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Thirty-six young finishing bulls from three breeds (Belgian Blue, Limousin and Aberdeen Angus) were fattened over five months with finishing diets based either on sugar-beet pulp or on cereals. Nutritional quality traits of meat - fat content and fatty acid composition with emphasis on the n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - along with some organoleptic quality traits were measured. The Belgian Blue bulls had the lowest intramuscular fat content associated with lower saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid contents. The polyunsaturated fatty acid content did not differ to a large extent between the breeds, the Aberdeen Angus bulls showing slightly higher values. Relative to energy intake, the overall contribution of meat to the n-3 fatty acid recommended intake was small, whatever the breed. By contrast, the contribution of meat to daily fat intake was of greater importance, especially for the Aberdeen Angus bulls. The quality traits of meat varied also according to the breed: compared to the Aberdeen Angus, the Belgian Blue bull meat had the stablest colour, the highest drip and the lowest cooking losses. The meat of Limousin bulls had intermediate characteristics for all the parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the sensory properties, with special emphasis on tenderness, of meat from strategically fed young bulls (13 months of age) slaughtered when a plateau in protein turnover was observed. Twelve Holstein Friesian young bulls were divided into two feeding strategies. One group of young bulls (n = 6) were fed ad libitum throughout the rearing period (AD) whereas the second group (n = 6) was subjected to a compensatory growth feeding strategy (CO). Sensory profiling of beef longissimus dorsi (LD), semimembranosus (SM) and supraspinatus (SS) was performed in addition to physical measurements (shear force) and content of intramuscular fat of LD. The data was analysed using a regression-based multivariate data analytical strategy. In relation to predictivity of the various shear force measurement constituents for sensory texture, it was determined that a number of the responses collected (e.g. maxmm), in addition to the commonly used max(N) may be utilised to predict subtlety in the sensory texture differences of the samples (e.g. Crumbliness) with respect to compensatory feeding. Through profiling LD and SS were found to have enhanced texture and flavour properties when the young bulls were fed ad libitum during rearing. However, the SM samples were found to improve in characteristics regarding texture and appearance when the young bulls had been fed compensatorily. Thus, compensatory feeding as a texture improvement strategy proved to be highly dependant on muscle type. Of note, LD and SS were found to develop an off-flavour designated as ‘steer taint’ when derived from compensatory feeding. This was postulated as potentially not a problem for the consumer, in LD as the level was not significant, and in SS due to sensory masking when commonly prepared as a stew or casserole. Considering the different preparation methods used for meat from LD, SM and SS, compensatory feeding may be considered to have improved the texture and elevated the eating quality where it was most relevant, namely in SM roasts.  相似文献   

The potential of X-ray computed tomography (CT) as a predictor of cuts composition and meat quality traits using a multivariate calibration method (partial least square regression, PLSR) was investigated in beef cattle. Sirloins from 88 crossbred Aberdeen Angus (AAx) and 106 Limousin (LIMx) cattle were scanned using spiral CT. Subsequently, they were dissected and analyzed for technological and sensory parameters, as well as for intramuscular fat (IMF) content and fatty acid composition. CT-PLSR calibrations, tested by cross-validation, were able to predict with high accuracy the subcutaneous fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.94, 34.60 g and 0.92, 34.46 g), intermuscular fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.81, 161.54 g and 0.86, 42.16 g), total fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.89, 65.96 g and 0.93, 48.35 g) and muscle content (R2, RMSECV = 0.99, 58.55 g and 0.97, 57.45 g) in AAx and LIMx samples, respectively. Accurate CT predictions were found for fatty acid profile (R2 = 0.61–0.75) and intramuscular fat content (R2 = 0.71–0.76) in both sire breeds. However, low to very low accuracies were obtained for technological and sensory traits with R2 ranged from 0.01 to 0.26. The image analysis evaluated provides the basis for an alternative approach to deliver very accurate predictions of cuts composition, IMF content and fatty acid profile with lower costs than the reference methods (dissection, chemical analysis), without damaging or depreciating the beef cuts.  相似文献   

