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本文采用P·S蓝光光度法,对部分常规烹饪过程中加碘盐的碘损率作动态测定;用斯柯维法测定相关食物盐成味的调味效果,探讨加碘盐在满足常规烹饪的正常盐成味调味要求时的补碘效率.  相似文献   

单守庆 《中国烹饪》2009,(6):112-114
酱:“百味之将” 探究中国烹饪的调味技术,绕不开尽人皆知的两句话:甜酸苦辣咸的“五味调合”,开门七件事的“柴米油盐酱醋茶”。“五味”之中没有酱,是不是以咸味的“盐”代替了同样咸味的“酱”呢?而“七件事”中,有“盐”,又有“酱”,是不是“咸味”的重复呢?  相似文献   

贾陵 《美食》2009,(8):25-25
咸味是烹饪中的主味,故有“咸为百味之王”之说。它是大多数菜肴复合味的基础,绝大部分菜肴在调味时,都要先有一些咸味,然后再调和其它的味。盐是呈咸味的主要调味品,是人们日常生活中不可缺少的调味品之一,每人每天至少需要10-15克盐,才能保持人体心脏的正常活动和维持正常的渗透压及体内的酸碱平衡。  相似文献   

盐之味,似乎一个“咸”字而己,值得绕舌么?然而,到了盐都自贡,在对盐的了解中,却分明让人别有一番滋味,怎一个“咸”字了得? 精盐不如粗盐 正值寒意料峭的时节,为参加一个会议,我头一遭踏上了盐城这块有声有色有味的土地。浏览市街,选购纪念物,不用说,自贡给人准备的都是咸味了——调味盐、海味盐、餐桌盐、加碘盐,竟让  相似文献   

咸味、鲜味和咸鲜调味平台的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛羽扬 《中国调味品》2001,(12):25-27,29
咸鲜味是烹饪调味中一种非常重要的味。本文从咸味的形成、鲜味的形成以及两味对咸鲜调味平台的建立进行了较为详细的阐述,并且对影响平台的因素作了一定的分析。本文对烹饪调味具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

调味在烹饪中占有十分重要的地位,用物理和化学的原理分析味的生成和转变的过程,有利于更好地了解调味的变化和应用,更好地在烹饪中调味。 一、渗透原理调味 在常用的调料中,盐是主角,而盐的渗透力也是最强的。在烹调的  相似文献   

正在烹饪中,盐、味精以及酒是三种最为常用的调料,因此厨师必须学会如何正确使用它们,如果用不好则会起到反效果。今天,就给大家介绍一下,这三种常用调料的正确使用方法,希望能帮到大家。怎样用盐盐在烹调中的作用是十分重要的,人们常将食盐的咸味称为"百味之王","一盐调百味"。盐在烹调中的主要作用是调味和增强风味。烹调加盐  相似文献   

嘉扬 《四川烹饪》1997,(3):27-28
食盐在烹饪调味中起着极其重要的作用。它不仅能增强菜肴的风味并且能调和菜肴的滋味,这种作用是其它任何调味料所不能替代的。烹饪行业女有食盐是“五味之王”的美称。南朝齐渠时期的大医学家向弘景曾对女盐有过这样的评价:“五味中,唯此不可缺”。这不仅是指食盐在人体生理上的作用,而且屯指出了食盐在调味中的重要作用。食盐在调味中的应用极为广泛,无所不在。不但制作咸味、成鲜味的菜肴要用食盐,就是在糖醋味、酸辣味以及一些甜菜和甜馅心中屯常常需要加入适量的食盐,用以调味。食盐中的主要成分是氯化钠(Nacl),还有少量的…  相似文献   

食盐在烹饪调味中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食盐在烹饪调味中起着极其重要的作用。它能够增强菜肴的风味和调和滋味。南朝齐梁时期的大医学家陶弘景曾对食盐的咸味有这样的评价:“五味中,惟此不可缺。”食盐在调味中的应用极为广泛,无所不入,素有“百味之王”的美称。除了制作咸味菜肴需要用食盐外,就是糖醋菜...  相似文献   

盐是基本调味料之一,我们大多数人已经习惯了看到它以单纯的面貌出现。盐就是咸味,咸的就是盐。但现在却有了调味盐,盐不再是单纯的咸,  相似文献   

加碘食盐中碘损失的实验研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹饪条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性.实验结果表明,碘盐中碘的稳定性并不理想,加碘食盐中碘的稳定性受温度与受热时间的影响较大,受热温度越高,碘损失越多;受热时间越长,碘损失越多.  相似文献   

