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Using a conceptual and nontechnical approach, the meaning of structural equation modeling (SEM) and the similarities to, and differences from, more commonly used procedures such as correlation, regression, path analysis, and factor analysis are explained. Application of the statistical technique is presented using data from a study of the relationships among stresses, strains, and physical health in a random sample of 492 community-dwelling elders aged 65 and older. Advantages of each statistical procedure are described. Theoretical issues related to the use of each procedure are presented with emphasis on the need for a sound theoretical model and match between the statistical procedure and the aims of the analysis.  相似文献   

Recently cases of ganglioneurocytoma and cerebral neurocytoma, very rare variants of central neurocytoma, have been reported. The former is characterized by differentiation toward ganglion cells and the latter by extraventricular origin in the cerebrum, but their existence as distinct clinicopathological entities, is controversial. We report an unusual case of neurocytoma, which arose extraventricularly from the frontal lobe, formed a large cystic lesion and showed ganglioid differentiation, in a 11-year-old girl. Following subtotal tumor resection, she showed a satisfactory clinical course and no evidence of recurrence. This is a very rare case of central neurocytoma-like tumor outside the ventricular system and also of ganglioneurocytoma. This case may provide some insight into the tumorigenesis and widen the clinicopathological concept of neurocytoma.  相似文献   

Vacuole fusion requires Sec18p (NSF), Sec17p (alpha-SNAP), Ypt7p (GTP binding protein), Vam3p (t-SNARE), Nyv1p (v-SNARE), and LMA1 (low Mr activity 1, a heterodimer of thioredoxin and I(B)2). LMA1 requires Sec18p for saturable, high-affinity binding to vacuoles, and Sec18p "priming" ATPase requires both Sec17p and LMA1. Either the sec18-1 mutation and deletion of I(B)2, or deletion of both I(B)2 and p13 (an I(B)2 homolog) causes a striking synthetic vacuole fragmentation phenotype. Upon Sec18p ATP hydrolysis, LMA1 transfers to (and stabilizes) a Vam3p complex. LMA1 is released from vacuoles in a phosphatase-regulated reaction. This LMA1 cycle explains how priming by Sec18p is coupled to t-SNARE stabilization and to fusion.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that the Src homology 2-containing tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP-2) plays an important role in signal transduction through receptor tyrosine kinase and cytokine receptors. In most models, SHP-2 appears to be a positive mediator of signaling. However, coligation of Fc gamma RIIB1 with B cell Ag receptors (BCR) inhibits BCR-mediated signaling by a mechanism that may involve recruitment of phosphatases SHP-1, SHP-2, and the SH2 containing inositol 5'phosphatase (SHIP) to the phosphorylated Fc gamma RIIB1 immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif. The role of SHP-2 in BCR-mediated cell activation and in Fc gamma RIIB1-mediated inhibitory signaling is unclear. In this study we assessed the association of SHP-2 with phosphotyrosine-containing cellular protein(s) before and after stimulation through these receptors. BCR stimulation induced the association of SHP-2 with a single major tyrosyl-phosphorylated molecule (pp120) that had an apparent molecular mass of 120 kDa. Coligation of Fc gamma RIIB1 with BCR led to a rapid decrease in SHP-2 association with pp120. Analysis of the subcellular localization of pp120 showed that the complex of SHP-2 and tyrosyl-phosphorylated p120 occurs predominantly in the cytosol. Furthermore, the binding of the two molecules was mediated by the interaction of tyrosyl-phosphorylated p120 with the SHP-2 N-terminal SH2 domain. These findings indicate that SHP-2 and pp120 function in BCR signaling, and this function may be inhibited by Fc gamma RIIB1 signaling.  相似文献   