Data from 180 bulls from Charolais, Limousine and Retinta breeds were used to evaluate image analysis of cross-sections as method of predicting the physical composition of the 10th–11th–12th rib-cut. The site along the longissimus thoracis muscle (between either the 9th and10th ribs or the 12th and 13th ribs), and the breed had significant influence on most of the variables analyzed. The correlation coefficients between the rib composition obtained by image analysis and by dissection were low to moderate (r = 0.18–0.59, P < 0.01–P < 0.001). The R2 values of the composition components of the 12th–13th rib cross-section to 10th–11th–12th rib-cut composition were higher than those recorded from the 9th–10th rib cross-section (R2 = 0.535 to 0.759 vs. 0.148 to 0.502). The accuracy of the predictions of lean, longissimus thoracis m. and bone percentages improved significantly with the addition of carcass weight. Results indicate that image analysis can predict rib composition in lean cattle with moderate accuracy and precision.  相似文献   

Twenty-one Brown Swiss × Limousin young bulls reared on pasture were housed for a short finishing period (60 days). CA group (concentrate-ad libitum group) received concentrate and straw ad libitum for the whole finishing period. CR group (concentrate-restricted group) received 4 kg of concentrate/animal per day and ad libitum alfalfa hay throughout the 60 days. CRA group (concentrate-restricted/ad libitum group) received the same diet as CR group for the first 30 days and the same diet as CA group for the last 30 days. CA and CRA groups presented higher fatness values. Myoglobin concentration in muscle was highest in CA group (P < 0.05) and carotene content in subcutaneous fat was highest in CR group (P < 0.01), while Warner–Bratzler shear force and sensory traits were unaffected (P > 0.05). It is concluded that, in this type of young animal, 4 kg concentrate plus ad libitum alfalfa hay for a 60-day finishing period, despite lower fatness, provides carcasses and meat with acceptable quality characteristics, similar to those obtained from ad libitum fed animals for the same period.  相似文献   

Video images of ham cross-sections were recorded from 71 pork carcasses (ranging in weight from 72 to 119 kg). Three sets of prediction equations were developed to estimate pork carcass lean and fat composition from video image analysis (VIA) of ham cross-sectional area measurements, 10th rib back fat depth (TENFAT) and hot carcass weight (HCKg). Carcass data of dissected lean and fat in the four primal cuts (ham, loin, Boston button and picnic shoulder) were used as dependent variables in establishing regression equations. The first set of equations combined VIA ham measurements and total ham weight (HTKg). Regression models containing the single variable HTKg times ham percentage lean area (Vol. 1) or HTKg times ham percentage fat area (Vol. 2) accounted for 88% and 68% of the variation in total carcass lean weight (CLKg) and total carcass fat weight (CFKg) from the right side of each carcass, respectively. The second set of equations combined VIA ham measurements and TENFAT (cm). Multiple regression models involving TENFAT, Vol. 1, and Vol. 2 accounted for 91% and 90% of the variation in CLKg and CFKg. The third set of equations used VIA ham measurements, TENFAT and HCKg. Carcass lean weight was best predicted by HCKg, TENFAT, and ham lean area (HLA) (R2 = .92). Carcass fat weight was best predicted by HCKg, TENFAT, and Vol. 2 (R2 = .91). Overall correlations showed a high association between Vol. 1 and CLKg (r = .94, P < .0001) and Vol. 2 and CFKg (r = .83, P < .0001). Ham lean area was related to CLKg (r = .74, P < .0001) and ham fat area to CFKg (r = .81, P < .0001). The results of this study indicated video image analysis of ham cross-section slices combined with backfat depth at the 10th rib can be used for accurate estimation of total carcass lean or fat composition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sweet lupin (Lupinusalbus L. var. Multitalia) as a substitute for soybean (Glicinemax [L] Merr.) in feed on the productive performance and meat quality of Podolian young bulls. The steers were divided into 2 homogeneous groups and were fed durum wheat (Triticumdurum L.), straw and a complete pellet feed containing 20% sweet lupin seeds or 16.5% soybean. Productive performances were similar for both groups. The values of pH, measured on Longissimuslumborum and Semitendinosus muscles 24 h after slaughter, were similar. No differences were shown between groups regarding the colour characteristics of both muscles or the tenderness of the cooked meat. No statistical differences were found between diets regarding the fatty acid profile of meats, except for a significantly higher incidence of linoleic acid in the meat obtained from animals on soybean feed. In conclusion, comparable results were obtained when soybean was replaced with sweet lupin seeds in complete pellet feed for Podolian steers.  相似文献   

