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Temporal trends in stream water total organic carbon (TOC) concentration and export were studied in 8 forested headwater catchments situated in eastern Finland. The Seasonal Kendall test was conducted to identify the trends and a mixed model regression analysis was used to describe how catchment characteristics and hydrometeorological variables (e.g. precipitation, air and stream water temperatures, and atmospheric deposition) related to the variation in the concentration and export of stream water TOC. The 8 catchments varied in size from 29 to 494 ha and in the proportion of peatland they contained, from 8 to 70%. Runoff and TOC concentration were monitored for 15-29 years (1979-2006). Trends and variation in TOC levels were analysed from annual and seasonal time series. Mean annual TOC concentration increased significantly in seven of the eight catchments. The trends were the strongest in spring and most apparent during the last decade of the study period. The slopes of the trends were generally smaller than the variation in TOC concentration between years and seasons and between catchments. The annual TOC export showed no clear trends and values were largely determined by the temporal variability in runoff. Annual runoff showed a decreasing trend in two of the eight catchments. Mean annual air and stream water temperatures showed increasing trends, most clearly seen in the summer and autumn series. According to our modeling results, stream water temperature, precipitation and peatland percentage were the most important variables explaining annual and most seasonal TOC concentrations. The atmospheric deposition of SO4, NH4, and NO3 decreased significantly over the study period, but no significant link with TOC concentration was found. Precipitation was the main hydrometeorological driver of the TOC export. We concluded that stream water TOC concentrations and exports are mainly driven by catchment characteristics and hydrometeorological factors rather than trends in atmospheric acid deposition.  相似文献   

Naturally contaminated soil, sediment and water at the Mokrsko-West gold deposit, Central Bohemia, have been studied in order to determine the processes that lead to release of As into water and to control its speciation under various redox conditions. In soils, As is bonded mainly to secondary arseniosiderite, pharmacosiderite and Fe oxyhydroxides and, rarely, to scorodite; in sediments, As is bonded mainly to Fe oxyhydroxides and rarely to arsenate minerals.The highest concentrations of dissolved As were found in groundwater (up to 1141 μg L− 1), which mostly represented a redox transition zone where neither sulphide minerals nor Fe oxyhydroxide are stable. The main processes releasing dissolved As in this zone are attributed to the reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides and arsenate minerals, resulting in a substantial decrease in their amounts below the groundwater level. Some shallow subsurface environments with high organic matter contents were characterized by reducing conditions that indicated a relatively high amount of S− 2,0 in the solid phase and a lower dissolved As concentration (70-80 μg L− 1) in the pore water. These findings are attributed to the formation of Fe(II) sulphides with the sorbed As. Under oxidizing conditions, surface waters were undersaturated with respect to arsenate minerals and this promoted the dissolution of secondary arsenates and increased the As concentrations in the water to characteristic values from 300 to 450 μg L− 1 in the stream and fishpond waters. The levels of dissolved As(III) often predominate over As(V) levels, both in groundwaters and in surface waters. The As(III)/As(V) ratio is closely related to the DOC concentration and this could support the assumption of a key role of microbial processes in transformations of aqueous As species as well as in the mobility of As.  相似文献   

The challenge for environmental assessment tools, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is to provide a holistic picture of the environmental impacts of a given system, while being relevant both at a global scale, i.e., for global impact categories such as climate change, and at a smaller scale, i.e., for regional impact categories such as aquatic eutrophication. To this end, the environmental mechanisms between emission and impact should be taken into account. For eutrophication in particular, which is one of the main impacts of farming systems, the fate factor of eutrophying pollutants in catchments, and particularly of nitrate, reflects one of these important and complex environmental mechanisms. We define this fate factor as: the ratio of the amount of nitrate at the outlet of the catchment over the nitrate emitted from the catchment's soils. In LCA, this fate factor is most often assumed equal to 1, while the observed fate factor is generally less than 1. A generic approach for estimating the range of variation of nitrate fate factors in a region of intensive agriculture was proposed. This approach was based on the analysis of different catchment scenarios combining different catchment types and different effective rainfalls. The evolution over time of the nitrate fate factor as well as the steady state fate factor for each catchment scenario was obtained using the INCA simulation model. In line with the general LCA model, the implications of the steady state fate factors for nitrate were investigated for the eutrophication impact result in the framework of an LCA of pig production. A sensitivity analysis to the fraction of nitrate lost as N(2)O was presented for the climate change impact category. This study highlighted the difference between the observed fate factor at a given time, which aggregates both storage and transformation processes and a "steady state fate factor", specific to the system considered. The range of steady state fate factors obtained for the study region was wide, from 0.44 to 0.86, depending primarily on the catchment type and secondarily on the effective rainfall. The sensitivity of the LCA of pig production to the fate factors was significant concerning eutrophication, but potentially much larger concerning climate change. The potential for producing improved eutrophication results by using spatially differentiated fate factors was demonstrated. Additionally, the urgent need for quantitative studies on the N(2)O/N(2) ratio in riparian zones denitrification was highlighted.  相似文献   

