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The effect of the 2 common consumption temperatures, refrigeration temperature (10°C) and room temperature (22°C), on the viscoelasticity, mechanical properties, and perceived texture of commercial cream cheeses was studied. Two samples with different fat contents, regular and low fat, from each of 4 selected commercial brands were analyzed. The selection criteria were based on identification of brands with different percentages of fat content reduction between the regular- and low-fat samples (35, 50, 84, and 98.5%). The fat content of regular-fat samples ranged from 19.8 to 26.0% (wt/wt), and that of low-fat samples ranged from 0.3 to 13.0% (wt/wt). Viscoelasticity was measured in a controlled-stress rheometer using parallel-plate geometry, and the mechanical characteristics of samples were measured using the spreadability test. Differences in the intensity of thickness, creaminess, and roughness between the regular- and low-fat samples of each commercial brand were evaluated at each of the selected temperatures by using the paired comparisons test. At 10°C, all samples showed higher viscoelastic modulus values, firmness, and stickiness, and lower spreadability than when they were measured at 22°C. Differences in viscoelasticity and mechanical properties between each pair of samples of the same brand were greater at 10°C than at 22°C because of the influence not only of fat content but also of fat state. Ingestion temperature did not modify the sensory differences detected between each pair of samples in terms of creaminess and roughness, but it did modify the differences detected in thickness. The joint consideration of sample composition, fat state, and product behavior during oral processing could explain the differences detected in thickness perceived because of measurement temperatures.  相似文献   

Cheeses containing Agave fructans were compared with both full‐fat and reduced‐fat samples without fructans. Microstructure results showed that the cheeses obtained were very similar to the control samples (without fructans), even the full‐fat control sample, demonstrating the texturing role of the carbohydrates. Regarding the composition, a moisture content of 47.96 ± 1.45 and a good protein retention with a low‐fat content were found. Therefore, the cheese yield was not adversely affected, and no significant differences were observed in sensory aspects. Considering the health benefits of fructans and their abundance, this development could represent an innovation for dairy industry.  相似文献   

目的 明确襄阳牛肉面质地的感官与质构特性以及关键评价指标,并探讨感官与质构特性之间的关联性。方法 采用感官评分法对12种不同品牌襄阳牛肉面质地特性进行感官评定,同时使用质构仪开展面条的拉伸实验、剪切实验以及质地剖面分析(texture profile analysis, TPA)等质构特性测定,进一步采用偏最小二乘法回归(partial least squares regression, PLSR)对感官和质构特性进行关联性分析。结果 襄阳牛肉面整体呈现爽滑劲道的感官特性,有弹性、质地较硬且略黏的质构特性。感官指标的适口性、黏性以及韧性对面条质地感官评分影响显著,不同品牌襄阳牛肉面质地的感官评分和质构指标之间均存在较强相关性,剪切硬度、剪切韧性与感官评分值、适口性(软硬度)呈现显著相关性(P<0.05)。分析结果表明影响面条感官评分和适口性的关键质构指标是剪切硬度、剪切韧性以及最大拉伸强度。结论 襄阳牛肉面质地的感官评分和质构指标剪切硬度、剪切韧性以及最大拉伸强度之间存在显著关联性。本研究为构建襄阳牛肉面的感官性状评价体系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用质构仪对不同类型干酪质地品质的研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
对目前市场上比较常见的干酪进行质地分析:分析了干酪的质地参数与其主要化学指标之间的关系.阐述了干酪的力学特性。结果表明,干酪类型的不同,主要取决于工艺过程以及其所含化学成分,例如水分含量不同.由此表现在TPA实验各项指标的差异上。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate instrumental–sensory relationships of some texture scales using argentine foods as references. Textural characteristics of these foods were instrumentally investigated by the texture profile analysis technique. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to describe the main attributes of the food samples. High Pearson’s correlation coefficients were found between hardness and fracturability (r = 0.94; P < 0.0001), hardness and gumminess (r = 0.71; P < 0.0001) and springiness and cohesiveness (r = 0.85; P < 0.0001). PCA identified two significant principal components, which accounted for 81.2% of the variance in the instrumental data. Additionally, a trained panel described the texture characteristics of the food samples according to the standard reference scales. The correlation curves showed nonlinear relationships (R2 between 85.6% and 99.9%) which were used to predict sensory attributes of other food samples. Some texture attributes like hardness and fracturability were accurately predicted by mechanical properties, while others like cohesiveness and adhesiveness were less representative.  相似文献   