Sensory characteristics of longissimus thoracis muscle from three local Spanish beef breed-production systems and their relationships with chemical and instrumental meat quality traits were studied. Young bulls of Bruna dels Pirineus (BP; n = 69), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (A-NI; n = 70) and Morucha (MO; n = 70) breeds were reared in their own production systems. MO breed showed the highest water holding capacity and also the highest thawing loss and haem pigment content (P < 0.001). No differences in moisture and protein contents were found among breeds. A-NI showed the highest intramuscular fat (IMF, P < 0.05) and total collagen (P < 0.001) contents, whereas BP showed the lowest IMF content (P < 0.05) and the highest collagen solubility (P < 0.001). Beef flavour, tenderness and juiciness accounted for the eating quality differences among the three breed-production systems. Meat from A-NI was rated significantly higher (P < 0.01) for beef flavour and tenderness than that from BP and MO animals. Furthermore, MO showed the lowest juiciness (P < 0.001) which could be due to its higher thawing loss. Within the three breeds, thawing loss was negatively correlated with juiciness and, likewise cooking loss with juiciness and tenderness (P < 0.05). The canonical discriminant analysis showed that the three breeds were significantly different (P < 0.05) from each other according to sensory attributes, which justifies their involvement in different protected geographical indications (PGI).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the presence of different animal tissues in tortellini meat‐filling with special emphasis on the percentage of skeletal muscle. Industrially packed and refrigerated tortellini filling from four different Italian commercial brands were examined and compared. From each brand, five different batches were sampled at intervals of 1 month. From each batch, four fillings were randomly sampled and coded to allow a blind examination. Histological sections were examined to identify the presence of various animal tissues. The presence of large fragments of skeletal muscle in specimens were assessed and semiquantitatively ranked. To evaluate the percentage area of skeletal muscle in the samples, a computerised image analysis system was used. Animal tissues were well preserved in all examined samples. The filling quality was quantified by histology and image analysis evaluating: skeletal muscle density, size of skeletal muscle fragments, and uniformity of batches. In addition to the effective enforcement of food labelling law and the protection of consumers, histology and image analysis are reliable tools to identify small amounts of various animal tissues in a processed meat product.  相似文献   

The influence of breed and mh-genotype on carcass conformation, meat physico-chemical characteristics and the fatty acid profile of muscle were studied. Samples from 16 yearling bulls from “Asturiana de los Valles” (AV, n = 12) and “Asturiana de la Montaña” (AM, n = 4) were collected. AV animals were classified into three groups according to the presence of the gene causing double-muscling (AV double-muscled (mh/mh), n = 4; AV heterozygous (mh/+), n = 4; AV normal (+/+), n = 4). Double-muscled animals displayed better carcass traits, lower total fat (comprised of subcutaneous (SC), intermuscular (IT) and intramuscular (IM) deposits), higher lean, moisture and drip loss, and lighter meat than AV normal animals. Heterozygous animals showed intermediate characteristics. AM animals, being a more rustic and smaller breed, showed lower conformation, higher total fat (SC, IT and IM), lower moisture and darker meat. According to the intramuscular fatty acid profile, mh/mh animals showed a lower proportion of SFA and MUFA, and a higher proportion of PUFA with an equal proportion of CLA in total fatty acid content. The P/S ratio increased with increasing number of mh alleles (or double-muscling character), while no differences between animal groups were found for the n − 6/n − 3 ratio.  相似文献   

