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This study assessed the occurrence of an enhancing inhibitory effect of the combined application of Origanum vulgare (OV) and Rosmarinus officinalis (RO) essential oils against bacteria associated to minimally processed vegetables using the determination of Fractional Inhibitory Concentration (FIC) index, kill-time assay in vegetal broth and application in vegetable matrices. Moreover, it was determined chemical composition of the essential oils and their effects alone and in mixture on sensory characteristics of minimally processed vegetables. Carvacrol (66.9 g/100 g) was the most prevalent compound in OV essential oil, while for RO was 1.8-cineole (32.2 g/100 g). OV and RO essential oil showed MIC in a range of 1.25-5 and 20-40 ??L/mL, respectively. FIC indices of the combined application of the essential oils were 0.5 against Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica and Aeromonas hydrophilla suggesting a synergic interaction. Only for Pseudomonas fluorescens FIC index was 0.75 purposing additive effect. Application of the essential oils alone (MIC) or in mixture (¼ MIC + ¼ MIC or ¼ MIC + ½ MIC) in vegetable broth caused significant decrease (p < 0.05) in bacterial count over 24 h. Mixture of essential oils reduced (p < 0.05) the inocula of all bacteria in vegetable broth and in experimentally inoculated fresh-cut vegetables. Similar efficacy was found to reduce the autochthonous microflora in vegetables. Sensory evaluation of vegetables sanitized with essential oils revealed that the scores of the most evaluated attributes fell between like slightly and neither like nor dislike. The combination of essential oils at sub-inhibitory concentrations could mean an interesting approach to sanitize minimally processed vegetables.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of five sources of dietary oil (linseed oil (LO), fish oil (FO), a protected lipid supplement (PLS, 18:2 to 18:3 ratio 3:1), fish oil/marine algae (FOMA) and PLSMA) on the colour and lipid stability of lamb muscle and the flavour of grilled loin chops. LO produced the highest proportion of 18:3n−3 in muscle phospholipid, the highest ratings for lamb flavour intensity and overall liking and the lowest ratings for abnormal flavour intensity. PLS increased the proportion of 18:2n−6 which reduced lamb flavour intensity and increased abnormal lamb flavour intensity. Diets containing FO or MA increased proportions of the longer chain n−3 fatty acids and similar reduced ratings for lamb flavour as the PLS diet. FO-containing diets increased fishy flavour notes, especially when in combination with MA. ‘Putty’ and ‘fish oil’ odours were recognised as being present more frequently in cooked subcutaneous lamb fat from lambs fed FO and FOMA than other diets. Lambs fed MA, FO and the combination of the two produced meat that was oxidatively less stable and had a reduced colour and lipid oxidative shelf-life, which was at least partially due to the lower vitamin E content of the muscle.

These results have significant implications for the formulation of diets that may improve nutritional ratios in lamb meat but which adversely affect flavour and meat stability.  相似文献   

The effects of MTGase (5 g/kg, w/w) and dietary fibre (inner pea fibre, 40 g/kg, w/w, carrageenan, 10 g/kg, w/w, carrageenan + konjac flour, 10 + 10 g/kg, w/w) on heat-induced gels from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) trimmings were studied. MTGase incorporation had a positive effect on texture: gel strength and force at rupture increased. MTGase reduced protein solubility, meaning greater protein aggregation, according to electropherograms. Pea fibre had no positive effects: texture was quite similar to that of the control products and WHC was reduced. Carrageenan addition had no deleterious effect upon the texture of the gels and made them harder and springier. Force at rupture (even without MTGase) and WHC were greatly improved. Combination of carrageenan and konjac further enhanced these effects. For those gels without MTGase, protein solubility in urea and urea + DTT was reduced by both fibres, suggesting a reduction of hydrogen bonding between proteins.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the effect of processing parameters (pressure and cycles) on the formation of microfluidized lemongrass oil-alginate nanoemulsions considering their average droplet size and size distribution, ζ-potential, viscosity and whiteness index. To confirm that nanoemulsions were in the nano-range, samples were also observed through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Average droplet size, viscosity and whiteness index of nanoemulsions decreased by increasing the processing pressure and the cycles through the interaction chamber of the microfluidizer device. Nanoemulsions obtained at 150 MPa for 10 cycles exhibited a minimum average droplet size of 6 nm. Moreover, the droplet electrical charge of nanoemulsions ranged between −36.66 and −51.95 mV while it was −17.61 mV in the coarse emulsion. Furthermore, nanoemulsions obtained at 150 MPa for 3 times or more through the microfluidization system were almost transparent. Results obtained in the present study reveal that microfluidization is a potential technology to be used to produce nanoemulsions of essential oils. However, more information is needed about the influence of microfluidization conditions on the antimicrobial properties of essential oils dispersed in nano-sized emulsions.  相似文献   

