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以3-溴咔唑为初始原料,经Miyaura Borylation反应、亲电取代反应合成了有机发光材料中间体N-己基咔唑-3-硼酸频那醇酯,通过NMR表征了化合物的结构,高效液相色谱检测目标化合物含量大于99.5%,合成方法简单,适用于工业化生产。 相似文献
Kinuko Miyazaki Kazuo Koyama Hiroshi Sasako Takashi Hirao 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2012,89(8):1403-1407
Recent concerns about potential health risks associated with 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol fatty acid esters (3-MCPD esters) and glycidyl fatty acid esters (GEs) in refined vegetable oils and fats have led to development of various methods for quantitative determinations of these compounds. Among them, indirect methods, which determine total amount of 3-MCPD and glycidol after hydrolysis of the esters, have an advantage over direct methods, which require a reference standard for each of the many possible species of fatty acid esters to be quantified. The existing indirect methods, however, may yield unreliable results or require long hours of alkaline methanolysis. To overcome these shortcomings, the objective of this study was to develop a reliable and rapid indirect method for simultaneous determinations of 3-MCPD esters and GEs. By using Candida rugosa lipase and sodium bromide for a hydrolysis/bromination step, 3-MCPD esters and GEs were transformed within 30 min to 3-MCPD and 3-bromo-1,2-propanediol (3-MBPD), respectively, without interconversion. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of 3-MCPD and 3-MBPD derivatized with phenylboronic acid showed 89–108 % recovery of 3-MCPD-diesters, -monoesters, and GEs from various oils and fats spiked at 2 and 20 mg/kg. The method should be useful for routine analysis of 3-MCPD esters and GEs. 相似文献
富马酸烷·3-PG酯的合成研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究 5种具有良好的抗氧化和抗菌活性的新型化合物———富马酸甲 (乙、丙、丁、戊 )·3 PG酯的合成工艺条件并揭示了其规律。发现富马酸单酯单酰氯与没食子酸丙酯 (PG)的理想反应条件为 :在c(PG) =5 7 0 1mol/L的吡啶溶液中 ,吡啶正常回流温度下 ,分别缓慢滴加富马酸单甲 (乙、丙、丁、戊 )酯单酰氯 ,反应 4 0~ 6 0min ,可获得产率为 75 6 % (78 3%、83 8%、83 3%、76 5 % )的富马酸甲 (乙、丙、丁、戊 )·3 PG酯。随烷基碳链的增长 ,马来酸酐与醇的物质的量比减小 ,反应温度升高和反应时间延长 相似文献
开发了Trich-6771氯化物体系三价铬电镀装饰铬新工艺。在10A/dm2的电流密度下,沉积速率达到0.2μm/min,镀层厚度小于0.5μm。中性盐雾试验168h,乙酸盐雾试验96h,铜加速乙酸盐雾试验48h,镀层无明显变化。恒定湿热试验360h,镀层不长霉点。人造汗液测试和抗化学污染测试满足行业要求。 相似文献
富马酸烷·3-PG酯合成路线的设计 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
报道了富马酸烷·3 PG酯合成路线的设计思路 :以顺丁烯二酸酐为起始原料 ,与甲、乙、丙、丁、戊醇发生酯化反应制得五种马来酸单酯 ,马来酸单酯异构化为相应的富马酸单酯 ,后者与亚硫酰氯作用得到五种富马酸单酯单酰氯 ,用制得的富马酸单酯单酰氯酰化没食子酸丙酯 (PG)分子中的 3 羟基制得五种具有良好的抗氧化和抗菌活性的新型化合物———富马酸甲 (乙、丙、丁、戊 )·3 PG酯。 相似文献
Ethylene glycol (4-vinylphenyl-)-boronate ( 2 ) was copolymerized with technical divinylbenzene to highly crosslinked macroporous polymer ( P2 ). On treatment of P2 with methanol/water, 75% of the polymer-bound ethylene glycol could be split-off, under formation of the desired polymer ( P1 ) with free phenylboronic acid groups. The utility of P1 in the solid-phase synthesis, for instance its conversion to polymer-supported phenol, and as polymer-supported protecting group for diols was investigated. 相似文献
异戊烯酸酯合成新法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王瑞丽 《精细与专用化学品》2005,13(12):10-11
以异戊烯酸和甲醇等醇类为原料,在三氯氧磷催化下一步合成相应的酯类。在酸醇物质的量比为1∶3时,三氯氧磷用量为20mL,反应4~5h,异戊烯酸甲酯、乙酯和丁酯的收率分别为86.2%、90.5%和80.3%。 相似文献
A. E. Rheineck Dallas D. Zimmerman 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》1970,72(2):80-84
Glycerol esters of isomeric octadecadienoic acids prepared from dehydrated castor and safflower oils and several commercially available isomerized safflower oils were blended with oils of known compositions and analysed by standard infrared methods for cis- and trans-isomer content in both isolated and conjugated dienes. The agreement between the analytical data for the known and unknown mixtures was very good. For conjugated systems the absorptivities agreed with literature reports. Linoleic acid having the isolated cis-cis-structure was derived from naturally occurring oils and converted to the conjugated cis-trans-isomer by the alkali method. Esterification of the latter with glycerol at 190° to 220° C showed no appreciable change in isomeric structure. The conjugated trans-trans oils were prepared from the cis-trans isomer with iodine. The isolated trans-trans oil was obtained by treatment of safflower oil with selenium or nitrous acid. 相似文献
