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In a similar manner to sequence database searching, it is also possible to compare three-dimensional protein structure. Such methods can be extremely useful because a structural similarity may represent a distant evolutionary relationship that is undetectable by sequence analysis. In this review, we summarise the most popular structure comparison methods, show how they can be used for database searching, and then describe some of the most advanced attempts to develop comprehensive protein structure classifications. With such data, it is possible to identify distant evolutionary relationships, provide libraries of unique folds for structure prediction, estimate the total number of folds that exist, and investigate the preference for certain types of structures over others.  相似文献   

Reviews the literature on the incidence, clinical findings, and outcome of anorexia nervosa. Methodological problems with outcome statistics and data on the family background of anorexic patients are discussed. The etiological and therapeutic approaches of psychodynamic, family interactional, behavioral, and medical models are evaluated. The problems inherent in viewing anorexia nervosa as either a physiological or psychological disorder are considered. The importance of continuing research into all facets of anorexia nervosa is emphasized. (5? p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Specific phobia is a common, heterogeneous disorder whose central feature is persistent, unreasonable fear of a circumscribed object or situation. This article reviews current etiological theories and empirical data that seem likely to be important in investigating the pathophysiology of this disorder. These include conditioning, modified conditioning, and nonassociative models of phobia development, physiological response to the phobic stimulus, neuroimaging, primate, and biological challenge studies. Pathophysiological hypotheses suggested by recent research on the neurocircuitry of conditioned fear are also discussed. Though specific phobias have been of less public health and clinical interest than other anxiety disorders, their circumscribed nature and possible relationship to conditioned fear may make them a productive subject for research into basic pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Decisions about the classification of eating disorders have significant scientific and clinical implications. The eating disorder diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) reflect the collective wisdom of experts in the field but are frequently not supported in empirical studies and do not capture the disorders of eating experienced by most people with an eating disorder. Statistical approaches to classification such as latent class analysis and taxometrics can help to create a classification system with greater scientific validity and clinical utility. The field would benefit from direct empirical comparisons of different classification schemes with various clinical and scientific validators. Such studies would enable the creators of the next DSM eating disorder classification to increase understanding of the advantages and disadvantages associated with choosing various diagnostic criteria sets for the eating disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents the information on the early period of an explosive head trauma and trauma to the auditory system. Different types of hearing impairment, the staging of the pathological process were determined along with various immunological and biochemical changes occurring in this group of patients. The results of the study call for necessity of the early ENT observation of all patients in whom an explosive trauma is suspected.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment on root surface in vitro with or without fluoride. Fifty specimens of human teeth were randomly assigned to five different treatment groups: (1) untreated group; (2) laser-treated only; (3) laser-treated after applying black ink; (4) laser-treated after applying 38% Ag(NH3)2F for 1 min; (5) laser-treated followed by applying 2% NaF for 4 min. Following their respective treatments, all specimens were prepared for evaluation by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and EDX (Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy). Specimens from group 2 to 4 exhibited gross alterations of root surface not observed in controls such as pitting, crater formation, cracking, and porous globules. The specimens of group 5 had rough surfaces with some particles of approximately 1-micron diameter on the root surface. The fluoride uptake into the root measured by EDX was higher in groups 4 and 5. The depth of penetration of fluoride and silver was approximately 20 microns. Under light microscopy, the specimens of group 2, 3, 4, and 5 revealed some melted cementum, with no changes of underlying dentin. The results of this in vitro study suggested that the laser irradiation with or without fluoride, altered the morphology of the root surface and improved the fluoride uptake into the root surface. Whether the laser-induced surface changes with or without fluoride are beneficial to prevention of root surface caries needs to be studied further.  相似文献   

Due to changes of humoral immunity, patients with rheumatic heart disease present, even before the operation, a high-risk group with regard to the development of infectious complications. Contamination of intraoperative material was revealed in 61.7% of cases during the operation. Extracorporeal circulation increases the cefotaxime half-life period which is in direct proportional dependence of the period of time between the beginning of the administration of the agent and the beginning of extracorporeal circulation. Immunocorrection by means of myelopid in the early postoperative period accelerates restoration of cellular and humoral immunity, and reduces the frequency of pneumonia occurrence and suppuration of the postoperative wound. Therefore, the prevention of infectious complications after operations on an open heart should be complex and should include broad-spectrum antibiotics and immunocorrective therapy.  相似文献   

NIR-spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition approaches is applied to classify samples of clinical study lots in the pharmaceutical industry. The performance of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) and K-nearest neighbour (KNN) method is evaluated on a tablet data set and a capsule data set. To establish a classification model a strategy is followed, which is described in this work. Frequently, in the pharmaceutical industry, several batches of the same clinical study lot are produced. We tested whether it is possible to merge several batches in one class for modelling or, instead, whether it is necessary to model each batch individually.  相似文献   

