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Renewable energy portfolio standards have created a large increase in the amount of renewable electricity production, and one technology that has benefited greatly from these standards is wind power. The uncertainty inherent in wind electricity production dictates that additional amounts of conventional generation resources be kept in reserve, should wind electricity output suddenly dip. The introduction of plug‐in hybrid electric vehicles into the transportation fleet presents an possible solution to this problem through the concept of vehicle‐to‐grid power. The ability of vehicle‐to‐grid power systems to help solve the variability and uncertainty issuess in systems with large amounts of wind power capacity is examined through a multiparadigm simulation model. The problem is examined from the perspectives of three different stakeholders: policy makers, the electricity system operator and plug‐in hybrid electric vehicle owners. Additionally, a preliminary economic analysis of the technology is performed, and a comparison made with generation technologies that perform similar functions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A low‐carbon electricity supply for Australia was simulated, and the installed capacity of the electrical grid was optimized by shifting the electricity demand of residential electric water heaters (EWHs). The load‐shifting potential of Australia was estimated for each hour of the simulation period using a nationwide aggregate EWH load model on a 90 × 110 raster grid. The electricity demand of water heaters was shifted from periods of low renewable resource and high demand to periods of high renewable resource and low demand, enabling us to effectively reduce the installed capacity requirements of a 100%‐renewable electricity grid. It was found that by shifting the EWH load by just 1 hour, the electricity demand of Australia could be met using purely renewable electricity at an installed capacity of 145 GW with a capacity factor of 30%, an electricity spillage of 20%, and a generation cost of 15.2 ¢/kWh. A breakdown of the primary energy sources used in our scenario is as follows: 43% wind, 29% concentrated solar thermal power, and 20% utility photovoltaic. Sensitivity analysis suggested that further reduction in installed capacity is possible by increasing the load‐shifting duration as well as the volume and insulation level of the EWH tank.  相似文献   

Generation deficit in India is in the range of 9% and the scenario is expected to get grimmer in the context of high growth rate of the country. With peak power shortage as high as 15.2% (Source: Annual report FY08, MoP) the nation needs to harness all forms of generation including renewables, which currently has a meager share of 8% of the total generation in the country at present. Shooting price of crude oil reaching up to $135 (May 2008) per barrel along with increasing awareness and concerns about environment, the stage seems to be set for an increased mix of Renewable Energy (RE) into the overall energy requirement in the country. Keeping the concern for environment and energy security for the country in mind, government of India has been putting emphasis on promotion of renewable energy sources. Central and state government policies have always been instrumental in the propagation of capacity additions in renewable energy power. One of the main aims of these policies has been on increasing the private sector participation in this sector. In the pre-reform period, the state governments took policy decisions regarding financial incentives, buy-back tariff and other measures targeting investment in renewable energy. However, the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) are now responsible for many of these tasks. SERCs have come up with a host of initiatives, inline with their functions laid down in the Electricity Act 2003, to increase the share of renewable energy inside their respective States. Despite the efforts of SERCs, large potential of renewable energy generation remains untapped. There is lack of clarity on how to promote renewable energy generation inside states which are not having significant renewable energy generation potential.This paper explores the way in which SERCs can introduce measures to further promote renewable energy generation inside the country. We discuss in detail the framework to promote renewable energy through a framework which puts into place Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) mechanism. The framework includes setting of RPO targets, provisions for a surcharge levied upon non-compliance of RPO targets and also a mechanism to meet RPO through trading of certificates.  相似文献   

Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) regime in India started in 2011 with the announcement of benchmark RPO (BRPO) of states for the Financial Year (FY) 2011 by respective State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC), to promote Renewable Energy (RE). The report submitted to Forum of Regulators (FoR) in this regard has recommended uniform rate of increase of BRPO of states and studied the impact of RPO on tariff for FY 2011–2015. However, more rigorous analysis is needed for fixing BRPO in a scientific manner and for fair allocation of incentives to promote RE. This paper attempts to evaluate all states on a common platform to find BRPO, giving due weightage to the state-wise energy demand and RE generation, ensuring minimum change in BRPO of consecutive years and hence less impact of RPO on tariff. To encourage the states to align their actual RPO with BRPO, a financial incentive scheme is proposed giving due weightage to RE consumption, RE capacity addition and RPO compliance of the states. The methods are illustrated for the Indian states using real system data. A study of RPO's impact on electricity tariff of Indian states is also conducted and reported for FY 2011–2015, considering Renewable Energy Certificate (REC).  相似文献   

