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粒子群算法在贷款组合优化决策中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
针对贷款组合优化决策模型的求解问题,论文提出了用于求解该问题的二进制粒子群算法,并阐明了算法的具体实现过程。为了加快粒子群算法的收敛速度,论文在传统粒子群算法中引入了记忆机制。通过对论文中两个仿真实例的计算和结果比较,表明了该算法不论在寻优能力方面,还是在求解速度和稳定性方面都取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

In modern design, life-cycle concerns such as recycling and service are receiving increased attention. The configuration design phase, where the product and component structure is established, is of particular importance when designing for the life cycle. In this paper, the foundation for a CAD system supporting configuration design for the life cycle is presented. A prototypical CAD system, called CODA (Configuration Design of Assemblies), is under development based on this foundation. A discussion on the supported product and component representation is given, followed by a portrayal of some of the capabilities to support life-cycle design. Specifically, requirements are identified for the information needed to support design for assembly, disassembly, service, recycling, and reuse. A case study involving the (re)design of a hand-held tape recorder with respect to improved disassemblability and recyclability is utilized to highlight some of the capabilities of the current system. With the new product and component representation embodied in CODA, improved support over current CAD systems is provided for configuration design and life-cycle design assessments.  相似文献   

面向全生命周期的项目管理系统分析与设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对传统项目管理以规划执行为中心而忽视投标和客户反馈的问题,引入了全生命周期的概念,形成了基于Web的项目管理系统。提出了组织和过程分离的工作模式,为人员/企业的灵活组织提供了支持,从而为面向动态联盟的虚拟企业供应链的组织奠定了基础。针对项目中的文档管理问题,提出了基于权限管理的解决方案。面向全生命周期的项目管理系统包括了投标、执行和客户反馈等内容,具有良好的柔性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

二重结构编码遗传算法及其在贷款组合优化决策中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于综合考虑贷款收益和风险的贷款组合配给决策模型 ,算法上是一类背包问题 ,但它有其特殊性 .采用二重结构编码的遗传算法 ,结合贪心算法和局部搜索算法 ,可以提高这类问题求解的效率 ,并在运算时间和解的精度上取得较好的平衡 .  相似文献   

针对目前煤机设备在跨全生命周期管理过程中存在大量信息孤岛,导致无法进行数据深化应用的问题,从煤机设备全生命周期业务流程产品链、资产链和价值链运作模式出发,结合现有国际、国家、煤炭行业和相关领域的信息分类和编码标准,采用统一建模语言(UML)和面向对象分析方法(OOA),提出了一种面向全生命周期管理的煤机设备信息分类编码体系设计思路。首先,采用线分类法和面分类法相结合的混合分类法对煤机设备信息分类;然后,利用GS1编码体系的GTIN实现煤机设备类别唯一标志,采用附加属性方式关联煤机设备的MJLBM-1编码;最后,采用EPC编码体系的SGTIN-96编码进行单台煤机设备唯一标志,实现SGTIN与GTIN的转换。应用实例验证了该分类编码体系的可行性,一定程度上解决了煤机设备信息分类和编码混乱、规范性差和信息共享难等问题,并且与全球GS1系统实现了体系兼容,拓宽了煤炭行业相关产品和技术的流通领域。  相似文献   

为了配合电网企业建立RFID资产实物标识电子身份证系统,集成资产的实物流、信息流和价值流,实现账、卡、物相符一致,实现资产管理各阶段信息共享及开展资产全生命周期的跟踪管理,同时也为了提高电网设备的现代化管理水平,文章总结了多年来在电网设备RFID实物标识实施的切身体会,对RFID在国内外电力电网设备的应用方面进行了研究,重点对RFID技术在电网资产全寿命周期管理模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一个企业或园区通常拥有大量的产品可供投资,有多种产品生产链可供选择,构成一个包含多种产品和产品链的产品体系结构。应用上篇论文提出的多层面生命周期评价方法,并结合过程系统的.优化技术,可以对这样的复杂产品体系结构进行优化,最终得出满意的产品决策。本文以有机硅产品为例,介绍该方法在产品结构优化中的应用。  相似文献   