Degradation of mitotic cyclins on exit from M phase occurs by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. The ubiquitination of mitotic cyclins is regulated by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) or cyclosome. Xe-p9, the Xenopus homolog of the Suc1/Cks protein, is required for some step in mitotic cyclin destruction in Xenopus egg extracts. Specifically, if p9 is removed from interphase egg extracts, these p9-depleted extracts are unable to carry out the proteolysis of cyclin B after entry into mitosis and thus remain arrested in M phase. To explore the molecular basis of this defect, we depleted p9 from extracts that had already entered M phase and thus contained an active APC. We found that ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of cyclin B was not compromised under these circumstances, suggesting that p9 is not directly required for ubiquitination or proteolysis. Further analysis of extracts from which p9 had been removed during interphase showed that, at the beginning of mitosis, these extracts are unable to carry out the hyperphosphorylation of the Cdc27 component of the APC, which coincides with the initial activation of the APC. p9 can be found in a complex with a small fraction of the Cdc27 protein during M phase but not interphase. The phosphorylation of the Cdc27 protein (either associated with the APC or in an isolated, bacterially expressed form) by recombinant Cdc2/cyclin B is strongly enhanced by p9. Our results indicate that p9 directly regulates the phosphorylation of the APC by Cdc2/cyclin B. These studies indicate that the Suc1/Cks protein modulates substrate recognition by a cyclin-dependent kinase.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta)-activated kinase (TAK1) is known for its involvement in TGF-beta signaling and its ability to activate the p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. This report shows that TAK1 is also a strong activator of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Both the wild-type and a constitutively active mutant of TAK1 stimulated JNK in transient transfection assays. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4)/stress-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (SEK1), a dual-specificity kinase that phosphorylates and activates JNK, synergized with TAK1 in activating JNK. Conversely, a dominant-negative (MKK4/SEK1 mutant inhibited TAK1-induced JNK activation. A kinasedefective mutant of TAK1 effectively suppressed hematopoietic progenitor kinase-1 (HPK1)-induced JNK activity but had little effect on germinal center kinase activation of JNK. There are two additional MAPK kinase kinases, MEKK1 and mixed lineage kinase 3 (MLK3), that are also downstream of HPK1 and upstream of MKK4/SEK mutant. However, because the dominant-negative mutants of MEKK1 and MLK3 did not inhibit TAK1-induced JNK activity, we conclude that activation of JNK1 by TAK1 is independent of MEKK1 and MLK3. In addition to TAK1, TGF-beta also stimulated JNK activity. Taken together, these results identify TAK1 as a regulator in the HPK1 --> TAK1 --> MKK4/SEK1 --> JNK kinase cascade and indicate the involvement of JNK in the TGF-beta signaling pathway. Our results also suggest the potential roles of TAK1 not only in the TGF-beta pathway but also in the other HPK1/JNK1-mediated pathways.  相似文献   

Hemidesmosomes (HDs) are stable anchoring structures that mediate the link between the intermediate filament cytoskeleton and the cell substratum. We investigated the contribution of various segments of the beta4 integrin cytoplasmic domain in the formation of HDs in transient transfection studies using immortalized keratinocytes derived from an epidermolysis bullosa patient deficient in beta4 expression. We found that the expression of wild-type beta4 restored the ability of the beta4-deficient cells to form HDs and that distinct domains in the NH2- and COOH-terminal regions of the beta4 cytoplasmic domain are required for the localization of HD1/plectin and the bullous pemphigoid antigens 180 (BP180) and 230 (BP230) in these HDs. The tyrosine activation motif located in the connecting segment (CS) of the beta4 cytoplasmic domain was dispensable for HD formation, although it may be involved in the efficient localization of BP180. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we could demonstrate a direct interaction between beta4 and BP180 which involves sequences within the COOH-terminal part of the CS and the third fibronectin type III (FNIII) repeat. Immunoprecipitation studies using COS-7 cells transfected with cDNAs for alpha6 and beta4 and a mutant BP180 which lacks the collagenous extracellular domain confirmed the interaction of beta4 with BP180. Nevertheless, beta4 mutants which contained the BP180-binding region, but lacked sequences required for the localization of HD1/plectin, failed to localize BP180 in HDs. Additional yeast two- hybrid assays indicated that the 85 COOH-terminal residues of beta4 can interact with the first NH2-terminal pair of FNIII repeats and the CS, suggesting that the cytoplasmic domain of beta4 is folded back upon itself. Unfolding of the cytoplasmic domain may be part of a mechanism by which the interaction of beta4 with other hemidesmosomal components, e.g., BP180, is regulated.  相似文献   