During the last decades, a major factor that analysts and policy makers take into account in the assessment of the environment is climate change. This global physical process is expected to cause problems in natural and human environment. Thus, modelling climate change impacts may lead to prevention policies to minimize the degradation of life quality because of lack of water resources in the future. This study implicates Geographical Information System (GIS) and hydrological modelling tools to various scenarios of climate change such as the increase of temperature the decrease of rainfall, or even both of them, to estimate the potential impact of climate change on surface runoff in a typical catchment in Andros Island, Greece. Primary results indicate a proportional runoff decrease in the next 50 years because of global climate changes.  相似文献   

In oxidizing aquifers, arsenic (As) mobilization from sediments into groundwater is controlled by pH-dependent As desorption from and dissolution of mineral phases. If climate is dry, then the process of evaporative concentration contributes further to the total concentration of dissolved As. In this paper the principal As mobility controls under these conditions have been demonstrated for Salí River alluvial basin in NW Argentina (Tucumán Province; 7000 km2), which is representative for other basins or areas of the predominantly semi-arid Chaco-Pampean plain (1,000,000 km2) which is one of the world’s largest regions affected by high As concentrations in groundwater. Detailed hydrogeochemical studies have been performed in the Salí River basin where 85 groundwater samples from shallow aquifers (42 samples), deep samples (26 samples) and artesian aquifers (17 samples) have been collected. Arsenic concentrations range from 11.4 to 1660 μg L−1 leaving 100% of the investigated waters above the provisional WHO guideline value of 10 μg L−1. A strong positive correlation among As, F, and V in shallow groundwaters was found. The correlations among those trace elements and U, B and Mo have less significance. High pH (up to 9.2) and high bicarbonate (HCO3) concentrations favour leaching from pyroclastic materials, including volcanic glass which is present to 20-25% in the loess-type aquifer sediments and yield higher trace element concentrations in groundwater from shallow aquifers compared to deep and artesian aquifers. The significant increase in minor and trace element concentrations and salinity in shallow aquifers is related to strong evaporation under semi-arid climatic conditions. Sorption of As and associated minor and trace elements (F, U, B, Mo and V) onto the surface of Fe-, Al- and Mn-oxides and oxi-hydroxides, restricts the mobilization of these elements into groundwater. Nevertheless, this does not hold in the case of the shallow unconfined groundwaters with high pH and high concentrations of potential competitors for adsorption sites (HCO3, V, P, etc.). Under these geochemical conditions, desorption of the above mentioned anions and oxyanions occurs as a key process for As mobilization, resulting in an increase of minor and trace element concentrations. These geochemical processes that control the concentrations of dissolved As and other trace elements and which determine the groundwater quality especially in the shallow aquifers, are comparable to other areas with high As concentrations in groundwater of oxidizing aquifers and semi-arid or arid climate, which are found in many parts of the world, such as the western sectors of the USA, Mexico, northern Chile, Turkey, Mongolia, central and northern China, and central and northwestern Argentina.  相似文献   

