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A fugacity based model was applied to simulate the distribution of three endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), namely estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) in a reservoir receiving recycled wastewater in Australia. At typical conditions, the majority of estrogens were removed by degradation in the water compartment. A sensitivity analysis found that the simulated concentrations of E1, E2 and EE2 were equally sensitive to the parameters of temperature (T), reservoir water volume (V) and equivalent biomass concentration (EBC), but E1 was more sensitive to estrogen concentration in the recycled water (Ce) and recycling rate (Fr). In contrast, all three estrogens were not sensitive to reservoir water releasing rate (Fd). Furthermore, a probabilistic health risk assessment showed that the simulated concentrations were below fish exposure threshold value (ETV) and human public health standard (PHS). Human equivalent dose of EDCs from fish consumption was about 10 times higher than that from drinking water consumption. The highest risk quotient among the three estrogens was found for EE2 with less than 9.5 × 10−2, implying negligible health risks.  相似文献   

To quantitatively characterize the substances contributing to estrogenic activity in river water, in vitro bioassay using MVLN cells and instrumental analysis using liquid chromatograph–mass spectrometer (LC/MS) or liquid chromatograph–tandem mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS) were applied to river water extracts taken from various locations in the Tama River, Japan. Tama River water samples were extracted using solid phase extraction and the crude extracts were fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) into 10 fractions. The sixth fraction contained nonylphenol (NP) and octylphenol (OP) at concentrations in the range of 51.6–147 and 6.9–81.9 ng/L, respectively (concentrations corresponding to the original sample volumes). No estrogenic activity, expressed as 17β-estradiol equivalents (E2-EQB), however, was observed in this fraction (<0.6 ng-E2eq/L). Instrumentally determined estrogenic activity (E2-EQC), which is the concentrations of NP and OP multiplied by their corresponding relative potency, was below the detection limit of the MVLN cell bioassay. Estrogenic activities were detected only in HPLC fraction nos. 7, 8 and 9. Estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and bisphenol A (BPA) were detected in these fractions. Estriol (E3) and ethynylestradiol (EE2) were not detected (<0.2 ng/L) in these fractions. The calculated E2-EQC for BPA was below the detection limit of bioassay. The E2-EQC for E1 and E2 were on the same order as the estrogenic activity determined by the bioassay (E2-EQB). The ratios of E2-EQC and E2-EQB for E1 and E2 in the three factions collectively (nos. 7–9) were 0.49–0.97 and 0.29–1.12, respectively. Above results indicated that the major causal substances to the estrogenic activity in the Tama River were E1 and E2.  相似文献   

Ying GG  Kookana RS  Dillon P 《Water research》2003,37(15):3785-3791
Sorption and degradation of the five selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) including bisphenol A (BPA), 17 beta-estradiol (E2), 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2), 4-tert-octylphenol (4-t-OP) and 4-n-nonylphenol (4-n-NP) have been investigated in the laboratory using sediment and groundwater from an aquifer in Bolivar, South Australia. The sorption coefficients measured on the sediment were in the following order: 4-n-NP>4-t-OP>EE2>E2>BPA. The sorption coefficients (Kf values) for the five EDCs were 3.89, 21.8, 24.2, 90.9 and 195, respectively. The alkylphenols 4-t-OP and 4-n-NP had strong binding on the sediment while BPA had a weak affinity. Degradation experiments of the five EDCs showed that E2 and 4-n-NP degraded quickly under aerobic conditions with a half-life of 2 and 7 days, respectively. EE2 degraded slowly with an estimated half-life of 81 days in the aquifer material under aerobic conditions while the other two chemicals (BPA and 4-t-OP) remained almost unchanged. Little or no degradation of the five EDCs except slow degradation for E2 was observed within 70 days under anaerobic conditions in native groundwater.  相似文献   