The influence of essential oil type (basil and thyme), its content and the homogenization treatment on the physical properties of chitosan-based film-forming dispersions and edible films was studied. Two homogenization treatments were applied, without (H1) and with (H2) microfluidization (MF) at 165 MPa. H2 emulsions showed the smallest particle size with the highest ζ-potential and the lowest viscosity. Composite films with essential oils were softer, less rigid and more stretchable than pure CH films. MF intensified these changes. H2 films showed micro-cracks due to the weakening of the polymer chain interaction forces when oils are present, which affected their mechanical behaviour. MF increased WVP of pure CH films while oil incorporation was only effective to reduce WVP when they were incorporated at the lowest ratio and when high pressure was used in the homogenization of the film-forming dispersion. Gloss was reduced by the essential oil addition, whereas MF tended to yield glossier films.  相似文献   

Demand for health oriented products such as sugar-free, low calorie and high fibre products is increasing. One such recent trend is to increase the fibre content in food products to overcome health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and colon cancer, among others. Consumption of high fibre products consisting of indigestible cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and gums have several health benefits. Apart from these benefits, β-glucan-rich fibres have the benefit of reducing the absorption of glucose. Fibre sources from wheat, rice, oat and barley were used to study their influence on rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough and biscuit making quality. Ash, total protein and dietary fibre content of bran samples ranged between 4% and 10%, 12% and 14% and 20.4% and 49.5%, respectively. Farinograph characteristics of the wheat flour-bran blends showed increase in water absorption from 60.3% to 76.3% with increase in the level of bran from 0% to 40%. The resistance to extension values as well as extensibility of the dough decreased with increase in the bran level. The spread ratio of the biscuits prepared from wheat, rice and oat bran blends decreased from 8.38 to 7.52, whereas the same increased to 9.3 for biscuits prepared from barley bran blends. The breaking strength values of biscuits ranged between 1.34 and 3.83 kg. Highly acceptable biscuits could be obtained by incorporating 30% of oat bran or 20% of barley bran in the formulation.  相似文献   

The effect of the dietary supplementation to lambs of essential oils (EOs) from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and artemisia (Artemisia herba alba) on the antioxidant status of muscle and on meat oxidative stability was studied. Eighteen Barbarine lambs were divided into 3 groups and for 95 days received oat hay and concentrates. One group (C) was not supplemented, while the other two groups received 400 mg/kg of EOs from rosemary (R400) or artemisia (A400). Both EOs possessed antioxidant properties and their oral administration improved the reducing and radical scavenging capacity of the muscle compared to the C treatment (P < 0.01). Nevertheless, supplementing EOs did not exert protection against lipid oxidation and did not affect the colour stability in meat over 7 days of aerobic storage.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of three essential oils obtained from the barks of three endemic Boswellia species namely, Boswellia dioscorides, Boswellia elongata and Boswellia socotrana which were collected from the Soqotra Island (Yemen), was investigated. In parallel to that evaluation of their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities was also carried out. The investigation led to the identification of 72, 70 and 67 constituents for B.dioscorides, B. elongata, and B. socotrana, respectively. The B. dioscorides oil was found to have a high content of monoterpene hydrocarbons (32.8%) with α-thujene (9.3%) and α-pinene (8.3%) as main components. Whereas, the essential oil of B. elongata was characterised by high diterpene content (31.7%), in which incensol (14.8%) was found to be the major constituent. On the other hand, the oil obtained from the B. socotrana was found to be predominated of monoterpene hydrocarbons (26.4%) and oxygenated monoterpenes (30.7%) with p-cymene (13.0%), 2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-acetophenone (16.3%) and camphor (11.6%). All essential oils possessed antimicrobial activity especially against Gram-positive bacteria with MIC-values between 1.8 and 17.2 mg/ml. Furthermore, the DPPH-radical scavenging assay exhibited only weak antioxidant activities (28%) at 1.0 mg/ml.  相似文献   

新鲜牛内经过修整、嫩化、煮制、香辛料醇提液(浸渍、喷洒)、真空包装制备出质量符合国家标准的低温五香牛肉.在常温(20℃)条件下贮藏,测定保鲜液不同处理方式的五香牛肉在贮藏期的细菌总数、TVB-N、H,S等指标,结果表明:五香牛肉用Ⅰ组(1.5%肉桂醇提液+0.03%VE+0.05%Vc)、Ⅱ组(2.0%丁香醇提液+0.03%VE+0.05%Vc)、Ⅲ组(2.0%迷迭香醇提液+0.03%VE+0.05%Vc)保鲜处理后,其货架期均优于对照组,经香辛料提取液浸泡的五香牛肉货架期更长,且制品的感官品质良好.  相似文献   