Rangsivek R  Jekel MR 《Water research》2005,39(17):4153-4163
Infiltration of stormwater runoff contaminated with metals is often questionable in several cases due to its long-term potential to cause deterioration of groundwater quality. To ensure the quality of filtrate, a pre-treatment of contaminated runoff is required. This study investigates the processes of copper and zinc ion removal from stormwater runoff using zero-valent iron (ZVI, Fe0). Kinetic and equilibrium tests were performed with laboratory-prepared and in situ stormwater runoff samples collected from roof, street and highway catchments. Based on the results, a substantial portion of Cu2+ is reduced and transformed to insoluble forms of Cu0 and Cu2O. Unlike copper, the adsorption and co-precipitation associated with freshly precipitated iron oxides play important roles for the removal of Zn2+. Investigations under various water quality conditions demonstrated a relatively minor impact on Cu2+ uptake rates. However, the different conditions apparently altered the removal stoichiometry and phases of the copper deposits. The removal rates of Zn2+ increase with higher dissolved oxygen (DO), ionic strength (IS), temperature (T) and pH. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in runoff samples forms complexes with metals and Fe2+, thereby kinetically decreasing the metal uptake rates. Furthermore, depending on its composition, a larger molecular weight organic fraction was found to preferentially compete for the adsorption sites. The study demonstrates that ZVI is a promising medium for achieving comparable capacity to a commercial adsorbent like granular ferric hydroxide (GFH). Long-term performance of ZVI, however, may be limited and governed by the formation of non-conductive layers of iron and cuprous oxides.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles of two alpine lakes located in the Tatra Mountains, the Toporowy Staw Ni?ni (TSN) and the Zielony Staw G?sienicowy (ZSG), were studied for their chronology, lithology, diatom and cladoceran remains. The sediment sequences, 50 cm long from TSN and 30 cm long from ZSG, were deposited during the last 1000 and 300 years, respectively. Vertical changes in lithology, diatom and Cladocera allow the reconstruction of three periods in the lakes' evolution: mild climatic conditions during Medieval Warm Period (MWP, only in TSN), severe conditions between the end of 14th and 19th centuries, identified as the Little Ice Age (LIA), and 20th century warming. The LIA was recorded in the sediments of both lakes in the form of intensified erosion and lower lake ecosystem productivity, as indicated by organic matter lower content, changes in diatom species composition, and decline in Daphnia.The 20th century was a time of acidification in both lakes. The scale of acidification was assessed based on the decline in diatom-inferred pH (DI-pH). DI-pH dropped by 1.2 pH units during the last century in TSN and by 0.4 pH unit in ZSG. The decline of DI-pH was noted in both lakes, but its intensity was clearly higher in TSN due to the lower acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) of this lake. The lower pH during the final decades of the 20th century was lethal to some water organisms while attracting others, such as Daphnia. The Daphnia population increased after the pH drop, probably due to the high food flexibility of this genus. A similar increase was not observed in ZSG, where planktonivorous fishes were introduced in the 1940s, which effectively limited the crustacean plankton density.  相似文献   