An analytical method for phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and acidic pharmaceuticals in river water was developed using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) coupled with negative chemical ionization (NCI) technique, and used for the determination of these compounds in the Pearl Rivers (Liuxi, Zhujiang and Shijing Rivers). Derivatization using pentafluorobenzoyl chloride (PFBOCl) and pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFBBr) before GC-MS analysis were applied and optimized for phenolic compounds and acidic compounds, respectively. The target compounds were analyzed for river waters from the upstream to downstream of the Pearl Rivers. Phenolic compounds 4-tert-octylphenol (4-t-OP), 4-nonylphenol (4-NP), bisphenol-A (BPA), estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and triclosan (TCS) were detected at trace or low levels in the water samples from Liuxi River and Zhujiang River. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was not detected in the Pearl Rivers. The highest concentrations of the phenolic compounds were found in Shijing River, and they were 3150 ng/L for 4-t-OP, 11,300 ng/L for 4-NP, 1040 ng/L for BPA, 79 ng/L for E1, 7.7 ng/L for E2 and 355 ng/L for TCS, respectively. Only a few acidic pharmaceuticals were detected at low concentrations in water from Liuxi River and Zhujiang River, but the highest concentrations for the acidic pharmaceuticals were also found in Shijing River. The highest concentrations detected for clofibric acid, ibuprofen, gemfibrozil, naproxen, mefenamic acid and diclofenac were 17 ng/L, 685 ng/L, 19.8 ng/L, 125 ng/L, 24.6 ng/l and 150 ng/L, respectively. The results suggest Liuxi and Zhujiang Rivers are only slightly contaminated and can be used as drinking water sources, but Shijing River is heavily polluted by the wastewater from nearby towns.  相似文献   

Neamţu M  Frimmel FH 《Water research》2006,40(20):3745-3750
The photodegradation of bisphenol A (BPA) in pure water, surface water and wastewater effluents was studied. The effect of different hydrogen peroxide concentrations on degradation was investigated. The rate of BPA photolysis in the presence of hydrogen peroxide was lower in wastewater effluent than in purified water.

Phenol, 1,4-dihydroxylbenzene and 1,4-benzoquinone were identified by means of HPLC as intermediate products of the photodegradation of bisphenol A.

In addition, the disappearance of the estrogenic activity of bisphenol A during irradiation was shown by the YES test. Based upon the YES test results, there was a strong decrease of estrogenic activity of parent compound after 120 min irradiation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Korshin GV  Kim J  Gan L 《Water research》2006,40(5):1070-1078
Transformations of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and bisphenol A (BPA) in conventional chlorination and electrochemically (EC) treated solutions were examined using spectrophotometry and chromatographic analyses. EC treatment was carried out using an undivided EC cell with a PbO2 anode and a stainless steel cathode. EC-treatment and conventional chlorination caused DES and BPA to undergo a rapid degradation accompanied by the generation of low molecular weight chlorinated organic species indicative of the breakdown of DES and BPA. The identified compounds were predominated by chloroacetic acids (HAAs), but approximately 80% of the total organic halogen (TOX) was comprised by unidentified species. For EC treatment, the HAA yields were lower and HAAs were predominated by monochloroacetic acid (MCAA), while in the case of conventional chlorination, trichloroacetic acid (TCAA) was predominant and MCAA was virtually absent. The changes in the HAA speciation and yields were concluded to be caused by the EC-driven reductive dehalogenation which, however, did not affect the unidentified fraction of TOX. This indicated that the unidentified part of TOX was comprised by aromatic chlorinated forms of BPA and DES. Their resistance to degradation in EC reactors indicates that these compounds may be stable in conditions typical for drinking water treatment and distribution.  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have become a major issue in the field of environmental science due to their ability to interfere with the endocrine system. Recent studies show that surface water is contaminated with EDCs, many released from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This pilot study used biological (E-screen assay) and chemical (stir bar sorptive extraction-GC-MS) analyses to quantify estrogenic activity in effluent water samples from a municipal WWTP and in water samples of the recipient river, upstream and downstream of the plant.The E-screen assay was performed on samples after solid phase extraction (SPE) to determine total estrogenic activity; the presence of estrogenic substances can be evaluated by measuring the 17-β-estradiol equivalency quantity (EEQ). Untreated samples were also assayed with an acute toxicity test (Vibrio fischeri) to study the correlation between toxicity and estrogenic disruption activity.Mean EEQs were 4.7 ng/L (± 2.7 ng/L) upstream and 4.4 ng/L (± 3.7 ng/L) downstream of the plant, and 11.1 ng/L (± 11.7 ng/L) in the effluent. In general the WWTP effluent had little impact on estrogenicity nor on the concentration of EDCs in the river water. The samples upstream and downstream of the plant were non-toxic or weakly toxic (0 < TU < 0.9) while the effluent was weakly toxic or toxic (0.4 < TU < 7.6). Toxicity and estrogenic activity were not correlated.At most sites, industrial mimics, such as the alkylphenols and phthalates, were present in higher concentrations than natural hormones. Although the concentrations of the detected xenoestrogens were generally higher than those of the steroids, they accounted for only a small fraction of the EEQ because of their low estrogenic potency. The EEQs resulting from the E-screen assay and those calculated from the results of chemical analyses using estradiol equivalency factors were comparable for all samples and closely correlated.  相似文献   

