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针对双足机器人的稳定行走,提出了一种预观控制的零力距点(ZMP)补偿步行模式在线生成方法。利用实际ZMP与目标ZMP之间的未来误差信息,基于预观控制计算机器人行走过程中质心的补偿量,事先调整质心轨迹来改变步态。最终使实际ZMP更好地跟踪目标值。12自由度的双足机器人动力学仿真验证了所提出方法的有效性,而且机器人能在一定程度不平整地面上实现稳定行走。  相似文献   

本文研制了一台能够独立自主行走的新型的双足步行机器人。机器人的主体部分采用6台伺服舵机,由伺服舵机对机器人进行驱动,同时舵机本身又可作为躯干,使整个机器人的结构非常紧凑。这也是对现有大多数此类机器人进行研究之后所做的改进。对机器人的行走控制由PIC单片机及其相关电路组成。鉴于双足步行机器人是一个复杂系统,故采用模糊控制来提高其控制的精度。经过实际检验,使用模糊控制可以获得很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

双足步行机器人的步态规划   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要研究了双足步行机器人的基本步态的建立过程,进行了参数化处理,提出了一种简单可行的步态规划方法,并对数据结果进行了仿真验证。仿真及试验结果表明,该文给出的方法能实现不同步速的连续动态步行。通过标准步态数据的建立,为实时步态规划校正和在线控制补偿算法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

双足步行机器人的ZMP-CoP检测及研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林玎玎  刘莉  赵建东  陈恳 《机器人》2004,26(4):368-372
ZMP(零力矩点)和CoP(压力中心)是评价双足步行机构行走稳定性的重要参数.本文在研究了ZMP和CoP两者关系的基础上,根据THBIP-I仿人机器人基于ZMP理论的姿态调整要求和六维力/力矩传感器的安装位置,推导了适用于双足机器人的CoP计算公式,建立了采用六维力/力矩传感器的CoP检测系统.进行了THBIP-I仿人机器人行走过程的实际CoP检测实验,并对实验结果进行了讨论.实验证明了该系统的准确性.  相似文献   

一种双足步行机器人的步态规划方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文介绍了一种双足步行机器人的步态规划方法,以前向运动为例,详细介绍了先分阶段规划然后合成的方法,并讨论了行走过程中的冲击振动问题及减振措施,实验及仿真结果验证了这一规划方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为提高双足机器人的机动性以适应更宽更广的应用领域,提出一种在线规划方法.该方法根据最新的控制命令生成足迹,然后利用动力学方程的解析解在线同步规划质心(CoG)轨迹和零力矩点(ZMP)轨迹,并基于离散化算法解决机器人速度改变较大时局部ZMP轨迹的扰动问题,使其符合稳定性判据.该方法可使机器人在行走过程中一步实现任意的足迹改变,具有很高的机动性,经过在实体机器人Nao上进行效果验证并取得预期结果.  相似文献   

文章首先指出二十四自由度双足机器人的控制器是该型机器人的核心,也是扩展该型机器人功能首先需要改进的部件,接着介绍了双足机器人的控制器硬件和软件的改进设计。文章比较详细地阐述了双足机器人步态轨迹控制与规划,并指出下一步的研究方向是如何控制双足步行机器人稳定地和健壮地在复杂环境里及粗糙地面上行走。  相似文献   

基于零力矩点(ZMP)的预测控制是目前双足机器人步行控制中最先进的方法,但是预测控制需要比较精确的预测模型,在环境扰动导致模型失配时,预测控制的性能下降较快。为了解决这个问题,利用仿人智能控制对环境误差具有较强抑制的特点改进预测控制。探讨了在步行控制中引入仿人智能控制的必要性和仿人智能控制改进预测控制的可行性,并设计了仿人预测控制器。最后通过仿真实验验证了新的控制器对双足机器人步行控制的有效性。  相似文献   

双足被动步行研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
毛勇  王家廞  贾培发  韩灼 《机器人》2007,29(3):274-280
总结了被动步行的特点和研究现状,介绍了几款国外主要的被动步行机器人的机构设计和驱动系统设计,对被动步行研究中的稳定性问题、能量优化问题以及控制和学习方法进行了综述,并指出了被动步行领域的研究难点和未来研究方向.  相似文献   

针对双足步行机器人(Biped Walking Robot)腿部逆运动学模型求解问题,采用一种基于CMAC神经网络的机器人逆运动学控制方法,设计CMAC神经网络控制系统.控制系统采用2个CMAC神经网络控制器分别用来逼近步行机器人支撑腿与摆动腿的逆模型,跟踪通过三维线性倒立摆模型生成的给定腰部轨迹.建立步行机器人正运动学模型来调整CMAC神经网络权值,实现了步行器人腿部逆运动学映射.仿真结果表明,CMAC神经网络控制系统可以在保证机器人位姿良好的情况下跟踪给定的参考轨迹.三维运动学仿真结果进一步验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Robust Sliding-mode Control of Nine-link Biped Robot Walking   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A nine-link planar biped robot model is considered which, in addition tothe main links (i.e., legs, thighs and trunk), includes a two-segment foot.First, a continuous walking pattern of the biped on a flat terrain issynthesized, and the corresponding desired trajectories of the robot jointsare calculated. Next, the kinematic and dynamic equations that describe itslocomotion during the various walking phases are briefly presented. Finally,a nonlinear robust control approach is followed, motivated by the fact thatthe control which has to guarantee the stability of the biped robot musttake into account its exact nonlinear dynamics. However, an accurate modelof the biped robot is not available in practice, due to the existence ofuncertainties of various kinds such as unmodeled dynamics and parameterinaccuracies. Therefore, under the assumption that the estimation error onthe unknown (probably time-varying) parameters is bounded by a givenfunction, a sliding-mode controller is applied, which provides a successfulway to preserve stability and achieve good performance, despite the presenceof strong modeling imprecisions or uncertainties. The paper includes a setof representative simulation results that demonstrate the very good behaviorof the sliding-mode robust biped controller.  相似文献   