Boreholes (50 m depth) and piezometers (50 m depth) were drilled and installed for collecting As-rich sediments and groundwater in the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna flood plains for geochemical analyses. Forty-one groundwater samples were collected from the three areas for the analyses of cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+), anions (Cl, NO3, SO42−), total organic carbon (TOC), and trace elements (As, Mn, Fe, Sr, Se, Ni, Co, Cu, Mo, Sb, Pb). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were performed to characterize the major mineral and chemical contents of aquifer sediments. In all three study areas, results of XRF analysis clearly show that fine-grained sediments contain higher amounts of trace element because of their high surface area for adsorption. Relative fluorescent intensity of humic substances in groundwater samples ranges from 30 to 102 (mean 58 ± 20, n = 20), 54-195 (mean 105 ± 48, n = 10), and 27-243 (mean 79 ± 71, n = 11) in the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna flood plains, respectively. Arsenic concentration in groundwater (20-50 m of depth) ranges from 3 to 315 μg/L (mean 62.4 ± 93.1 μg/L, n = 20), 16.4-73.7 μg/L (mean 28.5 ± 22.4 μg/L, n = 10) and 4.6-215.4 μg/L (mean 30.7 ± 62.1 μg/L, n = 11) in the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna flood plains, respectively. Specific ultra violet adsorption (SUVA) values (less than 3 m−1 mg−1 L) indicate that the groundwater in the Ganges flood plain has relatively low percentage of aromatic organic carbon compared to those in the Brahmaputra and Meghna flood plains. Arsenic content in sediments ranges from 1 to 11 mg/kg (mean 3.5 ± 2.7 mg/kg, n = 17) in the three flood plains. Total organic carbon content is 0.5-3.7 g/kg (mean 1.9 ± 1.1 g/kg) in the Ganges flood plain, 0.5-2.1 g/kg (mean: 1.1 ± 0.7 g/kg) in the Brahmaputra flood plain and 0.3-4.4 g/kg (mean 1.9 ± 1.9 g/kg) in the Meghna flood plain. Arsenic is positively correlated with TOC (R2 = 0.50, 0.87, and 0.85) in sediments from the three areas. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis of the sediments revealed that the functional groups of humic substances in three areas include amines, phenol, alkanes, and aromatic carbon. Arsenic and Fe speciation in sediments were determined using XANES and the results imply that As(V) and Fe(III) are the dominant species in most sediments. The results also imply that As (V) and Fe (III) in most of the sediment samples of the three areas are the dominant species. X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis shows that FeOOH is the main carrier of As in the sediments of three areas. In sediments, As is well correlated with Fe and Mn. However, there is no such correlation observed between As and Fe as well as As and Mn in groundwater, implying that mobilizations of Fe, Mn, and As are decoupled or their concentrations in groundwater have been affected by other geochemical processes following reductive dissolution of Fe or Mn-hydroxides. For example, dissolved Fe and Mn levels may be affected by precipitation of Fe- and Mn-carbonate minerals such as siderite, while liberated As remains in groundwater. The groundwaters of the Brahmaputra and Meghna flood plains contain higher humic substances in relative fluorescence intensity (or fluorescence index) and lower redox potential compared to the groundwater of Ganges flood plain. This leads to the release of arsenic and iron to groundwater of these three plains in considerable amounts, but their concentrations are distributed in spatial variations.  相似文献   

We assessed the spatial variation of fluoride load on the local ecosystem in the Czech part of the Ore Mountains region and its southern foothills - a heavily polluted part of Europe's "Black Triangle" region. Dental fluorosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) served as a biomarker of fluoride exposure and thus as an indicator of environmental pollution by fluoride. The mean dental lesion index of fluorosis (DLI) calculated from the analyzed mandibles of wild roe deer (>or=2 years of age) was assigned to the hunting ground from which the specimens originated and classified into one of the eight fluorosis categories. Environmental factors potentially related to dental fluorosis (atmospheric deposition of sulfur, concentration of fluoride in and pH of surface waters, geomorphologic features, bedrock and soil type, and vegetation cover), which were represented in the study by GIS layers, were examined to explain the distribution pattern and severity of fluorosis in the roe deer. The study revealed that 75.5% of 616 analyzed mandibles showed dental fluorosis to different extent, with individual DLIs ranging from 0 to 21. The spatial pattern of marked fluorosis on the Czech side continues that found in a previous study on the German side of the Ore Mountains. Together they create a landscape island around several thermal power plants in the region. General Linear Model (GLM) analyses revealed significant relationships between degree of forest damage, soil type, and atmospheric sulfur deposition from air pollution and dental fluorosis, expressed as mean DLI in the roe deer.  相似文献   

Land use has significantly changed during the recent decades at global and local scale, while the importance of ecosystems as sources/sinks of C has been highlighted, emphasizing the global impact of land use changes. Land use changes can increase C loss rates which are extremely difficult to reverse, in the short term, opposite to organic carbon (OC) which accumulates in soil in the long-term. The aim of this research is to improve and test methodologies to assess land cover change (LCC) dynamics and temporal and spatial variability in C stored in vegetation at a wide scale. LCCs between 1956 and 2007 in Andalusia (Southern Spain) were selected for this pilot study, assessed by comparison of spatial data from 1956 to 2007 and were reclassified following land cover flows (LCFs) reported in major areas in Europe. Carbon vegetation densities were related to land cover, and C vegetation stocks for 1956 and 2007 were calculated by multiplying C density for each land cover class with land cover areas. The study area has supported important changes during the studied period with significant consequences for vegetation C stocks, mainly due to afforestation and intensification of agriculture, resulting in a total vegetation C stock of 156.08 Tg in 2007, with an increase of 17.24 Tg since 1956. This study demonstrates the importance of LCC for C sequestration in vegetation from Mediterranean areas, highlighting possible directions for management policies in order to mitigate climate change as well as promoting land conservation. The methodologies and information generated in this project will be a useful basis for designing land management strategies helpful for decision makers.  相似文献   

