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荣朋涛 《食品与机械》2016,32(7):234-236
在当前对出口食品包装英语翻译缺乏有效管理的情况下,其在实际使用中开始出现各种各样的问题,对其在国际市场上的竞争力产生了很大的负面影响。这些问题主要包括机械性直译、严重语法错误、对文化内涵的忽视,以及不注意进口国的禁忌等。经过认真分析,可以发现其原因主要包括直接使用翻译软件翻译、翻译人员素质不高、忽视对消费者的文化调查,以及缺乏必要的审核等。针对这些问题,有必要在确立其是否符合英语本身的特点以及进口国文化特点这两大原则的基础上,找到有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

One sixth of the world's population is food insecure with many of these people living in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition have multiple reasons, many of which are beyond the reach and capacity of the food science community to remediate. Knowledge of food science and technology can dramatically improve the situation wherever food insecurity exists. This knowledge can increase our understanding of the conditions under which agricultural produce has to be handled, processed and distributed after harvesting. To develop practical measures, the Food Security Task Force of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) is developing a strategy to expand and broaden the Food Science/Technology knowledge base in neglected geographical areas. Specifically, IUFoST is offering Food Science/Technology training material for non‐academic food industry entrepreneurs utilising distance education technology. Part of IUFoST's effort is the transfer of appropriate technologies for pilot‐scale processes which foster linkages between farmers and food industries and stimulate growing high value crops.  相似文献   

A survey for irradiation of 106 herbal food supplements was carried out in Denmark in 2003. The results from three methods, two screening methods and a specific method, were compared: Direct epifluorescent filter technique/aerobic plate count (DEFT/APC), photostimulated luminescence (PSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) standardised by Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN). Forty samples screened positive with the DEFT/APC method. However, the TL method could only confirm irradiation of 15 samples, 11 samples wholly irradiated and 4 samples with a minor irradiated ingredient. Thus, the DEFT/APC method gave a large number of false positive results, although the number of false negative results probably was very low. Only 7 of the 15 confirmed irradiated samples screened positive with the PSL screening method, the samples with low photon counts escaping detection. For 10% of the samples also the TL method was lacking in sensitivity, as not enough minerals could be isolated to get a signal over the minimum detection level. For such clean herbal food supplements no suitable method exists at all among the CEN standardised methods for irradiation detection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Photoinitiators are ink components used in the printing of food packaging. The aim of the present study was to develop a multimethod for the analysis of photoinitiators in paperboard packages and commercial beverage packages. The proposed method is simple and fairly rapid. Extraction is carried out with acetonitrile. A reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with UV detection was developed to quantify the 6 selected photoionitiators. Total HPLC time analysis was 30 min and the flow-rate was 1 mL/min. Method validation parameters such as linearity and detection limit are reported. Recovery of all photoinitiators (at 1 mg/kg) from orange juice was satisfactory (mean = 88.4%; ranging from 84.6% to 93.4%). Recovery of benzophenone and Irgacure 651 was good (ranging from 85.2% to 98.1% and 86.1% to 92.2%, respectively) at the 4 concentrations studied (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1 mg/kg). Commercial beverage packages were analyzed and when photoinitiators were detected, the beverages were also analyzed.  相似文献   


The co-existence approach of GM crops with conventional agriculture and organic farming as a feasible agricultural farming system has recently been placed in the center of hot debates at the EU-level and become a source of anxiety in developing countries. The main promises of this approach is to ensure “food security” and “food safety” on the one hand, and to avoid the adventitious presence of GM crops in conventional and organic farming on the other, as well as to present concerns in many debates on implementing the approach in developing countries. Here, we discuss the main debates on (“what,” “why,” “who,” “where,” “which,” and “how”) applying this approach in developing countries and review the main considerations and tradeoffs in this regard. The paper concludes that a peaceful co-existence between GM, conventional, and organic farming is not easy but is still possible. The goal should be to implement rules that are well-established proportionately, efficiently and cost-effectively, using crop-case, farming system-based and should be biodiversity-focused ending up with “codes of good agricultural practice” for co-existence.  相似文献   

Consumer preferences for the use of an innovative menu solution in public canteen services in the UK, Greece, France, and Denmark were investigated. Participants from both control and test groups were first introduced to the FoodSMART app through a video clip as well as verbal explanations. The control group filled a questionnaire evaluating their preferences for the use of a technical menu solution in public food services straight away, whereas the test group had the opportunity to experience the app adapted to a daily canteen menu in real-time before completing the questionnaire. The data collected was examined in both country-specific and collected manners. Participants in all four countries valued the canteen food quality the most, especially food hygiene, sustainability, safety, and freshness. Their preferences for other features such as app functions, information provision, and ethical issues varied in different countries. The knowledge gained from this study provides valuable lessons for the future design of a food-quality-focused digital menu solution in canteen services adapted to the specific country and population context to promote informed consumer food choices.  相似文献   

