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Leukocytoclastic vasculitis is the dominant lesion of mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The high prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in association with the higher concentration of HCV RNA genomic sequences in the cryoglobulins suggests a close relationship between MC and HCV infection and strongly supports the view that this virus plays a key role in causing vascular damage. Analysis of the composition of immune complexes (ICs) provides evidence that cryoglobulins include virions mostly bound to IgG that is specifically reactive with HCV-related proteins, which in turn are crosslinked by monoclonal IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity, frequently bearing the WA crossidiotype (XId). This structure is similar (if not identical) to that of circulating ICs from HCV-infected patients without cryoglobulins, suggesting that the virus may be directly responsible for the production of WA RF. Evidence for the role of circulating cryoproteins in the pathogenesis of cutaneous and renal vasculitis stems from the demonstration of HCV-related proteins and/or HCV RNA genomic sequences in the vessel wall of patients with MC. Our data indicate that endothelial cells are fully susceptible to infection by and replication of HCV, and support the contention that they serve as sufficient targets for the binding of HCV proteins expressed on the cell surface to serum immunoglobulins. The in situ demonstration of IgM RF WA XId adds further evidence that RF of the WA group participates in the development of vasculitis and probably stabilizes the binding of IgG antibodies. Lymphocytes may be crucial in the infection of endothelial cells by acting as a circulating viral reservoir. After encouraging initial results, controlled trials have defined the substantive efficacy of IFN-alpha in the treatment of MC. A response of IFN can be achieved in more than 50% of patients and includes improvement of cutaneous vasculitis and renal function. This clinical response is accompanied by a reduction in hepatitis C viremia, serum cryoglobulin concentration, and IgM RF synthesis. However, almost 80% of responders eventually have a clinical and biochemical relapse. Additional studies are required to improve the outcome and extension of this therapy, define the best candidates, and indicate the situations in which it is needed.  相似文献   

In 60 patients with a morphologically ascertained chronic liver disease and 40 hepatologically examined patients with a healthy liver of a control group the quantitative determination of the immunoglobulin and the immunofluorescence-serological determination of antibodies against nuclei, smooth musculature and mitochondria were carried out. Only in one female patient with a chronic active hepatitis out of 51 patients with morphologically ascertained liver cirrhosis or chronic active hepatitis antibodies against nuclei and smooth musculature in a level of the titre of more than 1 : 40 and only in 2 female patients with a primary biliary cirrhosis antibodies against mitochondria could be proved in a level of the titre of more than 160. Titres of antibodies lying below were found in the group of patients with liver diseases and the control group in the same frequency, so that an autoimmune form of the cryptogenic cirrhosis could not be differentiated. The proof of antibodies against nuclei and smooth musculature of a high titre in connection with an isolated increase of the IgG is of special diagnostic importance for the autoimmune form of the chronic active hepatitis; the same is the case in the proof of antibodies against mitochondria of a high titre in connection with an isolated increase of IgM.  相似文献   

A recombinant Schistosoma mansoni protein has been identified as a useful antigen for the detection of S. mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium antibodies. The purified recombinant protein, Sm22.3, was assayed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay format against a battery of 491 well defined sera, including S. mansoni, S. haematobium, and Schistosoma japonicum infection sera, normal human sera, sera from 9 other parasitic infections, and sera from 2 additional infections. The sensitivity for detecting S. mansoni and S. haematobium infections with this single recombinant protein is 80.1%. The specificity is 94.8%. However, 15 of the 16 cross-reactive sera are malaria infection sera, and we have data suggesting that these malaria sera are actually recognizing an epitope on the vector-derived 6Xhistidine tag of recombinant Sm22.3. If this is the case, then, the actual specificity of the assay is 99.6%.  相似文献   

Pigmented villonodular synovitis is an uncommon synovial disease which only rarely involves the hip. In a multicenter retrospective study, we identified 58 histologically-proven cases. There were 33 females and 25 males. Mean age at diagnosis was 38 years. In all but two cases, only one hip was involved; the right hip was affected somewhat more often (33 cases) than the left. Two patients probably had bilateral hip disease. Mean delay to diagnosis was four years. Pain was the presenting symptom in most cases. A palpable mass in the groin was found in six patients. Plain roentgenograms were considered normal in only three patients. Bony cysts were seen in 39 patients and kissing cysts in 19. Joint space narrowing was found in 40 patients and was diffuse in half the cases. Roentgenograms suggested pigmented villonodular synovitis in 63% of cases, osteoarthritis of the hip in 16%, and inflammatory hip disease in 14%. Additional imaging studies included opaque arthrography in 21 subjects, computed tomography in 23, magnetic resonance imaging in 11, and arthroscopy in 9. Initial treatment was osmic acid synoviorthesis in 14 patients, partial synovectomy in 9, and total synovectomy in 21; in addition, eight patients had insertion of a cup prosthesis and 13 had total arthroplasty of the hip. Treatment was successful in 65% of cases after a mean follow-up of three years; among the 35% of failures, there were seven recurrences (14%). Total hip arthroplasty was performed secondarily in nine patients. This study illustrates the diversity of roentgenological changes in pigmented villonodular synovitis of the hip and the high frequency of osteoarticular lesions precluding conservative treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging and/or arthroscopy should be used to establish the diagnosis at an early stage when conservative treatment with total synovectomy and synoviorthesis is most likely to be successful.  相似文献   