Xiaohong Guan  Haoran Dong  Jun Ma  Li Jiang   《Water research》2009,43(15):3891-3899
Effects of sulfate, phosphate, silicate and humic acid (HA) on the removal of As(III) in the KMnO4–Fe(II) process were investigated in the pH range of 4–9 with permanganate and ferrous sulfate applied at selected dosage. Sulfate decreased the removal of arsenic by 6.5–36.0% at pH 6–9 and the decrease in adsorption did not increase with increasing concentration of sulfate from 50 to 100 mg/L. In the presence of 1 mg/L phosphate, arsenic removal decreased gradually as pH increased from 4 to 6, and a sharp drop occurred at pH 7–9. The presence of 10 mg/L silicate had negligible effect on arsenic removal at pH 4–5 whereas decreased the arsenic removal at pH 6–9 and the decrease was more significant at higher pH. The presence of HA dramatically decreased the arsenic removal over the pH range of 6–9 and HA of higher concentration resulted in greater drop in arsenic removal. The effects of the competing anions on arsenic removal in the KMnO4–Fe(II) process were highly dependent on pH and the degree of these four anions influencing As(III) removal decreased in the following order, phosphate > humic acid > silicate > sulfate. Sulfate differed from the other three anions because sulfate decreased the removal of arsenic mainly by competitive adsorption while phosphate, silicate and HA decreased the removal of As(III) by competitive adsorption and sequestering the formation of ferric hydroxide derived from Fe(II).  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations have been monitored simultaneously in ambient air, bulk atmospheric deposition and runoff waters during one year in a small urban watershed of the Seine river basin (France). PAH fluxes from the atmosphere to the outlet of the urban watershed have been calculated to establish a mass balance for PAHs. PAH flux in runoff waters was 5.2 kg km(-2) yr(-1) while PAH atmospheric deposition was 0.21 kg km(-2) yr(-1). The comparison between atmospheric input and output by runoff has shown the importance of street deposits that appeared to be the most important source of PAHs for surface waters in urban areas. PAH profiles in the various compartments showed the fate of PAHs in the air-water system: proportion of carcinogenic PAHs was more important in runoff waters (35%) than in bulk atmospheric deposition (22%) and air (6%).  相似文献   

Long-term and seasonal changes in concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and their possible drivers were evaluated for an upland stream in central Europe during 1969–2000. Two periods have been detected within this data set—years with decreased DOM until the middle of 1980s and then years with increased DOM until 2000. Temperature, hydrological regime of runoff from the catchment (namely the amount of interflow), and changes in atmospheric deposition of acidity coincided with the variations in DOM concentrations. The analysis of single runoff events confirmed the relation between the export of increased DOM concentrations from the catchment and interflow. A multiple linear regression model based on monthly averages of temperature and interflow explained 67% of DOM variability. This model suggested a 7% increase in DOM concentration under the scenarios of possible future climate change related to doubled CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The scenarios were based on results of several global circulation models.  相似文献   

Bioaccessibility, the fraction of an element solubilized during gastrointestinal digestion and available for absorption, is a factor that should be considered when evaluating the health risk of contaminants from food. Static and dynamic models that mimic human physiological conditions have been used to evaluate bioaccessibility. This preliminary study compares the bioaccessibility of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in two food certified reference materials (CRMs) (seaweed: Fucus sp., IAEA-140/TM; Lobster hepatopancreas: TORT-2), using two in vitro gastrointestinal digestion methods: a static method (SM) and a dynamic multicompartment method (TIM-1). There are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the bioaccessible values of As, Cd, Pb and Hg obtained by SM and TIM-1 in the two CRMs. The specific form in which the elements studied are present in the CRM may help to explain the bioaccessibility values obtained.  相似文献   