p190 is a Tyr-phosphorylatable G protein of M(r) 190,000 that binds NH2-terminal SH2 domains of GAP1, a Ras GAP of M(r) 120,000. p190 contains at least two functional domains: a GTPase domain at the NH2 terminus and a GAP domain at the COOH terminus that can attenuate signal-transducing activity of three distinct G proteins (Rac, Rho, and CDC42). Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of either an antisense p190 RNA or a dominant negative mutant (Asn36) of p190 GTPase domain (residues 1-251) but not the wild-type p190 GTPase domain is able to transform normal NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. Furthermore, overexpression of either the wild-type p190 GTPase domain or the COOH-terminal GAP domain can suppress v-Ha-Ras-induced malignant transformation. These results indicate that p190 contains at least two distinct anti-Ras tumor suppressor domains, the GTPase and GAP domains, and suggest that one of the mechanisms underlying the suppression of Ras-transformation by p190 is the attenuation by p190 GAP domain of Rac/Rho/CDC42 signalings, which are essential for Ras-transformation. In fact, the p190 GAP domain alone suppresses the expression of the c-Fos gene, which is mediated by Rac/Rho/CDC42 and is required for oncogenicity of Ras.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that growth hormone (GH) activates focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and this activation results in the tyrosine phosphorylation of two FAK substrates, namely paxillin and tensin. We now show here in Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with rat GH receptor cDNA that human (h)GH induces the formation of a large multiprotein signaling complex centered around another FAK-associated protein, p130(Cas) and the adaptor protein CrkII. hGH stimulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of both p130(Cas) and CrkII, their association, and the association of multiple other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins to the complex. Both the c-Src and c-Fyn tyrosine kinases are tyrosine phosphorylated and activated by cellular hGH stimulation and form part of the multiprotein signaling complex as does tensin, paxillin, IRS-1, the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, C3G, SHC, Grb-2, and Sos-1. c-Cbl and Nck are also tyrosine-phosphorylated by cellular stimulation with hGH and associate with the p130(Cas)-CrkII complex. c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) is activated in response to hGH in accordance with the formation of the abovementioned signaling complex, and hGH stimulated JNK/SAPK activity is increased in CrkII overexpressing NIH3T3 cells compared with vector transfected NIH3T3 cells. The formation of such a large multiprotein signaling complex by GH, with the resultant activation of multiple downstream effector molecules, may be central to many of the pleiotropic effects of GH.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pHi) regulates several aspects of mammalian sperm function, although the transport mechanisms that control pHi in these cells are not understood. The pHi of mouse cauda epididymal sperm was determined from the fluorescence excitation ratio of 2,7-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein and calibrated with nigericin and elevated external [K+]. Two acid efflux mechanisms were identified following imposition of acid loads. One pathway has many anticipated characteristics of the somatic Na(+)-dependent Cl(-)-HCO3- exchanger, although sperm and somatic mechanisms can be distinguished by their ion selectivity and inhibitor sensitivity. Sperm may have an isoform of this exchange pathway with novel functional characteristics. The second acid-export pathway does not require extracellular anions or cations and is inhibited by arylaminobenzoates (flufenamic acid, diphenylamine-2-carboxylate). Mouse sperm also recover spontaneously from intracellular alkalinization. Recovery rates in N-methyl-D-glucamine+ Cl- or in 0.25 M sucrose are not significantly different from that in a complex culture medium. Thus, recovery from alkalinization does not utilize specific, ion-dependent transport mechanisms. Other widely distributed acid-efflux mechanisms, such as the Na(+)-H+ antiport pathway and the Na(+)-independent Cl(-)-HCO3- exchanger are not major regulators of mouse sperm pHi. Sperm capacitation results in pHi increases (from 6.54 +/- 0.08 to 6.73 +/- 0.09) that require a functional Na(+)-, Cl(-)-, and HCO3(-)-dependent acid-efflux pathway. Inhibition of this regulatory mechanism attenuates alkaline shifts in pHi during capacitation as well as the ability of sperm to produce a secretory response to zona pellucida agonists. These data suggest that one aspect of mouse sperm capacitation is the selective activation of one major pHi regulator.  相似文献   

The antimitotic nucleoside cytosine arabinoside (araC) causes apoptosis in postmitotic neurons for which two mechanisms have been suggested: (1) araC directly inhibits a trophic factor-maintained signaling pathway required for survival, effectively mimicking trophic factor withdrawal; and (2) araC induces apoptosis by a p53-dependent mechanism distinct from trophic factor withdrawal. In rat sympathetic neurons, we found that araC treatment for 12 hr induced approximately 25% apoptosis without affecting NGF-maintained signaling; there was neither reduction in the activity of mitogen activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK) or protein kinase B/Akt, a kinase implicated in NGF-mediated survival, nor was there c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation or c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation, events implicated in apoptosis induced by NGF withdrawal. However, araC treatment, but not NGF-withdrawal, elevated expression of p53 protein before and during apoptosis. Additionally, araC-induced apoptosis was suppressed in sympathetic neurons from p53 null mice. Although MAPK/ERK activity is not necessary for NGF-induced survival, it protected against toxicity by araC, because inhibition of the MAPK pathway by PD98059 resulted in a significant increase in the rate of apoptosis induced by araC in the presence of NGF. Consistent with this finding, ciliary neurotrophic factor, which does not cause sustained activation of MAPK/ERK, did not protect against araC toxicity. Our data show that, in contrast to NGF deprivation, araC induces apoptosis via a p53-dependent, JNK-independent mechanism, against which MAPK/ERK plays a substantial protective role. Thus, NGF can suppress apoptotic mechanisms in addition to those caused by its own deprivation.  相似文献   