Personal care products (PCPs) and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are groups of organic contaminants that have been detected in biosolids around the world. There is a shortage of data on these types on compounds in Australian biosolids, making it difficult to gain an understanding of their potential risks in the environment following land application. In this study, 14 biosolids samples were collected from 13 Australian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to determine concentrations of eight compounds that are PCPs and/or EDCs: 4-t-octylphenol (4tOP), 4-nonylphenol (4NP), triclosan (TCS), bisphenol A (BPA), estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). Concentration data were evaluated to determine if there were any differences between samples that had undergone anaerobic or aerobic treatment. The concentration data were also compared to other Australian and international data. Only 4tOP, 4NP, TCS, and BPA were detected in all samples and E1 was detected in four of the 14 samples. Their concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 3.08 mg/kg, 0.35 to 513 mg/kg, < 0.01 to 11.2 mg/kg, < 0.01 to 1.47 mg/kg and < 45 to 370 μg/kg, respectively. The samples that were obtained from WWTPs that used predominantly anaerobic treatment showed significantly higher concentrations of the compounds than those obtained from WWTPs that used aerobic treatment. Overall, 4NP, TCS and BPA concentrations in Australian biosolids were lower than global averages (by 42%, 12% and 62%, respectively) and 4tOP concentrations were higher (by 25%), however, of these differences only that for BPA was statistically significant. The European Union limit value for NP in biosolids is 50 mg/kg, which 4 of the 14 samples in this study exceeded.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows has dropped severely throughout the last decades. It has already been suggested that the presence of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the environment could be one of the reasons for this declining fertility. Reliable data concerning tissue and body fluid concentrations of these chemicals are thus crucial, but currently only scarcely available. Therefore, we selected dairy cows (≥ 6 years) from diverse locations in Belgium and analysed tissues (liver, adipose tissue, muscle, kidney, and ovaria) and body fluids (serum, follicular fluid, and milk) for their content of potential EDCs, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Furthermore, we collected milk and serum samples from high producing dairy cows 2-3 weeks post-partum to verify if the massive lipolysis required to sustain milk production is accompanied with an increase in EDC concentrations in milk and serum.Overall, contamination was very low (median sum PCBs liver: 11.7 ng g−1 lw), with follicular fluid samples showing no detectable contamination. CB 153 was present in each tissue sample. Strong correlations could be found between EDCs in the same tissue. The increased PCB concentrations observed in milk samples from high producing dairy cows could indicate that massive lipolysis can play a role in liberating and thereby increasing EDC concentrations in milk.Because concentrations of the most prevalent EDCs in dairy cow tissues and body fluids are very low, exposure to EDCs can hardly be considered as a major cause of declining fertility in high producing dairy cows in Belgium. As a result of this low contamination and the similarities between the female bovine and human reproductive physiology, in vitro studies based on Belgian dairy cow ovarian follicles can be considered as a valuable model to study the effects of EDCs on human reproduction.  相似文献   