配额制本质上是一种对可再生能源开发的激励机制,它的实施需要具备一定的前提条件,目前仍处于不断探索和发展阶段。配额制的实质是以最低成本开发可再生能源,它通常需要依托一个绿色证书市场。任何配额制基本上都包含了配额承担主体及合格的发电类型、配额目标的确定及分解、运作机制、成本分摊与惩罚措施等内容。世界上没有任何两个国家或地区的配额制是完全一致的,均是根据本国或本地区的实际情况而制定。加利福尼亚州是美国可再生能源发展较快,也是最早实施配额制的联邦州之一。加州配额制的配额承担主体主要是为终端用户供电的电力企业;运作机制是通过绿色证书来代替物理计量,以证书数量来反映配额承担主体的履约情况;实现配额义务的成本是通过终端销售电价疏导出去的。这些与英国和日本的配额制相同,而差异性体现在配额目标形式不同、指标分解原则不同以及对不同类型可再生能源的激励程度不同。我国在可再生能源配额制设计中需要关注与现行可再生能源政策的衔接、地区配额指标的差异化设计、地方政府的责任、可再生能源电量的计量以及保障措施等问题。  相似文献   

The passing of the Renewable Energy Law (REL) in 2005 demonstrated China’s commitment to renewable energy development. In the 3 years after the REL, China’s renewable electricity capacity grew rapidly. From 2006 to 2008, China’s wind capacity installation more than doubled every year for 3 years in a row. However, three facts prevent us from being optimistic about China’s renewable electricity future. First, considered as a share of total capacity, renewable electricity capacity is decreasing instead of increasing. This is due simply to the rapid growth of fossil fuel capacity. Second, a significant amount of renewable generation capacity is wasted because it is not connected to the electricity grid. Finally, renewable electricity plants are running at a low level of efficiency. Based on an in-depth analysis of China’s existing renewable energy policy, we suggest that these challenges should be dealt with by introducing a market-based mandatory renewable portfolio requirement coupled with strong regulatory monitoring of grid enterprises.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, fundamental changes can be observed in both market conditions and the national policy framework for green electricity in the Netherlands. The Dutch Government has regularly intervened in markets, demonstrating fundamental shifts in policy and approach. This study aims to analyse the developments in renewable energy policy making in the Netherlands. It assesses changes in the choice of policy instruments and target groups, the role of stakeholders, and offers explanations behind policy successes and failures. Dutch green electricity policy over the last decade can be characterised roughly by three phases: in the early 1990s, the government negotiated voluntary agreements with the energy distribution sector on targets for green electricity sales, which were never met. In the second half of the 1990s, a regulatory energy tax was introduced, from which customers of green electricity were exempt. This led to a substantial increase in demand, which was largely met by green electricity imports, and did not lead to additional domestic renewable energy capacity. Finally, a change in policy has taken place recently (2003) shifting the focus from promotion of demand to the promotion of supply through a system of regulated feed-in tariffs. Despite the renewable energy policies, growth of the renewable energy market in the Netherlands has been small and targets have not been fully met. The Dutch government has not yet succeeded in substantially reducing market uncertainties and in building confidence among market parties, because the policies have not been stable and policy objectives have frequently been partly ambiguous. In addition, the influence of stakeholders in renewable energy policy making has been small which has the early acceptance and implementation of alternative policies.  相似文献   