Taxotere, a promising anticancer agent, is metabolized almost exclusively in liver and excreted from bile in all species. To determine which cytochrome P450 is involved in taxotere biotransformation, 11 cDNA-expressed human cytochrome P450s were examined for their activity in the metabolism of taxotere and its derivatives. Of all P450s, cytochrome P450 3A4 and 3A5 were the most active for the oxidation of taxotere to the primary metabolite RPR104952 and for subsequent oxidation of RPR104952 to RPR111059 and RPR111026. RP70617, an epimer of taxotere was also metabolized by both P450 3A enzymes to form metabolite XII. The activity of 3A4/5 enzymes for these substrates was 4-50-fold greater than the other P450s examined. The Kms of 3A4 and 3A5 for taxotere were 0.91 and 9.28 microM, and Vmax for the formation of RPR104952 were 1.17 and 1.36 m(-1), respectively. The contribution of the 3A enzyme complex to the metabolism of taxotere in human livers from 21 individuals was assessed with the inhibitory monoclonal antibody and ranged from 64-93%. The primary oxidative metabolism of taxotere by human liver microsomes was well correlated with 3A4-dependent reactions for testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation (r2 = 0.84), taxol aromatic hydroxylation (r2 = 0.67) and aflatoxin B1 3alpha-hydroxylation (r2 = 0.63); whereas a poor correlation was found for reactions specifically catalysed by other P450s (all r2 < or =O.17). The extent of taxotere metabolism also closely correlated with levels of 3A4 enzyme in human livers quantified with immunoblot monoclonal antibody (r2 = 0.61). These results demonstrate that the P450 3A4 and 3A5 enzymes are major determinants in taxotere oxidation and suggest that care must be taken when administering this drug with other drugs that are also substrates for these enzymes.  相似文献   

This review paper discusses the recognised factors which predispose to cracked-tooth syndrome. In addition, common presenting symptoms and the various methods to aid clinical diagnosis of this problem are examined. The incidence of the condition is reported and the prognosis of the various forms of fracture, as suggested by clinical presentation, are outlined with reference to the available literature. Benefits and relative demerits of traditional and more modern treatment options are presented and recommendations made for future research.  相似文献   

Cutaneous necrosis may occur as a complication of treatment with interferon. Here we report the first case of cutaneous necrosis developing in a patient receiving interferon alpha-2b for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C viral infection. The patient developed two necrotic lesions while receiving high doses of interferon. We suggest that discontinuation of treatment may be necessary to permit healing of such lesions. Although the exact mechanism involved in cutaneous necrosis remains unknown, our observations support earlier findings suggesting that intraarterial injection may be a factor.  相似文献   

Data from the past few years have shown that as caffeine metabolizes solely in the liver, caffeine elimination can serve as a liver function test. We have collected data by monitoring 40 persons with liver diseases (11 chronic alcoholic hepatitis, 24 liver cirrhosis, 5 non-cirrhotic liver disease). Eight subjects served as controls. The patients with liver cirrhosis were classified according to the Child--Pugh scoring system. To determine caffeine elimination blood samples were collected before and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours after oral administration of 0.2 g caffeine. Fasting serum caffeine concentration and concentration 12 hours after administration, serum clearance, half life, peak concentration and volume of distribution have been compared. The respective values measured in patients with non-cirrhotic liver diseases did not differ significantly from the controls. The disappearance of caffeine was significantly decreased in cirrhotics. Our results demonstrated a good correlation between impairment of caffeine elimination and assessment of severity of liver disease by the Child--Pugh classification. Measuring serum levels in samples taken 12 hours after caffeine administration is a simple and useful method in the diagnosis of liver diseases at cirrhotic stage.  相似文献   