Titin is a giant elastic protein in vertebrate striated muscles with an unprecedented molecular mass of 3-4 megadaltons. Single molecules of titin extend from the Z-line to the M-line. Here, we define the molecular layout of titin within the Z-line; the most NH2-terminal 30 kD of titin is located at the periphery of the Z-line at the border of the adjacent sarcomere, whereas the subsequent 60 kD of titin spans the entire width of the Z-line. In vitro binding studies reveal that mammalian titins have at least four potential binding sites for alpha-actinin within their Z-line spanning region. Titin filaments may specify Z-line width and internal structure by varying the length of their NH2-terminal overlap and number of alpha-actinin binding sites that serve to cross-link the titin and thin filaments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the NH2-terminal titin Ig repeats Z1 and Z2 in the periphery of the Z-line bind to a novel 19-kD protein, referred to as titin-cap. Using dominant-negative approaches in cardiac myocytes, both the titin Z1-Z2 domains and titin-cap are shown to be required for the structural integrity of sarcomeres, suggesting that their interaction is critical in titin filament-regulated sarcomeric assembly.  相似文献   

Yeast SRO7 was identified as a multicopy suppressor of a defect in Rho3p, a small GTPase that maintains cell polarity. Sro7p and Sro77p, a homologue of Sro7p, possess domains homologous to the protein that are encoded by the Drosophila tumor suppressor gene lethal (2) giant larvae [l(2)gl]. sro7Delta sro77Delta mutants showed a partial defect of organization of the polarized actin cytoskeleton and a cold-sensitive growth phenotype. A human counterpart of l(2)gl could suppress the sro7Delta sro77Delta defect. Similar to the l(2)gl protein, Sro7p formed a complex with Myo1p, a type II myosin. These results indicate that Sro7p and Sro77p are the yeast counterparts of the l(2)gl protein. Our genetic analysis revealed that deletion of SRO7 and SRO77 showed reciprocal suppression with deletion of MYO1 (i.e., the sro7Delta sro77Delta defect was suppressed by myo1Delta and vice versa). In addition, SRO7 showed genetic interactions with MYO2, encoding an essential type V myosin: Overexpression of SRO7 suppressed a defect in MYO2 and, conversely, overexpression of MYO2 suppressed the cold-sensitive phenotype of sro7Delta sro77Delta mutants. These results indicate that Sro7 function is closely related to both Myo1p and Myo2p. We propose a model in which Sro7 function is involved in the targeting of the myosin proteins to their intrinsic pathways.  相似文献   