平面双足机器人虚拟斜坡行走步态生成算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在平面双足机器人上应用虚拟斜坡行走方法设计了具有4个参数的步态生成算法.根据虚拟斜坡行走成立的基本条件研究了步态参数之间的关系,最终将独立参数减少到3个.步态参数具有明确的物理意义,可以实时地、便捷地调节行走速度.在平面机器人Stepper上采用所提出的步态生成算法,实现了1.243.88腿长秒的连续速度切换.  相似文献   

Control of a Biped Walking Robot during the Double Support Phase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the control problem of a biped walking robotduring the double-support phase. Motion of a biped robot during thedouble-support phase can be formulated as motion of robotmanipulators under holonomic constraints. Based on the formulation,the walking gait is generated by controlling the position of thetrunk of the robot to track a desired trajectory, referenced in theworld frame. Constrained forces at both feet were controlled suchthat firm contact is preserved between the feet and ground by using asimplified model of the double-support phase. The control scheme wasevaluated experimentally.  相似文献   

This paper describes walking control algorithm for the stable walking of a biped humanoid robot on an uneven and inclined floor. Many walking control techniques have been developed based on the assumption that the walking surface is perfectly flat with no inclination. Accordingly, most biped humanoid robots have performed dynamic walking on well designed flat floors. In reality, however, a typical room floor that appears to be flat has local and global inclinations of about 2°. It is important to note that even slight unevenness of a floor can cause serious instability in biped walking robots. In this paper, the authors propose an online control algorithm that considers local and global inclinations of the floor by which a biped humanoid robot can adapt to the floor conditions. For walking motions, a suitable walking pattern was designed first. Online controllers were then developed and activated in suitable periods during a walking cycle. The walking control algorithm was successfully tested and proved through walking experiments on an uneven and inclined floor using KHR-2 (KAIST Humanoid robot-2), a test robot platform of our biped humanoid robot, HUBO.  相似文献   

五杆四驱动平面双足机器人动态步态规划与非线性控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付成龙  陈恳 《机器人》2006,28(2):206-212
以五杆四驱动的平面双足步行机器人为对象,研究了其动态步行的时不变步态规划和限定时间的非线性控制策略.揭示了其模型的欠驱动和完全驱动的混杂和非光滑动力学特性,推导了其碰撞模型.基于虚拟约束的概念,提出时不变步态的输出函数解析设计方法,设计了反馈线性化控制器,将系统转化为双积分环节.然后采用限定时间控制器在一步内零化输出函数.仿真实验表明,动态步行趋于一个稳定的极限环,实现了规划的行走模式,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于深度强化学习的双足机器人斜坡步态控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高准被动双足机器人斜坡步行稳定性,本文提出了一种基于深度强化学习的准被动双足机器人步态控制方法.通过分析准被动双足机器人的混合动力学模型与稳定行走过程,建立了状态空间、动作空间、episode过程与奖励函数.在利用基于DDPG改进的Ape-X DPG算法持续学习后,准被动双足机器人能在较大斜坡范围内实现稳定行走.仿...  相似文献   

In this paper, realtime control of dynamic biped locomotion usingsensor information is investigated. We used an ultrasonic rangesensor mounted on the robot to measure the distance from the robot tothe ground surface. During the walking control, the sensor data isconverted into a simple representation of the ground profile inrealtime. We also developed a control architecture based on theLinear Inverted Pendulum Mode which we proposed previously fordynamic walking control. Combining the sensory system and thecontrol system enabled our biped robot, Meltran II, to walk overground of unknown profile successfully.  相似文献   

为了既能验证动态步行的理论结果,又能满足经济性的要求,本文设计并实现了一种基于总线型伺服电机的平面无脚双足机器人THR-I.首先介绍了该机器人的系统构成,包括机械结构部分和控制系统部分;在建立步行动力学方程时,考虑了中心约束系统的耦合影响.然后,利用虚拟约束原理,设计了步行约束,并成功实现了步行周期为0  相似文献   

The authors are engaged in studies of biped walking robots from thefollowing two viewpoints. One is a viewpoint as a human science. Theother is a viewpoint towards the development of humanoid robots.In this paper, the authors introduce an anthropomorphic dynamic bipedwalking robot adapting to the humans' living floor. The robot has tworemarkable systems: (1) a special foot system to obtain the positionrelative to the landing surface and the gradient of the surfaceduring its dynamic walking; (2) an adaptive walking control system toadapt to the path surfaces with unknown shapes by utilizing theinformation of the landing surface, obtained by the foot system. Twounits of the foot system WAF-3 were produced, a biped walking robotWL-12RVII that had the foot system and the adaptive walking controlsystem installed inside it was developed, and a walking experimentwith WL-12RVII was performed. As a result, dynamic biped walkingadapting to humans' floors with unknown shapes was realized. Themaximum walking speed was 1.28 s/step with a 0.3 m step length, andthe adaptable deviation range was from -16 to+16 mm/step in the vertical direction, and from-3 to +3° in the tilt angle.  相似文献   

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