Among household electricity end users, there is growing interest in local renewable electricity generation and energy independence. Community‐based and neighborhood energy projects, where consumers and prosumers of electricity trade their energy locally in a peer‐to‐peer system, have started to emerge in different parts of the world. This study investigates and compares the costs incurred by individual households and households organized in electricity trading communities in seeking to attain greater independence from the centralized electricity system. This independence is investigated with respect to: (i) the potential to reduce the electricity transfer capacity to and from the centralized system and (ii) the potential to increase self‐sufficiency. An optimization model is designed to analyze the investment and operation of residential photovoltaic battery systems. The model is then applied to different cases in a region of southern Sweden for year 2030. Utilizing measured electricity demand data for Swedish households, we show that with a reduced electricity transfer capacity to the centralized system, already a community of five residential prosumers can supply the household demand at lower cost than can prosumers acting individually. Grouping of residential prosumers in an electricity trading community confers greater benefits under conditions with a reduced electricity transfer capacity than when the goal is to become electricity self‐sufficient. It is important to consider the local utilization of photovoltaic‐generated electricity and its effect on the net trading pattern (to and from the centralized system) when discussing the impact on the electricity system of a high percentage of prosumers.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources and technologies have potential to provide solutions to the longstanding energy problems being faced by the developing countries like India. Solar energy can be an important part of India's plan not only to add new capacity but also to increase energy security, address environmental concerns, and lead the massive market for renewable energy. Solar thermal electricity (STE) also known as concentrating solar power (CSP) are emerging renewable energy technologies and can be developed as future potential option for electricity generation in India. In this paper, efforts have been made to summarize the availability, current status, strategies, perspectives, promotion policies, major achievements and future potential of solar energy options in India.  相似文献   

Demand response is considered to be a realistic and comparatively inexpensive solution aimed at increasing the penetration of renewable generations into the bulk electricity systems. The work in this paper highlights the demand response in conjunction with the optimal capacity of installed wind energy resources allocation. Authors proposed a total annual system cost model to minimize the cost of allocating wind power generating assets. This model contains capacity expansion, production, uncertainty, wind variability, emissions, and elasticity in demand to find out cost per hour to deliver electricity. A large‐scale electric grid (25 GW) is used to apply this model. Authors discovered that demand response based on interhourly system is not as much helpful as demand response grounded on intrahourly system. According to results, 32% wind generation share will provide the least cost. It is also worth noting that optimal amount of wind generation is much sensitive to installation cost as well as carbon tax.  相似文献   

The Renewable Energy Certificate and Perform Achieve Trade mechanisms in India are designed to target energy generation and saving, respectively, in line with Clean Development Mechanism implemented by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Renewable Energy Certificate System is a voluntary regulation in India for renewable energy generators and is designed for effective implementation of inter-state transactions by introducing the Renewable Purchase Obligation regulation for consumers and a flexible trading platform for transactions across the country. Another initiative, the Perform Achieve Trade scheme, is an enhanced energy efficiency trading mechanism based on consumption targets that require large energy user sectors to improve efficiency by 1–2% per year. The Perform Achieve Trade programme has introduced mechanisms for the identification of industry sector, designated customer, specific energy consumption and target setting. The Perform Achieve Trade design issues are in test phase in the first cycle of the scheme which will run from 2012 to 2015. This paper discusses key design issues about boundary and target setting for Renewable Energy Certificate and Perform Achieve Trade energy saving certificate (ESCert) A data sharing and trading mechanism for Perform Achieve Trade is also proposed for review and coordination among regulator, designated consumers and traders in the market.  相似文献   