A current industry goal is to produce a 75 to 80% fat-reduced Cheddar cheese that is tasty and appealing to consumers. Despite previous studies on reduced-fat cheese, information is critically lacking in understanding the flavor and flavor chemistry of reduced-fat and nonfat Cheddar cheeses and how it differs from its full-fat counterpart. The objective of this study was to document and compare flavor development in cheeses with different fat contents so as to quantitatively characterize how flavor and flavor development in Cheddar cheese are altered with fat reduction. Cheddar cheeses with 50% reduced-fat cheese (RFC) and low-fat cheese containing 6% fat (LFC) along with 2 full-fat cheeses (FFC) were manufactured in duplicate. Cheeses were ripened at 8°C and samples were taken following 2 wk and 3, 6, and 9 mo for sensory and instrumental volatile analyses. A trained sensory panel (n = 10 panelists) documented flavor attributes of cheeses. Volatile compounds were extracted by solid-phase microextraction or solvent-assisted flavor evaporation followed by separation and identification using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-olfactometry. Selected compounds were quantified using external standard curves. Sensory properties of cheeses were distinct initially but more differences were documented as cheeses aged. By 9 mo, LFC and RFC displayed distinct burnt/rosy flavors that were not present in FFC. Sulfur flavor was also lower in LFC compared with other cheeses. Forty aroma-active compounds were characterized in the cheeses by headspace or solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography-olfactometry. Compounds were largely not distinct between the cheeses at each time point, but concentration differences were evident. Higher concentrations of furanones (furaneol, homofuraneol, sotolon), phenylethanal, 1-octen-3-one, and free fatty acids, and lower concentrations of lactones were present in LFC compared with FFC after 9 mo of ripening. These results confirm that flavor differences documented between full-fat and reduced-fat cheeses are not due solely to differences in matrix and flavor release but also to distinct differences in ripening biochemistry, which leads to an imbalance of many flavor-contributing compounds.  相似文献   

Three different commercial starter cultures, Choozit? MA 11 (MA ), Choozit? BT 01 (BT ) and Choozit? Feta A (Feta), were used to remedy textural and aromatic defects and improve the overall quality of low‐fat Tulum cheeses. Chemical and sensory analyses as well as electrophoresis were performed. Supplemental yoghurt bacteria and Lactobacillus helveticus were found to be key contributors in proteolysis with varying protein breakdown capacities. The results suggest that using appropriate culture combinations could result in low‐fat Tulum cheeses with better sensory characteristics and proteolysis rates.  相似文献   

Textural characteristics of process cheeses varying in emulsifying salt (disodium phosphate), protein and moisture contents were evaluated by rheological compression using texture profile analysis and by sensory evaluation. The primary objective of this study was to predict sensory textural parameters using instrumental rheological parameters. All sensory parameters correlated with one or more instrumental parameters, e.g. rheological firmness versus sensory firmness (R = 0.98, P < 0.001), rheological chewiness versus sensory rubbery (R = 0.92, P < 0.001) and rheological chewiness versus sensory chewy (R = 0.86, P < 0.001). Partial least squares calibration models were developed for each of nine sensory parameters using instrumental parameters. Principal component analysis of instrumental and sensory parameters illustrated relationships among parameters. It was shown that instrumental parameters could be used to supplement sensory evaluation of process cheese texture. Increasing emulsifying salt content increased firmness, springiness and chewiness and decreased adhesiveness, mouthcoating and mass formation. Increasing protein content resulted in increased fracture strain and stress and chewiness and decreased melting. Increasing moisture content increased cohesiveness and decreased firmness and chewiness. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Roasting is a common process for chickpeas to improve their texture, palatability, appearance, shelf-life, physical, and functional properties. This study aimed to determine the effect of different roasting methods (conventional, microwave, and microwave + conventional) on the proximate and amino acid compositions, powder properties, texture, and sensorial properties of the chickpeas. For this purpose three different roasting times (3, 5, and 7 min), microwave powers (100, 300, and 600 W), and microwave roasting + conventional roasting treatment (100 W + 250 °C, 300 W + 250 °C, and 600 W + 250 °C) were applied to raw chickpea samples. The moisture content and water activity values of roasted chickpeas were found to be lower than 7% (w.b.) and 0.50, respectively. The lower ash and protein contents, hygroscopicity value, wettability time and higher fat content and L* value were observed for control compared to roasted samples. The flowability behaviour of the samples was found at a fair level. Roasting methods significantly affected the amount of amino acids in chickpeas but do not reduce the nutritional quality of their proteins. The hardness value of chickpea samples from the suture and cheek angle was decreased parallel to the increase in the roasting temperature and time. The highest sensory scores in terms of general appeal were obtained from the combined group (300 W–250 °C) for 3 min.  相似文献   