A mixed genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization in conjunction with nonlinear static and dynamic analyses as a smart and simple approach is introduced for performance-based design optimization of two-dimensional (2D) reinforced concrete special moment-resisting frames. The objective function of the problem is considered to be total cost of required steel and concrete in design of the frame. Dimensions and longitudinal reinforcement of the structural elements are considered to be design variables and serviceability, special moment-resisting and performance conditions of the frame are constraints of the problem. First, lower feasible bond of the design variables are obtained via analyzing the frame under service gravity loads. Then, the joint shear constraint has been considered to modify the obtained minimum design variables from the previous step. Based on these constraints, the initial population of the genetic algorithm (GA) is generated and by using the nonlinear static analysis, values of each population are calculated. Then, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique is employed to improve keeping percent of the badly fitted populations. This procedure is repeated until the optimum result that satisfies all constraints is obtained. Then, the nonlinear static analysis is replaced with the nonlinear dynamic analysis and optimization problem is solved again between obtained lower and upper bounds, which is considered to be optimum result of optimization solution with nonlinear static analysis. It has been found that by mixing the analyses and considering the hybrid GA-PSO method, the optimum result can be achieved with less computational efforts and lower usage of materials.  相似文献   

为解决供水全流程、各环节的有效管控,确保城乡居民用水安全,应用新科技和互联网思维促进和带动水务现代化,提升水务行业社会管理和公共服务能力,提出基于供水全生命周期管控的智慧水务平台解决方案。该平台充分利用物联网、大数据、移动互联网等新技术,汇聚生产、输配、运营、管理各类关键数据,进行多源信息融合处理、存储、分析,实现水源监管、生产管理、管网监控、营收管理、河湖长制、智慧应用等各类业务的供水全生命周期智慧化管控,平台的投入使用提高水务公司日常的运营效率,有效降低供水管网爆管率及漏损率,提升水务公司公共服务能力和水平,增强供水各环节多源异构数据的融合共享及智慧应用。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new agent-based simulation model to simulate the causes and processes of enterprise financial distress. The general framework of the model including four agents, which are enterprise, product, bank and macro environment is described. By investigating the different causes of financial distress in enterprise’s different life cycle stages, we implement the simulation model to four specific cases which belong to start-up, growth, mature and decline life cycle stages respectively. Then a comparative analysis between our simulation results and real situation in four proposed specific cases is conducted, demonstrating that the proposed simulation model is a promising tool for comprehensively analyzing the causes and processes of financial distress.  相似文献   

陈景锋  蒋德松 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(20):5079-5080,F0003
介绍了基于欧姆龙CS1GH-CPU45H可编程逻辑控制器的掩模管理综合自动化控制系统的软件设计.该软件采用模块化设计方法和任务调用机制,简化了程序设计的过程,缩短了程序的扫描周期,提高了程序的运行效率.为了便于上位机监控设备运行状态,对执行机构的每个动作和过程进行了状态编码,程序将按照运行进程将状态编码、各个轴的当前位置和故障信息写到约定的数据区域中去.实验验证了该软件设计方法的可靠性和可行性.  相似文献   

To realize environmental sustainability, the flow of natural resources into industrial systems must be reduced and stabilized at a suitable level. One way to reduce resource flows in society is to establish resource-circulating manufacturing systems. To foster the circulation of resources in industry, life cycle simulation (LCS) technologies, which are based on discrete-event modeling, have been developed to dynamically evaluate the life cycles of products from resource extraction to end of life from both environmental and economic aspects. In reality, various industrial products interact with each other in unanticipated ways, and then these interactions affect the material flows in product life cycles. This type of complex system is called a system of systems (SoS). Focusing on this issue, we expand the evaluation's system boundary to include a system of multiple product life cycle systems. To handle an SoS quantitatively, we introduce typical types of interactions between product life cycle systems. The purpose of this study was to propose a new LCS methodology, called “LCS4SoS,” that focuses on an SoS consisting of different kinds of product life cycle systems. A prototype system of LCS4SoS was implemented based on this proposed methodology. Through a case study, it was found that the proposed methodology is useful for evaluating an SoS consisting of multi-product life cycle systems.  相似文献   

A model for the optimal design of rectangular reinforced concrete sections is presented considering the stress–strain diagrams described in EC2-2001 and MC90. The following expressions are developed: economic bending moment; optimal area of steel and optimal steel ratio between upper and lower steel. All the expressions are in nondimensional form. The present model is applied to four different classes of concrete described in MC90. It is concluded that in nondimensional form the equations are nearly coincident for both singly and doubly reinforcement. It is also concluded that the ultimate strain for concrete in the compression zone, εcm, lies between the strain for peak stress εc1 and the ultimate strain εcu. This result is relevant once that the maximum moment is obtained for this value, and not the value εcu, as defined in EC2-2001. Cost optimization is implemented in the code and compared with other optimum models based on the ultimate design of ACI.  相似文献   

