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The objective was to evaluate high pressure processing (HPP) on postmortem metabolism and pork quality. Six pigs were randomly selected immediately after slaughter. After splitting, one side was randomly designated for HPP of 215 MPa for 15 s with water temperature at 33 °C and the other side (non-pressure treated) served as the control. Chilled sides were fabricated into loins, boneless picnic, boneless Boston butt, and ham. Samples were cut from the loin, inside portion of the ham and cushion (M. triceps brachii). Pork quality, lipid oxidation, connective tissue solubility, protein functionality, sensory analysis, and processed characteristics of restructured hams were evaluated. HPP partially inhibits postmortem metabolism, indicated by lower muscle lactate levels and higher ultimate pH values. Cook and drip loss were both reduced in HPP treated muscles compared to controls. HPP treated sides were more tender than controls. Collagen content was not different between HPP and control groups.  相似文献   

The stability of anthocyanin (Cy3Gl) and ascorbic acid (AA) of pressure treated Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.) juice was investigated during storage at temperature of 4 °C and 25 °C. Samples of Chinese bayberry juice (350 mL each, packed with a polyethylene bag) were processed at 400, 500, 600 MPa in room temperature for 10 min. The retention ratio of Cy3Gl and AA content after pressure treatment was more than 98% and 96%, respectively. Both Cy3Gl and AA of pressure treated juice were more stable during storage as compared to those of the untreated control juice. The degradation of Cy3Gl and AA of samples during storage could be described using first order kinetic model. It was observed that there was a significant (p < 0.01) correlation between changes of Cy3Gl and AA content for all tested samples of Chinese bayberry juice during storage.  相似文献   

The combined effects of high pressure processing (HPP) and temperature on meat quality attributes were assessed in bovine M. pectoralis profundus, with particular focus on lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition. Beef samples were pressurised at 200, 300 and 400 MPa at two different temperatures 20 °C and 40 °C. Both pressure and temperature regimes had significant effects on colour, cook loss and lipid oxidation. Pressurisation at 200 MPa had a lower impact on colour parameters than higher pressurisation levels. Cook loss also increased when higher levels of pressure were applied. Across all pressure conditions, lower cook loss was observed at 40 °C compared to 20 °C. An increase in TBARS values was observed at the higher pressure levels (300, 400 MPa). While some alterations of individual fatty acids were observed, high pressure had no effect on polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid (PUFA/SFA) or omega 6/omega 3 (n6/n3) ratio. The temperature at which HPP was applied had a significant effect on the sum of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MONO) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids. HPP at 40 °C showed higher SFA and PUFA and lower MONO compared to HPP at 20 °C. These results show that high pressure at low or moderate temperatures improves the microbiological quality of the meat with minimal affects on meat quality.  相似文献   

高压加工技术在水产品中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高压加工技术是目前食品工业中热门加工技术之一,它能够保持食品的天然风味,但这种方法目前在水产品中应用还不是很多,本文综述了高压加工技术对水产品中微生物和水产品品质的影响。  相似文献   

金雅芳  邓云 《食品与机械》2015,31(3):135-139
研究超高压处理对鱿鱼品质和货架期的影响。在25℃下,对鱿鱼进行200,400,600 MPa,5,10,20min的超高压处理。在4℃条件下储藏10d后,分析超高压对储藏期间鱿鱼的水分、蛋白质、脂肪、pH和菌落总数的影响。结果表明:储藏前,超高压对鱿鱼基本组分基本没有影响,随压力增加和时间的延长,水分、脂肪、蛋白质含量及pH没有显著变化,但总菌落数显著下降,于600 MPa处理20 min后,总菌落数下降1.7lg CFU/g左右;储藏10d后,对照组的菌落总数上升至7.0lg CFU/g,而超高压处理各组仍保持较低水平。由此可见,超高压处理可以保留鱿鱼的营养品质、延长其货架期。  相似文献   

The influence of high pressure processing (HPP) on the inhibition of trimethylamine-N-oxide demethylase (TMAOase) activity and off-odour production in squid treated at 300 MPa for 20 min was investigated during 12 days of refrigerated storage. TMAOase activity of raw squid (21.5 nkat/g) was significantly decreased to approximately 5 nkat/g after 20 min of HPP. The production of dimethylamine (DMA) in HPP-treated squid for 20 min was significantly decreased to 0.31 μmol/g after 12 days of storage. The decrease in DMA was correlated with the decrease in TMAOase activity. At 300 MPa, the number of total aerobic bacteria in squid was reduced by 1.26 log units after 20 min of HPP. The HPP-treated samples effectively reduced the amount of trimethylamine (TMA). Therefore, the HPP could be used as a promising alternative technology to retard the quality deterioration of squid by inhibiting TMAOase activity and microbial growth.  相似文献   