Pig carcass swabs (n = 254) and minced meat samples (n = 82) were examined for pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica using different routinely used enrichment protocols. All samples were obtained in the context of the official Yersinia monitoring program in Belgium. In total, 28 carcasses (11.0%) were contaminated with Y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3 and one (0.4%) with bioserotype 2/O:9. Four minced meat samples (4.9%) tested positive for Y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3. Using the ISO 10273:2003 method, eight out of the 29 Yersinia-positive carcasses (27.6%) and none of the contaminated minced meat samples (0.0%) were detected. Reducing the enrichment time in PSB from 5 to 2 days increased the number of positive samples. Overall, enrichment in PSB at 25 °C recovered more positive carcasses and minced meat samples than selective enrichment and cold enrichment. As the exclusive use of the ISO 10273:2003 method results in a strong underestimation of Y. enterocolitica positive carcasses and minced meats, efforts are needed to optimize the current version of the ISO method. In addition, isolation of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica requires experience and the use of a stereomicroscope to avoid false negative results.  相似文献   

Variations in texture were determined for 10 day aged raw and cooked Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle from 436 bulls of 15 European cattle breeds slaughtered at an age of 13–16 months. Variations in texture were related to differences in pH 24 h post-mortem, sarcomere length, collagen characteristics and lipid content. The shear force of cooked meat samples varied from 43.8 to 67.4 N/cm2. Simmental, Highland and Marchigiana cattle had the highest shear force values and Avileña-Negra Ibérica, Charolais, Casina and Pirenaica cattle had the lowest values. Cooked meat toughness showed a weak negative correlation to lipid content (P < 0.001) but no correlation to collagen characteristics. Raw meat texture measured by compression correlated positively (P < 0.001) with total and insoluble collagen. In conclusion, collagen characteristics showed correlation to raw meat texture but not to cooked meat toughness of LT muscle in European young bulls.  相似文献   

The influence of pig housing system: alternative (bedding with outdoor area, BO) vs. conventional (slatted floor, SF) on growth performance, reactivity to pre-slaughter handling and meat quality was evaluated in two genotypes differing in the sire line, Duroc (CD) or synthetic (CS) with 40 pigs/genotype. Animal response to housing did not differ between genotypes. BO pigs had higher growth rate and feed intake, but similar carcass composition to SF pigs. Levels of stress related hormones and plasma metabolites at slaughter were not different between BO and SF pigs, suggesting that housing did not influence pig reactivity to pre-slaughter handling. Similar (Longissimus lumborum and Biceps femoris) or slightly reduced (Semimembranosus) pH values, higher drip, lipid content and juiciness were observed in BO compared with SF pork. CD pigs had more tender meat than CS. In conclusion, the BO system resulted in higher feed intake, faster growth rate, increased intramuscular fat, and improved eating quality in both genotypes.  相似文献   

Effect of breed on carcass measurements and meat quality characteristics were investigated by using 46 lambs from Turkish Merino, Ramlic, Kivircik, Chios and Imroz breeds. Chios and Imroz carcasses had smaller values for carcass quality characteristics. Breed had no significant effect on pH at 45 min and 24 h post-mortem, water holding capacity and cooking loss. Kivircik and Imroz lambs had lower Warner Bratzler shear force values than those of Ramlic and Turkish Merino lambs (P < 0.01). Meat samples from Kivircik lambs had the highest redness value. Differences among breeds for sensory characteristics, except tenderness were not significant. Tenderness scores given to meat samples of Kivircik lambs were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those of Turkish Merino, Ramlic and Imroz lambs. Indigenous Kivircik breed, which had high carcass quality as those of improved breeds, might be considered for production of better quality meat in Marmara Region of Turkey.  相似文献   

Thirty males and thirty females suckling Criollo Cordobes kid goats of approximately 60 to 90 days old were used in this study. Kids were slaughtered at < 9.5 kg, > 9.5 < 11 kg and > 11 kg of empty body weight. The carcasses showed a medium conformation index. The meat and fat colour, and internal subcutaneous fatness were mainly scored as either pink, cream, slight and low-medium, respectively. The shoulder comprised 66–67% muscle, 24–27% bone and 4–6% fat. The slaughter weight had significant effects on the following characteristics: dressing yield, carcass measures and indices, subcutaneous fatness, meat colour, and muscle/fat ratio. The effect of gender was smaller: the female kids presented the highest fatness values for all parameters studied. Also, these animas displayed the lowest percentage of joints of extra class. The meat of female kids contained significantly less muscle and bone and a higher proportion of fat than that of male kids.  相似文献   

