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This paper considers a distributed interference avoidance problem employing frequency assignment in the Gaussian interference channel(IC).We divide the common channel into several sub-channels and each user chooses one sub-channel for transmission in such a way that the total interference in the IC is minimum.This mechanism named interference avoidance in this paper can be modeled as a competitive game model.And a completely autonomous distributed iterative algorithm called distributed interference avoidance algorithm(DIA)is adopted to achieve the Nash equilibrium(NE)of the game.Due to the self-optimum,the DIA is a sub-optimal algorithm.Therefore,through introducing an optimal compensation(or price)into the competitive game model,we successfully develop a compensation-based game model to approximate the optimal interference avoidance problem.Moreover,an optimal algorithm called iterative optimal interference avoidance algorithm(IOIA)is proposed to reach the optimality of the interference avoidance scheme.We analyze the implementation complexity of the proposed algorithm which is only O(N),with N standing for the number of users in the IC.We also give the proof on the convergence of the proposed algorithm.The performance upper bound and lower bound are derived for the IOIA algorithm.The simulation results show that the IOIA does reach the optimality under the condition of interference avoidance mechanism.  相似文献   

As a new technology, coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission is included in LTE-Advanced study item. Moreover, the network architecture in LTE-Advanced system is modified to take into account coordinated transmission. Under this background, a novel power allocation game model is established to mitigate inter-cell interference with cellular coordination. In the light of cellular cooperation relationship and centralized control in eNodeB, the power allocation in each served antenna unit aims to make signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) balanced among inter-cells. Through the proposed power allocation game algorithm, the users’ SINR can reach the Nash equilibrium, making it feasible to reduce the co-frequency interference by decreasing the transmitted power. Numerical results show that the proposed power allocation algorithm improves the throughput both in cell-center and cell-edge. Moreover, the blocking rate in cell-edge is reduced too.  相似文献   

无线Ad hoc网络中要求链路可以随机处于任何位置进行通信.由于链路位置的随机性,可能会造成某些链路都聚集在某个小范围内,同时通信可能会造成链路间相互干扰.因此需要一种机制来保证链路间实际干扰最小.针对此问题,在信道分配中运用了博弈的思想,利用位势博弈特性构建效用函数,对存在潜在干扰的链路分配信道,使实际干扰最小.算法通过不断循环改变链路无线电的信道,最小化实际干扰数目达到纳什均衡.仿真结果表明,算法能够使信道分配策略达到纳什均衡,使链路间通信拥有更高的吞吐量和更好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

由无线信道的广播特性造成的路径之间的并行多径干扰问题,已经成为无线多媒体传感器网络中使用多路径路由必须解决的首要问题。针对该问题,提出了一种虚拟网格的干扰避免多路径路由协议(IAMVG)。该协议通过把监测区域划分为虚拟网格的方式,预先选择互不干扰的网格,进而优先选择该网格内的簇头节点加入路由的方法,尽量拉开相互干扰链路之间的距离,保证多路径路由处于相互的干扰区域范围外或者尽可能降低干扰。仿真实验表明,IAMVG路由协议极大地减少了并行多径干扰,保证了较高的通信成功率及较低的端到端时延。  相似文献   

Interference alignment(IA)with symbol extensions in the quasi-static flat-fading K-user multipleinput multiple-output(MIMO)interference channel(IC)is considered in this paper.In general,long symbol extensions are required to achieve the optimal fractional degrees of freedom(DOF).However,long symbol extensions over orthogonal dimensions produce structured(diagonal or block diagonal)channel matrices from transmitters to receivers.Most of existing approaches are limited in cases where the channels have some special structures,because they align the interference without preserving the dimensionality of the desired signal explicitly.To overcome this common drawback of most existing IA algorithms,two novel iterative algorithms for IA with symbol extensions are proposed.The first algorithm designs transceivers for IA based on the mean square error(MSE)criterion which minimizes the total MSE of the system while preserving the dimensionality of the desired signal.The novel IA algorithm is a constrained optimization problem which can be solved by Lagrangian method.Its convergence is proven as well.Utilizing the reciprocity of alignment,the second algorithm is proposed based on the maximization of the multidimensional case of the generalized Rayleigh Quotient.It maximizes each receiver’s signal to interference plus noise ratio(SINR)while preserving the dimensionality of the desired signal.In simulation results,we show the superiority of the proposed algorithms in terms of four aspects,i.e.,average sum rate,the fraction of the interfering signal power in the desired signal subspace,bit error rate(BER)and the relative power of the weakest desired data stream.  相似文献   