Effect of wheat fibre in frozen stored fish muscular gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technological effect of wheat fibre, as a healthy ingredient in which consumers are interested, was studied in surimi gel products. Three and six per cent wheat fibre with different particle sizes was added. Functional properties of wheat fibre, such as water retention capacity (WRC), swelling (SW) and fat adsorption capacity (FAC), were determined. Elastic modulus (G′) of surimi with 6% wheat fibre was lower throughout thermal gelling. Under scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), gel samples with added fibre presented uneven distribution of fibre. This induced the formation of a non-homogeneous protein net associated with lower gel strength, cohesiveness and water binding capacity (WBC). The sensory panel found no differences in appearance but differences in texture among samples containing different proportions and types of fibre. Fibre with large particle sizes protected surimi from loss of gel strength and hardness during freezing. There were very few variations during frozen storage of different samples.  相似文献   

The proximate composition and dietary fibre (DF) content of a fibre-rich product obtained from cocoa were studied. This product contained 60.54% (dry matter basis) of DF, made of mainly insoluble fibre although with appreciable amounts of soluble dietary fibre (10.09% d.m.). The presence of associated polyphenolic compounds (1.32% and 4.46% of soluble polyphenols and condensed tannins, respectively) provides this fibre material with intrinsic antioxidant capacity as determined by the FRAP and TEAC methods. Hydration properties (swelling and water holding capacity) and the glucose retardation index of cocoa fibre were similar to other natural commercial insoluble fibres. The antioxidant capacity of this fibre-rich cocoa powder and its physico-chemical properties render it a suitable product to be used in the preparation of low-calorie, high-fibre foods.  相似文献   

The efficacy of commercially available plant extracts and essential oils used extensively as flavour ingredients in confectionery products were used as antimicrobials in laboratory media against the following microorganisms: Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bacillus cereus. Using the disc diffusion method, inhibition zones in diameter >20 mm were observed by adding 10 μl of each antimicrobial substance on the following microorganisms: lemon flavour applied on E. coli O157:H7, lemongrass essences against S. aureus, plum using a B. cereus strain and strawberry flavour using a L. monocytogenes strain. E. coli O157:H7 strains were the most susceptible microorganisms inhibited by 18 extracts, followed by S. Typhimurium and S. aureus which were inhibited by 17 extracts. Lemon flavour, lemongrass essences, pineapple and strawberry flavour inhibited the foodborne pathogens at the lowest concentration (5 ml/100 ml). Plant extracts and essential oils with potent antimicrobial activities were tested in chocolate held at different temperatures (7 and 20 °C) in dry or humidified environment, which resulted in different aw values of the product (i.e. 0.340, 0.450, and 0.822), in order to determine their efficacy on the fate of the inoculated pathogens. The most inhibitory action was observed by lemon flavour applied on chocolate inoculated with E. coli cocktail culture after storage at 20 °C for 9 days. Plant extracts tested on chocolate show an enhanced inhibitory effect during storage at 20 °C indicating that their application may provide protection in case of storage at the above temperature or even higher.  相似文献   

The essential oils from aerial parts of six Brazilian species of the genus Cunila Mill. (Lamiaceae) currently used in beverages and food preparation, and in folk medicine, were obtained by steam distillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The main components of the oils were: Cunila galioides citral (citral −77.9%), C. galioides menthene (mentha-trans-2,8-dienol −20.0%, limonene −13.6%, trans-ocimene −13.0%), C. incisa (1,8-cineole −42.9%, α-terpineol −14.0%), C. spicata (1,8-cineole −47.9%, α-terpineol −37.5%), C. menthoides (menthene −77.8%), C. angustifolia (sabinene −41.4%, γ-terpinene −11.4%), and C. microcephala (menthofuran −94.90%). These oils were screened for antibacterial activity against 15 bacterial species. The oil of C. galioides citral efficiently controlled the growth of Bacillus sp., L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, A. hydrophila, and E. faecalis, showing both contact and gaseous activity. Although less efficient, the other essential oils studied were effective against Bacillus species, S. aureus, and other specific bacteria. MIC and MCC values support their popular use, and indicate that they can be an efficient alternative for the control of foodborne and spoiling bacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of different whey protein concentrate coating formulations (with or without glycerol or sorbitol in two proportions) on frozen Atlantic salmon quality parameters were evaluated. The influence of the moment of coating application (before or after freezing) was also studied. The coating application after freezing increased the thaw yield, decreased the drip loss, and modified colour parameters of frozen and thawed fillets, in comparison with application before freezing. The moment of coating also influenced the colour of cooked fish fillets. The type of plasticiser affects the colour of thawed and cooked samples, but not the colour of frozen samples. The protein coatings delayed lipid oxidation of salmon fillets, providing better protection against it than water glazing, and this effect was more pronounced when glycerol instead of sorbitol was used in the coating formulation.  相似文献   