Fifty-one (Landrace∗Large White)∗Pietrain barrows and gilts were used to compare the effect of a diet rich in oleic acid (HO) by feeding a by-product of the olive industry (Greedy-Grass OLIVA®: 1.4% growing, 3.8% finishing) or a grain and soy diet (CONTROL) on carcass characteristics, meat quality and fatty acid profile of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat. Gilts had leaner (< 0.05) carcasses with lower fat percentage in major primal cuts, and less (< 0.05) saturated fat compared with barrows with no interaction (> 0.05) between dietary treatment and gender. Source of dietary fat had no effect (> 0.05) on primal cut yields, composition of major primal cuts, or carcass and meat quality characteristics. Intramuscular fat from HO fed pigs had higher (< 0.05) percentage of saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids, and lower (< 0.05) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and n-6:n-3 ratio compared with CONTROL animals (37.4% vs. 36.8%, 44.7% vs. 40.1%, 17.9% vs. 23.2%, and 18.9 vs. 21.8 ratio, respectively). Subcutaneous fat from pigs fed HO had greater (< 0.05) MUFA percentage, lower (< 0.05) SFA and PUFA percentage, and lower (< 0.05) n-6:n-3 ratio than pigs fed CONTROL diet (51.4% vs. 48.0%, 30.5% vs. 32.9%, 18.1% vs. 20.1%, and 9.83 vs. 11.3 ratio, respectively). Intramuscular fat had higher proportion of SFA and lower of MUFA showing a higher degree of tissue saturation compared with subcutaneous fat. Feeding Greedy-Grass increased MUFA and decreased PUFA proportions in fat depots reducing the risk of production of carcasses that are soft and oily which result in lower technological and processing quality.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven York-crossed barrows and gilts were fed either a grain and soy diet (CONTROL with 28% C18:1) or a similar diet enriched with oleic acid (HO with 43% C18:1, Greedy-Grass OLIVA®). There were no interactions between dietary treatment and gender and there were no differences in intramuscular and subcutaneous fatty acid composition between sexes (P > 0.05). Similar primal cut yields, composition of major primal cuts, and carcass and meat quality characteristics were found for HO and CONTROL fed pigs. Apart from a few significant but small differences for some fatty acids, intramuscular fatty acid composition was similar for both dietary treatments. Subcutaneous fat from HO fed pigs had a 6.9% increase in total monounsaturated fatty acids and a 9.3% reduction in total polyunsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05) compared with CONTROL fed animals, without adversely affecting carcass quality and producing suitable hams for processing by the meat industry.  相似文献   

Carcass composition and meat quality traits were evaluated in 55 suckling kids (27 males and 28 females) from Serrana (S), Bravia (B) and Serrana × Bravia (S×B) crossbred genotypes. Kids were slaughtered at 8–11 kg of live weight according to “Cabrito de Barroso–PGI” specifications and carcasses’ left sides were totally dissected. Dressing percentage (based on ELW) did not vary between genotypes and sexes. Genotype B carcasses have better conformation, expressed in higher compactness index and muscle/bone ratio. Sex had no effect on the composition of dissected carcass but females deposited more internal fat than males. S genotype had significantly less muscle content and higher dissectible fat compared to B and S×B genotypes, suggesting differences in maturity stages. The carcass’ bone content (20.4–21.4%) did not differ significantly between genotypes. The longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) and gluteobiceps (GB) muscles were used for meat quality determinations. Genotype had a significant effect on meat traits and fatty acid composition of the analysed muscles: B genotype and LTL muscle showed lower final pH, S×B genotype had darker and more red muscles, GB muscle had a higher shear force value and lower collagen solubility. Few sex effects were observed on meat quality traits as well as on fatty acid composition. Average percentage of desirable fatty acids in kids was superior to 60% with male S genotype displaying a lower value. Genotypes B and B×S, males and GB muscle had more favorable PUFA:SFA ratios.  相似文献   

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