic management of incontinent women. Urinary stress incontinence involves three variables which participate in the pressure equilibrium during effort: mobility of the urethrovesical junction, urethral resistance and the intensity of effort. The most appropriate treatment for each patient can only be selected by investigating all three of these factors and by determining their respective roles in incontinence. Urge incontinence is also multifactorial, but, very often, no cause can be found on the aetiological assessment, leading to the diagnosis of idiopathic instability. The factors of detrusor motor instability are discussed and their aetiological treatment is proposed.  相似文献   

Two correlated problems, rampant escalation of health-care costs and the lack of access to health care for many Americans, challenge long-term solutions to our health-care crisis. Historically, free markets have provided the most effective method of controlling costs. Although the current health-care system is highly competitive, it falls far short of being a truly competitive marketplace emphasizing competition around cost and quality. A health-care system based on managed competition in which the marketplace is structured to create competition on cost and quality provides great promise for regulating health costs. Erosion of health-care benefits under our current system of employer-based health insurance threatens the effectiveness of any market-based solution. The 21st Century Health Care Act combines the cost-effectiveness and universal access derived through a single revenue spigot with the power of a market approach created by managed competition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychology is in the throes of internal upheaval at a time when we are faced with numerous and complex external challenges. Psychology's unique contribution is in bridging the fields of science and practice, and the practice of psychology can flourish only by our emphasizing that bridge. The designation system, based on the concept of a common scientific core for all psychologists, is one approach to maintaining the bridge. The professional practice of psychology is also being challenged by new market conditions that will demand a climate of continued diversity and change. Settling on a specific form of service delivery may limit options as the market changes. Development of a managed care system in which psychologists are players rather than bystanders is one response to meet the challenges of the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Israel's experience in attempting to implement a health system reform based in large measure on managed competition should provide important data to other countries considering reliance on competitive mechanisms for third-party purchase of health care. In this paper, current proposals for reform of the Israeli market for third-party purchase of health care are examined in light of ideal market structures, particularly the theory of managed competition. The relationship between the theory, the notion of a 'purchaser-provider split' and the Israeli case are explored. The current Israeli health care market, which features enrollment of 96% of the population in competing sick funds, is presented. The changes necessary to base third-party purchase of health-care on managed competition are discussed. Special conditions of the Israeli health care system likely to influence implementation of a managed competition strategy are considered. Beyond a 'purchaser-provider' split, the proposals call for other restructurings, such as a split between finance and insurance functions, which the standard theory of managed competition does not take into account. The implications of these proposals for smooth functioning of the health care market must be weighed against political and ethical considerations unique to the Israeli environment.  相似文献   

More patients will have managed care in the future. Therefore, every practice should have a strategy for working with managed care organizations (MCOs). Learn how to evaluate an MCO and how to obtain detailed information about MCOs in your area. Know how to market your practice and build relationships between your group and MCOs. Develop a practice profile that outlines all the benefits that your group can bring to an MCO. Plan how you will respond when an MCO says, "No."  相似文献   

Three ethical criticisms of managed care are often voiced: (1) by "skimming the cream" of the patient population, managed care organizations fail to discharge their obligations to improve access, or at least, to not worsen it; (2) managed care organizations engage in rationing, thereby depriving patients of care to which they are entitled; and (3) by pressuring physicians to ration care, managed care organizations interfere with physicians' fulfillment of their fiduciary obligations to provide the best care for each patient. This article argues that each of these criticisms is misconceived. The first rests on the false assumption that the health care system includes a workable division of responsibility regarding access that assigns obligations concerning access to managed care organizations. The second and third criticisms wrongly assume that we in the United States have taken the first step toward assuring equitable access to care for all, articulating a standard for what counts as an "adequate level of care" to which all are entitled. These three misguided criticisms obscure the most fundamental ethical flaw of managed care: the fact that it operates in an institutional setting within which no connection can be made between the activity of rationing and the basic requirements of justice.  相似文献   

Reviews the book "Human engineering guide for equipment designers," by W. E. Woodson (see record 1955-01705-000). The purpose of the book, as expressed in the Introduction, is "to aid the designer in making optimum decisions whenever human factors are involved in man-operated equipment." The author states that the book will provide a central source for information about the human operator, will point up the relative importance of variables which make a difference, and will indicate solutions for typical design problems. The book represents a commendable effort to fulfill this purpose. An outstanding feature of this guide is the application of basic psychological and physiological data to specific problem areas. The Human Engineering Guide for Equipment Designers represents a major step in the effort of human engineers to make their information meaningful to equipment designers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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