针对多用户环境下的多输入多输出(MIMO)系统容量问题,分别分析了同频干扰功率一定时,多干扰用户,小功率发射和少干扰用户,高功率发射对系统容量的影响,给出了两种条件下,系统容量与干扰用户数目以及干扰噪声比的函数关系。最后用蒙特卡洛方法仿真了系统的中断容量,并与不同情况下中断容量的理论曲线相比较,得出了干扰用户数目,干扰用户天线数目以及INR与系统中断容量的关系,用以指导MIMO系统级设计。  相似文献   

面向无人机自主防碰撞的认知博弈制导控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对非隔离空域中的无人机碰撞规避问题,提出一种基于认知博弈制导的无人机自主防碰撞方法.首先,描述了非隔离空域中无人机自主防碰撞控制问题.其次,建立了无人机与入侵机的运动学模型,并构建了无人机的认知安全域,将无人机碰撞规避问题转化为涉及两方的博弈问题.然后,提出了制导策略集的求解方法.最后,仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates experimentally a novel strategy for solving a variant of the differential game of target defense in presence of obstacles. The game is widely applied in the areas of military defense for protecting important equipment such as a ship, an aircraft, a moving vehicle, or a sensitive installation from a malicious attacker. The state-of-the-art approaches mostly employ an offline optimization strategy that is only applicable to holonomic robots. Moreover, most of the approaches could not autonomously avoid obstacles or take into account uncertainties. As a consequence, this paper presents an online optimization technique, by designing a trade-off parameter that integrates game theory with the model predictive control, which allows a nonholonomic defender to intercept the attacker while simultaneously defending the target. Simulations under different conditions as well as several indoor laboratory experiments validate the proposed approach. Moreover, performance is compared with a standard model predictive control approach.  相似文献   

由于认知无线电网络中可用频谱存在时变特性,以往频谱切换中静态式的信道预留方式显然不能满足实际要求。为解决这一问题,在讨论认知无线电交互模型与博弈论的基础上,提出了基于严格位势博弈的动态预留信道选择方法,该方法将认知网络作为一种干扰减小网络,利用博弈交互原理实现动态参数的调整。在802.11h平台下给出了性能仿真分析。结果表明,该方法能够在增加少量网络总干扰的情况下实现动态预留信道选择,并且所预留的信道不受环境影响,从而适用于所有网络覆盖范围。  相似文献   

董春波  罗志年 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(5):1511-1513,1531
针对FBMC系统信道估计时存在虚部干扰问题,提出一种新的信道估计算法。首先,该算法采用了基于虚部干扰消除的新导频结构;然后,利用两列导频分别作粗信道估计;最后,对粗信道估计采用加权方式进行精信道估计,进一步提高信道估计性能。仿真结果表明,与传统虚部干扰消除算法(IIE)相比,新导频结构算法在误码率为1%时,可获得1~2 dB的性能提升。  相似文献   

机器博弈研究面临的各种挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
让计算机学会下棋打牌,尤其和人类的精英对决,这是机器博弈领域长期的奋斗目标,也是人工智能学科极富挑战性的研究课题.为能在这一新兴的研究领域取得更快更多突破性进展,有力发挥机器博弈的"果蝇"作用,有必要很好地明确机器博弈研究当前面临哪些挑战性问题.从学术观念、实战博弈、理论发展、军事应用、国际接轨、普及提高及学生创新性培养等多角度阐述当前在机器博弈领域急需解决的主要问题,以期有更多的青年学者能够投身到这一极富挑战性的研究领域.  相似文献   

通用滤波多载波(UFMC)技术作为5G的一种候选波形,传输中不加循环冗余(CP),多径衰落信道下会产生符号间干扰(ISI)以及子载波间干扰(ICI)。针对该问题,提出一种基于并行干扰抵消的均衡算法。首先,根据分析得到多径信道下UFMC系统干扰数学表达式;其次,在采用迫零均衡后,对可靠区间外的数据,根据剩余干扰表达式,近似重构相邻载波及符号间干扰;最后,对各载波并行地进行迭代干扰抵消。通过仿真实验表明,在多径信道下,该算法能够一定程度上降低误码率,提高UFMC系统性能。  相似文献   