For many of the developing world's poorest farmers and food-insecure people, roots, tubers, bananas and plantain crops (RTBs) serve as a critical source of food, nutrition and cash income. RTBs have been particularly important in areas where local agri-food systems are under stress. Under such circumstances, growers, processors and traders often see opportunities to improve food security or increase their incomes with those crops due to shifting tastes and preferences for food and non-food products. Since the early 1990s, cassava output surged in sub-Saharan Africa, while potato production expanded rapidly in Asia. RTBs are consumed by over three billion people in developing countries with a market value of US$ 339 billion. This paper analyses the major changes in production, utilisation and trade of RTBs over the last six decades, assesses estimates of their future trajectory and offers recommendations so that they might achieve their full potential.  相似文献   


The technology of composite flours, through which a partial substitution of wheat flour by flours produced from locally grown grains is accomplished, represents an interesting option to control the negative effects caused by increasing imports of wheat in non‐wheat‐producing developing countries. Composite flour research has been carried out in developed and developing countries since 1964 when FAO first presented its Composite Flour Programme.

Research has shown that the introduction of the composite flours concept is technically feasible and economically desirable in most cases. However, the expected impact on agroindustrial development of wheat nonproducing countries has not been produced because the technology has not been successfully introduced to the industrial sector. This paper states that for a technological change to succeed, the institutional and policy environment has to be favorable and appropriate changes on the macroeconomic environment have to be made. MEPS (methodology for assessing and programming production‐consumption systems) is an appropriate tool for characterizing the system in which the composite flour technology is to be introduced, for quantifying the macro‐ and micro‐economic implications of introducing the technology and for designing and simulating the required measures that must be taken for implementing a composite flour program.

The results of applying MEPS to assessing and programming the systems of the five Andean Pact countries are described. The comparison of the five country programs against a 5‐year projection of the present wheat system (based on 90% to 100% imported wheat), indicated that the implementation of the programs would promote the incorporation of 700,000 new hectares for the local production of grains (wheat, rice, com, barley, and soybeans) and would generate 51,000 new jobs, US $110 million in value added, and US $100 million in foreign exchange savings. The most outstanding characteristic of the composite flour programs described in the paper is that in their design, not only activities and investment requirements were considered, but also the necessary policies for the technical change to take place. The programs are under consideration by the governments of the Andean Pact Countries within their Food Security Scheme. The programs would produce the greatest impact in the agricultural component of the systems and would introduce technical change in the agricultural and agroindustrial components, with the possibility of creating important demands on the subregional agricultural inputs and capital goods sector. The subregional character of the studies and the standard methodological approach used facilitated the outlining of a subregional composite flour program. The operation of such a program would accelerate subregional harmonization of policies and program development at the country level, and would integrate important activities such as the purchase of wheat, machinery and equipment, project financing, and the provision of technical assistance. The programs and the methodological approach used represent a step forward in the direction of selecting the most favorable conditions, policy and otherwise, for the successful transfer of the composite flour technology in developing countries.  相似文献   

An article is presented describing the background information on the use of ozone, bacteriocins and irradiation for destroying pathogens in food products. Their effectiveness on some pathogens of importance in food processing systems and issues of concern are highlighted. It could be concluded that although each one has the potential for use as an alternative preservation technology in specific food processing applications, no single method, except irradiation, is likely to be effective against all food spoilage and food poisoning microorganisms in all food matrices. However, the synergistic effect of one of these methods and other 'hurdles' or modes of food preservations could be used to ensure the microbial safety and prevention of the development of undesirable sensory and chemical changes in some food products. Bacteriocins may contribute an additional barrier in the 'hurdle concept' of food safety.  相似文献   

欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(rapid alert system for food and feed, RASFF), 作为欧盟食品安全监管的核心平台, 使得欧盟委员会及各成员国能够迅速发现食品安全风险并及时采取措施, 避免风险的进一步扩大, 从而有效地保证食品安全。本文根据2018年欧盟RASFF发布食品通报情况, 总结各国被通报产品种类、被通报国家/地区及通报风险种类情况, 并对重点产品进行风险分析, 分析问题产生的原因, 以期减少或避免类似情况发生, 确保输欧食品贸易的顺利进行, 并初步探讨适合我国出口食品安全监管的应对措施。  相似文献   