The adsorption of three estrogenic compounds (bisphenol A (BPA), 17beta-estradiol (E2), and 17alpha-ethynyl estradiol (EE2)) on several powdered activated carbons (PAC) was investigated. Without preconcentration, method detection limits (MDL) using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection at an excitation wavelength of 280 nm and an emission wavelength of 310 nm were 0.88, 1.15, and 0.96 nM for BPA, E2, and EE2, respectively. Compound recoveries were >90% in raw drinking water matrices. PAC screening studies (six PAC brands) indicated all three compounds were removed by PAC, but the percentage removal ranged from 31% to >99% based upon PAC type/dosage and presence/absence of natural organic matter. The order of removal (E2>EE2>BPA) corresponded with logK(ow) values for the compounds (3.1-4.0, 3.7-3.9, 3.3, respectively). Kinetic and PAC dose-response experiments were conducted with the two best performing PACs. Increasing contact time and PAC dose improved compound removal. Freundlich isotherm parameters were fit to the experimental data. This study confirms that PAC treatment is feasible for >99% removal of three estrogenic compounds from raw drinking waters that may be at risk for containing such compounds, at least at initial concentration of 500 ng/l and higher.  相似文献   

Historically, the locations of cities mainly depend on the available water source and the urban river not only supplies the fresh water to city but also receives its wastewaters. To analyze the influences of urban zone on its receiving water river, the Jialu River in Henan Province, China, a typical urban river was chosen. Water and sediment samples were collected along the river in 2007 to analyze the concentrations of xenobiotic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (XEDCs) including nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP) and bisphenol A (BPA) in surface water and sediment. The results showed that the concentrations of OP, NP and BPA in surface water were 20.9-63.2 ng L−1 (mean 39.8 ng L−1), 75.2-1520 ng L−1 (mean 645 ng L−1), 410-2990 ng L−1 (mean 1535 ng L−1), respectively. The lowest and highest concentrations of XEDCs in surface water were found in the upper stream and downstream of Zhengzhou urban zone, which was regarded as the major discharge source of these chemicals to this river. The concentrations of OP, NP and BPA in the sediment were 15.9-31.1 ng g−1, 145-349 ng g−1 and 626-3584 ng g−1 with the average concentrations of 21.4 ng g−1, 257 ng g−1 and 2291 ng g−1, respectively. The results of in situ sediment-water partition of XEDCs showed that the partition coefficients (log Koc′) in the downstream were higher than that in the upstream, which was mainly caused by the retransfer of surface sediment from the upper stream to the downstream. Comparison of measured and theoretical inventories of XEDCs in sediment indicated that the residual time of XEDCs in sediment in the river was about 5 years, which was in the same order of magnitude with its big flood frequency. In order to predict concentration variances of XEDCs in surface water, a fugacity-hydrodynamic model was developed according to the concept of in series completely stirred tank reactors (CSTR). The model results showed that about 29-65% of XEDCs derived from the urban zone (about 2.0 t yr−1) would finally dissipate from aqueous phase in the 170 km downstream of the river. Assuming the discharge amount of XEDCs from the urban zone remaining constant, the predicted concentrations of the total XEDCs in the over 90% river reach would be higher than 1.0 μg L−1 under all normal, high water and low water season in 2007.  相似文献   