The p16(INK4a) (p16) tumor suppressor gene can be inactivated by promoter region hypermethylation in many tumor types including lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. We have determined the timing of this event in an animal model of lung carcinogenesis and in human squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). In the rat, 94% of adenocarcinomas induced by the tobacco specific carcinogen 4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone were hypermethylated at the p16 gene promoter; most important, this methylation change was frequently detected in precursor lesions to the tumors: adenomas, and hyperplastic lesions. The timing for p16 methylation was recapitulated in human SCCs where the p16 gene was coordinately methylated in 75% of carcinoma in situ lesions adjacent to SCCs harboring this change. Moreover, the frequency of this event increased during disease progression from basal cell hyperplasia (17%) to squamous metaplasia (24%) to carcinoma in situ (50%) lesions. Methylation of p16 was associated with loss of expression in both tumors and precursor lesions indicating that both alleles were functionally inactivated. The potential of using assays for aberrant p16 methylation to identify disease and/or risk was validated by detection of this change in sputum from three of seven patients with cancer and 5 of 26 cancer-free individuals at high risk. These studies show for the first time that an epigenetic alteration, aberrant methylation of the p16 gene, can be an early event in lung cancer and may constitute a new biomarker for early detection and monitoring of prevention trials.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of aggressive lymphomas and the histological transformation of indolent variants are not well known. To determine the role of p16(INK4a) gene alterations in the pathogenesis of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) and the histological progression of indolent variants, we have analyzed the expression, deletions, and mutations of this gene in a series of 112 NHLs. Hypermethylation of the gene was also examined in a subset of tumors with lack of protein expression but without mutations or deletions of the gene. p16(INK4a) gene alterations were detected in 3 out of 64 (5%) indolent lymphomas but in 16 out of 48 (33%) primary or transformed aggressive variants. In the low-grade tumors, p16(INK4a) alterations were detected in 1 (4%) chronic lymphocytic leukemia (hemizygous missense mutation), 1 (6%) follicular lymphoma (homozygous deletion), and 1 (5%) typical mantle cell lymphoma (homozygous deletion). The two later cases followed an aggressive clinical evolution. In the aggressive tumors, p16(INK4a) gene alterations were observed in 2 (29%) Richter's syndromes (2 homozygous deletions), 3 (33%) transformed follicular lymphomas (1 homozygous deletion and 2 nonsense mutations), 3 (43%) blastoid mantle cell lymphomas (2 homozygous and 1 hemizygous deletions), 5 (28%) de novo large-cell lymphomas (1 homozygous deletion and 4 hypermethylations), 2 lymphoblastic lymphomas (2 homozygous deletions), and 1 of 2 anaplastic large cell lymphomas (hypermethylation). Protein expression was lost in all tumors with p16(INK4a) alterations except in the typical chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with hemizygous point mutation. Sequential samples of the indolent and transformed phase of three cases showed the presence of p16(INK4a) deletions in the Richter's syndrome but not in the CLL component of two cases, whereas in a follicular lymphoma the deletion was present in both the follicular tumor and in the diffuse large-cell lymphoma. In conclusion, these findings indicate that p16(INK4a) gene alterations are a relatively infrequent phenomenon in NHLs. However, deletions, mutations, and hypermethylation of the gene with loss of protein expression are associated with aggressive tumors and they may also participate in the histological progression of indolent lymphomas.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the presence and isolation of the novel protein M(r) = 25,000 (p25) from human granulocytes. In this study, the protein p25 was characterized by its: (a) ability to bind DNA, (b) subunit association, (c) partial protein sequencing, (d) subcellular localization, (e) cellular and species specificity and (f) stability in the presence of released granulocytic proteinases. For the detection of p25 in various extracts, fractions and types of human or animal hematopoietic cells, SDS-PAGE/Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining were used. The protein p25 was subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. Protein p25-DNA interactions were monitored using Southwestern blotting. Selective inhibition of granulocytic proteinases was performed. Granulocytic protein p25 was found to be a product of oxidative cleavage of disulfide bridges in the p50 dimer. It was shown that neither protein p50 nor the p25 subunit is a degradation product of a protein of higher molecular weight. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of p25 was: RLNYNKPHAA. Binding capacity for double stranded DNA without significant sequence specificity was revealed and nuclear localization of some fraction of p50 dimer was established. The data concerning the cell and species specificity demonstrated that the protein is expressed only in normal human granulocytes. In summary, protein p25 originates from splitting of the p50 dimer. This subunit shows no identity with proteins already sequenced. DNA-binding of p25 is not sequence specific. It is concluded that the protein p50 is localized in the nuclei and cytoplasmic granules of mature human polymorphonuclear leukocytes or granulocytes of species high on the evolutionary tree. The functions of this protein remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The provision of maternal-infant body contact during a period of maternal separation was examined for its effects on parent-infant and triadic interactions. Participants were 146 three-month-old preterm infants and their parents, half of whom received skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo care (KC), in the neonatal nursery. Global relational style and micropatterns of proximity and touch were coded. Following KC, mothers and fathers were more sensitive and less intrusive, infants showed less negative affect, and family style was more cohesive. Among KC families, maternal and paternal affectionate touch of infant and spouse was more frequent, spouses remained in closer proximity, and infant proximity position was conducive to mutual gaze and touch during triadic play. The role of touch as a constituent of the co-regulatory parent-infant and triadic systems and the effects of maternal contact on mothering, co-parenting, and family processes are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A2/J2-Isoprostanes (IsoPs) are prostaglandin (PG) A2/J2-like compounds that are produced in vivo as dehydration products of D2/E2-IsoPs. One A2-IsoP that should be formed is 15-A2t-IsoP (8-iso-PGA2). Analogous to cyclopentenone PGs, 15-A2t-IsoP readily undergoes nucleophilic addition to various biomolecules suggesting the compound is capable of exerting potent bioactivity. However, proof that it is definitively formed in vivo is lacking. Evidence is now presented that 15-A2t-IsoP, in fact, is generated in vivo by demonstrating that an endogenous A2-IsoP with a retention time on capillary GC identical with that 15-A2t-IsoP co-chromatographs through four high resolving HPLC purification procedures with authentic radiolabeled 15-A2t-IsoP.  相似文献   

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