The usefulness of solid phase microextraction (SPME) to detect the occurrence of the irradiation markers 2-dodecylcyclobutanone (2-DCB) and 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene in irradiated ground beef was evaluated. To that aim, beef samples were irradiated with different irradiation doses and subsequently examined together with non-irradiated beef samples used as control samples. The SPME conditions applied were selected as a result of performing an optimization process including different fibers (PDMS, DVB/CAR/PDMS, polyacrylate and PDMS/DVB), as well as extraction times (10, 25 and 40 min) and temperatures (40 and 60 °C). For comparison, 2-DCB and 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene were additionally identified in some of the samples by steam distillation–solvent extraction (SDE). Although this study is a preliminary work, from the results obtained SPME seemed to be a rapid and valuable technique to determine 2-DCB and 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene in ground beef subjected to irradiation, offering advantages over other methods reported in the literature. In addition, SPME allowed to confirm the validity of 2-DCB as an useful marker to distinguish non-irradiated from irradiated ground beef. On the contrary, the occurrence of 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene was however established in both types of samples by SPME and SDE.  相似文献   

The lack of safe water creates a tremendous burden of diarrheal disease and other debilitating, life-threatening illnesses for people in the developing world. Point-of-use (POU) water treatment technology has emerged as an approach that empowers people and communities without access to safe water to improve water quality by treating it in the home. Several POU technologies are available, but, except for boiling, none have achieved sustained, large-scale use. Sustained use is essential if household water treatment technology (HWT) is to provide continued protection, but it is difficult to achieve. The most effective, widely promoted and used POU HWTs are critically examined according to specified criteria for performance and sustainability. Ceramic and biosand household water filters are identified as most effective according to the evaluation criteria applied and as having the greatest potential to become widely used and sustainable for improving household water quality to reduce waterborne disease and death.  相似文献   

作为一种可能带来食品安全风险的行为,经济利益驱动型掺假(EMA)已经给消费者造成了巨大的健康和经济损失,本文通过成本-收益分析方法,对非法和合法食品企业选择EMA行为的动机和原因进行了分析,结果表明,非法和合法食品企业选择EMA行为的动机和原因存在明显差异。因此,EMA防控时对两类企业要采用不同的防控模式和机制。   相似文献   

Although prototypes of automatic lameness detection systems for dairy cattle exist, information about their economic value is lacking. In this paper, a conceptual and operational framework for simulating the farm-specific economic value of automatic lameness detection systems was developed and tested on 4 system types: walkover pressure plates, walkover pressure mats, camera systems, and accelerometers. The conceptual framework maps essential factors that determine economic value (e.g., lameness prevalence, incidence and duration, lameness costs, detection performance, and their relationships). The operational simulation model links treatment costs and avoided losses with detection results and farm-specific information, such as herd size and lameness status. Results show that detection performance, herd size, discount rate, and system lifespan have a large influence on economic value. In addition, lameness prevalence influences the economic value, stressing the importance of an adequate prior estimation of the on-farm prevalence. The simulations provide first estimates for the upper limits for purchase prices of automatic detection systems. The framework allowed for identification of knowledge gaps obstructing more accurate economic value estimation. These include insights in cost reductions due to early detection and treatment, and links between specific lameness causes and their related losses. Because this model provides insight in the trade-offs between automatic detection systems' performance and investment price, it is a valuable tool to guide future research and developments.  相似文献   

目的 本文根据2019—2021年欧盟食品和饲料类快速预警系统(RASFF)向公众通报我国输欧食品安全情况,分析欧盟在食品领域的关注点,总结我国食品质量安全存在的问题及应采取的措施。方法 汇总2019—2021年欧盟RASFF对华通报情况,从通报类型、通报国家、产品类型、危害类型、通报类型与危害类型相关性分析等5个分析维度进行归类统计分析。结果 2021年欧盟RASFF对华食品通报158例,占对华通报的50.16%。被通报占比较高的三类产品为:水果和蔬菜(29例)、鱼及其制品(16例)、草药和香料(16例);农药残留、食品添加剂及香精、工业污染物、霉菌毒素等四类危害类型占比较高。我国部分食品类别存在环氧乙烷超标问题,但我国有关食品中环氧乙烷和2-氯乙醇暴露情况的相关研究较少,目前尚未建立食品中检测方法及限量的国家标准。边境拒绝类型的通报中,农药残留(20例)、霉菌毒素(5例)、致病微生物(4例)等危害因素占比较高。结论 本文总结欧盟RASFF通报我国输欧食品安全情况,以期减少类似情况发生,为我国市场监管部门和出口食品企业提供参考。  相似文献   

对高效液相色谱法检测禽肉类辐照食品中邻位酪氨酸的前处理方法进行了研究,考察脂肪、水分及充氮条件对测定结果的影响;在单因素实验的基础上,以盐酸浓度、水解温度、时间及苯酚为因素,进行正交实验。结果表明,测定邻位酪氨酸的最佳样品前处理条件为:去脂肪、去水分,在充氮条件下,以2mol/L盐酸在(110±1)℃的恒温干燥箱内水解24h。   相似文献   

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