Eight pharmaceuticals, two polycyclic musk fragrances and nine endocrine disrupting chemicals were analysed in several waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). A membrane bioreactor in pilot scale was operated at different solid retention times (SRTs) and the results obtained are compared to conventional activated sludge plants (CASP) operated at different SRTs. The SRT is an important design parameter and its impact on achievable treatment efficiencies was evaluated. Different behaviours were observed for the different investigated compounds. Some compounds as the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine were not removed in any of the sampled treatment facilities and effluent concentrations in the range of influent concentrations were measured. Other compounds as bisphenol-A, the analgesic ibuprofen or the lipid regulator bezafibrate were nearly completely removed (removal rates >90%). The operation of WWTPs with SRTs suitable for nitrogen removal (SRT>10 days at 10 degrees C) also increases the removal potential regarding selected micropollutants. No differences in treatment efficiencies were detected between the two treatment techniques. As in conventional WWTP also the removal potential of MBRs depends on the SRT. Ultrafiltration membranes do not allow any additional detention of the investigated substances due to size exclusion. However, MBRs achieve a high SRT within a compact reactor. Nonylphenolpolyehtoxylates were removed in higher extend in very low-loaded conventional WWTPs, due to variations of redox conditions, necessary for the degradation of those compounds.  相似文献   

We exposed female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) during a 6 month period to environmentally relevant concentrations of a pentabromodiphenyl ether (Penta-BDE) mixture (about 1740 μg/kg body weight) through subcutaneous implants, and examined endocrine disruptive, haematological and biochemical effects. To investigate endocrine disrupting effects of PBDEs, testosterone, estradiol and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) were measured in the plasma. We found no significant differences between the control and exposed groups for any of the hormones. However, 14 days after implantation, T3 concentrations tended to be lower in the exposed group compared to the control group. For albumin, our results suggest that short term exposure of PBDEs may result in a negative effect on albumin, while the opposite was observed on a longer term (6 months after implantation). However, from the statistical analysis, effects on albumin disappeared when excluding females that laid eggs. These results demonstrate that observed effects during the breeding season should be interpreted carefully when the breeding status of females is unknown. There were no significant differences found between the control and exposed groups for the other biochemical parameters (total protein, uric acid, cholesterol, aspartate transaminase, total antioxidative capacity, high-density lipoproteins and creatine kinase) and haematological parameters (amount of red blood cells, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin). All together, our results suggest that European starlings, similar to other passerine species, may be less sensitive to the effects of organohalogenated pollutants, such as PBDEs, than other bird species.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 31 selected endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Korean surface waters was investigated. The area was selected since there is a lack of information in the Seoul area on the suspected contamination of rivers by micropollutants, although over 99% of drinking water is produced from surface waters in this area that has a population of approximately 15 million inhabitants. Samples were collected from upstream/downstream and effluent-dominated creeks along the Han River, Seoul (South Korea) and analyzed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). Most target compounds were detected in both the Han River samples (63%) and the effluent-dominated creek samples (79%). Iopromide, atenolol, TCPP, TECP, musk ketone, naproxen, DEET, carbamazepine, caffeine, and benzophenone were frequently detected in both river and creek samples, although the mean concentrations in effluent-dominated creek samples (102 ng/L-3745 ng/L) were significantly higher than those in river samples (56 ng/L-1013 ng/L). However, the steroid hormones 17β-estradiol, 17α-ethynylestradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, were not detected (< 1 ng/L) in both the river and creek samples. Numerous target compounds (15) were found to be positively correlated (over 0.8) to the conventional water quality parameters (chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic carbon, and ultraviolet absorbance). Results of this study provide increasing evidence that certain EDCs and PPCPs commonly occur in the Han River as the result of wastewater outfalls.  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are pollutants with estrogenic or androgenic activity at very low concentrations and are emerging as a major concern for water quality. Within the past few decades, more and more target chemicals were monitored as the source of estrogenic or androgenic activity in wastewater, and great endeavors have been done on the removal of EDCs in wastewater. This article reviewed removal of EDCs from three aspects, that is, physical means, biodegradation, and chemical advanced oxidation (CAO).  相似文献   