The industrial sector is one of the major energy consumers that contribute to global climate change. Demand response programs and on‐site renewable energy provide great opportunities for the industrial sector to both go green and lower production costs. In this paper, a 2‐stage stochastic flow shop scheduling problem is proposed to minimize the total electricity purchase cost. The energy demand of the designed manufacturing system is met by on‐site renewables, energy storage, as well as the supply from the power grid. The volatile price, such as day‐ahead and real‐time pricing, applies to the portion supplied by the power grid. The first stage of the formulated model determines optimal job schedules and minimizes day‐ahead purchase commitment cost that considers forecasted renewable generation. The volatility of the real‐time electricity price and the variability of renewable generation are considered in the second stage of the model to compensate for errors of the forecasted renewable supply; the model will also minimize the total cost of real‐time electricity supplied by the real‐time pricing market and maximize the total profit of renewable fed into the grid. Case study results show that cost savings because of on‐site renewables are significant. Seasonal cost saving differences are also observed. The cost saving in summer is higher than that in winter with solar and wind supply in the system. Although the battery system also contributes to the cost saving, its effect is not as significant as the renewables.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the developments in renewable energy policy making in Sweden. It assesses the energy policy context, changes in the choice of policy instruments, and provides explanations behind policy successes and failures. Swedish renewable energy policy has been developing in a context of uncertainty around nuclear issues. While there has been made a political decision to replace nuclear power with renewables, there is a lack of consensus about the pace of phasing out nuclear power due to perceived negative impacts on industrial competitiveness. Such uncertainty had an effect in the formulation of renewable energy policy. Biomass and wind power are the main options for renewable electricity production. Throughout 1990s, the combined effect of different policy instruments has stimulated the growth of these two renewable sources. Yet, both biomass and wind power are still a minor contributor in the total electricity generation. Lack of strong government commitment due to uncertainty around nuclear issues is a crucial factor. Short-term subsidies have been preferred rather than open-ended subsidy mechanisms, causing intervals without subsidies and interruption to development. Other factors are such as lack of incentives from the major electricity companies and administrative obstacles. The taxation system has been successful in fostering an expansion of biomass for heating but hindered a similar development in the electricity sector. The quota system adopted in 2003 is expected to create high demand on biomass but does not favour wind power. The renewable energy aims are unlikely to be changed. Yet, the future development of renewable energy policies especially for high-cost technologies will again depend strongly on nuclear policies, which are still unstable and might affect the pace of renewable energy development.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, state governments have emerged as US energy policy leaders. Across the country, states are adopting policy instruments aimed at carbon mitigation and renewable energy deployment. One of the most prevalent and innovative policy instruments is a renewable portfolio standard (RPS), which seeks to increase the share of renewable energy electrification in the electricity market. This analysis evaluates the effectiveness of state energy programs with an empirical investigation of the linkage between state RPS policy implementation and the percentage of renewable energy electricity generation across states. We use a variant of a standard fixed effects model, referred to as a fixed effects vector decomposition, with state-level data from 1998 to 2006. Results indicate that RPS implementation is not a significant predictor of the percentage of renewable energy generation out of the total generation mix, yet for each additional year that a state has an RPS policy, they are found to increase the total amount of renewable energy generation. These findings reveal a potentially significant shortcoming of RPS policies. Political institutions, natural resource endowments, deregulation, gross state product per capita, electricity use per person, electricity price, and the presence of regional RPS policies are also found to be significantly related to renewable energy deployment.  相似文献   

We present a bilevel optimization approach to designing effective and efficient incentive policies for stimulating investment in renewable energy. The effectiveness of an incentive policy is its capability to achieve a goal that would not be achievable without it. Renewable portfolio standards are used in this paper as the policy goal. The efficiency of an incentive policy is measured by the amount of policy intervention, such as taxes collected or subsidies paid, to achieve the policy goal. We obtain the most effective and efficient incentive policies in the context of generation expansion planning, in which a centralized planner makes investment decisions for the energy system to serve projected demand of electricity. A case study is conducted on integrated coal transportation and electricity transmission networks representing the contiguous United States. The numerical analysis from the case study provides insights on the comparison of various incentive policies. The sensitivity of the incentive policies with respect to coal production cost, wind energy investment cost, and transmission capacity is also studied.  相似文献   

This paper briefly examines the history, status, policy situation, development issues, and prospects for key renewable power technologies in China. The country has become a global leader in wind turbine and solar photovoltaic (PV) production, and leads the world in total power capacity from renewable energy. Policy frameworks have matured and evolved since the landmark 2005 Renewable Energy Law, updated in 2009. China’s 2020 renewable energy target is similar to that of the EU. However, China continues to face many challenges in technology development, grid-integration, and policy frameworks. These include training, research and development, wind turbine operating experience and performance, transmission constraints, grid interconnection time lags, resource assessments, power grid integration on large scales, and continued policy development and adjustment. Wind and solar PV targets for 2020 will likely be satisfied early, although domestic demand for solar PV remains weak and the pathways toward incorporating distributed and building-integrated solar PV are uncertain. Prospects for biomass power are limited by resource constraints. Other technologies such as concentrating solar thermal power, ocean energy, and electricity storage require greater attention.  相似文献   