Continuous and comparable atmospheric monitoring programs to study the transport and occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of remote regions is essential to better understand the global movement of these chemicals and to evaluate the effectiveness of international control measures. Key results from four main Arctic research stations, Alert (Canada), Pallas (Finland), Storhofdi (Iceland) and Zeppelin (Svalbard/Norway), where long-term monitoring have been carried out since the early 1990s, are summarized. We have also included a discussion of main results from various Arctic satellite stations in Canada, Russia, US (Alaska) and Greenland which have been operational for shorter time periods. Using the Digital Filtration temporal trend development technique, it was found that while some POPs showed more or less consistent declines during the 1990s, this reduction is less apparent in recent years at some sites. In contrast, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were still found to be increasing by 2005 at Alert with doubling times of 3.5 years in the case of deca-BDE. Levels and patterns of most POPs in Arctic air are also showing spatial variability, which is typically explained by differences in proximity to suspected key source regions and long-range atmospheric transport potentials. Furthermore, increase in worldwide usage of certain pesticides, e.g. chlorothalonil and quintozene, which are contaminated with hexachlorobenzene (HCB), may result in an increase in Arctic air concentration of HCB. The results combined also indicate that both temporal and spatial patterns of POPs in Arctic air may be affected by various processes driven by climate change, such as reduced ice cover, increasing seawater temperatures and an increase in biomass burning in boreal regions as exemplified by the data from the Zeppelin and Alert stations. Further research and continued air monitoring are needed to better understand these processes and its future impact on the Arctic environment.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are used as flame retardants in furniture foam, electronics, and other home furnishings. A field study was conducted that enrolled 139 households from California, which has had more stringent flame retardant requirements than other countries and areas. The study collected passive air, floor and indoor window surface wipes, and dust samples (investigator collected using an HVS3 and vacuum cleaner) in each home. PentaBDE and BDE209 were detected in the majority of the dust samples and many floor wipe samples, but the detection in air and window wipe samples was relatively low. Concentrations of each PBDE congener in different indoor environmental media were moderately correlated, with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.42 and 0.68. Correlation coefficients with blood levels were up to 0.65 and varied between environmental media and age group. Both investigator‐collected dust and floor wipes were correlated with serum levels for a wide range of congeners. These two sample types also had a relatively high fraction of samples with adequate mass for reliable quantification. In 42 homes, PBDE levels measured in the same environmental media in the same home 1 year apart were statistically correlated (correlation coefficients: 0.57–0.90), with the exception of BDE209 which was not well correlated longitudinally.  相似文献   

This communication presents results of our 2-year survey on groundwater arsenic contamination in three districts Ballia, Varanasi and Gazipur of Uttar Pradesh (UP) in the upper and middle Ganga plain, India. Analyses of 4,780 tubewell water samples revealed that arsenic concentrations in 46.5% exceeded 10 microg/L, in 26.7%, 50 microg/L and in 10% 300 microg/L limits. Arsenic concentrations up to 3,192 microg//L were observed. The age of tubewells (n=1,881) ranged from less than a year to 32 years, with an average of 6.5 years. Our study shows that older tubewells had a greater chance of contamination. Depth of tubewells (n=3,810) varied from 6 to 60.5 m with a mean of 25.75 m. A detailed study in three administrative units within Ballia district, i.e. block, Gram Panchayet, and village was carried out to assess the magnitude of the contamination. Before our survey the affected villagers were not aware that they were suffering from arsenical toxicity through contaminated drinking water. A preliminary clinical examination in 11 affected villages (10 from Ballia and 1 from Gazipur district) revealed typical arsenical skin lesions ranging from melanosis, keratosis to Bowens (suspected). Out of 989 villagers (691 adults, and 298 children) screened, 137 (19.8%) of the adults and 17 (5.7%) of the children were diagnosed to have typical arsenical skin lesions. Arsenical neuropathy and adverse obstetric outcome were also observed, indicating severity of exposure. The range of arsenic concentrations in hair, nail and urine was 137-10,900, 764-19,700 microg/kg, and 23-4,030 microg/L, respectively. The urine, hair and nail concentrations of arsenic correlated significantly (r=0.76, 0.61, and 0.55, respectively) with drinking water arsenic concentrations. The similarity to previous studies on arsenic contamination in West Bengal, Bihar and Bangladesh indicates that people from a significant part of the surveyed areas in UP are suffering and this will spread unless drives to raise awareness of arsenic toxicity are undertaken and an arsenic safe water supply is immediately introduced.  相似文献   