采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹调条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性。实验结果表明,碘盐中碘的稳定性并不理想。在温度较高的条件下存在不同程度的损失。加碘盐中碘的损失量受温度与受热时间的影响:温度越高。碘损失越多;受热时间越长,碘损失越多。  相似文献   

目的探讨富硒低钠加碘盐中碘含量的测定方法。方法通过不同的实验条件,优化国标GB/T13025.7-2012《制盐工业通用试验方法碘的测定》中氧化还原滴定法中的试剂用量,检测出富硒低钠加碘盐中的碘含量。结果改变碘化钾溶液量、淀粉溶液量、磷酸-草酸溶液量均无法测定富硒低钠盐中的碘含量;只有当次氯酸钠溶液用量≥5mL时,加入碘化钾溶液,才可以使富硒低钠加碘盐溶液显色,然后通过实验确定次氯酸钠的最佳用量,再滴定测定碘含量。结论富硒低钠加碘盐中含有还原性物质,测定其碘含量需加大次氯酸钠溶液的用量。  相似文献   

Shi H 《Food and nutrition bulletin》2004,25(2):137-41; discussion 141-2
It has been shown that moisture plays a critical role in the stability of iodine and that reducing agents in iodized salt reduce the stability of iodine. We question whether this is valid in all cases, and have found that the reducing agent may play a more important role than moisture in decreasing the stability of iodine. We reviewed current methods to enhance iodine retention in iodized salt, and propose methods to produce stable iodized salt and to analyze its stability. Our experiments showed that when reducing impurities are removed, iodine remains stable in iodized salt, even when the salt is "wet." We suggest that the stability of iodine in iodized salt can be improved by oxidizing iodized salt with sodium hypochloride, and that the iodine content of iodized salt, after heating at 120 degrees C for one hour, can be used to reflect the quality of iodized salt. We have demonstrated that reducing agents play a critical role in the stability of iodine in iodized salt. We have shown a method of purifying salt by removing reducing materials, which can be used to produce iodized salt with sufficient stability at lower cost. We also propose an analytical method to determine the stability of iodine in iodized salt. These methods could be further developed to achieve better accuracy, precision, and reliability and be applied to a greater variety of iodized salts.  相似文献   

The application of collagen preparations as carriers of iodine salts in the production of meat dishes was investigated in this study. Meatballs with addition of collagen fibre or collagen hydrolysate, both impregnated with potassium iodide, were cooked and cold‐ or freezer‐stored. After thermal processing and during storage of meatballs the iodine and thiamine contents were determined and compared to their contents in meatballs to which potassium iodide was introduced using iodized table salt. It has been shown that the application of both collagen preparations as carriers of potassium iodide increases the stability of this compound during cooking and storage of meatballs in comparison to its stability in products with iodized table salt. Collagen preparations, improving potassium iodide stability, also limit thiamine losses in the product. A more advantageous effect, both on iodine and thiamine retention, is achieved for the collagen preparation with a higher water binding capacity. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Determining the stability of iodine in fortified salt can be difficult under certain conditions. Current methods are sometimes unreliable in the presence of iron. OBJECTIVE: To test the new method to more accurately estimate iodine content in double-fortified salt (DFS) fortified with iodine and iron by using orthophosphoric acid instead of sulfuric acid in the titration procedure. METHODS: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out on DFS and iodized salt produced by the dry-mixing method. DFS and iodized salt were packed and sealed in color-coded, 0.5-kg, low-density polyethylene pouches, and 25 of these pouches were further packed and sealed in color-coded, double-lined, high-density polyethylene bags and transported by road in closed, light-protected containers to the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), Delhi; the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad; and the Orissa Unit of the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB), Bhubaneswar. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under normal room conditions in these places was measured by the modified method every month on the same prescribed dates during the first 6 months and also after 15 months. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under simulated household conditions was also measured in the first 3 months. RESULTS: After the color code was broken at the end of the study, it was found that the DFS and iodized salt stored at Bhubaneswar, Delhi, and Hyderabad retained more or less the same initial iodine content (30-40 ppm) during the first 6 months, and the stability was not affected after 15 months. The proportion of salt samples having more than 30 ppm iodine was 100% in DFS and iodized salt throughout the study period. Daily opening and closing of salt pouches under simulated household conditions did not result in any iodine loss. CONCLUSIONS: The DFS and iodized salt prepared by the dry-mixing method and stored at normal room conditions had excellent iodine stability for more than 1 year.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The salt iodization law of the Philippines required that iodized salt sold at retail not be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature and relative humidity, and contamination with moisture and dust from the environment. However, because the majority of local consumers buy salt displayed in open heaps, it was suggested that iodized salt should be sold in the same manner for greater accessibility and availability. Objective. We aimed to provide evidence on the stability of iodine in local aged and fresh salt iodized at 100 ppm iodine and exposed to various market and storage conditions. METHODS: Samples of salt in open heaps and repacked salt were exposed for 4 weeks, and salt packed in woven polypropylene bags was stored for 6 months. The iodine content of the salt was determined by the iodometric titration method, and the moisture content was determined by the oven-drying method. RESULTS: For all types of exposed salt, iodine levels were above 60 ppm after the end of the study (4 weeks). Within each salt type, losses were greater for open-heap salt than for repacked salt. The greatest drop in moisture content occurred in the first week for most types of salt and exposure combinations. Moisture content was linearly correlated with iodine content. Iodine levels in stored salt remained above 60 ppm even after 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Iodized salt is able to retain iodine above the recommended levels despite exposure to an open environment and use of ordinary packaging materials while being sold at retail and kept in storage.  相似文献   