M. Hasegawa H. Arioka H. Harashina M. Nohara M. Kubo T. Nishikubo 《Israel journal of chemistry》1985,25(3-4):302-305
The photodimerization behaviors of 4-(3-oxo-3-phenyl-1-propenyl)benzoic acid (1) and its esters (2–7) in the crystalline state are investigated. These crystals, except that of the phenyl ester (7), dimerize photochemically to yield the corresponding cyclobutane derivatives in a typical topochemical fashion. Head-to-head type cyclobutane derivatives are obtained from crystals of the acid and ethyl ester (1 and 3), whereas head-to-tail type derivatives are formed from the other ester crystals (2, 4, 5, and 6). The temperature dependences of these reaction behaviors and the configurations of the photoproducts are correlated with the molecular arrangement in the reactant crystals. Reversible or irreversible behavior of as-formed dimer crystals, derived from 2 or 4 crystals, is interpreted in terms of accumulated strain energy in the course of the topochemical process. 相似文献
Crystallization Behavior of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Robert O. Dunn 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2008,85(10):961-972
Biodiesel from most agricultural feedstocks has flow properties that are prone to startup and operability problems during
cold weather. Biodiesel from soybean oil is generally a mixture of long-chain fatty acid alkyl esters composed of 0.15–0.20
mass fraction saturated esters (melting point [MP] ≫ 0 °C) mixed with unsaturated esters (MP < 0 °C). This work investigates
the crystallization properties of two saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) commonly found in biodiesel from soybean oil.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) heating and cooling scans of methyl palmitate (MeC16), methyl stearate (MeC18) and
methyl oleate (MeC18:1) in pure form were analyzed. Crystallization behavior in ternary FAME mixtures was inferred by the
application of thermodynamic models based on ideal solution and freezing-point depression theories. Activity coefficients
for MeC16 and MeC18 in MeC18:1 solvent were determined by analyzing DSC cooling curves for binary FAME mixtures. Eutectic
points were predicted by both models. Crystallization onset temperatures inferred from freezing point depression theory were
more accurate than those for ideal solutions with respect to a direct DSC cooling curve analysis of corresponding ternary
mixtures. This work shows that the crystallization onset temperature (cloud point) of biodiesel may be predicted by freezing-point
depression theory if the activity coefficients of the component FAME are known.
The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such
use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by USDA or ARS of any product or service to the exclusion of others
that may be suitable. 相似文献
丙烯酸及其酯应用广泛,全球需求量日益增加。目前,丙烯酸的制备主要靠丙烯部分氧化法,对不可再生资源石油高度依赖,而石油资源日渐短缺与丙烯酸需求快速增长产生矛盾不可避免。寻求一条可持续的绿色发展路线合成丙烯酸及其酯迫在眉睫,乳酸及其低碳醇脱水法就是丙烯酸及其酯制备的理想方法。文章对乳酸及其低碳醇酯脱水制备丙烯酸及其酯的催化剂及工艺条件进行了较为系统的总结,特别是对近十年的研究进展的总结。以二氧化硅负载的磷酸盐、硫酸盐催化剂研究较多,活性较高;以改性后的分子筛譬如Y型分子筛具有非常高的反应活性和丙烯酸及其酯的选择性。另外,锂皂石、膨润土的良好催化性能也值得关注。 相似文献
食品乳化剂柠檬酸甘油单,二酸酯的合成 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用以乙酸为溶剂,柠檬酸和单甘酯进行酯化反应合成了质量指标均符合FAO/WHO标准的柠檬酸甘油单,二酸酯,确定了合成的最佳工艺条件,并以此为原料配制了两种在常温下呈液态的复合型搞氧剂。试验结果表明,其抗氧化效果超过了国外同类产品,在油脂及含油食品中具有广泛应用价值。 相似文献