目的 分析养殖大黄鱼质构特性与感官评价的相关性。方法 选择温州不同海域的养殖大黄鱼样品进行肥满度、蛋白质、脂肪、水分、胶原蛋白测定,并进行感官评定和质构剖面分析(textureprofileanalysis,TPA);对结果进行因子和主成分分析,以及相关性分析;再以TPA指标为自变量、感官评价指标为因变量进行逐步回归分析,建立感官预测模型。结果 温州不同海域养殖大黄鱼,在肥满度、脂肪含量、蛋白质含量、质构测定中弹性与咀嚼性指标均存在显著性差异,感官评价指标也存在显著性差异。通过主成分分析得到TPA指标和感官评价指标各1个主成分,累计方差贡献率分别为72.86%和89.97%。相关性结果表明,感官评价结果与TPA测定结果之间存在显著的相关性(r=-0.933~0.808,P<0.05),并建立了色泽、滋味、肉纤维和质地与咀嚼性的预测模型和气味与弹性的预测模型。结论 本研究确定了温州地区养殖大黄鱼品质评价定量指标;大黄鱼感官评价指标受TPA指标中的弹性、咀嚼性影响;本研究的温州大黄鱼感官评价预测模型为大黄鱼品质评价标准体系的科学建立提供了依据。  相似文献   

The effects of manufacturing steps, including rate of acidification in the vat, hot room step, curd wash and ripening temperature, on the sensory character of Swiss-type and Swiss–Cheddar hybrid-type cheeses were determined. In addition, relationships were determined between sensory attributes of cheeses and their gross compositional constituents and volatile compounds. Ten assessors described the sensory characteristics using 12 odour, 19 flavour, four appearance and nine texture attributes. Gross compositional constituents were determined using standard methods. Volatile compounds were isolated using a model mouth apparatus that included a mastication device. Statistical methods were used to reduce the original sensory vocabulary to four odour, eight flavour, three appearance and five texture attributes. Results of a principal component analysis on the sensory data showed clear differences in sensory character between cheese types. For example, the Swiss-type with a low rate of acid production in the vat and a hot room step had a more 'nutty' and 'sweet' flavour than the modified Swiss-type with higher acid production and no hot room step. However, the modified Swiss–Cheddar hybrid with a curd wash step, a higher acid production and no hot room step also had a 'nutty' and 'sweet' flavour. Ripening temperature also has an effect on sensory character. Relationships between sensory character and volatile compounds and/or gross compositional constituents were determined by using partial least squares regression. One odour and one flavour attribute were shown to be correlated with subsets of volatile compounds and gross compositional constituents. Four texture attributes were correlated with subsets of gross compositional constituents. The availability of information on the manufacturing process increased the interpretability of the models.  相似文献   

以不同贮藏期的苹果为样品,在感官品质评定和TPA指标测定的基础上,探讨TPA参数与苹果感官指标之间的相关性,运用逐步回归分析法建立各项感官指标的预测模型并验证。结果表明,苹果的TPA参数与感官指标之间存在一定的相关性,尤其与口感质地(硬度、黏性、弹性、内聚性、耐咀性、回复性的r值分别为0.992 3,0.991 9,0.936 8,0.952 3,0.951 3,0.936 5)和手感质地(硬度、黏性、弹性、内聚性、耐咀性、回复性的r值分别为0.926 1,0.954 7,0.901 1,0.945 8,0.912 2,0.921 9)间呈极强的正相关;TPA质地参数中硬度、黏性、弹性、内聚性、耐咀性、回复性与感官评定指标的外观、气味、风味、口感质地、手感质地及感官评定总分间存在显著相关性(外观、气味、风味、口感质地、手感质地的R~2值分别为0.644,0.569,0.819,0.959,0.915);黏性和内聚性对苹果各项感官指标的预测具有重要的作用。采用苹果TPA质地特性参数预测其感官品质的方法是可行的,研究为利用TPA参数客观评价苹果的感官品质提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of exopolysaccharide (EPS)‐producing or non‐EPS‐producing starters on proteolysis, physical and microstructural characteristics of full‐fat or low‐fat Tulum cheeses during ripening. For this purpose, Tulum cheese was manufactured using full‐ or low‐fat milk with EPS‐producing and non‐EPS‐producing starter cultures. Chemical composition, proteolysis, texture profiles and microstructure of the cheeses were studied during 90 days of ripening. Urea‐PAGE of water‐insoluble and RP‐HPLC peptide profiles of water‐soluble fractions of the cheeses showed that the use of starters resulted in different degradation patterns in all cheeses during ripening. Although β‐casein exhibited similar degradation patterns in all cheeses, small differences are present in αs1‐casein degradation during ripening. Reducing fat in Tulum cheese changed the RP‐HPLC peptide profile of the cheeses. The use of EPS‐producing cultures improved the textural characteristics and changed the microstructure and proteolysis of low‐fat Tulum cheese.  相似文献   