我国缺碘区域广泛 ,并大面积流行碘缺乏症。在食盐中加碘是防治碘缺乏症的有效措施 ,为此 ,世界各国先后都将在食盐中加碘列为法规。在我国 ,虽然在民用盐中成功地应用了加碘盐 ,然而对于加工食品 ,特别是腌制食品仍然未应用加碘盐。我国腌制食品种类多 ,生产量大 ,其用盐量占有很大比例。为了在我国全面推广加碘盐 ,彻底防治碘缺乏症 ,有助于碘盐法规在我国的实施 ,为此我们进行了碘盐在食品工业中应用的研究。本研究结果表明 ,加碘盐适合于食品工业使用 ,对腌制食品不会产生任何不良影响。  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency persists as the leading cause of preventable brain damage and reduced intellectual capacity in the world. The most effective method for the elimination of iodine deficiency is the consumption of adequately iodized salt. Ensuring that a population receives adequately iodized salt demands careful monitoring of the salt iodine content. We evaluated the WYD Iodine Checker, a hand-held instrument that quantitatively measures the salt iodine content on the basis of a colorimetric method, and compared its performance with iodometric titration. Performance testing results indicated that the WYD Iodine Checker is a highly precise, accurate, and sensitive tool for measuring salt iodine content. It is a user-friendly instrument that is based on a simple methodology and a straightforward salt sample preparation and testing procedure. We recommend further testing to examine the field performance of the WYD Iodine Checker when measuring iodate salt samples.  相似文献   

Adequacy of iodine nutrition in the United States has lately been of concern. A major source of dietary iodine for the U.S. population is iodized salt. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) recommends 60-100 mg Kl/kg salt, equivalent to 46-76 mg l/kg salt. All U.S. iodized salt contains 45 mg l/kg according to labels. We collected samples of table salt from freshly opened containers from U.S. volunteers. A sample was sent to us when the can was first purchased. Subsets of volunteers sent further samples when the salt container became half-empty through normal use and a further final sample when the container was nearly finished. We also looked at iodine distribution homogeneity within individual containers, loss of iodine from salt upon exposure to humidity and sunlight, and upon short-term heating (dry and in solution) as may be encountered in cooking. Measurements were made in 0.01% w/v salt solutions by induction coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with 72Ge as an internal standard. The median and mean (+/-sd) I content in freshly opened top-of-the-can salt samples was 44.1 and 47.5 +/- 18.5 mg/kg (n=88, range 12.7-129 mg l/kg) and geometric mean and standard deviation of 44.70 and 1.41. Forty-seven of 88 samples fell below the USFDA recommended I content while 6 exceeded it. The homogeneity in a single can of salt varied greatly: in 5 samples taken from the same container from different depths, the iodine content varied by as little as 1.2x (8.3% coefficient of variance (CV)) to as much as 3.3x (49.3% CV) from one container/brand to another. Iodine is significantly lost upon high humidity storage but light or dry heat has little effect. There is much recent literature on iodine sufficiency and uptake inhibitors; there is also much misinformation and disinformation. We review the relevant literature and discuss our results with reference to the United States.  相似文献   

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