Xenobiotic organic compounds (XOCs) in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents might cause toxic effects in ecosystems. Several investigations have emphasized biodegradation as an important removal mechanism to reduce pollution with XOCs from WWTP effluents. The aim of the study was to design a screening tool to identify and select hazardous model pollutants for the further investigation of biodegradation in WWTPs. The screening tool consists of three criteria: The XOC is present in WWTP effluents, the XOC constitutes an intolerable risk in drinking water or the environment, and the XOC is expected to be biodegradable in WWTPs. The screening tool was tested on bisphenol A (BPA), carbamazepine (CBZ), di(2ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), 17beta-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), 17alpha-ethinyloetradiol (EE2), ibuprofen, naproxen, nonylphenol (NP), and octylphenol (OP). BPA, DEHP, E2, E1, EE2, and NP passed all criteria in the screening tool and were selected as model pollutants. OP did not pass the filter and was rejected as model pollutant. CBZ, ibuprofen, and naproxen were not finally evaluated due to insufficient data.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) encompass an array of anthropogenic organic and elemental substances and their degradation and metabolic byproducts that have been found in the tissues of exposed animals, especially POPs categorized as organohalogen contaminants (OHCs). OHCs have been of concern in the circumpolar arctic for decades. For example, as a consequence of bioaccumulation and in some cases biomagnification of legacy (e.g., chlorinated PCBs, DDTs and CHLs) and emerging (e.g., brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and in particular polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA) found in Arctic biota and humans. Of high concern are the potential biological effects of these contaminants in exposed Arctic wildlife and fish. As concluded in the last review in 2004 for the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) on the effects of POPs in Arctic wildlife, prior to 1997, biological effects data were minimal and insufficient at any level of biological organization. The present review summarizes recent studies on biological effects in relation to OHC exposure, and attempts to assess known tissue/body compartment concentration data in the context of possible threshold levels of effects to evaluate the risks. This review concentrates mainly on post-2002, new OHC effects data in Arctic wildlife and fish, and is largely based on recently available effects data for populations of several top trophic level species, including seabirds (e.g., glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)), polar bears (Ursus maritimus), polar (Arctic) fox (Vulpes lagopus), and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), as well as semi-captive studies on sled dogs (Canis familiaris). Regardless, there remains a dearth of data on true contaminant exposure, cause-effect relationships with respect to these contaminant exposures in Arctic wildlife and fish. Indications of exposure effects are largely based on correlations between biomarker endpoints (e.g., biochemical processes related to the immune and endocrine system, pathological changes in tissues and reproduction and development) and tissue residue levels of OHCs (e.g., PCBs, DDTs, CHLs, PBDEs and in a few cases perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSAs)). Some exceptions include semi-field studies on comparative contaminant effects of control and exposed cohorts of captive Greenland sled dogs, and performance studies mimicking environmentally relevant PCB concentrations in Arctic charr. Recent tissue concentrations in several arctic marine mammal species and populations exceed a general threshold level of concern of 1 part-per-million (ppm), but a clear evidence of a POP/OHC-related stress in these populations remains to be confirmed. There remains minimal evidence that OHCs are having widespread effects on the health of Arctic organisms, with the possible exception of East Greenland and Svalbard polar bears and Svalbard glaucous gulls. However, the true (if any real) effects of POPs in Arctic wildlife have to be put into the context of other environmental, ecological and physiological stressors (both anthropogenic and natural) that render an overall complex picture. For instance, seasonal changes in food intake and corresponding cycles of fattening and emaciation seen in Arctic animals can modify contaminant tissue distribution and toxicokinetics (contaminant deposition, metabolism and depuration). Also, other factors, including impact of climate change (seasonal ice and temperature changes, and connection to food web changes, nutrition, etc. in exposed biota), disease, species invasion and the connection to disease resistance will impact toxicant exposure. Overall, further research and better understanding of POP/OHC impact on animal performance in Arctic biota are recommended. Regardless, it could be argued that Arctic wildlife and fish at the highest potential risk of POP/OHC exposure and mediated effects are East Greenland, Svalbard and (West and South) Hudson Bay polar bears, Alaskan and Northern Norway killer whales, several species of gulls and other seabirds from the Svalbard area, Northern Norway, East Greenland, the Kara Sea and/or the Canadian central high Arctic, East Greenland ringed seal and a few populations of Arctic charr and Greenland shark.  相似文献   

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