以蓝莓汁为原料,采用200~500MPa高压分别对蓝莓汁处理5~15min,对处理后的蓝莓汁进行微生物和理化指标检测。研究结果表明:超高压处理杀菌效果显著,400MPa处理10min已无菌落检出;高压处理对蓝莓汁色泽、还原糖、可溶性固形物的影响较小,蓝莓汁中的花青素和VC含量在高压处理后保留率达90%以上,而总酸和总酚含量略有下降。   相似文献   

该实验研究超高压对花生分离蛋白溶解性影响,测定不同压力、加压时间、蛋白浓度、pH值时花生分离蛋白溶解性。结果表明:花生分离蛋白随处理压力升高和处理时间延长,其溶解性提高;花生分离蛋白浓度越高,溶解度也越大;在pH 6~9范围内,花生分离蛋白溶解性随pH增加而增大。  相似文献   

Microbial, physical and structural changes in high pressured wheat dough were studied as a function of pressure level (50-250 MPa) and holding time (1-4 min). Thereafter, selected conditions of high hydrostatic processing (HPP) were applied to bread dough and the technological quality of the obtained breads was studied. The effect of HPP on wheat dough was investigated by determining microbial population (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, moulds and yeasts), color and mechanical and texture surface related dough parameters (cohesiveness, adhesiveness, hardness and stickiness). HPP reduced the endogenous microbial population of wheat dough from 104 colony forming units/g (CFU) to levels of 102 CFU. HPP treatment significantly (P < 0.05) increased dough hardness and adhesiveness, whereas treatment time reduced its stickiness. Scanning electron micrographs suggested that proteins were affected when subjected to pressure levels higher than 50 MPa, but starch modification required higher pressure levels. HPP treated yeasted doughs led to wheat breads with different appearance and technological characteristics; crumb acquired brownish color and heterogeneous cell gas distribution with increased hardness due to new crumb structure. This study suggests that high hydrostatic processing in the range 50-200 MPa could be an alternative technique for obtaining novel textured cereal based products.  相似文献   

为探究玫瑰和陈皮对烘炒花生仁货架期品质的影响,以添加玫瑰花、陈皮的烘炒花生仁为研究对象,以添加0.2 g/kg 叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)的花生仁、不额外添加的烘炒花生仁分别作为阳性和阴性对照,采用Schaal烘箱法对烘炒花生仁进行加速氧化,测定各组花生仁在烘箱储藏期间的酸价、过氧化值、丙二醛、色度、质构、水分含量、水分活度,并进行感官评价;采用风味值拟合一次函数,预测花生仁货架期。实验结果表明,与阴性对照组相比,添加植物组能较好地控制油脂水解、游离脂肪酸氧化程度,抑制氢过氧化合物和丙二醛值的上升,抑制花生L*值下降、a*值上升,丰富烘炒花生风味;与阳性对照组相比,添加植物组能较好地抑制丙二醛上升、维持花生色度。根据风味感官评分值拟合所得一次函数预测出货架期,陈皮组、玫瑰组、阳性对照组、阴性对照组的货架期分别为9.0个月、8.5个月、7.7个月和4.7个月。本实验为延长烘炒花生货架期提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Vacuum-packaged cooked poultry meat was treated at a range of pressures (400–600 MPa) and hold times (1, 2 and 10 min), followed by storage at 4°, 8° or 12 °C for up to 35 days. Weissella viridescens was found to be the dominant microorganism in the pressure-treated meat, constituting 100% of the microflora identified at 500 and 600 MPa. None of the pressure-treated samples had obvious signs of spoilage during the 35 day storage period, even when the Weissella count was >7 log10 cfu/g. Studies on a typical W. viridescens isolate showed it to be relatively pressure-resistant in poultry meat, with <1 log reduction in numbers after a treatment of 2 min at 600 MPa. Agar diffusion assays showed that the isolate also caused the inhibition of a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens, including strains of Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli. The selection of a pressure-resistant organism, such as this Weissella sp. could be advantageous in extending the shelf-life, and also microbiological safety, of the cooked meat, as it could give protection in addition to the pressure treatment itself.  相似文献   

Our aim was to achieve a single-step pressure-heat process that would produce tender, juicy beef steaks from meat that would otherwise be tough when cooked. Steak portions (25 mm thick) from hind-quarter muscles were subjected to heat treatment at 60, 64, 68, 72 or 76 °C for 20 min, with or without simultaneous application of high pressure (200 MPa). Control steaks were heated at 60 °C for 20 min with or without pressure and cooked at 80 °C for 30 min. Compared with heat alone, pressure treatment resulted in higher lightness scores at all temperatures and overall yield was improved by pressure treatment at each temperature. Even at 76 °C, the overall water losses were < 10% compared with > 30% for heat alone. Meat tenderness (peak shear force) was improved for the pressure–heat samples at temperatures above 64 °C, and was optimal at 76 °C. Therefore, subject to microbial evaluation, this single-step pressure-heat process could be used to produce tender, high moisture content steaks ready for consumption.  相似文献   