A set of avian forest species, known from the literature as fragmentation-sensitive, was considered as the target in nature reserve planning following a conceptual framework. Their abundance was investigated in an 'archipelago' of oak woodland fragments embedded in a suburban landscape matrix of central Italy. None of the four species were found in any wood fragment smaller than 10 ha. The presence/absence analysis of woodland fragments studied showed that the study species were present, however, in larger fragments, highlighting the strategic role of habitat size and isolation for the persistence of these species at local scale. Species numbers and their total abundance were significantly and directly correlated to overall species richness of each fragment: in this landscape context our study species shows characteristics of serving as focus and surrogate species of bird richness. The selected species are area-sensitive and poor dispersers: however, they are still relatively widespread, at a regional scale. Although the abundance of individual species may be affected by stochastic factors, total abundance of this forest bird guild may constitute a useful dependent variable that can provide rapid quantitative data needed for planning strategies at local scales.  相似文献   

The wolf Canis lupus is a major terrestrial predator in eastern Europe and, as a top carnivore, may be exposed to high concentrations of contaminants that are readily transferred through the food chain. Despite this, there are few published data on pollutant and pesticide levels in wolves. This study utilised tissues from animals legally killed by hunters for other reasons (animals were not killed for the purposes of this study) to carry out the only detailed investigation of contaminants in wolves in Europe and the first in animals from Eastern Europe. The livers of 58 wolves from the Tver and Smoliensk regions of northwest Russia (54°N 31°E to 57°N 35°E) were analysed for seven organochlorine pesticides, 24 PCB congeners, Aroclor 1254-matched summed PCBs (ΣPCBs), total mercury, cadmium and lead. Cadmium, most of the organochlorine pesticides and many PCB congeners were not detectable in any of the wolves. Hexachlorobenzene, alpha-HCH, pp′DDE, PCB congeners 118, 138, 149 and 156 and lead were detected in up to 6% of livers. Dieldrin, PCB congeners 153, 170 and 180, ΣPCBs and mercury were detected more frequently. Contaminant levels were generally low; maximum wet weight concentrations of any of the organochlorine pesticides, ΣPCBs and mercury were less than 0.1, 1 and 0.25 μg g−1, respectively. PCB congeners 153, 170 and 180 accounted for 41% of the ΣPCBs. Dieldrin, ΣPCBs and mercury concentrations did not vary significantly between males and females nor between adult and juvenile (<12 months old) wolves apart from the ΣPCB concentration, which was on average five times higher in adults than juveniles. Liver residues were generally below the level normally associated with adverse effects except for lead levels which exceeded the critical 5 μg g−1 dry wt. concentration in three of the 58 animals examined.  相似文献   

The removal and immobilization of arsenic from industrial mineral-processing effluents typically involves lime neutralization and coprecipitation of arsenate with ferric iron. Despite the wide practice and environmental importance of this technique, no laboratory study has focused on the roles of lime as base and third ions like Ca2+, Ni2+ and SO(2)4(-) on the kinetics of arsenic retention by the coprecipitates. In this work, coprecipitation was performed at 22 degrees C by fast (10 min) neutralization of industrially relevant concentrated arsenate-iron(III) (Fe/As=2, 4) acidic sulfate solutions to different pHs (4, 6, 8) in batch reactors, and the concentration of arsenic was monitored up to 1 year. The tests showed that maximum removal of arsenic was achieved upon neutralization to the target pH. Arsenic was found to be released back into solution from the precipitates upon continuing mild agitation at constant pH. Near-equilibrium was attained at different times depending on the applied pH: 10 days at pH 4, 6 months at pH 6 and 9 months at pH 8. An aging treatment at pH 4 significantly enhanced arsenic retention (arsenic release was reduced by at least 50%) after the system was finally stabilized at pH 8. The retention of arsenic at pH 8 was multifold improved (by a factor x 25) when lime was used instead of NaOH. Similarly, the retention of arsenic was enhanced by the presence of calcium and nickel ions in the starting solution. Finally, evidence of Ca(II)-Fe(III)-As(V) association was found, but not sulfate incorporation at pH 8.  相似文献   

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