In the context of a concern with a self sustaining system for the management of Human Resources, those responsible for the Coordination of Human Resources at the Governmental Agency 'Secretaria de Administração do Estado de Santa Catarina' (SEA) have decided to use a Constructivist Multicriteria Decision Aid Approach (MCDA) to help them identify the most convenient courses of action for the achievement of the proposed goals. The present paper shows both the development of an MCDA model and the process used for action generation and assessment.  相似文献   

This paper compares two Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies independently carried out to assess the environmental impacts of electronic versus print media. Although the two studies lead to the same overall conclusion for the case of a news magazine – namely that the tablet version of the magazine has environmental advantages over the print version – there are significant differences in the details of the LCA results. We show how these differences can be explained by differences in the methodological approaches used for life cycle inventory (LCI) modelling, in particular the use of rough average data versus the attempt to use the most specific and detailed data as possible. We conclude that there are several issues in LCA practice (at least when applied in the domain of media) that can significantly influence the results already at the LCI level: The data collection strategy used (e.g. relying on desk-based research or dismantling a given device) and the decisions made at inventory level with regard to parameters with significant geographic variability, such as the electricity mix or recycling quotas.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to identify a set of psychosocial variables and design domains important for game designers to encourage active ageing, well-being and quality of life. Sixty adult learners at four universities of third age were randomly assigned to three groups: the experimental group (G1), who tested firstly a game-based learning platform (GBLP) and then a computer-assisted platform (CAP); the comparison group (G2), who tested firstly the CAP and then the GBLP and the control group (G3) that did not take part in the intervention. Participants were assessed on their health-related well-being and quality of life, using the SF36v2 and WHOQOL-BREF scales before and after each experiment. Findings suggest that there were differences between the group type and their perception on mental health (F(2,57)?=?3.771, p?=?.029) and general health-related well-being (F(2,57)?=?5.231, p?=?.008), in which the GBLP showed improvements relative to the CAP. The environment and mental health were some of the psychosocial domains that should be considered, whereas storytelling, context-aware challenges, game space, immediate feedback, role-playing and social engagement were relevant design domains for these games.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the associations among low back pain (LBP), LBP‐related disability, agricultural working condition management, and quality of life (QOL) in Korean farmers. Demographic information, agricultural work management, and outcomes of LBP were obtained by standardized questionnaires (Oswestry Disability Index [ODI] for disability and European Quality of Life‐5 Dimensions‐3‐Level version [EQ‐5D‐3L] for QOL). Presence of LBP was determined if the LBP had lasted longer than 1 week or had been more frequent than once a month, and presence of LBP‐related disability was determined if the ODI score was more than 12. Poor health checkups (OR [odds ratio] = 1.70–86, p < .05), were positively associated with LBP, and working at dawn (OR = 1.85–1.96, p < .05), was positively associated with LBP‐related disability after adjusting related demographic factors. EQ‐5D‐3L indexes were significantly lower in participants with LBP (0.83 ± 0.17 vs. 0.92 ± 0.06, p < .001) and disability (0.81 ± 0.18 vs. 0.93 ± 0.05, p < .001). This study showed that the presence of LBP was related to poor health checkups and that LBP‐related disability was related to a poor working time schedule. These results indicate poor QOL and suggest the need for coping strategies such as regular health checkups and a proper working time schedule.  相似文献   

Real-time optimization systems have become a common tool, in the continuous manufacturing industries, for improving process performance. Typically, these are on-line, steady-state, model-based optimization systems, whose effectiveness depends on a large number of design decisions. The work presented here addresses one of these design decisions and proposes a systematic approach to the selection of sensors to be used by the RTO system. This paper develops a sensor system selection metric based on a trade-off between two approaches to the design of experiments, which is shown to be consistent with the design cost approach of Forbes and Marlin [Computers Chem Eng 20 (1996) 7/7]. The resulting design metric is incorporated into a systematic procedure for RTO sensor selection problem. Finally, the proposed RTO sensor selection procedure is illustrated with a case study using the Williams–Otto [AIEE Trans 79 (1960), 458] plant.  相似文献   

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