The effects of pectin gel and protein base on processed semi-solid cheese analogues were studied through microstructure, texture, rheology, thermal analysis and sensory evaluation. Scanning electron microscopy revealed differences in the microstructure of processed cheese analogues. Samples made with full-fat contained higher concentrations of fat globules and were denser compared with low-fat cheese analogues with or without pectin gel. The pectin gel in the products acted as a linkage with other ingredients and made the products more compact and had less cavity compared with the products without pectin gel added. On rheological analysis, the full-fat products manifested a more solid-like form. The storage modulus of pectin gel sample was higher than that without pectin gel. All the samples' rheological parameters were depending on the oscillatory frequency and temperature. In low-fat samples, pectin gel added or not affected the hardness, gumminess, chewiness and adhesiveness significantly. The pectin gel addition show positive effect to the texture profile of the low-fat cheese analogues. Through thermal analysis, the meltability and glass transition temperature of the processed cheese analogues were measured. The low-fat cheese analogue with pectin gel addition got the higher texture and mouthfeel scores through sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

The degradation by heat of surface colour and texture of pickled green olives has been studied with the aim of optimising the thermal treatments used for their conservation. A first order kinetics has been assumed in order to be able to quantify this degradation for temperatures between 70 and 100°C. The equations obtained for the thermal destruction times of colour (pasteurisation units at 60°C, PU = 16·2 min and z = 74·3 C) and texture (PU = 26·6 min and z = 62·8°C) allow affirmation that these organoleptic characteristics are not affected by the thermal pasteurisation treatments necessary to guarantee the product's stability.  相似文献   

目的研究鱼肉质构特性及其仪器测定和感官结果的相关性。方法选用不同腌制时间的加州鲈样品进行仪器质地剖面分析(texture profile analysis,TPA)和感官评价。结果主成分分析实验中,鲈鱼腌制品TPA指标和感官评价指标分别得出2个主成分,累计方差贡献率分别达87.39%和82.17%;腌制时间为2 h时,TPA指标值和感官评价较优。相关性分析结果表明,感官粘聚性与TPA咀嚼性、TPA胶黏性具有显著负相关性(P0.05,r=-0.713;P0.01,r=-0.834),感官胶黏性与TPA硬度显著正相关(P0.05,r=0.805)。结论选取感官指标为因变量,TPA指标为自变量进行逐步回归分析,得到具有统计学意义的感官粘聚性和胶黏性的预测方程,为鲈鱼腌制品在品质评价上的预测提供了依据。  相似文献   

Buffalo milk Cheddar cheese samples of different ages were analysed for compositional attributes (CA), ripening indices (RI) and Instron Textural Profile (ITP). All samples were compositionally alike, except for pH and salt-in-moisture (SM) contents. RI showed significant variations. CA and RI showed highly significant correlations within themselves and with each other, except for moisture with pH, SM with moisture, MNFS, Fat and FDM and Fat with MNFS. The ITPs of cheeses showed significant variations and had highly significant intercorrelations indicating their interdependence. CA (except moisture and MNFS) and RI showed a highly significant correlationship with ITPs. Moisture content showed a highly significant correlationship with all ITPs, except cohesiveness and springiness, where it was significant. MNFS content showed significant correlations only with hardness and brittleness. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that MI was the most predominant factor influencing cheese texture, followed by pH, SM, FDM and TVFA. Knowing Ca and RI, the textural properties of cheeses can be forecast through mathematical equations. Similarly the age of cheese can also be predicted if RI and/or textural properties are known.  相似文献   

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