探讨复合香辛料精油通过挥发对空气微生物的气相抑制、杀灭效果。采用空气自然沉降法接种空气微生物(细菌、霉菌),用复合香辛料精油气相抗菌剂在培养皿中对其进行气相杀灭、抑制实验,测其对细菌、霉菌的杀菌率和抑菌率。实验结果:复合香辛料精油对空气中细菌的气相杀灭及抑制率分别达到77%、91%以上;对霉菌的杀灭、抑制率均接近100%。可见,复合香辛料精油通过挥发可对空气微生物产生显著的气相抗菌作用。  相似文献   

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) by-products, which represent around 50% of the processed vegetable, are a potential source of dietary fibre. The way that these by-products are treated affects the composition and functional properties of fibre-rich powders. Factors such as treatment intensity, solvent, and drying system were studied. Only the more soluble components (soluble sugars, uronic acids and proteins) showed significant differences. All the fibre-rich powders had high concentrations of TDF (62–77%). The IF/SF proportion decreased with the severity of treatment, in this way increasing the physiological quality of the fibre. Functional properties, namely water-holding capacity (WHC), oil-holding capacity (OHC), solubility (SOL), and glucose dialysis retardation index (GDRI), varied according to the preparation procedure. WHC and GDRI were higher in intensely extracted fibres; due to the effect of thermal processing. WHC showed values (11–20 ml water/g powder) similar to those described for other agricultural by-products, but OHC and GDRI were much higher (5–8 ml oil/g powder and 25–45%, respectively). These properties make fibre-rich powders from asparagus by-products a valuable source of dietary fibre to be included in the formulation of fibre-enriched foods.  相似文献   

The following study deals with the chemical composition, antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Vitex agnus-castus L. and their main constituents in vitro and in vivo. The main compounds in the oil of unripe fruits were sabinene (17.8%) and 1,8-cineole (17.5%), while in the oil of the ripe fruits dominant compounds were 1,8-cineole (16.3%) and sabinene (13.4%). The leaves oil contained an abundance of 1,8-cineole (22.0%), as well. All of the oils tested were rich sources of α-pinene (12.2%, 9.4% and 9.4%, respectively). Antimicrobial activity was tested using bacterial and fungal strains by the microdilution method. Using the same technique 1,8-cineole and α-pinene showed very high antimicrobial potency as well. As 1,8-cineole was the predominant constituent of the oils, we have chosen to test it further in an in vivo experiment. Randomly chosen apples were treated with 1,8-cineol solution and infected with Aspergillus niger in order to provoke Aspergillus rot in apples. Disease incidence was recorded.  相似文献   

Essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation from Cuminum cyminum and Rosmarinus officinalis were characterized by means of GC and GC–MS. C. cyminum and R. officinalis contained α-pinene (29.1%, 14.9%), 1,8-cineole (17.9%, 7.43%) and linalool (10.4%, 14.9%), respectively, as the major compounds. C. cyminum oil exhibited stronger antimicrobial activity than did R. officinalis oil against E. coli, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes. Complete death time on exposure to Cuminum cyminum L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. oils were 20 and 25 min 180 and 240 min and 90 and 120 min for E. coli, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes, respectively. Radical-scavenging and antioxidant properties were tested by means of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and the β-carotene bleaching test. These properties were compared to those of Thymus x-porlock essential oil, used as a reference ingredient. The radical scavenging performance of the rosemary oil was better than that of C. cyminum. Results from the antioxidant test were better than those provided by the radical-scavenging activity. C. cyminum and R. officinalis essential oils may be considered as potent agents in food preservation.  相似文献   

Dehydration promoted important modifications affecting both the physico-chemical properties of dietary fibre (DF) and the antioxidant capacity of orange by-products (peel and pulp remaining after juice extraction). The significance of such changes was largely dependent on the air-drying temperature used (from 30 °C to 90 °C). The major modifications on the DF components were observed when either extended drying periods, i.e. at lower temperatures, or elevated drying temperatures were applied. Dehydration around 50–60 °C apparently promoted the minor disruption of cell wall polymers, in particular of pectic substances. Pulp samples exhibited higher values of swelling (SW) and fat adsorption capacity (FAC) than those derived from orange peel. Although, significant decreases in water retention capacity (WRC), FAC and solubility values were detected for both by-products as the air-drying temperature increased. The antioxidant capacity associated to dehydrated citrus by-products was significantly higher for orange peel than for pulp samples. In general, the by-products studied proved to be quite resistant to the different heat treatments applied within the range of 40–70 °C. In overall, the study shows that, in order to preserve either the DF quality and/or the antioxidant capacity, air-drying temperature should be controlled since both types of compounds, DF components and antioxidants, might be degraded or modified either when extended drying periods and/or high drying temperatures are applied.  相似文献   

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