Generation expansion planning (GEP) is a power plant mix problem that identifies what, where, when, and how new generating facilities should be installed and when old units be retired over a specific planning horizon. GEP ensures that the quantity of electricity generated matches the electricity demand throughout the planning horizon. This kind of planning is of importance because most production and service delivery is dependent on availability of electricity. Over the years, the traditional GEP approaches have evolved to produce more realistic models and new solution algorithms. For example, with the agitation for green environment, the inclusion of renewable energy plants and energy storage in the traditional GEP model is gradually gaining attention. In this regards, a handful of research has been conducted to identify the optimal expansion plans based on various energy‐related perspectives. The appraisal and classification of studies under these topics are necessary to provide insights for further works in GEP studies. This article therefore presents a comprehensive up‐to‐date review of GEP studies. Result from the survey shows that the integration of demand side management, energy storage systems (ESSs), and short‐term operational characteristics of power plants in GEP models can significantly improve flexibility of power system networks and cause a change in energy production and the optimal capacity mix. Furthermore, this article was able to identify that to effectively integrate ESS into the generation expansion plan, a high temporal resolution dimension is essential. It also provides a policy discussion with regard to the implementation of GEP. This survey provides a broad background to explore new research areas in order to improve the presently available GEP models.  相似文献   

Renewable energy policy in Turkey with the new legal regulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the energy crises in the 1970’s, public and private decision makers are considering how to achieve a sustainable transition from fossil fuel based energy to sustainable and clean energies - namely renewable energies. Combined with the improvement of energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, renewable energy can provide everything fossil fuels currently offer in terms of heating and cooling, electricity generation and transportation. Renewable energy technologies posses many long term benefits including energy security, job creation, business opportunities, sustainable development and prevention of global warming.Turkey’s population is growing at an annual rate of 1.04%. If Turkey uses only traditional energy sources, it simply will not have enough energy capacity for its population. Renewable energy sources have the potential to make a large contribution to Turkey’s sustainable and independent energy future.Turkey aims to utilize its energy potential, including from renewable sources in a cost-effective manner. Turkey targets the share of renewable resources in electricity generation to be at least 30% by 2023 has in its 2009 Electricity Market and Security of Supply Strategy. Positive achievements have been obtained in renewable energy development and manufacturing in Turkey over the past decade. The renewable energy related legislation has been intensified. To meet its 30% target, the current promotion mechanism for renewable sources of electricity relies on feed-in tariffs for different renewable energy sources. Large hydropower is already competitive to conventional fossil-based electricity, so feed-in tariffs in the new RE Law are set to facilitate expanding the deployment of other, less mature renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

Renewable energy represents an area of tremendous opportunity for India. Energy is considered a prime agent in the generation of wealth and a significant factor in economic development. Energy is also essential for improving the quality of life. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Government. Limited fossil resources and associated environmental problems have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options. India depends heavily on coal and oil for meeting its energy demand which contributes to smog, acid rain and greenhouse gases’ emission. Last 25 years has been a period of intense activities related to research, development, production and distribution of energy in India.Though major energy sources for electrical power are coal and natural gas, development and promotion of non-conventional sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, are also getting sustained attention. The use of electricity has grown since it can be used in variety of applications as well as it can be easily transmitted, the uses of renewable energy like wind and solar is rising. Wind energy is a clean, eco-friendly, renewable resource and is nonpolluting. The gross wind power potential is estimated at around 48,561 MW in the country; a capacity of 14,989.89 MW up to 31st August 2011 has so far been added through wind, which places India in the fifth position globally. This paper discusses the ways in which India has already supported the growth of renewable energy technologies i.e. wind energy and its potential to expand their contribution to world growth in a way that is consistent with world's developmental and environmental goals. The paper presents current status, major achievements and future aspects of wind energy in India.  相似文献   

A promising renewable energy technology is electricity generated with biomass‐derived synthetic gas (syngas). The economic feasibility of using biomass gasification for generating electrical power is very much dependent on the cost of the power plant and the cost of its operation. A cost model was developed to analyze the Unit Cost (unit‐cost) of electricity generation from micro‐scale power facilities that used biomass gasification as its energy input. The costs considered in the model were capital cost and operating costs. The results from the modeling indicated that operating cost was a major part of the total annual production cost of electricity generation, and that labor was the largest part of the total annual production cost of operation, and it was during the time when the power facilities operated at lower generation capacity levels. One effective way of reducing the unit‐cost was to operate the facility at high capacity level. The study found that when the capacity level increased the total of annual cost was also increased, but the electricity unit‐cost decreased markedly. For a given level of generating capacity, the electricity unit‐cost of the facility operating at a two or three shifts operating mode was significantly lower than that of one shift operating mode. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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