Scallops are the third largest aquaculture mollusks product, while they are highly perishable during storage. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of high pressure processing (HPP) on physicochemical and sensorial properties of scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) during refrigeration storage. The scallop adductor muscle was treated with different pressures (200, 300, 400 and 500 MPa, 5 min) and iced storage for 28 days. Results showed that HPP delayed microbial growth as pressure increased. HPP (≥400 MPa) resulted in myosin and actin denaturation, increased hardness, whiteness, pH and promoted water migration. However, preliminary sensory analysis showed no significant difference between pressure-treated and control adductor muscles in appearance, odour, texture and overall acceptability after cooking. In addition, pressure-treated adductor muscles (≥300 MPa) remained edible after 28 days of storage. Overall, these results can provide basic knowledge for the storage of pressure-treated scallop meat.  相似文献   

文中研究了山楂黄酒经100MPa~600MPa处理15min后其理化性质、香气成分及感官品质的变化.研究结果表明,山楂黄酒经200MPa处理后,总酸显著增加(p<0.05),而经300MPa~600MPa处理后则显著降低(p<0.05);高压处理后其稳定性、可溶性固形物并无显著变化(p>0.05),总糖、氨基酸态氮、pH值显著增加(p<0.05),酒精度、电导率显著降低(p<0.05).GC-MS结果表明:经200MPa、400MPa和600MPa处理15min后,1-丁醇、2,3-丁二醇、苯乙醇等醇类和乙酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、丁二酸二乙酯、苯乙酸乙酯等酯类含量明显增加,乙醛含量明显降低,400MPa处理的酒样香气变化最显著.感官评定结果表明,高压处理后的山楂黄酒澄清透明,果香味突出,酒体醇厚,口感协调、饱满.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine whether hyperbaric treatment has an effect on the shelf life of lettuce during short‐term storage. Lettuce was treated with different pressure and temperature conditions (100–850 kPa at 20 °C and 100 kPa at 4 °C). A preliminary experiment was performed with different treatment periods, that is, 3, 5 and 7 days. Hyperbaric treatment of lettuces at 20 °C caused noticeable changes in sensory quality, but the product was still marketable after 3 days. On the other hand, the cold‐stored lettuce showed little degradation even after 7 days of treatment, at which time all the lettuce treated at 20 °C was unmarketable. At 5 days of treatment, the respiration rate of hyperbaric‐treated lettuces at 625 and 850 kPa remained fairly stable, while that of the lower‐pressure‐treated lettuce began to increase, indicating the initiation of decay. The 850‐kPa hyperbaric treatment showed better quality results than the 100 kPa, 20 °C treatment. Overall, hyperbaric treatment has the potential of being used as an alternative technique for short‐term storage of lettuce without refrigeration.  相似文献   

The effect of high pressure (HP; 300 and 400 MPa for 5 min at 6 °C) on physico-chemical, microbial, color, texture and sensorial characteristics of starter-free fresh cheeses stored at 4 and 8 °C was studied. Physico-chemical parameters considered were total solids, fat, total protein, pH, whey loss and water activity. The microbiological quality was studied, on cheeses stored at 4 and 8 °C, by enumerating aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactococci, psychrotrophic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, molds and yeasts. Cheeses treated at 300 and 400 MPa, stored at 4 °C, presented a shelf-life of 14 and 21 days, respectively, compared to untreated control cheese, which presented a shelf life of 7 days. On the other hand, HP treatments modified the texture (more firm) and color (more yellow) compared to control cheeses. These changes were detected by instrumental and sensory analysis.  相似文献   

Meat high-hydrostatic pressure treatment causes severe decolouration, preventing its commercialisation due to consumer rejection. Novel procedures involving product freezing plus low-temperature pressure processing are here investigated. Room temperature (20 °C) pressurisation (650 MPa/10 min) and air blast freezing (−30 °C) are compared to air blast freezing plus high pressure at subzero temperature (−35 °C) in terms of drip loss, expressible moisture, shear force, colour, microbial quality and storage stability of fresh and salt-added beef samples (Longissimus dorsi muscle). The latter treatment induced solid water transitions among ice phases. Fresh beef high pressure treatment (650 MPa/20 °C/10 min) increased significantly expressible moisture while it decreased in pressurised (650 MPa/−35 °C/10 min) frozen beef. Salt addition reduced high pressure-induced water loss. Treatments studied did not change fresh or salt-added samples shear force. Frozen beef pressurised at low temperature showed L, a and b values after thawing close to fresh samples. However, these samples in frozen state, presented chromatic parameters similar to unfrozen beef pressurised at room temperature. Apparently, freezing protects meat against pressure colour deterioration, fresh colour being recovered after thawing. High pressure processing (20 °C or −35 °C) was very effective reducing aerobic total (2-log10 cycles) and lactic acid bacteria counts (2.4-log10 cycles), in fresh and salt-added samples. Frozen + pressurised beef stored at −18 °C during 45 days recovered its original colour after thawing, similarly to just-treated samples while their counts remain below detection limits during storage.  相似文献   

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