徐栋  李勇  刘东东  鲁亚凯 《计算机应用》2018,38(8):2370-2374
针对多输入多输出(MIMO)系统获取信道信息过程中存在估计误差、反馈延迟等问题,为了提高低信噪比(SNR)时的系统性能,提出了一种基于权值可调的稳健干扰对齐算法。首先,在理想信道的基础上考虑信道误差的影响重新构建系统模型;然后,采用矩阵投影技术对接收端的信号空间进行分解,分成期望信号子空间与干扰信号子空间两部分;其次,考虑期望信号和干扰信号之间的相互影响,把两者泄漏到相应的子空间的功率加权和作为目标函数运用迭代思想计算出预编码和干扰抑制矩阵;最后,利用计算出的预编码和干扰抑制矩阵推导出存在信道误差的和速率表达式。仿真结果表明与稳健最小干扰泄漏算法相比,在信噪比为10 dB、信道误差方差取值0.05时,系统的频谱效率提升了25%,能量效率提升了38%,因此所提算法在低信噪比时可以有效地提升系统性能。  相似文献   

MIMO技术可以有效地提高通信系统的容量,但会带来很严重的用户间干扰问题。预编码技术以其能简化接收机和抑制干扰的作用将会在未来通信中扮演着重要角色。将多数据流的预编码矩阵设计转换成单数据流预编码矢量设计,提出了基于信干噪比最大的分布式迭代算法,以及将虚拟信干噪和最小均方误差方法相结合的迭代算法。数值仿真结果表明提出的算法可以有效提高系统容量。  相似文献   

供应链渠道协调中的Stackelberg主从对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
常良峰  卢震  黄小原 《控制与决策》2003,18(6):651-655,660
针对供应链的渠道协调问题,给出一类供应链Stackelberg主从对策协调机制,其中分销商作为主方给出最小补充期和数量折扣策略,顾客是从方以最优库存策略响应。建立了顾客需求确定下的分销商成本优化模型,同时对比了两种不同数量折扣的协调作用。应用遗传算法对辽化石油分销系统Stackelberg主从对策问题进行离线仿真计算,得出了Stackelberg主从对策均衡解。  相似文献   

We give an explicit analytical characterization of the least restrictive control for collision avoidance of two unicycles. The controller is proved to be least restrictive using viability theory. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Problems in game theory can be used for benchmark DNA computations. Large numbers of game strategies and chance events can be assembledinto finite state machines. These many machines perform, in parallel,distinct plays of a game. Strategies can be exposed to selection and breeding.The computational capabilities of DNA are matched with aspects of game theory, but the most interesting problems are yet to be treated.  相似文献   

建立了二维平面内动力学约束下迫逃运动的数学模型.首先为追捕者设计了基于比例制导算法和进化算法的混合追捕策略,以提高其追捕能力;然后利用协同进化算法对追捕者和逃跑者的追选策略进行进化.仿真结果表明,进化后的逃跑策略能有效规避比例制导的追捕者.逃跑者在协同进化过程中涌现出众多复杂多变的规避策略.  相似文献   

针对复杂曲面环形刀五轴数控加工中的局部干涉问题,提出了一种基于曲 率匹配及网格点的干涉处理技术。首先,利用曲率匹配原则选出合理的刀具半径,以保证在 切触点处沿任何方向上刀具与被加工曲面之间不会发生干涉,然后在各个切触点处通过比较 刀具曲面最小主曲率与加工曲面最大主曲率确定出刀具的初始倾角。为了判断切触点邻近区 域是否存在干涉问题,采用了网格点来快速自动生成检测区域及初始检测点。文中对有效检 测点的筛选以及干涉的判断和处理技术分别进行了详细论述。最后,以非均匀有理B 样条 曲面为加工实例,对上述算法进行了测试和验证。  相似文献   

宋敏  黄敏  王兴伟 《控制与决策》2013,28(8):1247-1252
研究当零售商之间存在价格竞争时,两条竞争闭环供应链的渠道结构选择问题。结果表明:从供应链系统总利润角度出发,当两条链之间竞争强度较小时,中心化渠道结构占优;反之,分散化渠道结构占优。从消费者与环境的角度出发,无论两链之间竞争强度为何值,两条链同时选择中心化渠道结构时最有利。  相似文献   

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