Sixteen medical institutions in Japan collaborated in this study of the epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes. A total of 4176 patients with type C chronic liver disease, from the four main islands of Japan, were evaluated. Of those evaluated, 2794 had chronic hepatitis, 727 had liver cirrhosis and 655 had hepatocellular carcinoma. The HCV genotype of the patients was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on serological genotype 1- and 2-specific recombinant peptides (SG-1 and SG-2, respectively) of the NS4 region. The prevalence of SG-1 and SG-2 HCV was similar in the four main islands of Japan. SG-1 HCV predominated in each disease category (69-76%). The percentage of patients with SG-1 HCV increased by 7%, while that of patients with SG-2 HCV decreased by 7%, as liver disease progressed in severity from chronic hepatitis to carcinoma (P < 0.001). Patients with either SG-1 or SG-2 had a similar mean age and history of blood transfusion. In conclusion, SG-1 HCV was found to predominate in Japan, and the HCV genotype was found to be related to the stage of hepatitis C disease.  相似文献   

Hepatitis G virus (HGV) is a newly described RNA virus that is parenterally transmitted and has been found frequently in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. To determine the impact of hepatitis G virus co-infection on morbidity and mortality following liver transplantation, we measured HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction in pre and posttransplantation sera from a cohort of patients transplanted for chronic hepatitis C and a control group of patients transplanted for nonviral causes who were negative for hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in serum. The overall prevalence rate of HGV RNA in transplanted patients with chronic hepatitis C was 20.7%. HGV infection was present before transplantation in 13% while it appeared to have been acquired at the time of transplantation in 7.4%. Mean serum alanine aminotransferase activity, hepatic histological activity, and patient and graft survival were similar between HGV-positive and HGV-negative patients. The prevalence rate of HGV RNA in transplanted controls was 64% (P < .01) with a significantly higher rate of acquisition of HGV infection following transplantation (53%, P < .001) when compared with patients with chronic hepatitis C. Mean serum alanine aminotransferase activity was significantly lower in the control patients with HGV infection alone following transplantation than in patients co-infected with hepatitis C (37 +/- 9 vs. 70 +/- 33 U/L, P < .01). Thus, HGV is frequently found in transplantation patients co-infected with hepatitis C although it appears to have minimal clinical impact. In patients transplanted for nonviral causes of end-stage liver disease, a high rate of hepatitis G acquisition at the time of transplantation may occur but does not appear to predispose to chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   

Authors have investigated the hepatitis B and D virus antigens in the liver tissue of 30 HBsAg and/or anti-HD seropositive patients (23 males, 7 females, age: 20-65, mean: 44 years) by immunohistochemical method. The immunohistochemical identification of HBsAg, HBcAg and HDAg in 42 liver sample (36 obtained by percutaneous biopsy, 6 from dissection) of 30 patients was performed with Dako and Sorin Biomedica kits. The detailed virus serologic examinations were carried out with Biomedica and Abbott kits by radioimmunoassay and ELISA methods. Examining 36 liver tissue samples of 27 HBsAg seropositive patients, HBsAg could be demonstrated in 31 cases. Each patient suffering of active HBV and/or HDV replication was HBsAg positive by immunohistochemistry, while the tissue samples of patients in integrational phase of HBV infection were positive in only 9 cases of 14. There was no HBsAg tissue positivity in HBsAg seronegative cases. 7 of 16 tissue samples of 12 patients classified to active HBV replication state were HBcAg positive by immunohistochemistry. HBcAg could be detected in the liver tissue of each HBe seropositive patient, while in only 3 of 8 cases with only IgM anti-HBc seropositivity (indicating low level of HBV replication). Tissue HBcAg positivity, indicating active virus replication, was verified in 2 of 11 patients classified to HBV integration state by serology. Authors detected HDAg tissue positivity only in cases with serologically active HDV replication (IgM anti-HD seropositive) and HDAg could also be identified from liver tissue in each IgM anti-HD seropositive case. No HBsAg, HBcAg and HDAg tissue positivity was observed in HBsAg negative cases. Authors emphasise mainly the importance of immunohistochemical detection of HBcAg and HDAg completing the serologic diagnosis of chronic HBV and HDV infections, helping the verification or exclusion of active virus replication being essential for selecting adequate therapy.  相似文献   

We have conducted a prospective study aimed to analyse contraceptive use among women seeking for legal abortion in the State University Hospital "Ma?chin dom"--Sofia. Our date demonstrate that the patients were well informed about the existing contraceptive methods. On the contrary the percentage of women-using contraception and especially those, using highly effective ones is relatively low. The patients claim the possible side effects of the high effective contraception as a reason against use.  相似文献   

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