In recent years, our knowledge concerning pathophysiological changes in brain metabolism after traumatic brain injury (TBI) has greatly expanded. This, in turn, has enabled the development of specific pharmacological strategies for the supplementary treatment of brain-injured patients with the aim of reducing secondary brain damage. The present article focuses on the pathophysiology of TBI and the possibilities for pharmacological intervention. While some of the substances reviewed and presently used in the treatment of TBI, others are under experimental and clinical evaluation at different stages.  相似文献   

In a geriatric acute hospital, a minimum of 20% of the patients aged 60 or older fulfilled the case criteria for a psychogenic illness. Previously published epidemiological investigations had presented similar results. However, due to the limited theoretical training and treatment experience, psychotherapists continue to show extreme reluctance to formulate an indication for psychotherapy in elderly patients. The paper gives an overview of current concepts in development psychology for the second half of life drawing attention to the role of physical aging processes as an "organiser" of development. Sexuality in late life and approaches to dealing with chronic pain are presented as somatic-psychosomatic aspects of aging that challenge present old age stereotypes. Taking typical symptoms into consideration, a basis is established for the discussion of a differentiated therapy indication for elderly patients. Emphasis is on psychoanalytical and cognitive behavioural psychotherapy methods. Finally, perspectives of research are presented.  相似文献   

Interactions of specific amino acid residues of the carboxyl-terminal domain of MetRS with the CAU anticodon of tRNAMet assure accurate and efficient aminoacylation. The substitution of one such residue, Trp461 by Phe, impairs the binding of cognate tRNA, but enhances the binding of noncognate tRNAs, particularly those containing G at the wobble position. However, the enhanced binding of noncognate tRNAs is not accompanied by the increased aminoacylation of these tRNAs. A genetic screening procedure was designed to isolate methionyl-tRNA synthetase mutants which were able to aminoacylate a GGU (threonine) anticodon derivative of tRNAfMet. One such mutant, obtained from W461F MetRS, had an Ile29 to Thr substitution in helix A located in the amino-terminal dinucleotide-fold domain that forms the site for amino acid activation. Analysis of the catalytic properties of the I29T/W461F enzyme indicates that the mutation in helix A of the dinucleotide-fold domain affects kcat for aminoacylation of tRNAs having a GGU threonine anticodon. Interactions with cognate tRNAfMet (CAU), as well as with methionine and ATP were not affected by the Ile29 to Thr substitution. We conclude that the I29T substitution leads to a slight adjustment of the alignment of the CCA stem of noncognate tRNAs (GGU) in the catalytic domain of the enzyme, reflected in the increase in kcat, which also allows mischarging in vivo. A function of Ile29 is therefore to minimize the mischarging of tRNAThr (GGU) by methionyl-tRNA synthetase. The methods described here provide useful tools for examining the mechanisms of tRNA selection by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

Psychologists increasingly have the opportunity to work with persons with serious and chronic mental illnesses. Managed care encourages services that rely less on hospital treatment and more on a combination of brief and intensive outpatient therapy and long-term, low-cost maintenance and support. Diagnostic practices needed to be effective in such an environment include categorical and functional assessment. Psychological treatments that have been demonstrated effective include cognitive-behavioral social skills training, pragmatic supportive therapy, personal therapy, the multimodal functional model, therapeutic contracting, case management, and multiple family therapy. These innovative assessment and treatment techniques are described along with some experimental treatments of cognitive dysfunction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A careful study of the literature of the recent years and a special questionary presented in 1974 to 146 leading scientists and specialists of the country revealed important problems for discussion, such as contradictory approaches to the differentiation of the prevailing forms of lesions--commotion and contusion of the brain--by the degree of their severity, to distinguishing between brain contusion and compression. A prognosis of the tendencies and pathways to the creation of a common up-to-date classification of craniocerebral injuries is made.  相似文献   

A new two-staged method for identifying the rhesus appurtenance of the blood is proposed. During the first stage anti-D-super (IgM monoclonal anti-D-antibodies) are used, during the second stage rhesus appurtenance is identified in a tube using standard universal reagent for determining rhesus factor RhO(D) or it is done using gelatin test with Anti-D (IgG monoclonal anti-D-antibodies). A negative result at stage 1 and positive at stage 2 is a sign of partial antigen D, most probably of the VIth category. Subjects with partial D are qualified as rhesus-positive donors and rhesus-negative recipients.  相似文献   

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